Him and their stars

Chapter 1440 New Star Gate?

Chapter 1440 New Star Gate?

The Yulian fleet, which had just won the Ten Battles and Ten Battles and achieved a series of brilliant victories, returned to Saide Fortress on October 10.

This actually means that all the strongholds and star systems "north of Seder Fortress" that were finally recaptured by the Community army have been abandoned.

Of course, some people on Earth have questioned this, and some media have even put forward damning opinions, believing that retreating to the fortress is an act of cowardice. It cannot be regarded as a victory if one has clearly won but should not have regained the lost ground. Frontline generals Could it be that raising bandits is self-respecting?

To be fair, if all the mighty Galactic Empire had been reduced to "bandits" being raised by humans, the Blue Star Community would have long since become the only mountaintop country in the known universe.

But the problem is, there are people who really follow this kind of remarks.

Then, the tabloids that published the above were shut down by the reorganized security police under the Internal Affairs Committee, and even the websites and forums were not spared. It is said that many real people were caught by following the clues. The imperial spies were not caught, but there were still many old people and children who brought their own dry food.

In fact, as long as the buttocks are not crooked and the head is not chewed off by zombies, even the most demanding people must admit that the value of the ten battles of the Yulian fleet can be recorded in history textbooks.

In this largest border fortress in the Blue Star Community, Lieutenant General Sylvester, the host, has arranged everything to entertain the soldiers of the Yulian fleet. For these exhausted officers and soldiers, the welcome activity they need most is, of course, food and drink.

Fortunately, behind the fortress are the Far Coast Star District and the New China Star District. I dare not say anything else, but at least there is enough to eat and drink.

So, at the welcome party at the fortress, Yu Lian finally ate the projectile lobster from New China and the black beef sent from the New Tennessee planet on the far shore. He felt the comfort of oils, amino acids, proteins and spices lingering on his lips and teeth. Although he knew that he did not need to rely on these things to survive, he still felt that his body and mind were fully healed.

Of course, what made him feel more healed was the good news brought by Mr. Qi who came from New China.

"New Shenzhou Shipyard and New Seville Shipyard are working overtime. Last month we assembled and built a total of 48 lightning strike ships, half of which were Hubaoqi and Beiwei. Although it cannot completely replace your losses in the battle , but it should be able to fill a lot of vacancies.”

"This is an unexpected surprise. Both shipyards are small-scale new factories. They were officially completed last year, and the monthly output is less than 20." Yu Lian was very grateful. He once again lamented that although things in the world are difficult and there are always difficulties and hardships, as long as you have reliable teammates with you, that is the happiest thing.

In any case, with 48 more ships, it can at least make up for the shortage of ships in the most powerful Rogue Squadron and New China Squadron. The few vacated ships might be able to form a reserve force.

"However, you can't defeat the empire just by relying on lightning ships, right?" Mr. Qi asked again.

"I don't have such hope. War is always a competition of national power. Stealing chickens may give you a temporary advantage, but it is impossible to change the general trend." Yu Lian sighed.

"According to your statement, our comprehensive national strength is probably less than one-tenth of the empire. Wouldn't it be impossible to win forever? Why not surrender now? By then, you will still retain your status as a lord. I am gone now In Tianyu, you can still show your face and enter the mansion of any noble family to eat and drink. It's not like you to be so worthless! Boy, you are young, but you know the shame!" Mr. Qi pointed at Yu Lian's nose said loudly:

"I think that in addition to national strength, war also involves the competition of will to fight. Hahaha, a genius military strategist like you would probably think this is hypocritical scholarly thinking. However, if national strength plays a decisive role at any time , it can’t explain why our hometown was in China’s land in the classical era of our home planet.”

Yu Lian admitted that what the other party said still made sense. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Sir, do you have anything to say recently?"

"In addition to curing migraines for the enemy, I haven't heard of any other effect. I recently wrote a poem, tentatively titled "Ode to the Turbulent Years." My old friend Harlaus composed the music."

Yu Lian knew that Haraus should be referring to the famous organist and composer Mr. William Haraus. He is also an old friend of Mr. Qi, now living in the Sojourn Alliance, and is the guest leader of the famous Destiny Band.

Mr. Qi added: "Hahaha, I'm not a serious music critic, and it's hard to judge the quality of this song, but the boys at the shipyard were still very inspired after listening to it. This month, I heard that all The factory lights were brightly lit, and the equipment never stopped. Only then did 48 torpedo ships be completed. The factory director said that he would pay three times the overtime pay, but the boys refused to pay it. So I compromised and changed A large set of new China gift packages.”

The so-called New China gift package set is actually the agricultural products produced by Shirakawa Star's "Radiation Farm". It includes rice, noodles, fresh aquatic products and fresh meat, which is enough to feed a family for a month.

