Him and their stars

Chapter 1472 Let’s win the Ring of Miracles

Chapter 1472 Let’s take back the Ring of Miracles

Yang Xiyi certainly knew that no matter how many tactical victories his side achieved, the strategic dilemma would still be irreversible. However, after all, he and his comrades are all outstanding generals with a sense of responsibility, courage and determination, and they cannot be so incompetent as to pass the pressure on to ordinary soldiers.

The soldiers only know that since the war broke out, they have been invincible in this vast new continent and universe, and have never been defeated. They have destroyed more than their own total strength of the enemy, with losses less than 20%.

These cosmic abyss composed of endless darkness are their home ground.

They are the heroes of Liangshan in the eight hundred miles of water, and the Robin Hoods of Sherwood Forest. Under the leadership of Chief Yang Xiyi, they are moving from one victory to another.

If the history of the battle between the Blue Star Community and the Dawn Star Territory can be passed down to future generations, this small fleet will probably have "General Yang's Knights Rangers", "The Flag of Freedom in the New World", "The Last of the Dawn Star Territory" "Free Corps" and other legendary titles.

The ordinary soldiers of the Yang Fleet all thought that they were already members of the legend. Of course, some people believed that they could use their hard power to fight head-on with enemies who were stronger than themselves.

However, people with a clear mind understand that all of the above are illusions.

Yang Xiyi said: "The Liangshan heroes are just a group of bandits who have not left the province. The total number of people may not be more than 200. And the prototype of Robin Hood is just a criminal who makes a living by poaching, stealing and highway robbery. Once the romantic legend is Returning to reality, everything is full of subtle colors of realism. Although we are just actors on this stage, even if we are destined to just show a crappy tragedy, we still want to try our best to struggle for a while."

Major General Orwell pondered for a moment and said in a tone that was like settling accounts: "We are actually on the comedy stage. Starting from the Unity Fortress, the number of enemies destroyed is greater than our strength. We have been making money. Don't You are too harsh on yourself, Yang. Every battle we fight now is actually earned. As long as it is earned, it is a high-spirited comedy."

"...I actually want to settle the Miracle Circle's debt."

There are experienced aircraft carrier experts like Marklov, as well as talented young generals like Eleanor Bonaparte and Horatio Vene, serving as squadron commanders.

We originally won while escaping.

"In the final analysis, the longer we persist, the more we will win." Yang Xiyi nodded and concluded.

Yang Xiyi has always felt that he is a very lucky person. He had just become the commander of the fleet, and he had an old man like Rear Admiral Orwell who was very good at settling accounts to assist him. He also had outstanding staff like Michielt Kent and Akinayama Hachiman who were young but outstandingly talented.

Major General Orwell was silent for a moment, his expression looked a bit like a bank manager dealing with hundreds of billions of bad debts, but he still bit the bullet and said: "Then it can't be counted as a battle loss, but as a loss in people's hearts. Every victory you win , will make everyone forget the tragedy of the Ring of Miracles. With every victory, the morale of all the people on earth will gain one point, and the international situation may also change in our favor, which will win one point. The empire will win for a long time If you can’t defeat us, it might also affect the strategies for Miracle Circle and Yaochi, which is an even bigger win!”

Yang Xiyi said: "Yes, we are roundworms within the empire's inner circle. As long as we are still here, we are making a big fuss!"

Soon, the fleet left the galaxy and disappeared into the void. Six hours later, the Yang fleet, which had arrived in the DL-ex-4 system, was collecting domestic water in the icy asteroid belt when it received a report from the unmanned detector left in place.

If Yang Xiyi's fleet really went to the New Lovant System, it would have been blocked by now.

The arrogant and powerful generals under Yang Fleet really felt that if they turned around, they might eat up the Maytig fleet behind them, but when their commander actually gave the order to turn in, they would never fight when they executed it. Half a discount.

There are even three saints serving as occult consultants on his own Hyperion, and the concentration of occultism is even higher than that of the Empire.

The soldiers said that this was acceptable for the time being.

If these people can effectively use their talents, they can definitely organize and command a huge fleet of a thousand battleships and five million people, right? Just like the expedition fleet of the Circle of Miracles. Moreover, it must be much better than the main force of the expedition fleet that only lasted for 1 hour and 22 minutes.

But in fact, they now only have 86 ships, 14,000 crew members, 17,000 Marines left behind, and 200,000 civilians who have been evacuated from Unity Fortress.

The Valeres fleet, consisting of 4 battle cruisers, 4 aircraft carriers, 6 light carriers and 12 heavy cruisers, has arrived at the scene. They were like a group of cold war machines without blood or tears, and they did not specifically go to rescue the remaining soldiers of the Gomblin people. Of course, they did not directly pursue Yang's fleet in the direction it left. Instead, they changed a channel and escaped into the vast universe.

Major General Orwell reminded again: "However, it was you who said you were going to lead us to make a big fuss."

It turns out that the commander's style indeed determines the style of the army.

"That's a leech. The longer you hold on, the more blood you will lose."

