Him and their stars

Chapter 1481 Two Fronts

...Well, the thing in Sergeant Cadet's hand is not so much a shotgun as it is some kind of crazy hand cannon. It is said that this is the handiwork of an engineer from Tulong Arsenal, and it is also a large-scale weapon that can be produced in a small workshop. However, the technical difficulty lies not in the sound of the gun, but in the ammunition.

These small steel balls used as ammunition are launched based on the principle of air expansion. The range is of course not too far, and the damage to armor is also very limited. But the problem is that the crystal explosives wrapped in a steel ball will start to explode directly after touching the target or twenty meters away from the barrel of the gun.

If it is an enemy with no armor or light armor, the killing effect is not only ferocious, but simply brutal. Even for enemies with heavy mechas, it can destroy their various plug-in devices in a wide range and interfere with audio and visual interference.

Of course, the setting that an explosion occurs twenty meters away from the barrel of the gun can easily involve the shooter himself, but the soldiers of the 38th Division who used this weapon for the first time praised it, especially Israel. Most of them are civilian fighters.

...Probably because these passionate crocodile people have lived in the desert for a long time, and what they like most is that they can spray a large area with one pull of the trigger.

Sergeant Max himself didn't want to use it, and he didn't want to kill him. However, his comrades from the sand people praised it with both hands, and they even practiced it to 100% proficiency.

As a result, the upper body of the Imperial Panzergrenadier was completely covered by a ball of blazing fire.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sergeant Major Tatara also swung his warhammer and pounced forward. However, before that, he also smashed an impact grenade over.

Isn’t this too disrespectful of martial ethics? Sergeant Max thought, but his hand still moved the AK sideways as if it were a conditional launch - he did not have a mecha, only an exoskeleton plus an armor plate, but it was enough for him to operate this calm ion cannon alone. .

Probably because my hand was still not steady enough, I didn't hit the vital part of the chest, but only hit the opponent's lower body. A series of blazing ion beams directly cut off the lower half of the grenadier's legs, including the leg armor.

Before the imperial soldier could let out a scream, Sergeant Major Tatara's war hammer hit the fire ball, and only flames and arcs of fire were seen splashing around, and then the scream came out.

After this guy was beaten like this, didn’t the external speakers even break? The quality of Empire's mechas is really good. Sergeant Max couldn't help but think this, but his body subconsciously shifted its destination, and then fired a triple ion cannon at an Imperial Stormtrooper soldier rushing towards his side.

"Oh oh oh! Don't underestimate Rumina's furnace workers!" Sergeant Major Tatara yelled and hit him four or five times in a row. The imperial soldier stopped moving.

At this time, Sergeant Kadai also jumped to the nearest Imperial assault vehicle under the cover of Sergeant Max. The power system of this imperial armored vehicle has broken down, and it is lying on the ground gasping for air, but its two Vulcan cannons and a phaser cannon are still roaring.

Sergeant Sandman rushed to the side of the assault armored vehicle and tore open the half-broken door. But he saw a hand reaching out from behind the door, holding a rifle. But before he could open fire, he was already dragged out by the sand people by the hand.

It was an Imperial human tank crew wearing only protective clothing. He was beaten to the ground so hard that he lost consciousness on the spot.

Sergeant Cadet didn't pay attention. He just used his big spray gun to blast the inside of the car door twice, threw in a high-explosive grenade with added material, and then turned around and ran away.

The assault vehicle was shattered to pieces on the spot, and the fragments of the explosion also swept in the human tank operator who fell to the ground next to him. Of course, he also pushed Sergeant Kadai, who ran ten meters away, and staggered.

Sergeant Max now knew how his comrade's tail had lost half of his tail. As for himself, he is currently holding an ion beam cannon, huddled in a bomb crater, squatting and continuing to shoot. He still felt that he was not one for hand-to-hand combat.

Now, Sergeant Max can tell the difference between a grenadier and a stormtrooper through the appearance and decoration of the mecha. Of course he could also identify the heraldry machine, and he could even determine the model based on its vague outline.

