Him and their stars

Chapter 1556 Strange Ending

Chapter 1556 Strange Ending

Gongsun Qing fell behind the still burning "Spellbreaker". After hearing the other party's pleading voice, he couldn't help but look suspiciously at the black moon in the distance that had restored its "original appearance" .

He was not wearing a mask, he just had the face of a young man, very handsome, and his facial features were as standard as a mannequin. However, precisely because it is so standard and looks very comfortable, it is no longer recognizable at all.

He is "Black Moon", the most legendary thief in Earth's history. Before Marshal Li and his comrades launched the independence movement, he could even be seen as a symbol of the Earth's people's resistance to the Empire. He is a mysterious figure who can't be seen from head to tail. It's not surprising for him to appear anywhere in the universe. It's certainly not surprising for him to appear in the Alliance.

You must know that in the past hundred years, although the Black Moon Hero has always caused trouble in the Imperial Governor's Mansion, he has also often gone to the Alliance to deal with wealthy and unkind businessmen. He has long regarded this half of the galaxy as his scope of activity.

It is not surprising that such a mysterious and powerful black (meow) hero has friendship with the Gongsun family. After all, it is a dignified family of swordsmen with a long history and great reputation.

Then again, the Gongsun family of the Earl of Yongdi are princes of the Galactic Empire and loyal ministers of His Majesty the Emperor. Most of the time, they even behave more loyally than the traditional famous Tireluo family, but they happen to be with a man who is on the wanted list. The great rebels and thieves have a lot of friendship, it’s really easy to imagine if you think about it carefully!

However, this is also something that the Imperial Tribunal and the Heraldry Academy have to worry about.

For Gongsun Qing, when the number one thief on earth came to her door in person and took out the tokens she had exchanged with the Gongsun family to express cooperation, she was almost moved to tears. She kept thanking fate for the gifts it had given her. .

Of course she had no reason to refuse.

This was two weeks ago.

At that time, she was wandering in the remote countryside of Nephi, evading pursuit while investigating the truth. She is alone and needs reliable and credible foreign aid, but looking around, there is no one in Nephi to whom she can rely. Friendly forces that can fight, such as the Guerrilla Association, can no longer be trusted. You can trust a friend like Fina, but you can't hit her, and you can't get her involved. Friends who are capable of fighting and trustworthy, such as Yu Lian, are still fighting the war of resistance on the earth.

Although Gongsun Qing had never dealt with Black Moon before, he had heard of legends in this area.

She just felt that it was a bit too coincidental that Black Moon came to her door just after she found out the certain relationship between the Guerrilla Association, Senator Parroting and Snake.

The other party explained this: "We have the same friends and the same purpose. The chaos of the alliance will affect the stability of the entire universe, and will also affect the community's resistance war. We need the truth."

"Too many people need the truth. Me, everyone from the Sons of Loha, Taina and Ash, Mr. Guimo who has gone to heaven, the rebellious people who died in Ice Valley City, and the report that we are still at war. . However, the more I continued to investigate, the more I felt unsure and even panicked.”

"Now you are doubting that the truth is not that important anymore, right?" Heiyue asked with a smile.

Gongsun Qing nodded with a heavy face. She is just naturally stupid and arrogant, not really stupid. In other words, it is precisely because she is natural and pure that she can see more clearly how deep the water is inside.

Black Moon told him: "The truth is necessary at all times. Whether it is useful or not depends on our choices and judgments, but there is no basis for making choices. Even if it is for our relatives and friends who are still on the other side of the earth, We also have to finish what we are currently doing.”

"...You are right. With the truth, I should inform my friend about this and let him help me think about it."

"The alliance is too complicated. I really want to return to Earth." Gongsun Qing said: "Even the empire is not that complicated. When I was ten years old, I went to Yongdi with my uncle. I I can feel the thoughts of distant relatives. Even the people in the Heraldry Academy wish that I didn't exist at all... Although they are all sanctimonious and personable with smiles, I can feel their malice, so I do. I don’t want to go to the empire.”

Gongsun Qing inexplicably felt that the Earl of Black Moon in front of him was trustworthy, so he couldn't help but speak his mind.

