Him and their stars

Chapter 1565 The uncle who wants to make progress too much has no choice but to apologize.

Chapter 1565 The uncle who wants to make progress too much has no choice but to apologize.

After the assistants left, Yani opened her personal terminal and entered a secret account that ordinary people had never heard of. After completing some private black-hand transactions, she checked the time again.

"One, two, three..." She started counting, and when she counted to the tenth, the terminal communication function automatically switched on. The holographic projection of her biological father, Feanor Berenkeist, jumped into the study.

This unfolding is a little surprising.

You know, in the past years, this greasy old father would always express his longing for his daughter in an exaggerated way at the first time.

But this time, he stood there for a long time, his smile dull and stiff, as if he no longer knew how to get along with his daughter.

"Dad, if you are very free, just make a starship and go to the Place de la République to feed the pigeons. I am very busy."

Feanor Berenkeist showed a lonely and pale smile like an empty nester. He closed the corners of his mouth and said in a trembling voice: "So, you are going to Feimo?"

"Before the war, we selected a site in Feimo's Tiannu F galaxy and started the preliminary construction of the space station. This is a very important investment, and I should go and inspect it."

"Even at this time? I heard that the war between the warlords of Feimo Nebula and the leader of the Black (Meow) Dao has started again."

"The warlords and gangs in Feimo Nebula are fighting every day. The only difference is the intensity."

"But the current intensity..."

"The upper limit is far less than that of Far Shore, and of course it is far less than that of Marshal Li Gele in the Dawn Star Territory."

How can it be compared? The intensity of the war between the Empire and the Community has actually far exceeded the average of the Seventh Galactic War. It will not show any cowardice in the third war. How can it be compared to the territorial warlords grabbing territory?

"The Galactic Empire is in the Feimo Nebula, but it retains the 7th Guards Fleet all year round. Although half of its troops have been taken away during this period, their attack range can still spread to the entire Feimo Star Territory."

"The Alliance fleet can also attack the entire Feimo."

"This one……"

"Nephi is indeed in chaos, but this does not mean that the alliance's military is in chaos. The General Staff and Space Fleet Headquarters are not in Nephi."

"This is indeed the truth. But if the General Staff and Fleet Headquarters act without Nephi's orders, wouldn't they really become warlords?"

"Then that's the problem you need to solve. What we need to solve is actually the problem of legal procedures, which is not difficult." At this point, Yani suppressed her smile: "Moreover, the empire actually has a way to attack anyone in the universe. A place. But what about us?"

"It's under construction." Feinuo quickly stretched out his sleeves to cover his face: "Everything is going smoothly. It can definitely be completed on time. No, it can definitely be completed in advance."

"Then I'm relieved." Yani continued to nod reservedly, as if she was accepting the report from her subordinates.

"In other words, this space city must be built?"

"It must be built, and it must be built well. I am even planning to investigate the earth-like planet of Tiannu F to see if there is any possibility of transforming a habitable planet. If a universal paradise can be built, it will bring great benefits to the whole world. What signal is the universe sending?”

It will tell the entire universe that the Free Galaxy Alliance is confident in restoring the long-term peace and order of the Fermor Nebula. In this way, the most chaotic star region in the Milky Way will also enter the realm of order. Nothing can better demonstrate the alliance's institutional advantages and governance level than this. In the context of peaceful struggle for hegemony, nothing could be more divided than this.

However, this is the most ideal situation. Everyone knows that during wartime investments, it is more likely to invest large sums of money without even hearing a sound. At that time, no one will sympathize with the investor who has lost all his money as a glorious idealist, but will laugh at him as a stupid tycoon with no common sense.

"The war between the empire and the community will continue for a while. We actually hope that it will last as long as possible. In this way, the war in the Feimo Nebula will also continue."

"Even a war requires a neutral trading area. Even during the Third Galactic War, when we and the Empire decided to join forces to cut off the Elero people's society, private transactions with the Elero people were still in progress. of."

The same principle applies.

"But, speaking of the transfer station of Feimo Nebula, isn't there a Jackass Flag Hotel? It has now developed into a small town. The star sea monster in charge is actually one of my own..." Feinuo suddenly remembered that the goddess of heaven Galaxy F is actually right next door to where the Jackass hangs the flag, and its geographical location is even better.