However, the huge figure that appeared at 5 o'clock, 150 meters away, should be a mecha model that he had never seen before.

...Well, by the way, does the Empire really have a mecha model that is wrapped like an oval tumbler?

Wait, isn’t that guy’s armor plate hanging on his belly a piece of armor plate used for a fortress?

Sergeant Max suddenly realized that the guy was actually wearing an exoskeleton and external armor just like him. However, because the armor the guy was carrying was too thick, his torso and head suddenly took on an indescribable oval shape, making him look like a giant roly-poly with legs. However, this seemingly funny scene made him unable to laugh at all.

This can only show that the guy has such a strong physique, and he also has strong bones, muscles and organs that can support such a physique.

That's a Legg giant. A minority race with huge power, long lifespan and small population. Their home planet became an imperial colony more than 2000 years ago, but during these 20 centuries, the Legg giants have always remained loyal to the Galactic Empire and the emperors.

Purely in terms of individual combat effectiveness, the Wulflings, who are known as a fighting race, look like fierce-looking Chihuahuas in front of the giant Legg.

This is actually a very reasonable situation. Within the scope of the universe, all intelligent creatures with an average height of about three meters and that can walk upright on land are born warriors.

He had realized that he seemed to have discovered the biggest fish. However, he couldn't laugh at all, but he had a depressing feeling as if he had encountered a big shark while diving.

Obviously, his comrades also realized the same situation.

"Is that Major General Hongkesi?"

"Didn't the empire's reinforcements have a company of giants? How can I be sure that it must be him?"

"If it's a company of giants, shouldn't they appear together? We can see at least a hundred giants, right?"

"Well, it's probably hidden nearby. Just like if you saw a giant, does that mean there are really a hundred nearby?"

"Such a big cockroach? So it deserves to be called Yaochi?"

Such whispers resounded in my ears. However, everyone quickly recognized that the giant was indeed very likely to be Major General Hongkas himself.

"Go, beat him to death!" Sergeant Major Tatora had already stood over, carrying a shield he found out from nowhere, and protecting Sergeant Max's side.

Sergeant Max nodded subconsciously, and then realized that the AK energy box in his hand was empty. He could only drop the heavy ion cannon, pick up the rifle behind his back, and then shook his head: "Me? Wait, this is a joke. Aren’t you tired of it the second time?”

"I can't help it, I can only make jokes like this! Hahahaha!"

"But, this is still a war after all..." Sergeant Max looked helpless. After all, we are fighting, can't you be a little more serious? Wouldn't this make me look like a fool? Before he could say this, Sergeant Kadai limped over with a spray gun and an ax on his shoulder, laughing and saying: "It's just when you're fighting, you can't show your face. I gave it to the city lord at the beginning I didn’t even cry when I was a shepherd slave, but now I have to die with a smile even if I die!”

"You don't have to mention the word 'death' every time." Sergeant Max said helplessly. However, after such an episode, he really didn't tremble anymore.

Well, no matter what, I, a serious battlecruiser crew member, am indeed getting closer and closer to psychosis. He couldn't help but lament.

However, those who are ruthless are probably afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of losing their lives, while those who are desperate are afraid of being insane. The oval-shaped Legg giant had already seen the malicious Community soldiers, but he just glanced at them and ignored them. Instead, he turned away and continued to move towards the mountain pass in the north.

His steps seemed a little awkward, not like an Imperial soldier at all.

"This guy wants to escape! Is he injured?"

"It is absolutely impossible to let the enemy general escape!"

Sergeant Tatara and Sergeant Kadai gave chase without hesitation.

Sergeant Max, who was once a member of the Solar System Fleet, still didn't quite understand why these non-human comrades were so desperate. But in fact, his pace is not much slower than that of his comrades.

But in fact, it was not just their three-person guerrilla group that had this plan, but also other comrades from all walks of life. I don't know how many warriors from the community emerged from the smoke and dust from all directions and swarmed towards the staggering giant general. It looks like a pack of wolves hunting a scarred elephant.

