Him and their stars

Chapter 1544 The huge crowd

Chapter 1544 The huge crowd

Claire followed the crowd and shouted for three minutes before he realized something was wrong and hurriedly covered his face and slipped away.

I have one thing to say, and I really want to shout out.

Who would have thought that a riot in Ice Valley City would seem to be the trigger. In the past six months, riots have occurred many times across the alliance. This beacon of freedom for galactic civilization seemed to have been placed on an active volcano that was about to erupt overnight. Everyone felt the uneasy torment and sense of unrest.

However, as a former laborer, Krell understands the voices of the people very well. They are obviously citizens of the most prosperous and powerful republic in the universe, but their salaries and benefits are not as good as those of the New World colonial factories of the opposite community. It is indeed too difficult for these ordinary people to believe that the people on earth need military assistance.

Krell also knows that the improvement of workers' treatment requires close cooperation between major enterprises and various government departments. This involves countless affairs and struggles, and will involve a large amount of administrative resources.

However, the community on the other side, which is approaching imperial aggression, does need assistance from the alliance. Helping them is actually safeguarding the values ​​​​and political beliefs of the alliance!

There shouldn't be any conflict between the ordinary workers from the Alliance who are shouting and the Earth's soldiers who are fighting hard on the other side.

Claire Belmont discovered that he was really not very good at thinking about these issues. If it were the arrogant girl Yani and her friends who were fighting hard, they would definitely give a very insightful analysis now, right?

I hope Marshal Esco’s acting government can come up with some proper plans. You know, President Nishita across the street is rushing over excitedly for a state visit. He really believes that the alliance and the community are a blood alliance of life and death!

But then again, what am I here for? I came here to report on my duties at the invitation of Uncle Finn...Admiral Berenkeist, but I didn't come to live and die with my fellow workers!

Krell quickly tried hard to remind himself that he should abide by his duties, and then he quickly shrunk his head and prepared to bypass the parade crowd and crawl along the edge of the sidewalk to the other side of the street.

Then he heard someone calling him, "Sir, sir. Mrs. Parmetin's speech to the Congress will begin soon! Aren't you going to stay and cheer for her with us?"

"I, I, but, I made an agreement with the man from the logistics office over at Jiuxing Building to negotiate a contract for the ice cream machine. I finally managed to get 30 minutes."

At this time, the marchers began to move. They shouted slogans and walked along the Esplanade toward the Capitol Building in the city center.

She is so gentle, I almost want to cry to death. The working people of the Alliance are so well-educated and reasonable. In comparison, why are we people so disgusting? No wonder brother Yu Lian always wants to mock us?

The person who stopped Krel was a young girl who looked to be in her early twenties. She was youthful, energetic, and a little bookish. At first glance, she looked like a female college student who liked to participate in social activities.

As a friend of women, Clay suddenly felt guilty: "I was the deserter, I'm really sorry!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in the college student's eyes, but he still smiled with understanding and replied politely: "I understand. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

This girl was not a beauty, but when she said these words, she seemed to be glowing. Krell feels that the members of his girl group who are famous all over the universe, as well as the "confidantes" with outstanding looks and careers, all lack the light of ordinary female college students.

"Mrs. Parmetin is on our side. She is the most trustworthy member of the alliance. If she can become the leader, the country will definitely get better." The innocent female college student said again.

The girl said cleanly: "No, no, no, I was rude. We held placards and marched to support Mrs. Parlotin and the reform of the Hope Alliance. This is a kind of resistance. However, you gritted your teeth and persisted for life, and you were never not a A kind of struggle. If you keep your head up, live a down-to-earth life, and work with your hands to support yourself and your family, you will have the noblest soul."

"Okay, okay. I wish you success!" This girl was so reasonable, which made Claire feel even more guilty.

Looking at those innocent and determined eyes, Claire couldn't help but feel a little dazed. He thought of Taina Mohn, the girl who went to the Herald. She seemed to be like this, innocent and enthusiastic, simple but determined, pure but brave, but he didn't know where she was now.

However, he always felt that the theory in this girl's words seemed to have been heard somewhere.

"Then I won't disturb you." The girl was about to leave.

Claire felt a little guilty, but he still showed his fascination yet distressed expression solemnly, like a social animal struggling between ideals and reality.

"We will definitely succeed! Let's work together!" The girl waved her fists to encourage her, said goodbye to Krel, and then held the sign again and joined the protesting crowd.

Claire Belmont looked at the road that was gradually opening up, and then at the crowd of people starting up, as if looking at a rushing river. He was silent for a few seconds, and for a moment he wanted to slap himself twice.

Brigadier General Claire Belmont sighed quietly, tightened the gray coat wrapped in the uniform of the general of the interior guard, and walked towards the Jiulianxing Building across the road with a not-so-light pace.


