Him and their stars

Chapter 201 The exercise is over?

Chapter 201 The exercise is over?

At that moment, Gongsun Qing was momentarily stunned.The opponent opened and closed his sword with a threatening momentum, and he seemed to be a decisive and resolute type, but he never expected that he would even run so decisively.

So far, the future Miss Juggernaut has indeed faced the wind and waves with the strength of the crushing level, and the actual combat experience is a little short after all.After being silent for half a second, she casually killed another stormtrooper from the blue team who was about to come to sneak attack, and then chased after him.

Her petite body, even wrapped in a powered skeleton (disguised as a heraldry machine), always feels smaller than the opponents around her.But even so, the steps she took were still astonishingly large, as if every step was taken by leaps and bounds.In front of the soldiers on the red side, the ferocious aura seemed to have turned into a real evil spirit, like a ferocious beast galloping to hunt.

Kou Shan and his friends, who had already broken through the entrance of the alleyway, looked at the back of their (in name) Miss Charge Captain, and cheered again.

However, while cheering, Kou Shan always felt that something was wrong, and began to call Yu Lian: "Captain, there may be something strange about Missy."

Yu Lian, who also led everyone to the entrance of the passage, also saw this scene, but ignored it: "It's not that there are some, but there must be something strange."

"Then, I have to call her..."

"Forget it, it's an actual combat exercise anyway. It's better to learn some lessons in an exercise where there is no real bloodshed than on a battlefield where there is bloodshed." Yu Lian said.

What's more, when a "Duel Expert" really started "Breaking Army Charge", he couldn't help shouting.Let her learn the rhythm of sending and receiving freely by herself.

Gongsun Qing had indeed activated the "Army Breaking Charge", which was a "universal" psionic combat skill belonging to the superhumans of the martial arts school. As the name suggests, once it charged, it could literally break through the army.

In fact, during this short distance, there were indeed quite a few enemies trying to stop her, including the blue team's crew and auxiliary battle robots, but it was impossible to even slow down her pace a little.

Gongsun Qing quickly narrowed the distance with Meng Jiao, confirmed the distance with the naked eye, and prepared to send a sword energy to the opponent's back.However, at the very moment when she was about to contribute, she thought of the teachings of her distant grandfather, her current grandfather in name, and the spiritual and swordsmanship masters.

"Listen well, Xiao Qing, whether it is a sword in the back or a sword from the back, it is a disgrace to the inheritor of the sword weapon! A member of the Gongsun family who holds a spiritual sword must have his own pride!"

Gongsun Qing always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with these words, but he was still affected after all, so he hesitated for a moment.She suddenly felt that it seemed good to just run the opponent to the enemy's bridge like this.

However, at this moment, her body wrapped in the power skeleton suddenly sank.

No matter how petite Gongsun Qing was, but wearing power skeletons, no matter how tall she was over two meters, but in less than a second, the part of her left on the ground was only a few tens of centimeters.

Meng Jiao heard the movement behind him, stopped and turned around, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

A trap had already been made in the stratum of the channel inside the ship behind him. After Meng Jiao passed through, the remote-operated Akinayama Hachiman quickly pulled away the support of the trap.Caught off guard, Gongsun Qing's whole body quickly fell into the pit.After being dazed for a few seconds, she quickly understood her situation, and quickly stretched out to grab the edge of the pit, trying to let herself fly.

Her sword had already flown to one side, but Gongsun Qing didn't feel that he was about to lose.

However, she just moved her hands and feet, but she felt that she had wiped the sticky and wet liquid on her hands, and she immediately got goose bumps all over her body.At that moment, the icy cold air came out, and the mucus directly in the pit instantly solidified.

Gongsun Qing suddenly felt that he was buried in the reinforced concrete structure, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. It was difficult to breathe for a while.

These slimes are actually some kind of powerful glue used in the universe, no matter it is steel, alloy or even crystalline fiber, it can stick to it.As long as it encounters a low temperature, it will quickly solidify, and its strength, toughness and temperature resistance are extremely strong, and it can even block the erosion of cosmic rays.

In short, this space adhesive is an indispensable necessity, whether in engineering or military.It is a world with a crooked technological tree. It was only mixed into the world of the universe age by archaeological digging and playing with mysticism. There are a few sci-fi products that are completely developed through technological research.