However, the value of these things is naturally far less than what a skilled worker in a shipyard can earn from working three consecutive shifts plus a full month's legal income.

Yu Liandao: "They are also warriors."

Mr. Qi nodded; "Of course they are warriors! Although they are all young people, there are already many promising technical backbones. I am not surprised. Who is not a master of technology such as Aisen, Tamir, and Zi Ya?" Where are the young people?”

Yes, because I am a young person too. Yu Lian thought.

"How long has it been since Zeldi graduated? Has it been two years? Now he has become the director of the Baichuan Star Development Zone. Who would have thought that this unlucky kid would almost be exiled by the empire? The Helots went mining in the sector."

I think that with the temperament of that unlucky child, Seldy Stoker, even if he is sent to the Helot sector to mine, he can become the Governor's financial advisor in at most two years, right?

"Of course, if this thing hadn't happened, you wouldn't have participated in the God of War Festival, and you wouldn't have been called the God's Chosen Champion, right?"

Of course, who would want to participate in such a decadent gladiatorial game? Yu Liang thought, but since someone in the empire has deliberately planned this, wouldn't it be rude if I didn't take the move seriously?

As for the fact that this unlucky kid became the development director of Baichuan Star within a year, although Yu Lian was a little surprised, he didn't feel too surprised now that he knew about it.

You know, in another timeline, Stoker has always been Tan Jize's right-hand man, the political person in charge of the volunteer army's rear base, and a person who can organize everyone's production and self-rescue in the valley during the empire's blockade and siege. The master of three-phase bombs.

Later, after the resistance of the volunteers failed, he finally chose to return to his hometown of New Athens and served as the planetary governor of New Athens for twenty years.

During the turbulent moment when the Blue Star Community was split up, he was able to protect his family and build New Athens into a commercial and trade center in the war-torn area of ​​the original Earth. He was one of the few backbone volunteers who also made great achievements after the war. A fierce man who died a good death.

If such a person is given a stable environment, Yu Lian is curious about what results he can create.

…Actually, isn’t this already bearing fruit?

Isn't it all thanks to the nuclear bombs he planted that Baichuan Xing was able to thaw so quickly, open up millions of fertile fields and pastures, raise giant lobsters, and build large tracts of public housing in half a year?

"Sir, I think that after Baichuan Star is on the right track, Seldy Stoker can be transferred to Tianshu. The broader the world given to such a person, the more likely the picture will be. Magnificent." Yu Lian decided to adhere to the personnel principle of using good things to death.

"Of course, I'm not interfering in your personal affairs."

"Even if you want to interfere with me, I can choose not to listen. Don't forget, I am the chairman of the Pioneer Party." Mr. Qi said proudly.

"However, I do have this plan. Haha, the legacy left by the Tianshu Galaxy is so profound and unpredictable!"

Yu Lian felt that there seemed to be something in Mr. Qi's words. However, probably because there were still many outsiders around, I did not continue this topic. Then he heard him say again: "Look at Yu Lian, you are fighting on the front line, but people who are not on the front line are also fighting. They are also marching in suffering, but they have not lost hope. People's hearts and fighting spirit cannot be quantified. But right? Because of this, I know that the fighting spirit of the Galactic Empire, which is full of martial virtues, is never as indestructible as the public imagines."

"...If someone else said this, it would sound like a tough talk. However, if you say it, it is particularly convincing. This must be because you have learned a lot of imperial language." Yu Liandao.

A literary giant like Mr. Qi could certainly sense the malicious ridicule in the other party's words, but he pretended not to hear it and showed a natural and innocent smile: "Yes, there are at least one or two thousand dialects and minor languages ​​​​in the empire. .In addition to common language and court pronunciation, I also know nine imperial languages, a total of nine!

"However, Yu Lian, we are studying the changes in social systems together and seeking the underlying philosophical logic of history and politics. We should all understand that a political system like an empire can often only establish a military aristocracy with arrogance and fanaticism. A mobilization system that drives exhausted cannon fodder onto the battlefield with a military citizenry full of poverty should not be sustainable."

Yu Liandao: "This may be common sense. But in fact, every time there is a war, the empire has always been durable."

Mr. Qi smiled and said: "Who can tell clearly? This is also one of the topics I am studying. However, I think the biggest reason must be that the Supreme of the Void Crown kicked everyone's butts fairly. . However, I don’t want to discuss this with you today. Even the Galactic Empire has its limits. If you can catch them within three inches, our victory will come faster."

Yu Liandao: "So, what do you mean by three inches?"

"I don't know." Mr. Qi said in a matter-of-fact tone.


