Him and their stars

Chapter 690 Regrouped Marauders

Chapter 690 Regrouped Marauders

If she is just the queen of the Eero people, she can be ignored.However, she is now the great khan of the entire predator, although this position is more like a loose warlord leader, the chairman of a listed company, rather than an absolute king who promises everything.However, a great khan is a great khan, and he still has to fulfill some obligations.

So, after a moment of hesitation, Ms. Khan said: "I understand. Use the cipher text to send a power to General Huitan, tell us our location, and ask him to come over and meet with us. You must tell him, at most I will Wait for him for 48 hours."

It's too long.Just as the old palace minister was about to say this, he saw the queen whom he brought up and said: "Tell General Huitan that we will wait for him in the Huifeng 7 galaxy. Inform the entire fleet, set sail immediately, and rush to the Nymeria galaxy to stand by!" "

You really don't do anything that the palace minister wants to get involved with other people!
In this way, if General Huitan can get rid of the enemy and arrive at the meeting point within 48 hours, then Miss Khan can inform him where to go next.But if he really dragged on for too long and still couldn't get rid of the enemy, it could still serve as a bait.

"This is General Huitan's choice. He chose the Lion's Den, and he has to bear the consequences." Female Khan sighed a little irritably, and could only forget about her beloved peach wine, and strode towards the bridge. go.

"Get my medicine ready."

"Khan..." Lao Gongxiang hesitated to speak.

"I know what you mean. But, old man, my body knows it, and it can still be ruined for decades." Miss Big Khan said.

"I know, and you are an adult, and you are responsible for your own body. However, it will be ruined anyway. Can you get married and have a few heirs first? There are not many left in the Massagetai family. What should we do if we die? ?”

Let's not mention how Miss Khan discussed her life's major events with the old palace minister who watched her grow up.Now, General Huitan, the long-bearded demon warlord leader whom she had planned to use as bait, just retreated from the Asti Starfield, although he suffered a humiliating defeat, his current state of mind is fairly stable.

At that time, he saw that the situation was not right and made a quick decision. The flagship Scarlet Throne did not suffer too much damage. In addition, he gathered some defeated troops and had more than a hundred warships under his command. Finally, he felt a little bit more secure.

However, when he knew that there was another group of imperial fleets rushing towards him, the good mood he had recovered a little suddenly disappeared, and he quickly ordered and prepared to retreat.

However, this order was opposed by the temporary second-in-charge of the rout fleet, Captain Nilgada.The young troll captain explained it this way: "Where can we retreat now? The ammunition on board is not enough to fight two battles, and the energy source will not last for two months. The food supply has been reduced to half of what it used to be. At most, it will last until next week. But this Modan galaxy... all the way is in the direction of Lion's Den and Asti. All the way is the Gate of Glory."

Naturally, the direction of Lion's Den and Asti will not be mentioned, and everyone lost from here.

And the Gate of Glory, as the name suggests, is one of the "Tianmen" on the border of the empire. It maintains a huge strategic group with heavy troops all the year round. There are four Titan ships in preparation alone. King Sleen himself leads.

Of course, the conceptual opposite of the "space" of the Gate of Glory is the New World, and the "physical" opposite is the isolation buffer zone between the two camps, known as the "Forked Starfield".It was an area with more than a dozen independent regimes, and the political situation was extremely complicated.

In addition, next to the "Forked Star Field", there is one of the most complicated astronomical regions in the entire galaxy, the legendary Abyss Nebula.It was a vast star field with a radius of thousands of light years, but it was also a no-management zone where smugglers, pirates, and gangsters were rampant.

But in theory, this place can also be regarded as the defense zone of the Gate of Glory Imperial Fleet.It is of course their duty to keep the black hands of these outlaws out of the empire.

From this point of view, it is naturally necessary to maintain a large and heavy army group at the Gate of Glory.But because of this, the troops under King Slein's command are very rich.

Of course, Huitan knows that the second most powerful faction among the major tribes of the Marauders, the warrior king of the trolls, Vito, is fighting against the Empire near the Gate of Glory, but it is really hard to say how much attention he can attract. up.

All in all, the Imperial Army can allocate a fleet at any time to "go north" to the extreme frontier to encircle itself.

"Back to the Yinxin...or make peace with the Great Khan?" General Huitan asked modestly.He must respect the opinion of the second master.Although the other party was young and sounded like just a captain, the "Fury" under his command was the only dreadnought ship in this remnant fleet.

