Him and their stars

Chapter 1447 Professional people solve professional problems

If we use the tactics the empire wants to implement to give them a big fight, let’s not talk about whether it is lethal or not, but whether it is insulting enough?

Anyway, with the size of the empire, it is almost unrealistic to defeat them through hard kills. Why not simply use mental pollution?

The above are the combat suggestions put forward by Brigadier General Bazin.

"Is this what Deng Zhengqing said again?" Yu Lian said with a smile, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

He didn't want to admit that this suggestion could actually inspire him to a certain extent.

"No, this time it was actually the subordinate's idea." Brigadier General Bazin replied solemnly, with pride on his face.

"..." Well, even veterans from the War of Independence are not always calm and reliable. There is always a time when they are radio-type.

Brigadier General Bazin then said: "Of course, if insurmountable problems really arise, we will retreat immediately. Don't worry, sir, my old dream is to drink too much at my favorite century-old barbecue restaurant in my hometown after retiring. I died of indigestion due to overeating, but I never thought about turning into fireworks in the starry sky in the empire."

"That century-old barbecue restaurant in your hometown will definitely hate you, right?"

Yu Lian pondered for a moment: "Let Major Deng Zhengqing draw up a detailed combat plan, including the navigation plan on how to travel through the far shore nebula, the original attack target, and the choice of retreat time. All of them will be submitted to Major General Mkawa's staff for review. . I will sit in. But, from now on, he only has 72 hours."

"Understood!" Commodore Bazin stood at attention and saluted, and replied in a spirited manner: "I will discuss the sailing schedule with the captains as soon as possible."

It can be seen that this guy was not planning to set off the day after tomorrow from the beginning. He was just talking.

Gee, who said that veterans of the Revolutionary War wouldn't join the camp? Isn’t this very eloquent?

After bidding farewell to Brigadier General Bazin, Rozez and others sent over the preparation status of all the fortress's automatic forts, orbital airports, orbital docks and other important defense facilities.

Yu Lian then reviewed these tedious reports in detail.

The good news is that the integrity is above 95%, which means that the regular maintenance is still very meticulous. It can be seen from this that although Lieutenant General Sylvester is domineering about his shortcomings as a person, he is still quite serious about things.

The bad news is that by the time he finished reading it, it was already past five in the morning, and he had barely slept all night.

The good news about the bad news is that with his current physical and mental strength, it won't be a big problem for him to stay alive for a few more days and nights, unless he encounters a high-intensity psychic battle. And, since it’s this point, can’t we have breakfast and midnight snack together?

The good news among the bad news is that when he had just ordered a table of delicious food in the restaurant and was about to feast on it, Rozeshi, who had also not slept all night, stared at the dark circles under his eyes and asked the people inside the fortress to prepare the turrets and peripheral reconnaissance outposts. The report has been sent.

"You really don't need to roll like this. If you roll again, you won't be able to roll over a saint like me." Yu Lian took the initiative to serve a bowl of meat porridge to Luo Zeshi, and also used the "Touch of Life" to refill it for him. Click on the green bar.

Luo Zeshi took it and thanked him: "There are no papers for the junior officers. The adjutant team and the staff work in three shifts. Everyone can accept your dispatch at any time while ensuring rest."

"then you……"

"I am the chief adjutant. If you don't take a break, how can I dare to take a break?"

Even eunuchs don't have such a skill.

"After breakfast, go and have a rest immediately! This is an order!"


After the burnt-out Luo Zeshi staggered away, a ghost slowly floated beside Yu Lian, saying in the same slow tone: "You have to get used to it now. From now on, everyone around you will People who hold confidential positions will enjoy this feeling of being isolated from the outside world. They will not be tired."

"The job of co-authoring this civilized guide AI of yours is actually to fan the flames and sow discord, right?"

"No, no, no. Witnessing the lives of the most influential figures of an era is also an important part of the guidance of civilization. Whether it is a fall, a fall, a follow one's heart, or a return as a young man, it is actually very interesting."

"What does this have to do with fanning the flames and sowing discord?"

"This is to let you see your own heart clearly!"

Yu Lian now feels that as the deputy commander of the theater, he is busier in the fortress than on the bridge of the flagship. In addition to rectifying people's hearts, they also have to rectify their military equipment, and even maintain the emotional stability of a female cyber ghost who appears. In comparison, the original owner of the fortress, Lieutenant General Sylvester, had really begun to think about his return, and seemed to be overjoyed at the military-civilian reunion.

This is probably because the able ones work harder, right? Since I want to unite everyone's fighting power, I have to spend time and energy to bear everyone's karma and grievances.

After breakfast, Yu Lian still didn't rest. He just went back to the office to wash up, brewed a pot of strong tea, and then immediately called "Tai'a" Bai Ziqi.

He has met this bargain-hunting niece several times, and he only thinks that she is a sports girl, and the rest is unremarkable. Not like a warrior, certainly not like a soldier. Even so, he also knows that if the third generation of the Spiritual Research Society is most likely to become a grandmaster, it is "Juque" Yang Mingzhao. This is because he understands the world the best and the economics of officialdom, and has the most talent for combat and psychic powers. On the other side of the truth, it is really "Tai'a" Bai Ziqi.

