Him and their stars

Chapter 621: Drilling Through the Sky

Chapter 621: Drilling Through the Sky
The dialogue between Yu Lian and Heros was completed at the moment of mental confrontation.The meaning conveyed at this time can indeed convey emotions and intentions, and there is no concept of yin and yang.So, this guy is really sincerely apologizing.

Pallarians are indeed a frank and sunny race!
It's just...you just say I'm sorry?I don't count on seppuku?Why don't you just bow and get off your seat or something?This is even more dishonest than the craftsman in District 11!
Yu Lian almost got angry, but now was not the time to complain, and asked again: "Where are General Griffith, the others, and Major Poppas? Have you already killed them?"

"General Griffith is kind to me, and I, Heros, have a clear sense of grievances and grievances. Even if there is some misunderstanding, I will never hurt him." Heros said: "Don't worry, the general is well, better than before."

As for Jango and Poppas, he didn't say a word.Probably, to this sixth-ring psyker, ordinary engineering officers and majors from Earth are just passers-by who are not worth mentioning.By now, he might have even forgotten his name and appearance, so naturally he wouldn't mention it on purpose.

Yu Lian had nothing to say, and now, he could only believe what the other party said.As long as this guy is cleaned up earlier, we can find a place to determine the safety of the lost friends.

"To be honest, you and I don't have any personal grievances or conflicts of interests. On the contrary, you have a big enmity with these imperial knights. Why don't we cooperate?" Heros said again: "We can wipe them all out here together, And then act like nothing happened? How?"

... At this time, Yu Lian didn't know whether to admire the frankness of the Pallarian, or to lament that Heros's shamelessness is so amazing that even the craftsmen in the 11th district can't match it.Of course, the Palladium has no skin, only carapace and fluff.

"It was you who made the first move just now!"

"Yeah, so I've apologized."

Yu Lian said that he didn't want to listen to the other party anymore and launched the second silver dragon's breath again.With his current mental power, it is still impossible to easily break through the spiritual defense line that a six-ringed saint has set up in advance, but the strange skills taught by this ancient god, both in terms of the nature of the production and attack performance, far surpassed Heros imagination.

At that moment, in his own sea of ​​consciousness, Heros saw a huge silver dragon covering the sky and the sun, descending into his soul like a god.

Like His huge wingspan, the elegant and mysterious halo flowing in the wingspan, like the moonlight of a full moon, swayed down.

Those spiritual shocks that directly act on the soul did not break through the defenses built on the mind, but directly disrupted the spiritual guidance extending from the soul.

Heros suddenly felt that his control over the matrix matrix seemed to be weakened.Countless nanomachines that cannot be seen by the naked eye lost power and control, and fell to the ground.But what the knights saw with their naked eyes was two sturdy mechanical arms that disappeared into the air without a sound.

The morale of the knights was boosted, and before Yu Lian could give the next instruction, they had already rushed towards the Palladian.

Heros felt a mixture of surprise and anger.As a palladium with a minimalist body and organs, he has not felt such emotions for a long time.Of course, apart from being frightened and angry, he also had to express his helplessness for the complicated human emotions and more complicated communication methods.

"Really, obviously I have already apologized frankly. Why do you still have to be so persistent?" Heros felt very tired, although he, a palladium, had no heart.He felt that he was really not good at negotiating and foreign affairs, so it would be better for him to participate less in such out-of-office activities in the future.

Commander Heros had to swing his nano knife and gun again, and barely survived a few more rounds with the knights.The sad thing is that before Yu Lian appeared, even though he was a pair of twenty, he had always been in the overall upper hand, but this time, it was the latter who was fully suppressed.

Of course he knew that this was because Yu Lian had been using his incomprehensible spiritual combat techniques to constantly interfere with his control over the nanomachines.Even the spiritual link between himself and the core of the matrix matrix has been impacted.

If we say that he was still a martial saint relying on his own mental power, the control of the "matrix matrix", and the checking calculations of the central computer of the mecha.Then he is now a crippled martial saint.

