Him and their stars

Chapter 163 It's time to do something serious

Chapter 163 It's time to do something serious
Yu Lian was very relieved of Earl Black Moon, so he temporarily removed himself from the role of the behind-the-scenes hero who solved the coup plot, and returned his identity to that of a student again.

Early the next morning, Yu Lian drove his beloved Nimbus 2000 back to Jincheng.Of course, in order not to let my uncle and aunt think too much, the car was naturally parked outside the city.He was able to catch up with lunch, and in the same way, he also waited for Feifei who had finished her work.

"So, Uncle Wei didn't come back with you?"

"Him? The event was a success. He was so excited that he took his friends to drink every day. I came back by myself." Feifei laughed and said, "Speaking of which, where have you been, Yuer?"

"...Well, I have done a lot of great things to save the earth!" Yu Lian patted his chest with a smile: "If it weren't for me, the community would have been over!"

Mr. Zhou taught me to learn to cover up the truth with the truth, so as to make girls happy!

...Well, it seems that this is taught by Mr. Wei?But that's beside the point.

Feifei looked at Yu Lian with a half-smile, and suddenly smiled, so that all flowers bloomed, and Yu Lian's little heart thumped a few steps faster.

"Thank you, fish."

"...Thank you, thank you for what can I do?"

"Thank you for not lying. The fish is still a fish!"

It seems that the favorability has increased a little bit, but Yu Lian doesn't understand why.

In short, the whole family had a happy lunch, and Yu Lian said goodbye to Feifei and set foot on the way back to school.

By the time they arrived at the school, it was already after 7 o'clock in the evening.It stands to reason that it has passed the time to return to school.However, after all, they are fresh graduates who are about to graduate, and there is no evening self-study or evening class.

In fact, most of the fresh graduates, except some unlucky ones who haven't taken enough credits, return to school at this time, and no one specifically came out to find out.

Even Vice Principal Robnan, who should hate Yu Lian so much that he gritted his teeth, didn't show up.

On the contrary, the newly appointed Lieutenant Colonel Franz set up a guard at the gate, originally to block those junior students who sneaked to the moon city to play during the holidays, but seeing the two people who arrived late, they were still very rude Said a few words.

"Since you claim to be the best student leader! Then show a little example!"

In the next two days, Yu Lian waited for the notice from there, and at the same time began to make some preliminary preparations for his small goal.

According to the memory of later generations, he carefully wrote down the word "military industry" on the plan, and then quickly deleted it. Only then did he write the "plan for opening an industrial cluster in the new Shenzhou sky area".

Yu Lian still didn't have any particularly clear and executable ideas.But there is only one thing that he thinks must be done, and it can still be done-to the maximum extent possible, to keep the industrial population that the community is currently losing.

So far, the entire community is suitable for industrial enterprises to start businesses, and only the new Shenzhou sky area that is incompatible with the overall environment of the entire country remains.

The local star region, which is known as the most remote in the Blue Star Community, is also the only place that can be rescued in Yu Lian's eyes.That was the corner where Yu Lian encouraged Qiu Mingshan Hachiman and Earl Black Moon to build a factory, and it was also the corner where he was robbing the Gibraltar star port and the colony for labor every day.

Moreover, now maybe the only one in the universe knows that that place is really suitable for the development of military industry and heavy industry.

...However, Teacher Yang is right.Mr. Bai and Marshal Paris are both from the same era.It really can't last for a few years.After he leaves office, can the policy still guarantee the existing sustainability?

So what should I do?Find a suitable partner and a reliable successor for him?Heh, if I wasn't too young, I should have personally run for the next District Governor.

In any case, the first thing to do is to formulate a comprehensive industrial development plan and reliable comrades-in-arms.

In the history that I am familiar with later generations, is there any SR who is trustworthy and good at this aspect?
While Yu Lian was still thinking about it, the news port of the information terminal flickered twice, jumping out the prompt of GNN's big political news broadcast.

The window jumped so fast that Yu Lian couldn't help it, so he opened it smoothly.The scene that immediately popped up was Congressman Applewood walking out of the Capitol surrounded by two men in suits and sunglasses, with his coat on his hands.

