Him and their stars

Chapter 1469 8 Mile Expedited

Chapter 1469 Eight Hundred Miles Expedited

Mr. President realized that he was a bit fanciful, but as the head of state, how could he be wrong? Even if I was wrong, I would never admit it in public.

He glanced at Yang Mingzhao, who had an innocent face. He didn't think that the loyal secretary should not stab him in the back, but remind him to start making advance work arrangements.

Young people are very active and forward-looking, but they are not tactful enough!

Mr. President suddenly felt that he seemed to be too lenient to the ministers around him. This was not the attitude that a hero who could be named "Wu" should have.

Someone like Yang Mingzhao, who has both ability and loyalty, as well as outstanding talents in the background, should really be beaten occasionally. Of course the other party is a disciple of the Spiritual Research Society, an extraordinary person with a great future. But the world of extraordinary beings and politics are not the same thing after all.

The president feels that he still has an obligation to educate the young secretary. This is for his own good and to cultivate talents for the country.

However, before President Nishita could say anything, Marshal Aylwin said first:

"After the death of Marshal Picard, the current deputy commanders of the New World Theater are Admiral Carter and Lieutenant General Yang Xiyi. Then, once the theater is at peace, the positions of these two must also be adjusted."

The news of Commander Picard's death has just reached China, and he is preparing to withdraw the establishment of the New World Theater. Aren't you afraid of affecting the morale of the military?

"There are indeed hidden dangers." Marshal Aylwin said.

But even so, there was still no embarrassment on his face, but he still said in a patient and sincere tone:

Marshal Elwin nodded slightly. He felt that what the other party said made sense, but not much. If he were the new continent commander of the Imperial Army, although the Empire would have an overwhelming physical advantage, there would be no need to waste troops no matter how abundant they were.

For example, if a group of fleets are really mobilized from the outer ring fleet, will the direction of Nantianmen be empty? Is it a bit troublesome to function as the general reserve team? In addition, if the fleet really arrives at Xinyumen, will it have to accept the command of Admiral Carter? But the problem is that the latter is not Yu Lian and Yang Xiyi, but a good old man who has worked in the logistics and military administration departments all his life. Can he really command the proud soldiers of the outer ring fleet?

Sure enough, for our grand strategy to become actual implementation, we still need to think carefully. But, first of all, I really want to make the military one of my own! So, are you?

What about my invincible little brother?

President Nishita hid his meaningful gaze under a sincere smile and continued to nod.

"Everyone, we must pay attention to the defense in the direction of the New World. It is indeed possible for the Empire to attack the New World. If it captures the New Jade Gate, it may threaten the Nantian Gate from another direction." President Nishita talked, his gestures full of excitement. A calm and commanding style:

"It takes less than a month to cross the New World Highway from Iris Cross to New Port Arthur. Our heroic Thirteenth Fleet, under the leadership of General Yang, once defeated the superior force of the predators in New Port Arthur. However, if This time we are facing a larger imperial fleet. Can we continue to hold on to the defense zone in the direction of New Port Arthur?"

What's more, we still can't contact Miracle Ring and Yang Xiyi's fleet, so how can we give orders?

He finally stopped. Even people with no military knowledge know that just how many fleets to mobilize and which ships to choose involves a lot of trouble, not to mention the issue of military orders after the cross-theater deployment.

"Then..." President Nishita's eyes were full of expectation, as if he was begging for approval. As a politician who has revised his life goal to the posthumous title of "武", his great talents and strategies urgently need the recognition of a true veteran.

All strategies and ideas, all military mobilizations and deployments must be based on reality and not on the so-called "temple calculations" that are taken for granted. This is a mature and prudent saying.

"However, if comprehensive reorganization and troop mobilization are really needed, we still need to listen to the opinions of the Outer Ring Theater Command." Marshal Aylwin added.

The old marshal finally organized his words and said calmly in a calm, objective, rational and fair tone: "This is a very pioneering idea, and it has indeed inspired us."

"So, why not dispatch a group of supporting fleets from the outer ring fleet?" Mr. President asked again.

"I very much agree with your plan, and I hope that everyone in the staff will turn your strategy into reality." The old marshal glanced at the people in the staff, and they naturally nodded in agreement.

"We need the latest battle situation in the New Continent at this time. If we can figure out the situation inside the Dawn Star Territory. The movements of Yang Fleet, the siege situation of Miracle Ring and Yaochi at this time, and if there are relatively reliable casualty figures and exchange ratios, then It’s just the best.”

