Him and their stars

Chapter 1464 The empire also knows how to farm.

Chapter 1464 The empire also knows how to farm.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian couldn't help but want to express a certain degree of regret.

"It would be nice if the far bank nebula was directly opposite the empire's mainland. Otherwise, a squadron of Commodore Bazin might be able to draw away a large number of enemy forces. It's a pity, after all, it is only the territory of the Imperial Alliance Army. The empire will not I don’t mind that half of the land of the Catan people is burning, I don’t mind that the Terrabi people have established a country, and of course I don’t care about the life and death of the Birdman and the Goathead.”

"If you want to go directly to the hinterland of the empire, you can only go to the Abyss Nebula, right? But the far shore is much more difficult to reach, and there are many terrifying rumors. These shouldn't be all unfounded, right?" Luo Zeshi said: "Like What an ancient terrifying city that devours peepers..."

"That thing is real. It is indeed a space city left over from the Enlightenment era. My master and senior brother have both been there," Yu Liandao said.

Of course, there is also me in my previous life.

That ancient city wasn't that mysterious either. That is, more than a hundred years ago, a group of adventurers discovered the place. After a cautious exploration, they found nothing dangerous, but found that there was a life-support system and climate cycle system like a perpetual motion machine. The temperature and humidity seem to have been carefully adjusted, making it suitable for almost all carbon-based intelligent creatures to survive, like a space urban version of the Gaia planet.

That's equivalent to a fortress of unity with little armament. And because it is located deep in the Abyss Nebula and is not within the military radiation range of major powers, it gives some dynamic social groups ample room for action. Then, a group of highly motivated gangsters took over the place and built a so-called "free city" or something.

"To put it bluntly, its nature is similar to that of all autonomous trading ports located at waterway nodes in the universe, except that the manager is a gangster of the underworld."

"Isn't there no difference at all?" Luo Zeshi said in surprise.

"There is indeed no difference. Davari Shirozeshi, you have learned thoroughly!" Yu Lian was extremely pleased.

When he mentioned this news, he actually showed a rare expression of humiliation.

"Your words are full of extraordinary people's sense of superiority over ordinary people!" Luo Zeshi said with emotion.

Yu Lian agreed: "Yes, you have to pay a price for a surprise attack. The universe is actually about balance. Moreover, even if you really enter the empire, you will act like a dead soldier. As a general, But you can't assign fatal tasks to your subordinates as a normal situation. Once you develop this kind of path dependence, you will not be far away from being beaten by Pao Ze."

"The former is nothing more than an ancient automatic battleship. We have already seen out-of-control unmanned mining machines, right? It is very reasonable to have an unmanned flying object the size of a battleship. As for the demon Leviathan, haha, say It’s as if we have really studied this universe thoroughly. No matter how weird and spectacular the void creatures we encounter in the main world are, can they be compared to those in the void realm?”

But now, it's just that these galaxies are occupied by the military, but the other side is still arrogantly starting construction nearby. Isn't this equivalent to taking away your family's garden for farming?

For senior Sylvester, a local snake who has been operating on the far coast for more than ten years, it is indeed a great shame and humiliation.

At this time, the automatic warning network that started operating on the front line did send the latest news. After the empire's frontline fleet retreated, they directly occupied the entrances to the two channels, the Stranger System and the Eliza System, without going deep or retreating. Then, the first one to arrive at the entrance was not the main fleet of the empire, but clearly a large number of freighters and work ships, and construction began slowly and slowly.

"They didn't expect the methods in Area F to be successful?" Luo Zeshi asked curiously.

"You are referring to the Mogash fleet that intercepted us on the high seas, right? However, the difficult route through the Abyss Nebula did put a huge burden on those flame dragons. Otherwise, even if we could win, we would not be able to do what we did back then. It’s almost harmless that way.”

"What about the ghost ship and the demon Leviathan?"

"Of course this is a joke. Lieutenant Colonel, the more you face a war, the more you need a sense of humor."

"In short, the Abyss Nebula, the Predators left, and I passed through it. In the end, the Empire also passed through it, and it was not as insurmountable as imagined."

Since Marshal Yu had already talked about this, Luo Zeshi had no choice but to treat it as a joke.

"They just didn't put all their hopes in this." Yu Lian sighed: "It's so good to have the resources to fight for prosperity! When can we also be rich?"

However, compared to Yu Lian's worries, Lieutenant General Sylvester's reaction was one of frustration and even humiliation: "Brother Yu Lian, this is not just a military issue. Supply bases, orbital docks, repair workshops, frontline hospitals , there are even temporary mining plants and smelting centers. This clearly treats the entrances to the two corridors as their home base!"

"So I always believe that occult knowledge should also be integrated into basic education. Only in this way will the public be timid about the unknown."

