Him and their stars

Chapter 1438 We must not let down these victories

Chairman Maxel was slightly startled and couldn't help being moved. Even Bai Yantang and Jessica Yang were also surprised. What these sober-minded people are most worried about now is that the president will be dazzled by these victories and feel that he is really good.

Then, he looked at the Minister of Labor: "According to the report sent by General Xiao Yang, within the next six months, we need to train at least five million qualified sailors. This is not an ordinary recruitment, but involves a large number of people. Technical talents. Mr. Bai, you and Finance Minister Donovan need to cooperate with the National Defense Committee to implement this."

Although Mr. President is sometimes a little exaggerated and a little bit showy, isn't he quite knowledgeable? If it weren't for the war, he would have been a very good president. Bai Yantang thought.

...No, who says he can't be a good wartime leader? At least so far, his several speeches have been successful and established everyone's will to resist. When it comes to business matters, after all, it’s not holding anyone back.

Let’s go back to the issue of conscription. This is actually a very real difficulty faced by the soldiers of the Blue Star Community.

Currently, the Blue Star Community has 3000 billion registered citizens, 34% of whom are humans of the main race, and the average age is less than years old. There is currently no problem of depletion of human resources.

Therefore, after the war began, reserve systems in various places began to be activated. In just half a year, more than 1500 million reservists have put on military uniforms again, and one-third of them have completed training and are gradually filling up fortresses and planetary strongholds everywhere.

These soldiers have only undergone rudimentary military training. They can shoot, fill in lines, can drive off officers and occasionally operate cannons. They are qualified second-line Marines and fortress guards.

However, the elite sailors the fleet needs are another matter entirely.

In the Battle of the Ring of Miracles, the Blue Star Community lost not only eight dreadnoughts and most of the expedition fleet, but also more than four million experienced crew members.

To put it harshly, the Marines who fill in the lines are dead when they die. They are consumables with low value. However, experienced and excellent crew members are another matter.

Even though the main components of the expedition fleet are road specimens of the original solar system fleet, these crew members who rarely interact with each other are, after all, professionally trained ship personnel. If they were given opportunities for actual combat and trial and error, they would have had the opportunity to grow into a truly powerful army.

However, half of the more than 400 million professionally trained young people turned into particles in the void of the Miracle Ring, and half entered the empire's prisoner-of-war camps.

When he thought of this, Mr. Bai felt that Admiral Conneris, the commander of the expeditionary fleet, was really guilty!

Of course, the defeated general committed suicide to bear the humiliation of defeat after the Imperial Army captured the bridge of the Independence. Although this kind of behavior is far from heroic, according to the conventions of the military in various countries, it will still be regarded as death in the line of duty.

However, the Earth did not grant Admiral Connors the honor of being promoted to the first level, which clearly shows the official attitude.

Speaking of which, the news that Admiral Picard, the deputy commander of the expedition fleet, died in battle has now reached Earth. Naturally, the earth is extremely sad for this general who fought to the end, and Marshal Tejin is also unavoidable.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a trick of fate that the two people who were holding the principal position and the deputy position in front of them lost their status after death.

In addition, it is said that the former chief of staff, Lieutenant General Tivington, has even had his military membership canceled, as if such a person never existed in the Community Defense Forces. Naturally, there is no pension, and the name in the war report has been crossed out after a blank space.

If future generations want to verify this period of history, if they do not conduct detailed research through records from other countries, they will probably think that the Chief of Staff of the Community Expeditionary Fleet has never existed.

However, the dead can receive mourning and glory, end miserably, or even be wiped out, but the living still need to continue to work hard.

Mr. Bai looked at Chairman Pinnock of the Shipping and Transportation Committee, and when he saw that he was treating him like furniture with a low eyebrow, he knew that this old cunning man shrank back again.

Of course, he was not surprised by this. Anyway, he never expected these old politicians to offend anyone.

He pondered for a moment and then said: "If we want to train a crew of this size in a short time, we must recruit crew members from cargo ships and merchant ships on a large scale."

Chairman Maxell had already guessed what the other party wanted to say, and said: "Of course, those with military school education background, reserve ranks, and service experience will be given priority for recruitment. This group of people is about 50, and currently They are undergoing the final stage of training. Within a month, they should be added to the major fleets."

"How come there are only so many people?" The president was not fooled, and his face didn't look good.

"Because many retired veterans or military cadets in the Space Fleet must be the backbone of major shipping groups, and they have signed long-term contracts. We need to communicate with the major shipping industry giants, but the progress is not smooth." Bai The minister glanced at the chairman of the shipping and transportation committee opposite. At this time, the other person had already shrunk his face behind the teacup, as if he didn't even want to show his glasses and hair.

"Why doesn't it go well? Isn't this your job?" President Nishita was not prepared to let the old politician go. He said that the reason why he let the other party hold such an important position was because he valued his connections in the shipping industry.