"When was the last battle report in the New World?" he asked.

Although President Nishita looked like he was listening and being taught, there were still some unknown thoughts going on in his heart.

President Nishita nodded: "This is what it should be."

President Keith Nichta suddenly realized that he was no longer just being whimsical, but was being suspected of being stupid.

Their first priority is still to kill Yang Fleet and the Ring of Miracles in the Dawn Star Territory. As long as the New World Highway is controlled, the connection between New Yumen and the Dawn Star Territory can be cut off.

Anyway, the combat power of the community's guard fleet in the New World Star Region is almost negligible. As long as the Dawn Star Region is captured, New Yumen and New Lushun can be eaten at any time, and there is no need for extraneous matters.

Yang Mingzhao replied: "It was received 12 hours ago, a battle report compiled by the New Continent Theater Command of Xin Yumen. As of the 20th, the empire still has no movement to increase troops in the Iris Cross. The defense line of the New Continent Star District It’s still stable for the time being. However, the news about the situation in the Dawn Star Territory was from before the 8th.”

Major General Luge of the staff hesitated for a moment, but tried to answer in a calm tone: "As for the Ring of Miracles, the empire has landed fourteen stormtrooper divisions and five armored grenadier divisions on the plate, with a total strength of more than 400,000 people."

"It's four times as big as ours..." President Nishita sighed.

And there will definitely be more troops, perhaps more than ten times the number now. Yang Mingzhao couldn't help but think so.

"The former enemy commander of the Imperial Army was General Orosha."

President Nishita said he did not know the Orosha general. Of course, with his IQ, he could certainly guess that since the expressions of his officers were so heavy, it meant that the other party must be a very powerful person.

In fact, this is indeed the case. General Orosa is the deputy director of the Imperial Armored Grenadier Corps. He is a very rare senior general with a civilian background. He reached his current position entirely through his military exploits. You can imagine what type it is.

"It's just that they haven't launched a general offensive yet." Major General Luge quickly added.

Although I say this, it does not provide any comfort. The situation in the battle report was on the 8th, but today is already November 11th. More than two weeks have passed, and the empire's deployment of individual soldiers, which is so sophisticated, should be completed.

After the deployment is completed, it is natural to launch a full-scale attack. Maybe even the battle will be over by now.

"What about Yaochi?" the president asked again.

"Still holding on. On the 4th, the Imperial Fleet launched an orbital bombing on Marshal Li Grad, but it only destroyed the surface city, but was unable to break through the underground city built under the rock formations and alloy armor, posing a direct threat. The defenders The soldiers of the th Division are still relying on the fortifications to hold on. So far, the siege has lasted for forty-five days, and they have repelled twelve attacks by the enemy's superior forces. It is conservatively estimated that all the killing and wounding of the enemy will be on our side. More than five times the loss.”

Ouch? Is it really that sharp? He is obviously defending the city and has been suppressed by the imperial army in the underground city, unable to move, but how will he determine the casualties of the opponent?

President Nishita still believes that he should be a talented and strategic leader and never wants to be regarded as a fool.

And, no matter what, how much fighting power does a group of troops formed from indigenous militia groups have left? Maybe, Yaochi has suffered heavy casualties now, and the situation is even more pessimistic than that of Miracle Ring.

But no matter what, it is indeed remarkable that a group of second-line troops can resist to this day.

The emotions in President Niceta's heart were changing a thousand times, but his face was moved as he said: "Very good! Very good! It's really admirable! Brigadier General Schiller and General Baron are worthy of being veterans of many battles! Veterans never die! As if Cangshan green cypress!"

His voice was still as full of emotion and vivid emotions as ever. People with more emotions can't help but think of a veteran who has survived hundreds of battles. He stands firm in the enemy's bullets, but always holds the earth's battle flag high and shouts "Fight! Fight until the end of the world!" "The tragic picture.

Of course, those who are familiar with battle reports know that it was Simon Vayali and Meng Jiao who actually commanded the battle. As for the two old men, they basically do logistics and stabilize the morale of the military and the people. They cannot be completely ineffective. In fact, they play a very important role.

However, they are indeed not the kind of old heroes who hold high the battle flag, stand on the burning field, and eventually die standing but still do not fall.