"I know he is one of our own. So, everyone can cooperate." Yani said: "The war will always end. Moreover, after the war, there will often be prosperity for a long time, just like flesh and blood will Turn into nutrients for the growth of all things, isn’t this what you told me?”

"Please don't talk about us like scavengers, okay? Besides, I didn't teach you that." Feinuo said loudly.

"Oh, yes, come to think of it, it was my grandpa and mother who taught me this. Dad, no wonder you don't have a good relationship with them. You really lack the mind and ideas of a businessman." Yani laughed three times dryly.

"Father also doesn't like your attitude of treating me as a prodigal son." Fëanor Berenkeist muttered.

Then, he received a sneer from his daughter.

Well, this guy just served in the Supernatural Administration for a few years when he was young and went undercover in the Snake Organization. However, after middle age, he neither engaged in business nor politics. He was only known to the world as a philanthropist, art supporter and academic investor. However, we all know that isn’t this a social status specially prepared for children from rich families?

To put it bluntly, if Feanor Berenkeist didn't happen to have a very strong psychic talent and somehow managed to reach the seventh level, he would be a very typical young man from a rich family.

Back then, even his college thesis was written with the help of his old gay friend, Commander-in-Chief Tatos.

Oh, by the way, Feano actually had a position as director of the Standard Shipping Association, but he gave it up after his daughter came of age. Now, he no longer holds any basic productive job.

His daughter's sneer made him immediately realize this fact, and his face suddenly stiffened.

I am really a useless father! The father who was despised by his daughter was so despised that even a mammal could not respect him. He really wished he could turn into a tardigrade in his next life and live out his life in such a strong yet harmless way.

"You should at least come to Zanerta to spend the New Year with your poor old father and your uncle Tatos before leaving." The old father said in an awkward tone, with a trace of obvious anger on his face. Sad. But Yani smiled: "Dad, you can actually open the skylight and speak frankly. There is no need for any preparatory steps in speaking skills between father and daughter."

"Uh, um, hehe..." Feno Berenkeist couldn't help but smile awkwardly, thinking that I hope so, but every time the old father gets carried away, his daughter will hit him, so how can he blame me instead? Too careful?

"You don't want to say it? Then let me say it." Yani raised her head and said directly:

"Uncle Finn will be fine, he just needs three to five years to recover from his injuries. His exit method cannot be completely honorable, and it will definitely attract discussion. However, the Administration can guarantee that he will be a good member of the new cabinet and the It will not go to court until the head of state is confirmed. As for whether there will be a reconciliation in the future, it depends on the attitude of the new government."

"The new government?" Feinuo felt that his daughter's thinking was too out-of-the-box: "When Marshal Esco came to visit the house, his attitude was very sincere. Is there no room for rescue at all?"

"It's because you gave him hope that the Marshal felt that he could really be a formal commander, and he obeyed Uncle Finn's words. Dad, you should actually be responsible too."

"Yes, I'm sorry." Feano Berenkeist began to apologize as if reflexively.

"In short, the Minister of Security, the Director of Military Intelligence, and the Commander of the Internal Security Forces should be divided into three persons. They should no longer be held by one person."

Feinuo showed a sad emotion: "Yani, this opportunity to combine three positions into one is not easy. Your uncle still put in a lot of effort."

"Yes! That's why he became the target of public criticism, and that's why he got carried away. If he continued in this position, even if the Ice Valley City incident hadn't happened and Marshal Esko had not taken office, Uncle Finn would definitely There will be a day when I can’t bear the loneliness.”

"He, he just wants to make progress too much." Feinuo sighed, his face full of brotherly love and sadness.

"Finn's psychic talent is limited. No matter how hard he tries, he will never be able to touch the edge of a saint. Probably because of this, his temperament is not cheerful enough, so he is not very popular with your grandparents."

"I know. I also know that he is actually the least likable one. Even Uncle Mars and Aunt Lin Jina, who are just ordinary people, are more likable than him." Yani smiled. .

Mars and Lin Jina are the third and fourth eldest children of the previous generation of the Bei family. One is a business development consultant in a foreign republic, and the other is a barrister, but they are both ordinary people. Again, no matter how long the family history is, or even the world of psykers who are still engaged in bloodline ascension, there is no guarantee that all their children will have psychic talents.

