Him and their stars

Chapter 704 The dragon ran away

Chapter 704 The dragon ran away
"Woo~~~" Yu Lian patted Long on the head.This big guy probably resigned to his fate, and he didn't feel the humiliation of being treated as a strange-hoofed female animal at all. He flapped his wings and came to a quite precise emergency stop.

In this way, Tilong carried Yu Lian and Feifei on its back, and stopped less than [-] meters away from Fujie Street.

Feifei has been researching the communication facilities of the emblem machine since just now, and immediately connected to Kettle Street in large numbers.A window popped out of the vision of the two of them, revealing a group of stunned faces.Among them, the one in the C position is Miss Agnes.

Of course, she was also the first to speak.

"This, this...Miss Fina, you are talking about making a big deal, is this the kind of thing?"

I always feel that the Gumeiya girl's attitude towards Feifei seems a bit too respectful, not like a friend, but more like a leader.

"Is it too late for us to get rid of the relationship now?" She sighed with a sad face.

"It's too late. If you snatch the dragon and the emblem machine, even if you're just an accomplice, you'll be chopped up and fed to the dragon." Mr. Silverbeard said.Although the old ranger's face was calm, the ears on his head were twitching uncontrollably.

"Does this mean that I will soon experience the ultimate adventure that I can't imagine in my life—being chased and killed by the Imperial Guard?" Mr. Ustinov said.

"Okay, open the rear hatch." Feifei ordered bluntly.

The group of friends behind the screen suddenly got busy.Although they were so shocked by the current Shenzhan that they almost lost their thinking, the movements of their hands were unambiguous at all.Soon, the body of the Cauldron Street, which was longer than the titanium dragon, leaned over lightly, and opened the hatch on the top cover of the rear half of the ship.

"Let's go in the direction of the No. 5 gravity well!" Yu Lian said.

Feifei immediately understood Yu Lian's meaning, nodded, and immediately jumped into the hatch with the emblem machine, as if using her own body to play a perfect pot-tossing game.

As soon as he entered the cabin, the door closed directly.Immediately afterwards, the Cauldron Street only hovered in place for no more than three seconds, and then directly activated the sublight speed engine, and entered the high-speed cruise mode in less than two seconds.

So it makes sense for this ship to be expensive!If an ordinary civilian ship wants to enter this speed, the engine must not be heated for three to five minutes?
Of course, before this ultra-high-speed cruise ship that has been changed beyond recognition entered its state, Yu Lian had already controlled the dragon and spread its wings towards the distant transition point.At this time, Saphorus' body was resonating with Yu Lian's spiritual energy, and the power of "Life Source" flowed into the dragon's body, stimulating its innate ability in a more efficient way.

The Titanium Dragon already had the ability to cruise at sub-light speeds in space, but now it was equivalent to possessing unlimited physical energy, and immediately began to have fun unscrupulously.

Ever since, one dragon and one boat left the fleet of the militiamen, and there were still three dragon knights chasing after them.Before the crew and militiamen on the armed merchant ship had figured out the situation, they went straight away.

Yu Lian's communication channel has been ringing for a long time, and it is not necessary to guess that this must be a call from Miss Giafill, but she has been too lazy to pay attention to it before.

Now that he has merged with his friends, his mentality is much more relaxed.He slowly connected to the communication, but this time the photo came into view not only Giafiel, but also Nairhana.

Needless to say, it should be two of the three dragon knights who are chasing him, and the remaining one may not show his face because his name and identity are not important, but just observe secretly from the sidelines without saying a word.

Speaking of which, it is probably Brunhilt himself, who probably hasn't thought about how to deal with the current situation.Otherwise, Cai Cai should have fired long ago during the pursuit.

In short, the expressions of these two young ladies are still very exciting.Countess Giafell was expressionless and solemn, while Baroness Nerhana looked pitiful and weeping, as if she had been abandoned by a heartless person.

"You are so pitiful!" Yu Lian said loudly, "It's as if I'm sorry for you first."

Nairhana said in a babbling voice: "...Yes, what can I say? You were the one who yelled and killed first, and you were the one who snatched the dragon and the emblem machine. It's all right now, I say Maybe they will be fined, dismissed or even cut off, and the spice shop can only use it to pay off the debt. The hot pot restaurant will also disappear.”

Yu Lian pretended he didn't hear it, and smiled at Giafell: "Shouldn't you be busy liberating the fortress now? Gilly, I didn't mean you, the supreme commander can't leave his post without authorization!"

"Yeah, I don't want to leave my post either. Fortunately, the battle situation inside the fortress has been settled, and it's only a matter of time before the looters are wiped out. Of course you are more important now...at least Brin thinks so."

Speaking of this, the female knight's expression couldn't hold back anymore, and she said helplessly, "Hey, I actually don't even know what happened?"

"That's right, that woman will definitely not notify you when she does something bad." Yu Lian laughed.

This kind of example has happened many times in my previous life.

The chief best friend is of course the chief best friend. Brunhilt has never doubted Giafell's loyalty and courage. When she needs to stand alone in the army, she has always been the first candidate for the commander.However, people who are too pure and clean are actually not suitable to bear the darkness.

In this respect Miss Brunhilt was never quite clear.

"Sure enough! Brin was planning to put you under house arrest just now, right?" Miss Giafill sighed, and then said to her companion: "Nerhana, you actually have a share?"

"...I, I'm just guarding the door." Miss Nerhana knew she was wrong, and her voice was not very energetic.

Yu Lian said: "I have the quality of a dragon here. Besides, you will never be able to catch up, so why waste your energy?"