Gongsun Qing was completely locked by these solidified adhesives, unable to move.After all, this kind of thing can repair the loopholes in the armor of the battleship, and the strength can be imagined.In the future, the Miss Juggernaut who can cut ships with one sword may not take such a trap seriously, but she is still not a Juggernaut after all.

Meng Jiao cautiously looked at the opponent in the trap, making sure that the opponent really couldn't get out of the trap, so he was greatly relieved.Just as he was about to say a few words, he saw two battle robots crawling over the wall of the passage, shooting at Gongsun Qing in the pit, and then threw at least twenty grenades into it. .

If it is a real battle, Gongsun Qing's current situation is really unbearable.

The future Miss Juggernaut, the (in name) charge captain of the red side, finally completed her historical mission after killing half of the enemy's charge team and psionic shooters.

Meng Jiao was shocked for a while, and couldn't help but began to sympathize with the other party.

"...There is no need to do this."

"This is war! This is war, my friend! I can do anything to defeat Yu Lian!" Wen En's voice came from his headset.

Meng Jiao felt that he thought that guy was going crazy before, but now he is more sure of it.However, before he had time to find a couple of death poems for this venerable opponent, he saw Kou Shan and others rushing towards him.

"Miss, Miss!" Kou Shan was stunned, and then shouted loudly: "Brothers, avenge Miss!"

At this moment, the stormtroopers did not lose their morale and fell into chaos because of the loss of the captain, but they completely fell into a state of madness because of the loss of the mascot.

I'm not dead yet!Gongsun Qing in the pit really wanted to say that, but since the exercise director department had already judged that she was dead, even the external communication was cut off.

Meng Jiao was also angry, thinking that if I can't deal with the eldest lady of the Gongsun family, could it be that I can't deal with you group of miscellaneous soldiers?Immediately, he crossed the sword, ready to counterattack.Although his team members were almost wiped out, even though he was facing an enemy ten times larger than himself, the successor of the Hanhai Sword, the warrior of the Highlanders, was still fearless!

Then, I saw Yu Lian pushing aside the crowd and appearing in front of Meng Jiao.

Yu Lian, the pioneer warrior of the West End Starfield!Sure enough, the reason why I joined this exercise was for this time!I am a martial artist, and I want to fight against different powerful enemies!To be able to witness the sword dance of the Gongsun family first, and then to fight against you, how lucky the spirit of the universe treats me!

The successor of the Hanhai Sword uttered the war roar of the highlanders, like the bitter cold wind on the northern plateau, and rushed towards Yu Lian.

Yu Lian looked at Gongsun Qing in the pit. Although he was wearing an exoskeleton and a mask and couldn't see his face, he could guess the girl's expression now, and he wanted to laugh.Then he held a Z17 rifle in each hand and pointed it at Meng Jiao.One is currently a shotgun, and the other is a burst shot.

Then, I saw "呯呯呯" mixed with various Duangs, resounding into one piece, unexpectedly hitting Meng Jiao so hard that he couldn't move forward for a while.

Han Haijian is good at attacking but not defending, Yu Lian is naturally very sure of this.

Kou Shan, who was next to him, watched this scene, hesitated for a few seconds, and then felt that a certain string in his mind was broken. He gritted his teeth and raised his gun, facing the one in front of him that he would never be able to defeat. Some embattled enemies pulled the trigger.

At that moment, he felt as if he had given up on something, but it must not be something too important.

The real captain took action, and the rest of the team naturally wouldn't stand still, and joined the shooting ranks one after another.So, half a minute later, Meng Jiao was "died" on the spot without a single behead.

He has thought about many situations, for example, winning [-] rounds in a battle with Yu Lian or the young lady of the Gongsun family, or a tragic "death" due to a bad move, but he never thought about it. Such an ending.

The highlander warrior squatted at the base of the wall, wanting to cry without tears, and let the soldiers from the red side pass by him, completely treating himself as a corpse.

When Yu Lian passed him, he still couldn't bear it a little bit, and added: "The Hanhai Sword is attacking heavily, and the sword is indomitable. But if you want to survive the future battlefield, you have to learn a lot Woolen cloth."

Meng Jiao raised his head and stared blankly at Yu Lian.

"Young man, you have great potential! Learn from me... let's go to war!" After leaving these words, Yu Lian strode towards the bridge of the blue Sovereign surrounded by the red crew.