"You don't have to explain it to me, Davari Shirozeshi. I don't have extravagant moral habits. I just care about whether it's necessary. If possible, I don't even mind being the death squad myself."

"But, sir, when necessary, someone must do the fatal task." Luo Zeshi said.

At this point, Yu Lian saw the shock in the other person's eyes, and he felt that he might be a little anxious.

This is understandable. For a long time, the entire two channels of the Far Coast Nebula have been basically regarded as the territory of the Blue Star Community, which of course also includes the two galaxies that are the entrance to the nebula.

This is a typical stronghold, and it's a standoff. Yu Lian sighed. He is not afraid at all of the empire playing tricks on him. Even if it is a mystical concept, there is always a way to overcome it. But only with this upright size advantage, there has been no high-quality solution since ancient times.


"They even installed constant-temperature orbital shafts and condensation water tanks. This is obviously an orbital hydroponic farm! They are preparing to farm at the entrance of the corridor! Brother Yu Lian, they are farming! They are farming in front of our house!"

Come on, it turned out to be farming in the literal sense? In the age of the universe, this is what it means to take root and raise children here.

As a result, even a well-informed person like Yu Lian felt that he had been ridiculed, and his blood pressure suddenly rose.

However, as a mature and prudent local leader, Lieutenant General Sylvester immediately said: "Many of our soldiers must have felt the humiliation, but at this time, we must maintain our strategic positioning. Strength. Brother Yu Lian, you are the backbone of the soldiers of the three armies. Whenever encountering a big problem, you must stay calm! You must not be infected by the blood of the soldiers. You cannot use all your troops to fight out of the nebula. Don't even think about using lightning strikes. The ship’s sneak attack demolished the empire’s construction site.”

Yu Lian said that this was a bit unclear. Are you asking yourself to dismantle it or not?

General Sylvester showed an embarrassed look:

"I was really worried that you would get sick, so I gave you a vaccination in advance. It's the best thing to see you keep your head calm. In short, I have a way to comfort the soldiers. Of course, this is still needed Your cooperation."

Yu Lian felt that he was being ridiculed even more than before. He has fought so many battles, and even though his style is all about invasion and fire, and even though he has taken risks a few times, he shouldn't be regarded as a foolhardy, hot-blooded fool, right?

Then, I heard the old senior say again: "In the final analysis, ordinary soldiers are actually easy to appease, but the big shots on the earth are another matter. You know, when measuring the ownership of a galaxy, the progress of gas development is considered. If The empire has really planted fields, mined mines, and even begun to immigrate to the two galaxies at the entrance of the corridor. Even if this war is over, these two galaxies will no longer belong to us."

Yes, even if the sovereignty of these two galaxies is still in the hands of the community, as long as the empire has created a fait accompli, who will be able to deal with these subtle legal issues in the next few decades?

Yu Lian immediately understood what the other party meant.

Once it is turned into a fait accompli by the empire, this is the so-called responsibility of losing the land. Who among the lords of the earth can bear this responsibility? "So, are you worried that some big shot on the other side of the earth will directly order us to attack?"

Lieutenant General Sylvester added: "Not necessarily the big shots, the MPs have a relatively loud voice, which may also affect the cabinet's decision-making. We must have good communication with the National Defense Committee and the Military Command Headquarters in advance. Chairman of the General Assembly, please And Marshal Paris, we must withstand the pressure from above.”

"Understood. I have already asked people from the General Staff to start the detailed battle report. Let us jointly sign it. However, in theory, even Mr. President should not bypass the Military Command Headquarters and the General Staff Headquarters to report on the frontline personnel. It was ordered by the theater headquarters." Yu Liandao.

"This is just an ideal state." Lieutenant General Sylvester shook his head: "...However, if there is really any pressure leaking from above, you don't need to pay attention to it, just push it on me. Fighting the war I can’t do it, man, but I’m good at taking the blame. I’m really good at taking the blame, otherwise I wouldn’t have built a fortress.”

It can be seen that the old senior is really full of resentment about the demolition of the fortress, but he also really accepts this reality.

Yu Lian said with emotion: "Senior, I now feel that you are really suitable to be the chairman of the National Defense Committee. I assure the spirit of the universe that this is not disrespectful to the old principal."

"Then I'd like to thank you for your compliment." A trace of complacency flashed in his eyes, and he was obviously very happy to be flattered, but in the end he still forced out a bitter smile:

"I don't have this hope. The chairman of the National Defense Commission must first be a member of the parliament, and then be appointed by the president. I am not from a political family, and I don't know any big figures in the political and capital circles on earth. Even if he really retires and joins politics, he will not be able to do it. I can also become a district councilor in my hometown."

In short, the news that the empire had started farming on the front line really reached the fortress, but because the headquarters made advance arrangements, after a brief and slight commotion, the fortress returned to its original combat readiness order.