The soldiers expressed that they found it difficult to accept this metaphor.

His words still sounded like a hawker trying to count coins, quite like an old-school civil contractor, but Yang Xiyi still felt comforted.

The soldiers didn't even think there was anything wrong with the commander's words, "Escape quickly."

So, Yang Xiyi immediately ordered: "Very good. Order the whole army to set off in 30 minutes. Take the No. 3 gravity well, towards the DL-EX galaxy, and escape quickly."

What's scary is that Fleet Yang actually doesn't know how the other party reached the nearby star system.

"Their pursuit operations are becoming more and more secretive." Major General Orwell said to Yang Xiyi.

He used a single-line communication this time, and of course only the first and second leaders of the fleet could know the content of the call.

Yang Xiyi did not express surprise: "Our escape can be secretive, and of course their pursuit can also be secretive. Advanced warships, exquisite command, and refined fleet movements can all enter our detection blind spot. Our opponent is the civilization of the universe. The most powerful military group in history, if we treat them as fools, we will surely die like fools."

Major General Orwell said: "I understand. Facts have proved that your decision-making has always been correct, and I will always support you. But, Lao Yang, there must be a person in this fleet who can pour cold water on you."

Yang Xiyi said sincerely: "I have always been very grateful to you."

"Then I have to remind you again that ten million tons of supplies will not be used for long. We still want to succeed in hunting next time..."

"The possibility is less than 30%." Yang Xiyi said in a determined tone.

Major General Orwell said: "But in fact, the bulk of the current material consumption is not the battle fleet, but the 200,000 civilians on the two motherships and the 50,000 marine troops."

Yang Xiyi probably guessed what the other party wanted to say: "The mobile factories on the two motherships have now been activated. Sometimes, we still have to admire the predators' whimsical ideas."

"In one month, a total of 1,200 C-type orbital artillery shells were produced for the fleet. They can only be used for battle cruiser secondary guns and destroyer main guns. They are not enough for a high-intensity battle." Rear Admiral Orwell shook his head. : "It's still hard for me to imagine how the predators can move while maintaining high-intensity military production. We humans are, after all, a serious planet-settling nation, not a space nomadic race like the Eero people. I want to find out. These mobile factories on the mother ship will take a while.”

But in fact, what they lack most now is time.

"Our original plan was to go to the direction of Yaochi and relieve the siege of Marshal Li's Grad. These 50,000 marines and 200,000 civilians can be placed there." Major General Orwell said.

"Yes, Marshal Li Gelu has sufficient barracks and living space, and has also stored enough supplies and supplies." Yang Xiyi nodded.

But again, if you treat the Imperial Army as a fool, you will definitely become a fool yourself.

In fact, even before the sacrifice of the Freedom Flag, the Imperial Fleet had already guessed Yang Fleet's intentions and directly blocked several necessary channels leading to Yaochi. After Yang Xiyi realized that he could not break through the blockade of the enemy's superior forces, he changed the battle plan without hesitation. He even made a move to attack the east and west, passing between the Medigue fleet and the Valeres fleet, and beat up the Angmans grain transport ship that had been innocently passing by.

But we all know that there are limits to sophisticated tactics.

Fifty thousand marines and two hundred thousand civilians are always the biggest burden in the fleet. They provide limited help to the fleet, but consume the most supplies.

Major General Orwell said: "My suggestion is to put us down when we pass through the Bharat Galaxy."

The Barat Galaxy was discovered by Earth's reconnaissance fleet during the Judgment War. Of course it is also a very stable young star system with seven planets. Three of them are Earth-like planets that can be easily modified. Although there are no oceans and wildlife that make up the ecosystem, oxygen, groundwater, polar ice caps, and fungi exist.

This kind of galaxy is valuable in the mainland, but in the Dawn Star Territory, it is like stir-fried green vegetables garnishing a Manchu-Han banquet. It’s not that it’s not delicious, but there’s no need to eat it right away.

Moreover, the Earth originally did not have the financial and material resources to develop these galaxies. It only built some small military depots and small supply depots to declare its sovereignty.

After the war broke out, this galaxy naturally fell into the hands of the Empire, but the latter also played idle games.

Major General Orwell said again: "The Bharat galaxy fell into the hands of the empire, but there are no troops stationed there. Put us on the planet Bharat-3, and then hand over the No. 1 mothership to us. I will take it with me Everyone built a defensive line there."

He paused for a moment, then showed a smug smile: "Fifty thousand marines, as well as aces like the Hell Parachute Division and the Varangian Division, 200,000 early residents of the Unity Fortress, technicians, sailors and pioneers accounted for the majority Partially. With this kind of population structure, Marshal Li’s side of Grad is much healthier, right?”

Yang Xiyi was silent.

Major General Orwell asked: "Just tell me if it's healthier?"

"It is indeed healthier." Yang Xiyi had to nod.

"After all, I am also a well-known defensive warfare expert. I should be better than that good old Schiller and those young boys in Wayali, right?"

"Maybe." Yang Xiyi had to continue nodding.