At this moment, the blue stormtroopers were completely wiped out.As far as the bridge, there is no one soldier to defend.

Although the price paid by the red side is also very heavy.

In the 54th minute of the exercise, Yu Lian and his friends finally entered the bridge.

Wayne and his "surviving" subordinates are all ready to go on the bridge, and they are all armed with live ammunition and fully armed.If you just look at the number of people, there is still something to fight.

It's just that no one, including Lan Fang himself, thinks that they still have a chance of winning.

The only reason is that, surrounded by the red side, their captain is dead.

Yu Lian is now the only psyker on these two ships.

Many people even thought that he might be able to beat the rest of the blue team to the ground with a single shot.

"Should you surrender?" Yu Lian asked.

Horatio Venn, who was wearing an exoskeleton, gritted his teeth, his expression gloomy.

"Brother Wayne, if you still have any hole cards, you can show them now. If you can hide the third psyker so deeply, then I will admit defeat and fight him here."

Horatio Venn's gloomy expression suddenly melted here, and turned into a rare smile: "Psykers are not potatoes, how can they be so easy to find!"

Yu Lian raised her eyebrows, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"However, since the opponent is you, we must be fully prepared! Of course, including the most extreme situation... In the end, you still pushed us into this situation! You really deserve it, Yu Lian. "There was half admiration in his tone, but more of it was some kind of fanatical determination.

Can you stop making others sound like a devil.Yu Lian wanted to laugh a little helplessly.

"Our hole card is this..."

It was not Wayne who spoke, but Mihir Roses.In Yu Lian's surprised eyes, this one of the famous 830 party generals who has served as the minister of logistics, chief of staff and military order in the future, but has never commanded a large fleet, showed a calm expression that surprised Yu Lian , raised his hand, holding a remote control switch.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Luo Zeshi still explained with a gentle smile: "Under this bridge, there are twelve high-explosive bombs buried! It is enough to kill all of us here, including you, Yu Lian, reduced to ashes."

Yu Lian laughed twice.Isn't it just a drill, why is it so tragic?

"...I said, this is unnecessary, right? This is a drill!"

"Yes, actual combat exercise! Since it is actual combat, we will do everything we can!" Wayne said as a matter of course.

Yu Lian looked at everyone on the blue side, except for those from the Lionheart Society, the rest of them also looked shocked.Obviously, in order to die with him, Wayne and the others even hid it from their own people.

Akina Hachiman sighed silently in the crowd, and slowly moved towards Luo Zeshi's direction.

So, what are you doing?
"But, but in this case, it's just a tie, it's just a tie! Is it a tie to get yourself into this field? You are really promising!" Zhixia laughed loudly.

"...Well, it's very disgraceful." Liuli nodded in agreement.

"Ladies, being able to defeat Yu Lian is more important than being decent!" Kent smiled helplessly.

"Didn't you realize that Masaki and William aren't here?" Akinayama Hachiman pushed his glasses, then continued to lean towards Luo Zeshi dawdlingly.

Yu Lian had already discovered it, but he just didn't think it was important.

"They are already on standby under the cabin, leading our last reserve team! I have calculated the power of the explosion. It will only destroy the bridge and kill us, but it will not kill both ships. When we are over here, Zhengqing and William will I will launch a charge! Without you, without your stormtroopers, how long will the rest of your crew last?" Kent also laughed.

"This is my final battle plan! In order to fool you, I have already put myself on the altar!" Wayne shouted loudly, full of light like a martyr.He looked at the shocked enemy and his own people, and thought about Feifei who was watching the battle, and suddenly felt that he had almost reached the pinnacle of his life.

He still wanted to say something, and looked in the direction of Luo Zeshi, but at the same time, he also saw Akina Hachiman appearing there.

When did he appear there?
Wei En was startled suddenly, and suddenly thought of many things, and his heart immediately hung in his throat.He looked at Yu Lian with almost panicked eyes, but the latter didn't nod, but just shook his head covertly.

Akinayama Hachiman stopped advancing, took another two steps back, and retreated into the crowd.

This, what is this?What is left for us, the so-called last decency?

Wayne lost his ability to think for a while, and didn't even know what he should do next.Fortunately, before he could struggle for a few seconds, a loud broadcast came from the bridge.

"On behalf of the exercise director department, I officially announce that this single-ship exercise has come to a successful conclusion! Thank you for your hard work!"

(End of this chapter)

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