"However, the Alliance is different. In the Empire, I can at least feel who has ill intentions towards me, but here, I don't even know who the real enemy is? Mr. Essen Pill, or the guerrillas? None of the senior officials of the Scholars Association are my enemies. Before Mr. Peel was beaten to death, he kept shouting that he was doing the right thing. I could tell." , and then I found something seemed wrong:

"...Uh, wait a minute, Mr. Earl Black Moon, why did I think you were so friendly the first time we met? It can't be mind control, right? We still have some experience with our own mental defenses."

"I am not a count. You are a count, and your whole family is a count." Black Moon said:

"It is true that the Alliance is dangerous, but the earth is even more dangerous now. However, if you just regarded yourself as an ordinary actress and part-time guerrilla, the Alliance is still very safe."

"...I can't go back. I can't go back anymore. I was deceived by Fina. I just listened to her deceit about experiencing life and so on, and that's why I ended up where I am today! Wow, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... It's that vicious woman's fault!" Gongsun Qing covered his little face and cried.

Then, this collaboration came about.

Black Moon disguised herself as Gongsun Qing and intercepted Miss Frey Wellbart, who was already identified as the snake head, and then used her to lure out the people behind her.

"Fulei was discovered too easily by me. It must be just a cover. There must be other snake heads lurking in the alliance, maybe it is the leader of the alliance." Gongsun Qing said.

"You said... Fleur was easily discovered by you?"

"Yes. The footage of her wandering around the area on the day of the Ice Valley City incident was captured by the city's security surveillance cameras. There were also footage of her talking to the terrorists who attacked the commander-in-chief."

Of course, the identities of the terrorists who were responsible for the artillery attack on the commander-in-chief had long been found out. They were executive officers and mercenaries from the periphery of the Snake organization. Interestingly, the coalition government has not explained this issue to the public.

However, there is no need to elaborate on the identity of these girls who are chatting and laughing so much.

Although Gongsun Qing was shocked, he still decided to believe the information he had obtained: "He must be a newcomer among the snake heads if he does things so carelessly. Fortunately, since he is a newcomer, there is room for salvation. Wait until the matter here is completed , Fleur should be taken to...well, to Yu Lian. Yu Lian said that labor education can correct people's distorted views. If it cannot be corrected, then it is really hopeless. ”

"...You just said that the surveillance camera captured it?"

"Yes, it was filmed."

Heiyue couldn't help but fell into a brief silence, and then congratulated a little reluctantly: "That is also gratifying!"

Gongsun Qing added: "There is also the Extraordinary Management Bureau and the Association, which I don't trust much anymore."

"Then only notify the people you think are most trustworthy, which must be the leadership of these two departments. If they fail to live up to your trust, thank God. If they fail to live up to this, at least the damage will be controllable."

In short, Gongsun Qing, disguised as Hei Yue, will catch Fleur and leave a loophole for her to notify her subordinates to rescue him. At the same time, he will also lure the bosses of the association and the administration to have a three-way confrontation. As for Gongsun Qing himself, he is responsible for continuing to lurk, and needs to wait until the critical moment for another unethical sneak attack. "You have learned the sighing method, which can hold your breath for a long time, and can also shrink the aura of the pores and hide for a long time. If that doesn't work, just stay on the seabed near Nanxia Island. The seawater is a natural barrier and can cover almost everything. Psychic perception. I will bring the target to the island." Black Moon ordered again.

Gongsun Qing patted his chest and said that he had no problem at all. She said she had no problem whether she lay in the sea for a day or two. For the sake of victory, she will persevere even if she lies down in the lava.

"But why do you want to be like me? Why don't I go fishing and you lurk?"

"Because you will definitely reveal your secret." Heiyue said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I am an actor." Gongsun Qing said loudly. She felt hugely insulted.

"Have you ever won the Yagemi Award? Have you created a school of acting? Have you been an undercover agent? Have you ever been in politics?"

Gongsun Qing was completely defeated by the other party's four consecutive questions and did not dare to refute.

"There is no doubt, little girl, that girl named Wilbat is also a very smart person, not to mention the snake head behind her. Of course, I am not saying that there is anything wrong with your talent as an actor. It's just that, as a You have a sense of belief when you are an actor, but are you sure you can do the same thing when you are pretending to be a snake with the evil gang?"

Gongsun Qing felt that this was quite reasonable. Looking at it this way, Senior Heiyue's speech is still very nice. No wonder he has a close relationship with his ancestors.

