Him and their stars

Chapter 1418 Another counterattack

Chapter 1418 Another counterattack

The old general turned his head and looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

As a fleet that has been cut off from the rear, it is already good for them to maintain the front line while being suppressed by the opponent. I really can't think of what else I can do.

Deng Zhengqing then explained to the other party that the enemy had stepped up its offensive and seemed to want to suck his side here. However, it can be seen that there are still some problems with the coordination between the bird and the goat head. The most typical manifestation is that the fleets of the Bakvi birdmen are all large ships with extremely thick armor. Their movement and maneuverability are a bit slow, and their firepower is even more unsatisfactory. The Letalin Goat is like a beggar's version of the Empire, very balanced in all aspects.

If you want to attack, you should give up your position and let the Laitalin attack.

However, the problem now is that since the opponent is on the defensive at the beginning, if they want to switch to the offensive, it will inevitably cause chaos.

If there was an experienced Imperial general on site, he might be able to prepare the fleet operations in advance.

But in fact, precisely because the enemy fleet in the T2 system does not have direct troops from the empire, this is one of the important reasons why the Sylvester fleet chose to attack here.

Just as Deng Zhengqing finished explaining this, there was an explosion in the enemy fleet ahead. It was not caused by one's own bombardment, but by a Letalin destroyer that accidentally collided with a Bakvi guard ship while it was advancing.

"...Although their cooperation was careless, this was too amateurish."

"This shows that they were not prepared. Whether it was a counterattack or a counterattack, they lacked psychological preparation and contingency plans. From the beginning, the Bakvi and Laitalin people just wanted to stabilize the front and wait for the arrival of the main force of the empire. ." Although Deng Zhengqing was using a probing tone, his expression was very determined.

"Okay, you're right. Since we are an enemy with no fighting spirit or fighting spirit, this battle should really have started early. The only thing wrong is that we didn't win."

"Sir, we haven't won the battle until we're sure."

Brigadier General Bazin looked at the opponent deeply: "Where is your counterattack?"

"Ms. Tai'a is ready with the New Shenzhou Battalion and Rumina Battalion."

Brigadier General Bazin calculated it and immediately understood what the other party meant.

"I fucked a fXXk son of the beach! What the hell are you gambling on! Don't you young people ever consider the hearts of the elderly?"

"So, do you want to give up?"

"Bah, it's fine if you don't propose this plan. Now that you've proposed it, I'm really upset if you don't give it a try! This will be even worse for the heart." Brigadier General Bazin scolded: "Okay, okay. Well, it sounds crazy, but at least it’s better than when we fought that star-eating giant beast in the Tianshu Galaxy, right?”

"You are right." Deng Zhengqing encouraged the old general with a gentle smile.

"Is it really better? I haven't read many books, Major, so don't lie to me, a sixty-nine-year-old man."

"When I was at the National Defense University, I got A's in my math class, and my calculations were absolutely correct." Deng Zhengqing started talking nonsense with an impeccable gentlemanly smile.

In fact, his grades in math classes were mediocre, and his average score in four years did not exceed 80.

"Also, sir, weren't you thinking just a few days ago that after this battle, when you celebrate your 80th birthday, you're going to rent out an entire floor at the Gold Club in the Big Apple City and buy a dozen fruit plates? "

"Don't think so carefully, young adjutant." The old man said angrily: "As long as I still have a six-character number, I can barely convince myself that I am still a middle-aged man in the prime of life. Uh... what are you doing?"

Deng Zhengqing, who had started to put on his armor, covered his bandaged head in the helmet, and replied angrily: "So that you will know, Your Excellency, when I was at the National Defense University, the one who kept getting A's was actually a gang leader. .”

"...Don't die. It's very troublesome to change the adjutant." After a short silence, General Bazan finally said nothing pretentious.

Subsequently, General Bazin followed the adjustments of these unscrupulous young officers and began today's counterattack.

He concentrated on the ten arsenal ships seized from New China - these were also the "meritorious ships" that participated in the Tianshu Battle. Taking advantage of the short-term confusion of the enemy fleet, he focused on launching an attack on the Laitalin battle patrol that was preparing to charge. Heavy shelling.

The battle cruiser named "Black Goat" at the front was severely damaged and had to use its front-end auxiliary engine to retreat away from the line of fire. Of course, he was also preparing to make way for the two friendly ships arriving from behind, the Cui Erming and the Silver Horn Archduke.

However, the community fleet is also waiting for this opportunity.

All the fighter planes and landing craft of the Bazin fleet began to charge. Among them, the ones charging at the front with great fanfare included four lightning strike ships ordered from New China.

At this moment, the situation of the Blood Gate Battle has already spread throughout the universe. Any officer who is a little more sensitive will inevitably be wary of such an inconspicuous boat. But in fact, in the previous war, the Sylvester fleet, equipped with a small number of torpedo ships, had already thrown all its space bubble torpedoes.

