Him and their stars

Chapter 1459 came so fast

After leaving Lieutenant General Sylvester's office, the adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Rozeshi, quickly greeted him. In fact, he had been standing outside while Yu Lianhe was talking to Lieutenant General Sylvester.

"Does Chief Sylvester approve it?" he asked in a low voice.

After Yu Lian nodded, Luo Zeshi's eyes suddenly flashed with joy. After boarding the shuttle bus in the fortress and leaving, with only two people left in the cabin, the other party immediately reported: "The military police have now blocked all entrances and exits in Area F and are evacuating the crowd. Fortunately, because of the outbreak of the war, Because of this, all the merchants who have settled in have already left, and there are only 300 civilians at most. It will only take two hours at most."

"Three hundred people, two more hours?" Yu Lian frowned.

"Because there are more than 100 employees of security companies there, all carrying weapons. They say that their job is to protect these private properties, and they can accept the warning order from the frontline command in accordance with the "Wartime Regulations" and add battlefields, but they cannot Evacuate.”

"You can be sent as cannon fodder by me, but you can't leave Area F? Isn't this very contradictory?"

Luo Zeshi nodded: "They also took out approval slips from some big figures on Earth, and said they could communicate with Earth immediately."

Yu Lian was amazed when he heard this: "There are obviously many places in District F that have not yet been built, and half of the city does not have heating, power, or water supply. Are you moving in in such a hurry? It seems that there are really unlimited business opportunities here!"

"That's true. When Xiaguan was still working on Earth the year before last, he heard rumors about this, saying that there was a good investment on the far shore. At that time, I thought it was referring to the Red Maple Factory or New Seville. Ocean Farm, but I didn’t expect it to refer to Seide Fortress. However, I must admit that this is indeed a transportation node that can radiate to the far coast, New China, and the opposite countries such as Bakwei and Letalin. It does have unlimited business opportunities. of."

Of course, the premise is that there is no war.

There is a saying that it was the second half of the year before last when Fortress Seide started the commercial port expansion project. At that time, the empire and the community were really preparing to mobilize their armies and jointly march into the New World to defeat the plunderers. Although the two countries had just had some unpleasantness in the Far Shore Nebula, given the premise that the predators had invaded, any grudges could be put aside.

As a result, during the Great Expedition, the traffic between the two sides of the Far Coast Nebula suddenly exceeded the highest point in history.

Thinking about it now, at least the construction of the commercial port at that time was a very forward-looking approach.

However, who would have thought that a miracle ring would appear? Who would have thought that the empire would start a war like this? Who would have thought that the "peace for a generation" that was promised could be used as a fart, and then it was actually used as a fart right away?

"Everything in the world is unpredictable." Yu Lian said with emotion.

"That's true. I'm glad that I didn't join in the fun at that time," Luo Zeshi said.

Yu Lian was also very lucky that the People's Federation did not join in the fun at that time. Anyway, Hongxing Institute and Hongfeng Factory only pay a small amount of risk-free design fees, material fees, etc., which is enough.

Now that I think about it, Takashi Ruri is indeed not a business genius who can come up with magic tricks, but he is the clearest, calmest and most stable one among Feifei's best friends. For the People's Federation, which naturally possesses a large amount of resources, what is needed is leaders with such qualities.

Yu Liandao said: "The staff of these businesses did not withdraw when the war started, and they are still very dedicated."

Luo Zeshi said: "I have great respect for them."

Yu Liandao: "Dedicated staff must be taken care of properly, but the same cannot be said for employees of private security companies who hold weapons. Security guards who are still so arrogant in a war zone must be no ordinary security guards. They must use heavy punches."

Luo Zeshi nodded and reported: "So, I have ordered the shooting."


"Twelve people were killed, including the one who said he was preparing to communicate with the Earth, and the rest surrendered. I have collected their weapons and temporarily placed them in Barracks No. 12 in Area D."

It is said that it is resettlement, but in fact it can be written as "detention".

"However, the scene of the shooting was seen by the civilians who were evacuating. Everyone expressed surprise. Some gentlemen even overreacted and caused some minor riots, but everything was under control."

"No wonder you said the evacuation would take another two hours." Yu Lianyuan was happy.

"I'm ashamed of myself. We are soldiers, so we can't wrongly accuse a decent citizen of the community at will." Luo Zeshi said solemnly: "I will immediately draw up a list, including the names and companies of these gentlemen who overreacted, as well as Those very dedicated security professionals just now sent a copy to the Earth side."

"Draw up three copies. One for the Presidential Palace of Niceta, one for Marshal Paris, and one for the Nephi Star Network broadcast." Yu Liandao.

"Not giving it to GNN?"

"The media of the community will not obey the instructions of the Eternal City of Earth, but they will definitely obey the arrangements of the alliance." Yu Lian said with a smile.

Luo Zeshi felt that this was a bit suspicious of foreign countries, but considering the virtues of the three major parties in Congress, he was immediately relieved.

Moreover, our leaders are not pretending to be powerful, but are literally "stealing foreigners"!

Luo Zeshi quickly completed his mental construction and continued to report: "According to your instructions, Aisen personally led the team responsible for inspecting the connection between Area F and the main body of the fortress. When the official action is taken, his own people will block it At the scene, try to be as concealable as possible.”