However, she still doesn't understand why Hei Yue insists on pretending to be herself. Wouldn't it be possible to have the same effect just by pretending to be an ordinary inspector or guerrilla?

She never expected that the person who answered her question would be the snake head.

The "Spell Breaker", who was still on fire, was lying on the ground, but he suddenly realized: "So, if the person who came to arrest Miss Fleur at this time was an ordinary inspector or guerrilla, I wouldn't actually show up." Her identity can guarantee her safety, this is the alliance! "

"...Then why did you come because of my words?" Gongsun Qing looked at Pofa who was full of anger and was answering questions seriously, and felt awe in his heart. Just the endurance of this high temperature and pain is truly heroic.

The lawbreaker glanced at Gongsun Qing sheepishly. This guy's face was clearly deformed by the fierce fire, but he still sighed seriously: "Well, Countess, our World Snake is actually a very loving organization, and I must ensure the safety of team members. ”

It took Gongsun Qing half a minute to understand the other party's logic.

Oh, co-writing is with me, so there is no guarantee of safety, right? Is this a satire that I have an unstable mental structure and am ready to kill someone at any time?

"He is actually praising you for hating evil as much as you hate evil." Heiyue said.

"Thank you for your comfort. I won't really go crazy because of this problem. Don't worry, senior, my spirit is very stable." Gongsun Qing said.

"Moreover, if the visitor is someone else, and it always seems a bit deliberate in this situation, Miss Frederica will be alert. It happens to be you, only you, who is the most appropriate person to let me reveal flaw."

"...Me, what kind of image do I have in the minds of you old devils?" Gongsun Qing sighed, feeling even more sad.

"No, this should actually be the judgment of the Black Moon Hero. He perfectly predicted our prediction, right, Miss Frederica?" said the Spellbreaker.

"That's it, we are being played by her." The purple-haired girl, who was still holding her head and squatting defensively, nodded and replied with tears in her eyes. She had huddled behind her car now, but she probably just wanted to feel safer. She probably had no intention of driving away.

"You really know a lot about snakes." Gongsun Qing's expression finally showed a little more meaning.

"Yes. I know their situation very well." Heiyue said: "I also said that my past is not important. I have been in the world for ten years, many friends and many partners. In the past, I did work with The Snake of the World has come and gone, and even talked and laughed with this 'law breaker'."

Gongsun Qing nodded ignorantly, with a look of awe on his face: "So, you have really lived for six hundred years? This is the real transformation of God, the incarnation of heaven and man! Could it be that you are actually older than Master Lan? Entering the side of truth?”

Heiyue paused, unsure for a moment whether the girl was mocking him.

Confirmed, this is indeed Gongsun Qing himself! Why didn't you see through it? The spellbreaker endured the pain of being burned by the fire and sighed: "Hei, Brother Black Moon, I am about to be burned to death. Are you really not willing to give us a little mercy?"

Gongsun Qing looked down. The flames had spread from his back to his limbs and head, his hair was completely burnt, and his face had begun to become distorted.

Black Moon let out a lukewarm laugh, waved his hand, and the flames began to dissipate.

However, although his life was saved, the pain was not easily alleviated.

The appearance of the fair-skinned and delicate young man was crumbling. It seemed that he was in intense pain and finally could no longer maintain his current posture. Gray-green mottled skin naturally appeared on his skin.

Immediately afterwards, fine scales began to dance on his body surface like a fuzzy mosaic. When it stopped beating, a short creature with a short stature and covered with blue-gray thin scales appeared.

"This is a Mosaic star." Black Moon introduced.

"Please call me a shifter, or a Gmash spirit. Although we are a small country born on the edge of the galaxy, after all, we are also a member of the serious Galactic Civilization Parliament!"

"I've heard that this race is related to chameleons and has the ability to change color." Gongsun Qing suddenly realized.

"...This is also a classic rumor of human supremacy, right? You always want to associate serious upright walking intelligent animals with lower animals." The lawbreaker said helplessly.

Probably because the winner was decided here, the two big guys over there were also affected. The Nedian dragon inspector, who had no regrets, had already punched Vice President Lanster in the face. The latter dropped his lightsaber, hit it on the ground, and let out a cry. There was a painful groan (meow) sound, and then it stopped moving.

At this time, after the rain and fog, a drone emerged from stealth and circled the area several times with its camera, just like a dedicated investigative reporter.

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