On the top floor of the Blue Star Community's embassy in the Alliance, Master Lina Wilbart stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of her office, overlooking the parade of people passing by on the street. She felt like she was experiencing a terrifying flood.

In comparison, the checkpoint posted by the embassy guard at the gate may be regarded as a dam. How long it may last is a very regrettable metaphysical question.

"This is not normal, very abnormal. Starting today, the number of people marching into Gem Coast has exceeded 100 million. This is the Alliance, this is Nephi. When did the Alliance's security management capabilities become so poor? "Ambassador Wilbat's voice was loud, not like an elegant upper-class lady, but more like a city shrew who had lost his temper.

Fortunately, apart from her, the only other person in the office was Colonel Fina Li, the military attache and cultural exchange attaché. The so-called girl helps girl, Miss Fina will not really spread the ambassador's gaffe.

Feifei nodded while holding the tea cup: "It's really not scientific. I never knew that there would be so many low-level workers in the Alliance on the Gem Coast. But in fact, the men in the Alliance are not human beings when they work in sweatshops, and it's not just a day or two. Why are the wars happening everywhere at this time? Are their lower-class workers suddenly awakening?"

Ambassador Lina Wilbart glanced at Feifei and whispered: "...Isn't it because of that book?"

Feifei laughed unceremoniously: "Madam Ambassador, I never knew that ideas can spread faster than viruses. What's more, in the current context, you are equivalent to pointing out that his works have become The source of his difficulties should be a heavy mental blow to him."

Is not it? How many labor organizations in the alliance are using "Yuan" as a theoretical weapon? Although I don’t know how this book, which has never been published by a popular publishing house, was spread throughout the universe so quickly, it is indeed a fact.

In addition, let’s not talk about anything else. Let’s just talk about the parade that took place in Gem Coast. How many of them were organized by members of the frugal society in Green Island University City? Aren’t those impassioned student activists all on the periphery of your Pioneer Party?

Ah haha, can't you hold it in anymore? This is the result of playing with people's hearts and populism!

Ambassador Wilbat had malicious thoughts in his mind, but of course he could not express any dissatisfaction with the country's hero on his face, so he forced a smile: "I just hope that when Mr. President arrives in Nefi, he will not look at To this scene. He is full of expectations for his trip to the alliance."

As she spoke, she looked at the other person expectantly. It was as if Feifei was the savior of the entire embassy.

Feifei took a sip of green tea and said meaningfully: "Madam Ambassador, I can't be the master of Princess Rainbow Rose. In the same way, she can't be the master of the alliance. No matter how many times you visit, you can only It can be said that Berenkeist is a family of ordinary citizens of the alliance.”

Ambassador Lina Wilbart said nothing and continued to look down at the torrent on the street. She suddenly felt that if she jumped down and was swept away by the flood, everything would be clean.

"However, I have at least been promised that no matter how the alliance's national policy changes, military assistance from private channels will always be maintained. At least, military assistance of 500 billion satellites can be guaranteed every year." Feifei said.

Master Wilbat felt that there were too many debatable loopholes in this, so many that he didn’t even know where to complain.

She smiled bitterly and said: "Fina, this is war. The so-called private channels have no continuity at all, and 500 billion..."

Even playing beggar seems a bit insulting! Ambassador Lina thought this while saying: "In terms of the scale of the current war, it's really nothing."

What's more, there are many issues that need to be resolved as to how military aid should be delivered.

"Fina, can you tell me the truth now? What does Princess Rainbow Rose mean?" The ambassador's voice sounded pleading.

Princess Rainbow Rose is obsessed with a grander narrative! However, this kind of thing is not something I can explain clearly. Feifei felt a little guilty in her heart.

"As long as the Blue Star Community is still resisting the invasion of the empire and defending the values ​​and beliefs of the Republic, the Alliance will always be a friend of the community. These are Yani's exact words."

The ambassador kind of wanted to "haha".

"The community will not perish, she can guarantee that."

The ambassador felt that this was finally a little nutritious, although after careful consideration, the nutritional value was not too high.

Feifei added: "Anyway, Marshal Ekoka's acting government is still very much looking forward to Mr. President's visit. Didn't they already promise that they will be able to restore law and order when His Excellency the President arrives in Nefi. In fact, This million-person march was originally reported at the Public Security Bureau.”

"Yes, so far, the Alliance people protesting against the current government are only demonstrating peacefully... In fact, everything is under the control of the Alliance government, right?" Ambassador Wilbat said.

Feifei smiled and nodded vigorously: "The alliance has a long history. If they couldn't control even such a small thing, their regime would have been subverted more than a hundred times."

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