Chairman Pinnock finally put down his tea cup and said helplessly: "...but in fact, until now, most of our commercial shipping network has not been cut off. Commercial shipping on the far coast and Nantianmen has certainly been cut off. But the cargo volume heading towards the Alliance in the direction of the High Seas and New Atlantis is increasing. Under such circumstances, it is still very difficult to get the shipping company to release people." Mr. Bai said directly: "You have a family The company proposed to pay liquidated damages, and most of the shipping industry agreed."

"Liquidated damages?" The president was shocked and looked at the Minister of Finance with disbelief.

Finance Minister Donovan sighed and showed a helpless expression: "Yes, it must be financed by the government. Because conscription is the government poaching people, the government will of course have to pay liquidated damages. However, there has been no such precedent in the past. The business side said that there needs to be accurate legislation, even if the war is taken into consideration, they hope that Congress can at least provide a temporary decree."

We all know that when it comes to national expenditures, the efficiency of congressional organizations is always difficult to describe. By the time he and the others make a decision, I guess even the day lilies will be cold, right?

President Nishita smiled instead of getting angry: "I originally thought that after the war, some autonomous territories were the most arrogant because they were unwilling to undertake national military service, but I never expected that there are companies that are so ignorant? Whose company is this? Related household?"

"...Well, it's a new company." Chairman Xiaona said. He is the Chairman of the Council of Internal Affairs, the President’s think tank and “Spymaster”.

"The new company is more like a related party. However, if it is so arrogant, it must not be an ordinary related party. We must hit hard!" President Nishita said loudly: "Edward, let the reorganization pass. The military police are following up on this matter! This involves national defense security!”

The grimace on the face of House Commissar Edward Shiner had almost condensed into a mask of pain.

Vice President Hierro looked like he was having a hard time holding back his laughter.

Mr. Bai put his hands on the table and said expressionlessly: "It's the Dawn Voyage Group."

This is a transnational transportation group led by alliances, communities, and even the opposite empire, as well as twelve countries. It has just been established and already has millions of formal sailors and thousands of large and small cargo ships and armed merchant ships, and directly Became an observer company of the Standard Shipping Association.

Needless to say, this was of course specifically for the Dawn Star Territory Development Company, and at first glance, it was for the monopoly on shipping.

Since it is a super multinational enterprise, it naturally has a shareholding system and has many investors. Specifically on the community side, there are also many original shareholders. The donors of political friendly parties, the old and young of the Co-Prosperity Party, and even the politicians themselves have all invested a lot.

Of course, this includes President Nikita himself.

He even persuaded his relatives and friends, as well as his particularly admired secretary Yang Mingzhao and others, to join the party.

However, there is a saying. If the war had not broken out, investing in this company would have been a guaranteed profit. Now, although the war has broken out, when the war is over, we can still make a steady profit without losing any money.

When President Nishita heard this, his whole aura suddenly shriveled up as if a balloon had been popped.

He coughed, and the excitement on his face suddenly turned into dignity, and he mused: "This is indeed a troublesome matter. However, there is nothing without rules. There is a lack of precedents and legal provisions, and it is indeed difficult for us to enforce them. . In short, Edward, let the military police follow up and check for any flaws in the seamen's contracts."

The military police are not lawyers specializing in commercial disputes. Mr. Bai was stunned. I just praised you.

At this time, I heard Vice President Hierro say: "Moreover, if the war lasts for a long time, 500 million sailors will only be the first batch, right? There should be a second batch and a third batch? What we need should also be Young adults between the ages of forty and forty, right?"

"This is natural." President Nishita smiled and said: "I also want to fight the enemy with the soldiers on the front line, but it is a pity that I am too old."

"Then, even if 1000 million people are expropriated, the average age of civil shipping practitioners will rise to fifty-five! This is really a disturbing number. Mr. Bai is the Minister of Labor and should know best Right?"

"It's not like some Tianqiu league or sports brand customized data in order to promote stars. I don't know." Bai Yantang

He crossed his hands and said expressionlessly: "However, if students in aviation schools are allowed to graduate early, or if companies are allowed to explore more of the international labor market, the average age will definitely drop, right?"

Yeroga smiled and tapped the table with his fingers: "In short, in the universe age, the shipping industry is the source of power for all economic and social activities. Once we have a weakness in manpower in the shipping industry, it will be worse than The lack of technology and funds is even more terrifying. You are all brilliant people, so you should understand the dangers involved, right?"

Vice President Hierro paused and looked around at his colleagues present. Some people were silent, some were thoughtful, and some were looking at the ceiling.

He continued to strike while the iron was hot: "What I say now is not very accurate. Once word spreads, I may be stoned to death by radical citizens. But, my lords, we still have to consider practical issues after all. Now, the victory on the front line is actually for It gives us more choices, and we must not let it down. Even if I am stoned to death, I must tell the truth! We must not let down these victories!"

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