Of course he tried to throw Yu Lian away to prevent the other party's mental attack, but with the "elemental cells" activated, he was like a slippery loach, no, he was clearly a ghost that couldn't be shaken off.He can always skillfully grasp the gap between his attacks and complete the switch between physical body and elementalization.Heros' countless efforts were in vain. He even used a rather shameless death roll and even passed a boiling arc around his body, but it was useless.

This fight continued for another minute, and Heros' body was inevitably hit by the light spear again.This time, the disintegration energy that constitutes the light blade finally exerted its due destructive power. Every hit was like an eraser on a pencil graffiti, directly erasing the iron armor body wrapped in nanomachines one slice.

The nanomachines automatically flow over to repair the wound, but the speed of repair is indeed slowing down at a speed visible to the naked eye.Heros knows that the material disintegration ability of the atomic light spear is already causing structural damage to those cell-sized machines.

Although the machine matrix has the function of automatically generating new machines, if the production speed cannot keep up with the destruction speed, sooner or later he will lose this most powerful weapon.

"Exploration is really not suitable for combat and field work. Next time, I must talk to the past. I must not push this kind of work to me just because I am familiar with robots." Heros began to feel tricky and brain-conscious It hurts, even though he has no hands or brain.After the data analysis of the terminal he carried, if he continued to fight like this, the situation would be unfavorable to him.

Anyway, the matrix matrix has been obtained, and the purpose of this trip has been achieved.In addition, the strange alien creature encountered just now is vaguely related to something that the time masters are investigating, which can be regarded as a surprise.

As long as I bring these back, my status in the organization can also rise, and there is no need to put myself in crisis for Yu Lian's head.

As a "machine civilization", the Pallarians are not only frank but also decisive, and once they make up their minds, they will execute them immediately.He didn't even say a few words on the scene, the two nano-arms with the sabers on them suddenly merged directly, and turned into a giant component that looked like a scorpion tail, with a gem the size of a fingertip attached to the front end.

"This is the Beren crystal?" Yu Lian instantly recognized that this is the rare natural energy crystal first discovered by the alliance, and it is the core component needed to make lightsabers.

He instantly understood what the other party was trying to do, and leaped out more than ten meters with a force field jump, and landed directly outside the circle. Just as he was about to remind the knights, Shameen had already said loudly: "Tactical evasion , Standard F!"

The Astral Knights are indeed the strongest psychic battle group in the galaxy, and they even have several standard moves for tactical backs and tactical rolls.The knights of the star realm almost instinctively drove the heraldry machine back to avoid it.

And at this time, the "scorpion tail" behind the iron-clad giant had already shot a scarlet ray, and quickly cut a circle around his body.

This guy didn't condense the Belem crystal into a lightsaber, so it was probably used for this kind of life-saving.I have to admit that his choice was correct.The fiery red light immediately pushed all the emblem machines back at least five meters away. One unlucky guy who moved a little slower had the cap tassel on his helmet and the head of the unicorn emblem cut off. .

The unicorn should be the knight's family crest, right?According to the nature of the nobles of Tirilo, this should be a great shame, right?

It's a pity that the knight of the heraldry machine is obviously not a hot-blooded young man who explodes at a single point. He didn't rush to fight the opponent to the death at all, but took a few steps back.

Yu Lian secretly thought it was a pity, thinking why the star knights are getting more and more spiritless now.

Of course, it is understandable that the Cavaliers are so useless in tactical tumbling.You know, even Yu Lian himself could not help swallowing with lingering fear when he saw the black circle drawn by Heros with the focused laser, thankful that he really retreated quickly.You must know that elemental cells have limits after all. In this state, they can avoid live ammunition, but they cannot be completely immune to energy weapons, and of course they cannot be immune to cutting beams composed of concentrated energy crystals.

If he was really stabbed, even the most optimistic estimate, he would be cut in half on the spot, and he could only soak in a petri dish for more than half a year.