The troll captain pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "If we rush over to reconcile at this time, we will be just adopted homeless dogs. What right do we have?"

"...Nephew! You don't want to go deep into the hinterland of the empire to grab one, do you?" Huitan couldn't help but said helplessly: "The closest inhabited planet to us is Salvin, but there are only a few Tens of millions of people, the former factories are closed, the warehouses are also empty, and there is not much to grab. Moreover, the deep space fleet of the sweat just sent a message saying that there is still a lot of space in the Linxian galaxy directly in front of us. An imperial fleet is rushing over. Nephew, the empire is too deep for us to grasp. Listen to Uncle's advice, let's not waste time, shall we?"

The reason why he is called a nephew is because this young troll captain is the son of General Lange.Yes, that is the leader of the troll warlord who was stuck in the Lion's Den galaxy and did not escape.

Compared with his brave and foolhardy father, this young Nilgada captain is a very rare academic among the trolls—he has attended the recording and broadcasting of the online class of the Alliance Military Academy bought with a lot of money, and Also took mock exams.According to General Huitan of the True Academy School, if Nephew Nilgada went to a serious alliance military academy, he would definitely be able to graduate in the top ten.

In addition, this young second-generation warlord is said to have taken online courses in psychology and state relations, and his grades are also good.Definitely the college bully among the trolls.

Since they are both academics, the relationship between the two is of course very good, at least on the surface, it is reasonable to be called uncle and nephew.

"I have a group of good slaves in my hands." The troll captain said suddenly.

General Huitan was slightly taken aback, not quite understanding why the other party changed the subject so abruptly.

But the other party continued to explain: "Didn't some slaves escape before? When we took down the fortress, they were hiding in the remote star and trembling. The slaves who can escape from the silver heart are not idle people. , I checked and found that many of them are skilled workers, technical team leaders and engineers. Hehe, there are even a few who are engaged in space hydroponics. It would be a pity to kill them all, so I will kill them all I'm catching up with the ship. Those skilled workers who also cultivate spices in the remote star of the empire, I also packed and sent them on board."

Captain Nilgada scratched his head, and said in a deep voice, "I also learned a little bit about the Great Khan's plan from my father. She needs manpower, as long as she brings these over, she will be very pleased."

"But, when did you..." Everyone was a bereaved dog who had been beaten and fled. There was no reason why he had time to pack the spoils!
"Hey, I did this when I first arrived at the lion's den." The young troll captain said embarrassedly: "I think it is unrealistic to occupy the lion's den for a long time, it is better to pack the valuable spoils in advance. "

It turns out that you, a big-eyed troll, turned out to be a defeatist!The long-bearded demon general pointed at the other party, unable to speak, thinking that you are really wronged for being born as a troll.

"However, just this manpower is not enough. Now, the whole universe knows that we were defeated in Asti by a twenty-year-old girl with half the strength of ours! In the world of predators, prestige is also strength If you can't find a way to save some face, you will be annexed by other military leaders sooner or later. Even if you really want to completely surrender to the Khan, everyone hopes to continue to be the commander and captain of the station, right?"

All the military leaders present felt that what they said made sense, and even the long-bearded demon general who had decided to hug the big Khan's long legs was moved.

"So, what do you mean?"

"The Imperial Fleet coming head-on is as strong as ours, we..."

"Down with them! Shame on them! Fight back to the lion's den and rescue the general!" A burly man even among trolls jumped up, howling like a bull whose nose was about to breathe fire.

Nilgada glanced at this man, pouted his mouth, and then two more troll guards jumped up and pressed this brave man to the ground and beat him violently until he crouched trembling with his head in his arms and dared not dare again. Once you have spoken, let it go.

"It's a small win, and then move in!" Nilgada said.

"What's the difference between this and running away?" General Longbeard Demon asked helplessly.

"Of course it's different. Now that we're leaving, we're like rats with broken bones, fearing the enemy like a tiger! But if we win a little bit and move, it means that the strategy has changed! It sounds much better." Nilgada said.

It turned out that it just sounded good!Huitan's long beard twitched a few times, and said listlessly: "Then what if we lose again?"