The Mr. Councilor who was a bit of a behind-the-scenes boss in the Light Year Stadium the day before yesterday, now has a dazed face and dull eyes, like a walking corpse.

A group of reporters gathered around to ask various questions, but he still didn't realize it.Then, a few more security guards and men in suits ran over to make a rescue, finally sent him to the car, and then walked away.

Immediately afterwards, the screen switched to a news host who was still a little familiar.

"Beginning today, the National Security Department and the Procuratorate suddenly launched a disciplinary investigation against twelve senators. We don't know what's going on? Is this a fierce political struggle, or does it mean that our senators are mixed with such Many criminals? On behalf of all citizens, we urge the central government to quickly give everyone an explanation."

Regardless of whether there are really big bosses who want to clean up the filth, or whether they are taking the opportunity to expand the scope of attack and engage in political disputes, the government's law enforcement departments may have to be in chaos for a while.

So, how about I just take this opportunity and kill those who are said to be pending trial, so as to get a thorough understanding of Toby's affairs?
Just as Yu Lian was thinking about it, the terminal jumped, and another email came out with a link attached.

"Business is going well, and a little gift is attached by the way."

The signing of the email left a small black moon.

Needless to say, it was from the mysterious Earl Black Moon.It would be strange if he didn't play like this for a person who enjoys pleasure and pretends to be a criminal.

Yu Lian glanced at the link, making sure it was from a regular news channel, and opened it with some doubts, but what popped up was another report about a car accident.

"At 3 o'clock in the morning yesterday, a red flying car with the license plate new 4G372X collided with a large rail truck over the Dead Sea. The truck was forced to stop, but fortunately no one was injured or injured in the car; All of them have died. According to the on-site monitoring and judgment, the limit speed of the red speeding car has reached more than 400 kilometers per hour, which is completely overspeed. In addition, during the judicial medical examination, it was found that the alcohol content in their bodies greatly exceeded the standard! The police believe that the driver of the red speeding car should bear all the responsibility. responsibility for the accident..."

Yu Lian was silent for a moment, vaguely aware of something, began to search for relevant news, and soon found a live broadcast by a Prince reporter.

"According to insiders, these youths driving the speeding car are suspects awaiting trial on parole. They should be awaiting trial in their respective residences! Even if they are away from home for 12 hours, they should report to the local police station. However, they are here In the sky above this tourist area, people are racing and taking drugs while drinking wine, like a group of dune fat men who have taken too much spice from Arrakis! I just want to ask, is there any need for our country’s law enforcement agencies to exist? Our country’s laws Is it still necessary?"

This reporter is a familiar face, it is the "Wanderer" Mr. Prince that he met at the Lunar City Airport, but this is not the point.By this time, if Yu Lian still couldn't guess the identity of the deceased, he would be too out of his mind.

All the criminals who violated Thomas Pulan at the training ground all died in this car accident, and there was not one left.

But at this time, Yu Lian's emotions were quite complicated, both happy and tired.There is a kind of joy that God finally opened his eyes, and there is also a kind of relief that is finally over, but in the end, it turns into a kind of helpless exhaustion—the sinner was punished, but it was not the law that did it, but Earl Black Moon. the chivalrous man.

It's cheap for you!Yu Lian still felt a little pity.It's a pity that I didn't do it myself, and I didn't see their death with my own eyes.

"Toby..." Yu Lian's heart flashed the voice of his old friend.Anyway, up to now, he felt that he could go and tell his friend uprightly that his vengeance had been avenged, and that he had lived up to his friendship and his conscience;

...I'm not going to let the Shared Foundation or the like get to you.I only hope that one day you can appear in front of me by yourself, which means that you have finally come out!

...As for Vice Principal Robnan who is still jumping around.Oh, that's my own grievance.We can count slowly!Hehehehe, I hope you can live a healthier life!So as not to be spoiled by me.

Yu Lian was about to light three cigarettes in honor of his friend Pu Lan who had gone away, but at this time, another communication came in from the terminal, but it belonged to Feifei.

"...Yu'er, are you alright?"

"No, it's alright!"

"No, there must be something. I can see that Yu'er must have put down something important! I'm a little tired and sad, but I can feel your relief. So, Yu'er really encountered something good Bar?"