Heros repelled the big guy in one fell swoop without stopping. The two mechanical arms were twisted and reorganized like building blocks, turning into vector nozzles facing the ground, pushing himself and fleeing towards the zenith.

The knights, including Yu Lian, were shocked.You know, this is a natural underground cave, and there is a thick rock between the zenith of the cave and the surface, and even the thinnest part is nearly [-] meters thick.Moreover, these are not ordinary rocks, but a solid rock wall that has been infiltrated with a large amount of phosphorus, iron, and some fresh stone fragments, and has been condensed through hundreds of millions of years.In order to ensure the stability of the structure of the entire underground cavern, the zenith is covered with an alloy structure, and various energy and communication pipelines are even laid.

This guy's head is really iron!Yu Lian was dumbfounded.

However, he couldn't expect that the other party would be unable to turn away from the wall and be smashed down. He raised his hand on the spot, and the Psychic Eye that had been hiding nearby also changed into a sucker shape and attached to Heros's back.The connection formed by the power of thought is like an invisible rope, and the connection that hangs on it also rises from the ground.

Heros didn't seem to realize that he was bringing an uninvited guest with him, and he folded his two arms together and changed its shape, forming a large drill with a radius of one meter by visual inspection. It was so romantic.

"Woo!" The drill made a romantic and melodious roar, and rushed into the alloy outer wall of the zenith, causing the drill to burst into flames.

As a result, neither the alloy ceiling nor the dense pipelines behind it, nor the rocks further up could slow it down for half a second.

Heros is like an oversized mechanical marmot, drilling through the thick rocks that have existed for hundreds of millions of years, rushing towards the free sky.

Yu Lian was dumbfounded again.He really didn't expect that the drill bit made of nanomachines would have such power. How much productivity would be liberated if it was used for mining and digging mountains!Compared with this thing, the gray mist omnic that can only be used for war is nothing but scraps.

want to!

As for the knights of the star realm, although they were stunned by the shock, they were not so shocked that they couldn't react.Some of them opened fire, but did not cause much damage to Heros.Someone tried to use the traction field to pull the opponent down, but it was of no use, so they could only watch the iron-clad giant slip into the zenith like this.

By the way, there is also a yulian hanging from it, like a struggling catfish.

Shameen looked at the cave that the other party drilled out, thought for a while, called the three members of his team, and started the vector engine that came with the emblem machine.

"We follow. The rest, return through the northern tunnel," he said.

The passage drilled by Heros is only enough for a heraldry machine to enter and exit.If all the knights line up to drill the hole, it is very likely that the opponent will block the hole and knock them down one by one like a gopher.

Of course, he could also completely ignore Yu Lian and just let him fight Heros to the death.A knight hesitated to put forward this opinion, but Shameen reprimanded him on the spot.

"The enmity between him and the Knights was established openly, and we should and should return openly. At least in this battle, we are already fighting side by side, so we are allies. Backstabbing allies is something like this Are knight recruits qualified to imagine?"

These words seem to have other meanings, but the young knights present probably didn't hear it.

Shameen said again: "Besides, we are star knights, don't we want to let that vicious terrorist go?"

The latter is the truth.Although the knights came to support Earl Seriola, but thinking about it carefully, a big man with seven rings should be safe. Naturally, this dangerous palladium is more important.

On the other side, the romantic man formed by nanomachines drilled through the rock wall and mountain with a thickness of more than [-] meters in less than half a minute, leading Heros and Yu Lian into the sunshine.

At this time, Yu Lian had already felt the scorching sun above the Great Pulse Wasteland, as well as the boiling smoke and dust blowing towards his face, sometimes mixed with the pervasive gunpowder smoke and the disgusting smell of blood.

Of course, there is also the smell that makes him even more uncomfortable, which makes him easily think of the feeling of fighting the "green onion and green pepper monster" with Yani when he was conquering the Emerald Labyrinth in the Void Realm.

This is not the aura that mere virtual ghosts and Yaxu beasts can form.

(End of this chapter)

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