"Then fight and then withdraw, it's better than not even fighting! At least, we can still show the universe the indomitability of our silver-hearted people!" The troll captain patted his chest: "Don't worry, everyone They are all battered and defeated troops, with about the same strength, and the core of the tactics are two Dreadnoughts. As long as we deal with it carefully, we will not be able to tell the winner. The flagship of the enemy fleet has been seriously injured, and many main ships have also been damaged. Seriously, in theory, their morale will not be too high. The reason why they attack us is because we are remnants of soldiers and want to take advantage of it. But if they find us not easy to mess with, they will accept it when they meet."

Hui Tan was startled, and then remembered that this nephew had studied psychology.

"Is this psychoanalysis?"

"No, this is human nature! Uncle Huitan."

"Yeah, you are a defeatist for a while and a typical Maishanda for a while. Human nature is really divided."

"Don't split, the big attack now is so that we can retreat with peace of mind! I have never been a typical Maishan person." The troll laughed: "Of course, if the judgment is wrong, we also need to stay behind The troops are scattered and retreating. So, take half of the slaves on my ship."

General Huitan probably felt that his nephew was a fastidious person, so he finally agreed to his plan.So, the two commanded the fleet to line up and prepare for another battle.Of course, they all tacitly did not mention the good brother and good father trapped in the Lion's Den Fortress, General Lange

They were busy arranging troops, but of course they didn't realize that in the Modan galaxy where they were, an Imperial Clear Sky-class cruiser, the Blizzard, was hiding behind a gas giant planet in this galaxy, observing everything carefully and secretly.

The story of the Blizzard during this period was very thrilling. After running with the predator’s immigrant ship for a while, before reporting the situation to the Grand Marshal’s Mansion, it was almost caught between two sides by the predator fleet that was continuously heading towards the Abyss Nebula. In some corner of the galaxy.

Fortunately, Captain Hongsha is indeed an excellent old captain, and the Blizzard is indeed a perfect cruiser, hiding and escaping at the same time, and finally escaped.

Now, the Blizzard has been hiding in the Modan galaxy for four days.Compared with the predators who retreated here only [-] hours ago, they have already figured out the basic situation of this remote galaxy with no habitable planets - there are no habitable planets, only two frozen planets, one A gas giant and a lava planet.There are no space habitats, only two automatic gas wells and two mining plants.The workers in charge of maintenance have a team of more than a dozen people, but as early as when the lion's den fell, they got on the only transport ship and ran away with buckets.

However, although the workers left, the robots in the mine were still working hard, and the warehouses of the rail freight station were more than half full.

The high-energy gas collected from gaseous planets can be easily compressed into chemical fuels, and the minerals mined from lava planets are important products of high explosives.

The imperial cruiser thought that it would come anyway, so it simply ran to the freight station to replenish the following energy sources and water.

Because the freight station is also a dormitory for the workers, their water supplies are naturally stored here.The food for a dozen people for a week may not be enough for so many soldiers on the cruiser to eat, but it is always better than nothing.

The only star knight and imperial nobleman on board, Colonel Yeager Soback, looked at the mechanics on board with admiration, and used the few tools on the freight station to press the high-energy gas bag into chemical fuel and fill it to the ground. in the ship's second backup engine.

"I thought the chemical engines were eliminated!" he exclaimed.

"It is indeed eliminated. Whether it is efficiency or battery life, it is far worse than the current sub-light speed energy engine. Now only some small countries, third-rate freight companies with no money, and gangsters still use chemical engines. ...However, there is actually another advantage of this thing. The structure is simple, so it is durable. Sometimes, even if the sub-light speed engine and the jump engine are down, this thing can still be used. At critical times, it may save lives .We old shipwrights, no matter how advanced the warship we get, we will always change the second spare engine to chemical." Captain Hongsha said with emotion: "However, that's just for an old-fashioned old man like me. Now Young captains who have graduated from college will only think that we are doing too much, and it is a waste of state money."

Sobaek felt that the experience of these seniors was very insightful.Watching them make fuel, fill up the chemical engine, and look so busy, it always reminded him of the way at the God of War Festival...the evil star who couldn't even mention the name led everyone to clean the factory.

In short, the Clear Sky-class cruiser has been trimming here for a while.At this time, they already knew the victory of the Asti star field battle, and their mentality was immediately relaxed.

Of course, they never expected that before everyone decided whether to explore there next or return to the lion's den to report, they discovered that the remaining fleet of the predators had already retreated here.

(End of this chapter)

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