Sergeant Max and his three-person guerrilla team were really not the ones at the forefront. He could vaguely see that the human sergeant major at the front was also carrying the same shotgun cannon as Sergeant Cadet. He had already rushed to a place twenty meters behind the giant general with the propulsion of the mecha, and continuously pulled the trigger.

Sergeant Max vaguely felt that although the sergeant major was wearing a hussar mecha, his back looked a bit familiar.

"Boom!" The continuous explosions and flames also covered the upper body of the giant general, just like it covered the half body of the imperial armored grenadier before.



Under the cover of the violent explosion, Long Yuan jumped out of the burning crater. The long shaft made of star steel alloy echoed in the air, and a dull explosion sounded. Immediately afterwards, the searing beheading ignited the air, forming an astonishingly powerful ion flame. However, in the duel between psykers, the beating plasma fire is not to kill the enemy, but to confuse the enemy.

The bright light of the ion illuminated the entire body of the imperial heraldry machine in front of it, but its movements were obviously sluggish. Immediately afterwards, Long Yuan's spear penetrated deeply through the gap between the opponent's impact spear and war hammer, and penetrated the gap between the heraldic mecha's shoulder armor and breastplate.

Long Yuan even smelled a hint of burning, which was the hot sharp blade burning the opponent's muscles, bones and even blood. He also felt the pain, fear and despair of his opponent.

This imperial astral knight must have felt the coming of death, right?

However, this was no longer the time to express emotion. He pushed the steel rod a few inches deeper, letting the spiritual energy spread along the weapon and begin to explode. Then, he clearly saw a fierce flame spraying out from the sight of the heraldry machine.

"You are already dead." Long Yuan whispered.

Then, as if his bones and supports had been taken away, the Astral Knight on the opposite side knelt on the ground with one leg, twitched for a moment, and could no longer move.

Long Yuan's psychic technique turned the Astral Knight's heraldic machine into a purgatory. However, when he put away his steel spear and took a step back, he just turned his head and saw another, larger purgatory.

A large ion cannon belonging to the Blue Star Community has been ignited. Behind the twisted cannon body was an operations room surrounded by fierce fire.

Through the red translucent flames, Long Yuan could see the outline of the corpses that had been burned to the point of being unclear, but he couldn't even see clearly how many people there were.

An arm hung from the edge of the door, perhaps the only distinguishable limb part, but it was lifeless.

However, ten minutes ago, there were at least five or six people in the team responsible for this large ion cannon.

Long Yuan sighed silently, turned his head and started to retreat.

As a psyker, he didn't even need his eyes or the mecha's detector to clearly feel that a vulture-class armored airship had captured the previous lightning-fast victory and was swooping down towards him.

The sharp-edged machine was bulky yet ferocious, looking like a strutting African hippopotamus.

It has fired. A series of lines of fire hit the grass beside him, and the splashed soil formed a wave that was constantly undulating, as if it had been set off by man-made destructive force. Occasionally, some high-temperature energy light arrows did hit his heraldry machine, but they were bounced away by the force field shield of the psychic structure.

In fact, this kind of airship with anti-gravity engines operating in the atmosphere is certainly the nemesis of armored vehicles and motorized infantry, but it has no strong effect against heraldry machines and psykers. However, this thing still dares to land at a very low altitude and attack itself. This can only show that some imperial pilots are indeed drifting.

...However, it is understandable that they can float. After all, this line of defense carefully built by everyone has been breached by the Imperial Army. When the Imperial Army tore through Taniguchi's defense line at all costs, their own three-dimensional defense line had collapsed. Most of the anti-aircraft firepower has been destroyed, and low altitudes will naturally form a stage for the opponent's aircraft to wreak havoc.

Anyone who knows a little bit about military science knows that the Miracle Ring is about to be lost again.

Well, why should I say that again? Long Yuan thought.

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