Some of the more lively minds have even thought that Simon Vayali and Meng Jiao are both members of the Lion Heart Society. To put it bluntly, they are the best friends of Commander Yu Company.

Mr. President deliberately ignores them here. What does this mean? He is already at odds with Chief Yu?

But the question is, Yang Mingzhao, President Nikita’s most trusted secretary, is also Chief Yu’s nephew.

"Pass the order, promote Division Commander Schiller to major general, give Mayor Longba the title of Deputy Governor of the New World Sector, and award them the Blue Star Medal of Freedom..." Nihita paused, and then said: "Simon Vayali and Meng Jiao, two young heroes, are both colonels now, right?"

Major General Luge nodded slowly.

Marshal Aylwin added: "They are psychics. I remember that they should be in the third ring."

"Who said that we humans on earth lack psychic abilities? Isn't this why heroes are born in large numbers?" the president said proudly with a face filled with relief.

In fact, Mengjiao is a highlander. However, he was adopted by an Earthling sword master, so he can be considered an Earthling for the time being.

"Psychics have such merits in battle. Give them general stars. As for positions, let the National Defense Committee arrange them according to the situation. We must not chill the hearts of the heroes." President Nishita ordered again.

Yang Mingzhao nodded in agreement and quickly recorded Mr. President's request.

The group of people who were still thinking about it just now are already a little confused about the situation. So, what is the saying? Don't guess what the leader is thinking. You can't figure it out even if you keep guessing.

...In short, let me tell you something, office politics is really a technical job!

At this time, President Nishita asked again: "Where is the movement of Yang's fleet?"

"The last battle report was on the 28th of last month. The Yang fleet has passed through the DL-173 system, had a small-scale encounter with the Imperial fleet here, and is currently maneuvering in the direction of the Xinrui system." Lu Major General Re quickly introduced.

The staff of the staff also opened the star map of the Dawn Star Territory and marked the movements of Yang Xiyi's fleet.

"Of course, there is a possibility that the communication may be intercepted by the empire, and the report from Fleet Yang may be deceptive to the enemy." Major General Luge said again.

"We are getting closer and closer to the Ring of Miracles!" President Nishita showed an expectant look: "So, is there such a possibility..."

Absolutely no such possibility. Of course, Marshal Elwin had already guessed what the other party was thinking, but he said in a calm tone: "A conservative estimate is that over the Circle of Miracles, the Imperial Fleet has deployed a Titan, three dreadnoughts and more than ten ships nearby. Battlecruisers. Under the unified command of Admiral Farrell."

In fact, there are at least eight large aircraft carriers. However, for a veteran commander like Marshal Aylwin, he firmly believes that aircraft carriers are auxiliary ships and will not mention them here.

Even with President Nihita's level of knowledge, he knew that the fleet combat power in Yang Xiyi's hands was probably less than one percent of the empire's. Even if he is truly a "magician of miracles", he cannot overcome this natural chasm in terms of hard power.

As for the battle at the Unity Fortress, since it is called a miracle, it is of course because it cannot be repeated.

Mr. President sighed in distress: "Suddenly, I felt like I was in the cold weapon era, waiting for the eight hundred miles to be rushed every day."

However, in actual history, knights did not rush to the 800-mile mark, and wasn't this what the emperor used? Marshal Aylwin glanced at President Nihita.

He was not worried that the other party had any uncontrollable ambitions, he was simply overdoing it.

...Forget it, who among the political stars born under this democratically elected system would not go too far? In comparison, President Keith Nishita has a fairly stable mental structure.

Thinking of this, the old marshal felt that he still had to give the other party some face: "My suggestion is to move the 14th fleet reorganized in the Terra sector to the New World and associate it with Admiral Carter for unified command. As for the outer ring fleet that serves as the general reserve force , we should wait until the next battle report from the New World arrives before making more detailed arrangements."

President Nishita pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly, pretending to be accommodating: "Okay, let's do this."

He may still be dissatisfied, but at least it's completely invisible on the surface.

The president asked again: "Speaking of which, where will our next stop be?"

"The fleet will arrive at the Spring Goddess Galaxy in the F48 channel of the Grand High Seas in 3 hours. After replenishing and resting in Sunny City for 36 hours, it will move on. This is our last stop for supplies before arriving at Nephi." Yang Mingzhao glanced at the terminal and added: "You should have a meeting with representatives of the four countries of the Grand Open Sea in Sunny Sky City."

(End of this chapter)

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