The results they achieved were quite impressive. Even though only six of our own were shot down, they completely disrupted the enemy fleet. They also sank an aircraft carrier and two heavy cruisers, and seriously damaged a battle cruiser.

Unfortunately, due to the limited number, it did not turn the tide of the war.

In the final analysis, the generals of Sylvester's fleet don't really understand how to use lightning strike tactics, unlike a guy who has been pondering this tactic for two lifetimes.

In addition, even the guy who has been thinking about it for two lifetimes cannot give precise instructions for the use of thunder strike ships in frontal fleet battles.

But no matter what, the record of the lightning strike ship is subversive after all. When they reappeared, they indeed caused huge panic to the enemy and also attracted the attention of most of the anti-aircraft firepower.

Taking this opportunity, the landing craft carrying New Shenzhou and Rumina soldiers directly hit the side armor of the battlecruiser Triermin.

Fifteen minutes later, the first pair of red sticks of the third generation of the Spiritual Research Society led a brave commando team into the bridge of the Letalin ship. Twenty minutes later, Deng Zhengqing, who also participated in the overall command, took control of the bridge terminal with his engineering troops, directly turned the entire battle cruiser at full power, and crashed into the nearest Silver Horn Archduke.

In the end, the Silver Horn Archduke was unable to fire at friendly ships and had to make an emergency escape. However, in the process, it was inevitably hit by more than ten rounds of artillery shells and missiles, and even a proton torpedo hit the bow of the ship. This elegant warship full of imperial style was shot on the spot. A perfect brilliant chrysanthemum was created on the bow of the ship.

On the other side, while trying to recapture the bridge, the Laitalin soldiers of the Triermin finally regained control of the engine and stopped the battleship's engine.

But at this time, the brave Community Stormtroopers had already begun to retreat safely.

Immediately afterwards, the anti-matter bomb that they had installed at a critical location ended its timing and turned into the most violent and fatal explosion inside the warship.

This elegant and powerful imperial battlecruiser stopped its power early.

This was perhaps the most effective counterattack played by Lieutenant General Sylvester in the T2 galaxy in the entire battle, even better than when he had the upper hand before.

After a battle cruiser was destroyed by stormtroopers, the loyal Lytalim finally became more honest. The Bakwe people, who are loyal but never lacking in fighting spirit, are even more honest.

Later, the fleet sent by Vice Admiral Sylvester also rushed over.

However, the war situation still has not fundamentally improved. The previous attack only caused the opponent to give up his plan of quick success, but did not make the opponent give up fighting. It was just a little more stable.

At this time, the mass response at the rear of the galaxy also clearly showed that a large number of mighty Imperial fleets had indeed arrived on the battlefield again.

"It's faster than the scheduled time. They are really anxious! They are as anxious as a group of pigs that have been drugged." Brigadier General Bazin sneered. He didn't seem to realize that with such a scolding, although the Imperial people opposite him were unbearable, he was the one who seemed even more unbearable.

"Indeed, for the Galaxy Empire, being anxious will naturally mean losing." Deng Zhengqing, who had just returned and suffered several injuries, said. What he said was always so free and sincere, but when paired with that gentle smile that seemed like a typical East Asian benevolent gentleman, it was inexplicably very convincing.

However, they all know that it is impossible to use the same trick twice. Facing the newly arrived and vigorous Imperial Fleet, they have even lost any ability to threaten each other. The only thing they can do now is to hold on and try not to die too quickly.

Soon, the imperial fleet had already moved to less than one astronomical unit away from the battlefield. But what is surprising is that these imperial fleets suddenly stopped.

On the contrary, under his own cover, the main force of Sylvester's fleet, which was heading towards the gravity well leading to T1, turned around and came back to kill them, as if they were ready to live and die with their teammates behind them.

"How stupid! In this case, what is the point of the queen? What is the point of the sacrifice before?" Brigadier General Bazin couldn't help but cursed. He didn't think that the imperial fleet on the opposite side would be forced back by his own main force. Instead, he was overjoyed that the appetizers had become the staple food.

However, just after this incident, new news was received on the Xiaguang.

"Over there in Count I's Corridor, did we win?" Brigadier General Bazin couldn't help but be stunned. Of course, he already knew the news of the arrival of Yu Lian's fleet, but based on his common sense, he always felt that even if the victory was to be decided over there, it would take at least several days.

"Yes, a brilliant victory!" Compared to the veteran, Lieutenant General Sylvester's face was overjoyed, and even his pleats were high-spirited, completely different from his mental outlook half a day ago. A sudden turn: "The enemy forces along the way have collapsed. Marshal Yi Kou of the Bakwe people and General Bai Yi of the Laig people have been killed. It is said that there are also two imperial border princes. Hahahahaha, after this battle, Our border pressure was suddenly reduced by half."

Of course, the so-called "disintegration" is only temporary. Once the main force of the empire arrives, all the pressure will be doubled. However, this does not prevent Lieutenant General Sylvester from being beaming with joy.

Perhaps, the imperial fleet on the opposite side also received the news and temporarily stopped the attack.

(End of this chapter)

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