On the other side, it was just as Sylvester expected. On November 11, some members of Congress actually raised the issue of the Empire's farming and construction at the far shore entrance.

He believes that once the empire completes these constructions, the Lucknar Corridor and I Earl Star Gap will really be controlled by the empire. This was all caused by the passive avoidance of the battle by the defenders of Saide Fortress. He believed that this kind of problem must be strictly investigated.

Of course, there are also opposition members who say that this is judging a gentleman's behavior with a villain's heart. Because Liberty believes that wanting to strictly investigate the frontline generals who have made great contributions to the country is a proper act of subsidizing the enemy.

No, he is clearly an enemy of Chi Guoguo and a traitor to the country, and he will not even play the role anymore!

In this way, the verbal conflict between the two congressmen developed into fistfights, and even triggered a brawl among hundreds of congressmen at the scene.

Interestingly, it was a member of the People’s Choice Party who first proposed a strict investigation. The third largest political party in Congress has always regarded itself as a staunch patriot and a staunch earth nationalist.

But the congressman who said some fair words was from the pro-imperial Co-Prosperity Party.

However, this is not surprising. There may be sincere idealists among the remnants of the Co-Prosperity Party, and there may also be pragmatic and stable industrialists among the compradors of political allies. As for the "patriots" of the People's Choice Party, it would be more reasonable to have more troublemakers. The elected politics of parliamentary struggle has always been so mysterious.

"This is actually because we... no, to be precise, you fought too well!" Lieutenant General Sylvester commented on this kind of thing.

Yu Lian thought for a moment and quickly understood what the other party meant: "What you mean is that we fought too well, so Lord Gongun felt safe and decided to reveal his true nature."

The old senior smiled awkwardly and said: "...Well, maybe they just want to have a certain sense of participation. There is no way. For politicians, nothing can gain them more prestige and potential votes than participating in a war."

“Isn’t it going to bring benefits to your own voters?”

Senior Sylvester's expression seemed to be shocked that Yu Lian "had such extravagant thoughts", but he immediately saw the ridicule in the latter's eyes and sighed: "I can't help it, there are so many things like benefits." Tired! As for the war, it would be good if we just use words to make us tired."

"...Old senior, you are indeed very suitable to be the chairman of the National Defense Committee." Yu Lian smiled again.

What's going on with your expressive expression? You are more than twenty years younger than me. Sylvester wanted to say something like this, but faced Yu Lian's overly calm smile, he nodded subconsciously, and then shook his head.

He pretended to laugh heartily: "Come on, I still want to retire and open an entertainment management company after this battle. Then I may have to ask Miss Li to give me food."

Immediately afterwards, the two received an official electronic document from Chairman Maxer and Marshal Paris, which clearly stated that the direct leadership of the far-shore theater was still the Military Command Headquarters and the General Staff.

The two elderly people, who were almost 180 years old together, even called me personally.

Marshal Paris said: "Yulian, you just need to remember that even if it is the president, it is not in compliance with the prescribed procedures if he directly bypasses the Military Order Headquarters and the General Staff Headquarters."

Yu Lian accepted the order, but he also had some doubts in his heart. He suddenly realized that the Blue Star Community itself did not have written military orders in this regard, so naturally there was no so-called procedural issue.

You know, the Constitution stipulates that the President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. What if he really bypassed the military administration and military command departments and directly issued orders to the actual combat departments?

Yu Lian wondered whether he should let the fortress directly block President Nishita's communications.

"Don't worry, we have already communicated with His Excellency the President. He is an open-minded and clear-headed person, and of course he understands the principle of leaving professional matters to professionals." Chairman Maxer persuaded him with pleasant words.

Yu Lian thought to himself, this is different from the Mr. President I knew in my previous life. Is it possible that because the situation in this life is much more optimistic, Mr. Nishita's mentality is relatively stable, so he does not have the character to unlock micro-management?

"I understand your concerns, Yu Lian, but didn't you already know that? The empire is far larger than us, and it is never easy to fight against such powerful invaders and conquerors. It is difficult for you, but is it bigger than us? Was it still difficult during the War of Independence?" Marshal Paris blamed.

"Mr. President's ship has also set off, traveling day and night, and should arrive in Nephi before December. He asked me to tell everyone on the front line that there will be military aid, new warships, missiles and mechas. There will even be reinforcements. As long as we hold on firmly, there will be a way!" Chairman Maxer encouraged.

Yu Lian thought to himself that this last sentence seemed to have a sense of déjà vu, and after hearing it, he felt a little panicked for no reason.

However, the two old men were calling me thousands of light years apart, and they still looked so kind and gentle. It looked a bit like one of the old ministers in the court was playing a good role, and the other was a bad face, performing a double act to appease the warlord. feel.

Yu Lian looked at the old marshal, who was already a little rickety, and the chairman, who was almost out of shape, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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