"Isn't this kind of subject the work direction of strategists like you and Yang Xiyi? I am just a literate person, and now I barely have the title of sociologist and philosopher, but I am self-aware, and I will always be a talkative talker in this life. People like you will never be able to become strategists." Mr. Qi said calmly: "However, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Before coming, I was mentally prepared. If Yuan'an and Nan Tianmen couldn't hold on, so he led everyone to continue to guard New China to resist until the end. Anyway, the mountain and sea waterways are very blocked, but it is precisely because of the blocks that it is easy to defend."

Yu Lian was silent for a few minutes, then suddenly smiled and said: "Sir, I think your song should be called "Ode to Turbulent Youth"."

Mr. Qi was slightly startled, but after thinking for less than a second, he nodded slightly: "It's much more appropriate than the original name. Haha, Yu Lian, I used to think that you are actually quite romantic at heart. "

Yu Lian still admitted this. He always felt that whether it was this or the previous timeline, if fate hadn't played a trick on people, he would have either become a pure free explorer, like Professor Jones. Or, I will definitely become a light novel writer, or a movie screenwriter or something.

Well, the kind of screenwriter who understands psychic abilities and can beat Producer SB and Director ZZ to death when they meet them.

It's a pity that fate has its way with people!

Of course, the mere 48 lightning strike ships are not the only good news brought by Mr. Qi.

He also informed Yu Lian that Congress finally approved the military's application and confirmed that Falco's White Devil fighter jets were designated as carrier-based aircraft and were ready to fully replace the Phantom fighters. Now, all domestic fighter production workshops are beginning to assemble White Devil fighters at full capacity.

"As early as a year and a half ago, at the beginning of the Dawn Campaign in the New World, the White Devil proved its superiority in performance, but Congress only approved it now. However, they finally approved it in the third month of the war. We still want to express our gratitude.”

"There is no way. Falcon Company is now a subsidiary of the People's Federation, which is equivalent to the party property of the Pioneer Party. However, the Phantom fighter is owned by Kefen Systems Company, which is one of the financiers of the Co-Prosperity Party."

"I know that the Phantom fighter is actually a beggar's version of the Imperial Purple Lightning Dragon fighter. Even serious military fans can see that." Yu Lian shrugged.

"So, Miss Liuli exchanged part of Falcon Company's shares with several branches of Blue Label Company," Mr. Qi said.

"I see. Only in this way can we form an alliance of interests with President Nikita's political allies and drive out the old and young of the Co-Prosperity Party." Yu Lian nodded: "So, which companies were replaced?"

"They are all companies that are not very profitable." Mr. Qi said sheepishly, "I'm sorry, you were still on the front line at the time, so it's not easy to bother with such a trivial matter."

"It doesn't matter. We just need to ensure that Falcon's management, R&D, and production are always in our hands. It's a good thing to win over more interest allies."

"...Wait a minute, why should I apologize? I am obviously the leader of the Pioneer Party!" Mr. Qi suddenly reacted.

Yu Lian smiled, sincerely and happily.

"We will also build a fighter production line in Sinsunchon. If everything goes well, we can start providing White Devil fighters to the front line nearby next month."

A fighter jet factory is much easier to build than a shipyard, and it is possible to put it into production within one month. Of course, this was a test for both construction and organizational abilities, but since it was what Mr. Qi said, Yu Lian certainly chose to believe it without hesitation.

Then, when there were no outsiders, he handed over a detailed report to Yu Lian, but it was about the Tianshu Galaxy.

"Well, one planet Gaia and two Earth-like planets. Hahaha, this galaxy alone can comfortably house one or two billion people. Oh, strong weapons were discovered on planets 1 and 2 that are close to the star. Reserves of zero element minerals?”

"Do you believe it now?" Mr. Qi said proudly.

"What to believe?"

"Believe what I just said, I can lead everyone to defend the mountain and sea routes and fight the empire to the end. However, I don't know how to fight. If it is really urgent, you can completely withdraw with Vice Admiral Sylvester and the main force of the fleet. New China.”

"...You called me a promising person just now, why are you starting to utter ominous words now?"

"I'm just telling you that we already have more strategic depth." Mr. Qi said, "By the way, just look at the last two pages."

Yu Lian was slightly startled. He already had a premonition in his heart. He turned to the last two pages and found that it was indeed a report on the gas giant planet Tianshu 7.

At the beginning, the huge star plant insect hatched from this giant planet as an egg.

"I heard that after the death of the Star Planter, the strong magnetic field phenomenon near the giant planet is still continuing. Professor Zinov said that he wants to build a high-energy space laboratory?"

"It has been repaired with the money sent by your Princess Rainbow Rose." Mr. Qi's face was full of approval, and he looked proud of me.

While Yu Lian was looking at the report, he heard Mr. Qi say: "It was in this laboratory that Professor Zinov confirmed his guess. He gave me a series of detailed reports about this gas planet and the Venus Gate. very close."

(End of this chapter)

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