Yu Lian was now sure that Feifei was also a good girl for the protagonist template, but then he discovered that after such a violent emotional fluctuation, his second star ring was almost half full.

"Look, the fish is starting to laugh, right?"

"..." I didn't laugh, did you misunderstand my expression management ability of a hero who has been in the stars for decades?However, I do feel better.

"So, Yu'er, have you started preparing yet?" Feifei asked again.

"What are you preparing? Thesis? Don't worry, more than half of it has been written..."

"What, Yu'er? Have you only written more than half of it?" Feifei was startled, and immediately became a little anxious: "But, what are you going to do about the captain?"

"Captain? When?"

"You're pretending to be confused again! I said it when I went home last time, haven't you been selected as the red captain of the Navy Day and single-ship exercises?"

Seeing that Yu Lian finally showed an expression of enlightenment, Feifei sighed helplessly: "Yu'er, you can also serve some snacks. I have to arrange the venue during this time, communicate with the TV station, live broadcast website and committee members, and cooperate with the host partner For the lines, I still have to attend rehearsals. I can’t help you much.”

"Setting up the venue? What does this have to do with you?"

"After all, the Navy Day, we can't leave it all to the people. Besides, I heard that this time, there are many foreign guests who came to watch the ceremony. Chairman Nishita said that our lunar people are all talented in civil and military affairs. We want to show our demeanor to foreign guests, and the hospital has become one of the organizers of the celebration.”

Seeing Yu Lian's astonished expression, Feifei said again: "Don't worry, program arrangement, personnel organization, and sponsorship. After all, it's a matter of the TV station and their entertainment industry. I will focus on the arrangement of the scene and the arrangement of the programs. Just give advice and do odd jobs, just grab some juniors and go there, Liuli and Zhixia won’t be taken away.”

"Speaking of which, is the venue confirmed?" Yu Lian asked.

"It has been confirmed. Since it is the Navy Festival, of course it will be held in space. There are a total of six sub-venues, all of which are luxury cruise ships with their own stages and various equipment. The main venue and the viewing platform for important guests will be set up On board the Blue Star Princess. Have you heard of that ship, Fish?"

"...It seems to be a luxury cruise ship launched last year. It is called the pride of the community's shipbuilding technology or something." Yu Lian was a little dazed for a while, but as a hero who has traveled across the Xinghai for decades, he should be incapable of expression management. Something went wrong.

How could he not have heard of it?You know, that ultra-large luxury cruise ship with a mass of 300 million tons is known as one of the top ten cruise ships in the Milky Way.Therefore, in the later years, he was renamed "Princess Liberty".

Feifei didn't seem to see any flaws, and continued: "Anyway, I'm going to get busy, and Yu'er has to be busy too. I heard that Mr. Wayne from the blue side didn't have a day off during the whole vacation. , going around to pull people. To be honest, the best students in the major departments, except for a few of us, have all been dragged away by them!"

"Don't worry, I'm asking Zhixia and the others to put up the red square's signboard and start recruiting people. SR and SSR can't be found for a while, but N's tool people and R's elite tool people can always recruit a few. .”

Yes, although Yu Lian thought he was not popular, but no matter what, even for the sake of the beautiful girls in the student union, there would always be a dozen or twenty students who would sign up, right?

As for one's own SR, Miss Anne Romanova, the former big sister of the Stormflying clan who is sure to be the helmsman, should be one of them.For the others, of course, the captain Yu Lian can only pull them out in person.

No matter how the future plans are carried out, there must be a team of SR and SSR.This exercise is really a good opportunity to get closer!

Yu Lian felt that with Yu Lian's communication skills as a hero back then, as long as he carried a gun together, he would definitely be able to increase his favorability.

Otherwise, why not take them to a dragon?
He's about to make a list.But at this moment, the terminal's communication request rang again, but it turned out to be the new teaching director, Lieutenant Colonel Schwartz, who had been in office for a month.

"Come to the Office of Academic Affairs. There is an important person who wants to see you." He still had a straight face and said in a voice that did not fluctuate.

 4k chapters.To change the latter, there is only one change today...

(End of this chapter)

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