"Then, I might be able to hold on longer than Marshal Li Gole. Maybe I will become a meat grinder that devours the flesh and blood of the Imperial Army."

"Needless to say, there is absolutely no such possibility." Yang Xiyi said without mercy: "You can only persist for three days at most, and it is the result of the blessing of the spirit of the universe."

"...You don't have to be so decisive, right?"

"At that time, you should order all the soldiers and civilians to surrender, and then commit suicide yourself? There is no doubt that you will definitely do this. I know your temperament. On the surface, you are a contractor, but deep down, you are still very strong and ruthless, and Picard That old guy is actually the same type."

Speaking of Admiral Picard who had fallen into the sea of ​​stars, Orwell couldn't help but remain silent for a moment.

"Those 50,000 marines and those civilians are mostly humans, and the empire will provide humanitarian treatment. If you lead the 38th Division, I'm afraid they will fight to the last man. Now... Surrendering after resisting for two or three days and committing suicide to die for the country can be regarded as fulfilling your loyalty."

Major General Orwell had no way to refute, and finally said helplessly: "Why do you, a guy like me, need to speak so directly? Lao Yang, when you were at the Central Defense University, if you had understood the principle of not tearing down people even if they are difficult, you would have been Those who can stay in school. Maybe they can become the director of the Military History Department."

"I have indeed been reflecting on myself. It's because my emotional intelligence is too low...wait? Does the Moon Military Academy have a military history department?"

"No, I'm just making an analogy. However, you can wait until you become the Minister of Military Command before ordering the National Defense University to establish a military history department."

"Spare me. If someone like me can be the military commander, then one of our students must be able to be the British leader." Yang Xiyi was happy: "I feel uncomfortable sitting in this position. If I can persist Today, it is the result of sacrificing all the subjective initiative in the rest of my life. Moreover, doesn’t the establishment of a new school department have to be decided by the National Defense Commission? It also needs to be approved by the National Assembly.”

"Ah ha ha ha, maybe after a while, there won't be any Congress."

"There are many reasons why there is no Congress. Which one are you talking about?"

Major General Orwell did not answer directly, but grinned meaningfully: "I am a general from the Marine Corps, but I can't really help with fleet command, but if I can fight the empire on the surface, in the most familiar field, One game is worthy of the salary from the community and the teachings of Marshal Li."

"The problem is, you probably won't be able to fight. The battle may be more frustrating than you think."

"This is the third time you have failed to save face for me." Major General Orwell pointed out three fingers: "Why can't you show some basic dignity to a poor man who has a death wish?"

"So, why did you start to have this so-called death wish?" Yang Xiyi couldn't understand.

"Probably because...there are actually a lot of people like me, and if you die, you will die. However, it would be a pity for people like you to die. You should live to see that the National Defense University has a military history department. That day. There are also young people like Bonaparte and Wien who should not die here."

This guy's suggestion was indeed tragic and showed a fearless spirit of sacrifice, but Yang Xiyi didn't want to appreciate it at all, and even wanted to scold him.

After a brief silence, he folded his hands and placed them in front of the table, and said quietly: "We are all poor actors struggling on this big stage. If we insist on adding drama to ourselves, it will turn from comedy to farce. You don’t really think that your generosity in dying will move us to tears, do you?”

Major General Orwell smiled awkwardly.

Yang Xiyi added: "Also, until now, I have not completely given up the possibility of solving the siege of Yaochi."

The other party couldn't help but fall into thinking.

After a while, he said in a tentative tone: "...Speaking of which, since we gave up to join our fleet in Yaochi, we have inexplicably gotten closer to the Ring of Miracles? During this time, Does it matter?"

Yang Xiyi did not answer immediately, but opened the star map in front of the other party, looked at the location of the Miracle Ring, and then said slowly: "I did make some preparations."

Major General Orwell regarded this as some kind of acquiescence, and said in an expectant tone: "So? Lao Yang, do we have any clever plan to take back the Ring of Miracles? Use the floating continents above as a Base, use the main body of the ring as the background or even the shield, and have a Miracle Ring battle with the empire?"

"... Your suggestion just now was like playing stocks, but now it's reduced to playing hedge funds. Does this qualify you to call yourself a civil engineer?" Yang Xiyi shook his head: "Of course I have also thought about it, is it possible? The main force of Marshal Farrell from the Ring of Miracles has also been mobilized to relieve some of the pressure on Lieutenant General Seyo. As for hide and seek, of course the more people participating, the more fun it is. But in the final analysis, this is just a matter of doing the best. Yaochi may still have a chance. , but the Ring of Miracles is absolutely impossible.”

Major General Orwell said: "However, Lieutenant General Seyo built the defense line completely in accordance with the "Defense Omnipotence Theory". It is stronger than our defense line on Eunomia."

"This is what worries me. There are more than 10,000 continents in the Ring of Miracles. The terrain is twists and turns, including mountains, forests, oceans, hills and deserts. Logically speaking, every continent should be a battleground for us. .”

(End of this chapter)

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