"Don't say anything that is not conducive to unity. What do you mean by one of your own?" Yu Lian gave the other party a sideways look.

This time, Luo Zeshi did not follow Yu Lian's quarrel anymore, but replied like this: "Men and horses of Lumina Regiment and New China Regiment. Each of their battalion headquarters has members of the Lion Heart Society." First This time, Yu Lian heard obvious murderous intent from the other party's mouth.

"Lieutenant Colonel Chester Rozez, don't put too much pressure on yourself, let alone your comrades. You and the enemy can actually be divided infinitely. You can doubt the Far Coast Military District and Seder The original defender of the fortress, but should the next step be to doubt the comrades of the Yu fleet? Then, the Rumina regiment and the New China regiment are no longer trustworthy. Then a lonely man was born." Yu Lian said earnestly. road:

"Classmate Luo Zeshi, strictly speaking, I am more likely to become such a virtuous person, right?"

Luo Zeshi couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Does this mean that you have finally made up your mind?"

"...What resolution have I made?"

"Becoming a loner?"

Yu Lian's face darkened: "Chester, when did your sense of humor deteriorate to the level of senior Sylvester and that aristocratic remnant of Trend? Weren't you like this before?"

After all, Luo Zeshi felt a little bit of danger, gave a stiff smile, and immediately changed the subject: "I'm sorry, sir. It's just that at this time, in the most important fulcrum fortress on the far shore front, you can still dig out money." A bunch of silverfish have appeared, and the official is really filled with indignation. The fortress is already like this, and the situation on the earth is really unimaginable."

"So, when Vice President Hierro comes, I give you permission to bring glory and justice to the world when necessary." Yu Lian said seriously.

"..." Luo Zeshi was slightly startled, but a struggling expression appeared on his face.

Are you really starting to get emotional? Sure enough, he is still an anti-establishment element at heart!

"He is Mao Yuanzuo's nephew. I think there is at least a 50% chance that he is an insider. You know my fighting style. You dare to go ahead if you are 30% sure."

"You are being humble. I have always believed that you are actually the type who makes decisions before planning. Starting from the Battle of the Grand High Sea, every battle looks very thrilling, but it seems that they are all under your control." Of course it is impossible for Luo Zeshi I really sacrificed Vice President Hierro, but I felt that I was still comforted by this joke.

Of course Yu Lian could also tell that this guy was really not trying to flatter him, at least most of it was sincere.

Come on, one of the important members of the dignified 830 Party has begun to show signs of being a die-hard fan. According to some people, this is also an important prerequisite for warlordization!

At this time, I heard him ask again: "So, this time, you should still be sure of victory?"

"No, this time there is indeed an element of gambling, and it is very big." Yu Liandao.

"... I always feel that this is not the full picture of the plan I have seen."

"Fortunately, even if we lose the bet, it's still within our control."

Luo Zeshi did not answer immediately. If the person present was Chief of Staff Mkawa, he would definitely give him some advice; but after all, he is only in his 20s and is in the prime of his life. No matter how good or calm he is, there will always be a scene of youthful vigor.

After thinking briefly, he finally said: "The most important thing about your combat plan is to keep it secret. I will keep an eye on the construction workers personally."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Yu Lian just felt reassured. Since he is a member of the 830 Party, he is naturally the most reliable.

"It's just that I always feel that I haven't gotten the full picture of your battle plan. Is it my misunderstanding?"

"What you can't see is part of the spiritual energy." Yu Lian did not hide it deliberately.

"This is extraordinary beings discussing mysticism, so mortals have to shut up?" Luo Zeshi said with a smile.

"That's really not polite. Although the meaning is true, saying it directly will affect unity. Don't say it again in the future." Yu Lian said suspiciously: "But why do I always feel like I have heard it somewhere?"

The loyal adjutant once again showed amazing admiration, and even showed a little bit of relief. He was really pleased. He probably felt that being a leader should have this shameless feeling.

He wanted to say something else, but his personal terminal sent out a beep, and it was from the Intelligence Section of the General Staff Department. After asking Yu Lian for instructions with his eyes, Luo Zeshi turned on the speakerphone directly.

"The Sky Survey Eye discovered the Imperial Army's forward in the Falch 3 system within the Grand Duchy of Letalin, and determined that there was Ship Shadow 24 and Battlecruiser-class battleship 3. The reconnaissance fleet has arrived." The intelligence officer behind the communication said in his voice With a rather obvious hint of panic and haste.

Came so fast! Yu Lian's eyebrows twitched.

After completing the communication, Luo Zeshi directly used the terminal to open the star map in front of Yu Lian: and marked the Farsi 3 galaxy in red: "It came so fast. We burned all the way through this channel, at least Ten billion tons of military materials and hundreds of orbital equipment were burned."

"So it's just a forward fleet. It's not that we can use the tactics of breaking up into parts. If the empire deploys a dozen of these medium-sized fleets inside the corridor, the threat to us will be much greater than the original Imperial Alliance Alliance Forces." Yu Lian said solemnly: "However, if a dreadnought ships passes Cuiling within a week, it means that the imperial devils are flexing their muscles on us."

"Showing muscles?"

"Yes, this means that no matter how many facilities and military supplies we burn, the empire can be rebuilt immediately. They don't care." Yu Lian sneered.

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