"So, Uncle Finn still doesn't understand that what makes him unlovable has nothing to do with talent, but to do with achievements, and only has to do with his character!"

"Don't say this to your uncle. It's too hurtful." Feinuo said helplessly: "He doesn't like business very much, so he can only join politics. Even so, he doesn't like dealing with the public and the media. , he can only use some Machiavellian tactics. In the final analysis, the current political situation gives him an opportunity.”

"Dad, you still don't understand. I don't mind him using any means. It's just that it's hard to accept that a member of the Belenkeist family has become a member of the World Serpent."

"I and our elders have all cooperated with the World Serpent. I have also joined the association. From our standpoint, everything is gray and everything can be cooperated. Yani, cooperate, Not shabby.”

"Shameful, very shabby! Yu Lian always said that snakes are our black gloves, which is actually correct to a certain extent. But the actual result is worse than other people's irony. Snakes are not our gloves, but we have become his minions."

"...It can't be called a minion. The structure of the snake is very loose, and your uncle is also the 'faceless' among the thirteen faces. In fact, he can withdraw at any time." Feinuo whispered.

"You are different. Dad, you just slept with a leader, became a scumbag, and finally got me. Just because of me, not only are you not shabby, but you have also made great contributions to the universe!" Yanni comforted her seriously.

"It's true. You are my greatest achievement!" Rationally, Feinuo felt that his daughter's words were too arrogant, but emotionally, they felt very reasonable.

"But now, he has become a member of the snakes, and the people of the Berenkeist family have become a member of the snakes. The level of absurdity is not equivalent to the people from the Dawn Royal Family opposite, who do not want to be dragons but become snakes ?"

"In this way, he is indeed quite hopeless...So, has the World Snake really infiltrated into the Chenxi royal family?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure. However, considering that the Dawn Royal Family is full of mental illness, it's not surprising that someone like my uncle would appear." Yani spread her hands.

"In short, this is what happened to my uncle. As long as the successor commander does not hold him accountable, his ambitions and illegal operations will not be exposed, and he will exit in a relatively honorable way. Of course, if he can figure it out, You can still change the track and continue to improve. This is not what I said, but what my ancestors said.”

Feinuo didn't feel at all that his daughter was falsely passing on the imperial edict. There are many children in the family, but only a few of them are seen by the ancestors.

However, he still said helplessly: "Daughter, you have been talking about the current commander-in-chief and so on. However, the successor commander-in-chief, Ms. Amyta Parotin, whom everyone recognizes, is still being rescued."

But Yamida pressed the terminal, looked at a message that popped up on the desktop, raised her eyebrows slightly, and then said to her father: "The latest news I just received from Shengquan Hospital, Aimeta... Representative Parlotin, rescue efforts failed in the hospital and has passed away.”

Feinuo lamented: "Actually, that lady is a good person...why do she need to go to this point? Her political ideas will indeed make many people dissatisfied, but they are not so shallow that they will commit physical annihilation because of her words. thing."

Yani nodded: "Political assassination is a very despicable act. It will destroy the serious political ecology and have great consequences. I can imagine that the centrifugal force of the new star regions and border alliance countries towards the central government should have increased by at least a hundred. Thirty-three point three."

Feinuo added: "What's more, that lady has no foundation in the political arena."

There is no foundation, and cooperation can be discussed after taking office.

Of course, in the view of General Finn Berenkeist, the support of him, the alliance's largest secret police leader and commander of the internal security forces, is even more needed.

Don't think that Mrs. Parlotin doesn't know how to do it because she is new to politics. She has been a member of Parliament for three years and has become the leader of the Progressive Party. How could she be a fool?

"Uncle Finn wants to be a shadow commander, and one that can last for forty or fifty years without the need for elections."

"I have said before, your uncle wants to make progress too much. And he is not doing it for his own power."

"I understand, but using spy politics will only create insects, which is really ugly. Moreover, Mrs. Parlotin is actually a member of the Thirteenth Side of the World Serpent, codenamed 'Shepherd'. If she really becomes the leader of the alliance, with her condescending reputation and authority advantages, the first person to be killed must be Uncle Finn, right? At that time, won't the alliance really fall into the world? In the hands of the snake?"

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