Unfortunately, in another timeline, "Tai'a" failed when he was preparing to break through the saint in the virtual realm at the age of 30. Although he saved his life, he was also seriously injured. Originally, he was planning to recover from his injuries and come back again, but then he caught up with the battlefield of the Galactic Empire's second conquest of the earth, so he went to the front line without hesitation. She fought bloody battles, she defeated the enemy, she rode against a thousand, she was outnumbered, and she finally fell.

...Tsk, no matter how talented a person is, he is still gambling his life by trying to increase his level in the virtual world! Thinking of this, Yu Lian suddenly looked at the other party with a little pity in his eyes.

Anyway, in this timeline, now that I'm here, these tragedies can be avoided.

That year has passed, and now "Tai'a" has just reached the peak of the fourth ring. It still takes a while to prepare before challenging the fifth ring, and the distance from the saint is naturally further away. Now, the first thing to pay attention to is practical issues.

So, Yu Lian went straight to the point: "It's still the old rules. The Lumina Battalion and the 1st and 2nd Gendarmerie Regiments of the original military region will be under your direct command." In short, Lumina's soldiers can change their uniforms immediately. Eye Titan Mecha, let them get used to it. "

"Don't worry, Junior Uncle, they will adapt quickly. The backbone of Rumina Battalion are all the factory protection teams of Red Maple Factory. Before the war broke out, they were already testing the new Pack Bird LM3. Mecha."

"Carrying bird type? LM3? It's already 4, which means at least 3 more types have been designed before?"

"Yes, it is the fifth mecha produced by the Red Maple Factory. It is said to be specially designed for large-bodied races such as Lumina and Ursine. The New China's police force also purchased 500 units, which are very popular. Good review. I have seen it once and the performance is really good, at least it can reach 8% of the performance of the Hundred-Eyed Giant."

"...Hongfeng Factory does have a military industry department, but they are all small arms workshops, right? Mechas are already considered heavy weapons. Is it so easy to obtain a production license? The relationship with the Far Coast Military Region cannot be used in this regard. , with the approval of the National Defense Commission and the Ministry of Industry." Yu Lian was a little confused, but then he realized that Hongfeng Factory must have started design and production in advance in the name of civilian machinery. If the war had not broken out, the earth might not have been able to react when the combat test was completed.

To put it bluntly, the boundaries between military mechas and civilian exoskeletons are really blurry.

"My suggestion is that the Hundred-Eyed Giant can be changed into a different costume, but the Bird-of-Carrying type can be used as a backup. The alliance's military assistance comes only once, and who knows when it will stop."

Yu Lian was very pleased. He could feel that even though the niece of the Cheap Master had a much more temperament of a Taimei Ranger than a soldier, she was really trying her best to consider things from a soldier's standpoint.

"But, Junior Uncle, I have never been the class monitor in kindergarten in my life. You suddenly gave me two or three thousand people. Are you too confident in me, or are you too big-hearted?"

"Didn't you do a good job in putting down the mutiny before?"

"That's just killing people! I'm very good at this, and I wasn't a commander at that time." Tai'a shrugged and said: "Uncle, killing people and leading are two different things. You should know best. No one can compare with me. You understand better.”

"When you're working, you call me your job." Yu Lian said angrily.

"...Well, that's no problem. But there are no outsiders now. Wouldn't it make you look particularly sanctimonious if you emphasize it like this?"

"No, it's mainly because such a famous line, I've wanted to say it for a long time, will make me look like a big leader." Yu Lian held the hot and strong black tea and took a big sip: " During the fortress defense stage, your first priority is not to prevent the enemy from attacking the fortress, but to prevent the enemy from attacking the fortress. Of course, at the last moment, you really have to take charge."

"You mean, we are actually playing the role of an ancient war team. We usually kill our own people, but at critical moments, we have to rush forward and be killed by the enemy?"

"There are also examples of people who invested in supervising the battle team at critical moments and turned defeat into victory. In addition, most of the soldiers of the Lumina Regiment don't like the vague feeling of weightlessness in fleet operations, and they will perform better in a fortress than in a battleship. Some are indeed more suitable to serve as defenders of Sede Fortress."

Tai'a seemed to have a different opinion, but he hesitated for a moment, and finally did not say anything dangerous: "Does that mean, if necessary, I can kill one or two generals?"

"If necessary, you can kill even the vice president."

After Tai'a was stunned for a moment, he then showed an eager smile, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Yu Lian shrugged and poured a cup of tea for himself and the other party: "Calm down and don't show such a dangerous expression. We can't count on such good luck that the Vice President will be in the fortress when the imperial army attacks."

Who is in danger?

Tai'a felt that although he was regarded as a evil star by the veterans on the front line of the fortress, whether he was cursing people or killing people, it was all done openly. As long as everyone is reasonable, everything will be fine.

Compared with my junior uncle, I can be considered a gentle and kind lady.

Then, she heard Yu Lianda say: "Okay, the reorganization work of the internal defense of the fortress will start tomorrow, and there will be professional officers to assist you in your work. As for today, we will eliminate the safety hazards that fall within our professional scope." It must have fallen."

Now that I think about it, I have quite a lot of expertise. Isn’t this special thing due to my hard-working life? Yu Lian thought.

This time, it only took Tai'a two seconds to understand what the other party meant, and for the first time he showed a solemn expression: "If this is the case, we can really only solve it. In fact, if you don't ask again, , I can’t wait to report it.”

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