"The sacred dragons that roam the stars are the allies of the Dawn Royal. The Star Knights and the Imperial Army have the obligation to save them." Giafiel sighed: "What's more, this road named Salamanda The real dragon is a coming-of-age gift given to His Highness by His Majesty the Emperor, and it is one of His Highness's favorite eight dragons."

How many dragons did she raise?Is the food expenses alone enough to support millions of refugees every year?Yu Lian thought about the corrupt ruling class in his heart, and then said: "Maybe His Majesty the Emperor doesn't like His Highness Brunhilt that much, otherwise he wouldn't have named him that."

Earl Giafell naturally didn't understand what this meant. Just as she was about to ask, Yu Lian interrupted her and said, "Gili, when we leave this galaxy, I will let it go."

After pondering for a moment, the Countess nodded and said, "Yes, I believe you."

Miss Nairhana hesitated to speak, and could only sigh silently with her eyelids down.

"However, after you leave this galaxy, I will personally lead the team to pursue it." She added: "At that time, I will definitely open fire without hesitation!"

Yu Lian blinked his eyes, and said with a wry smile: "...Uh, how dare you counter-threat? I am the one with the dragon quality in my hand! But, Ji Li, His Royal Highness King Su's behavior is disgraceful, you admit it, right? .”

"It is indeed against morality, and it also damages the reputation of the emperor. As a friend, I will go to persuade her. However, I am also a knight who swears allegiance to her, and I also have the obligation to fulfill her wish."

She paused for a moment, and then said firmly: "However, if her wish will be a burden for the whole army and her career, I will help her make a decision."

That's why they said they would fire without hesitation, right?Yu Lian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking that you imperial aristocrats really understand the superiority of flexible moral principles!

"...You are a hereditary nobleman of the empire with an inscription on the coat of arms, a brigadier general of the imperial army, a regular knight of the star knights, and one of the four heavenly kings (of the younger generation)!"

"There is no such title." The Countess said.

"A person like you would actually swear loyalty to someone other than His Majesty the Emperor. This is a sign of warlordization!" Yu Lian was amazed, as if he had witnessed a story of filial piety.

Giafiel was too lazy to fight with Yu Lian, and said bluntly: "In any case, although I don't agree with Brin's doing this, I can understand it. In fact, if possible, I also hope that I can Learn how to use soldiers."

What he said made Ru Yulian feel a little bit embarrassed.You know, so far, he, the champion of the God of War Festival, who is famous all over the galaxy, is known as a powerful genius and transcendent.And the only achievement in the art of war is the "Four Elephant Tactics" which is said to be very revolutionary.

But this is actually plagiarized from Miss Giafill's thesis a few years later.

Li Kui wanted to ask Li Gui to learn how to swing an axe. What kind of thing is this?
"...You are already a general. Adding in the achievements of this battle, it is estimated that another jewel star will be pinned on the collar badge soon." Yu Lian smiled and said: "If I wear the imperial uniform, I will have to ask You saluted."

"If you come to the empire, I will salute you very soon. I firmly believe in this. Besides, you are wearing the emblem machine of the empire now, doesn't it fit you well?"

"This is..." Yu Lian suddenly realized that if he said "spoils of war", wouldn't it mean that he admitted that he was at war with the empire before?

Tsk, after all, he is also the sword-handling minister of the Grand Marshal's Mansion and the famous general of the Duke of the Empire. In the era of the Queen, he can almost be regarded as the second person in the Imperial Army. It can't be pure stupidity.

"It's just a gift." Yu Lian smiled and said, "It was given to me by His Royal Highness King Suliuka. If you don't believe me, go back and ask her."

Seeing that the other party had already started to act rascally, Giafiel smiled, and then said in a serious voice: "Then, let's take my leave."

She is indeed a model of knights who say what they say. Now that the promise has been fulfilled, of course she gestured to her comrades to stop the pursuit.

"We really let him go..." Nairhana hesitated.

Giafiel watched Yu Lian and the ship out of the range of his naked eyes, and said calmly: "The key is not whether we let him go, but Brin over there... Your Highness wishes I don’t want to make this decision. Otherwise, all guns should have been fired three minutes ago.”

Nairhana thought to herself that she would have to wait.These human-shaped giant dragons of the Chenxi royal family, once they set their sights on something, no matter whether it is a person or a thing, they never give up.Our Highness is a typical Dawn Dragon.

To be honest, she is still looking forward to the hot pot restaurant opened by her partner. Although everyone had a little unpleasant episode this time, as long as it doesn't completely tear the face, there will be a day when it will open.

"Then, what about the emblem machine..."

"Anyway, it's just the crimson equipped for the slave knights, and it's about to be completely replaced. It's impossible to keep secrets like technology forever. Besides, it's been a year, and what can be leaked has already been leaked. "

Nairhana was slightly taken aback, and then realized that what the other party was talking about should be the Battle of the Far Shore Nebula.After that small-scale battle happened, the empire immediately blocked the news, and few people knew about it.But the empire knew very well that they had lost too much in this battle.

The city of Kerna built with a lot of money, the clear sky-class battleship, the space torpedo, and the emblem machine of Marquis Odgar...

The three knights just waited in place for two or three minutes, and not long after, four high-speed cruisers and a special light mothership arrived near them.

The knights landed in the hangar of the mothership riding a dragon, and then went straight to the bridge.After a simple exchange of pleasantries, Giafill completely took over the command of the fleet, and let the ground-shrinking radar that had been activated send him the status of the opponent's ships in due course.

The holographic projection quickly reported the current situation, and saw that one dragon and one boat had passed the seventh planet of the galaxy, a frozen planet named Lion's Cave IS08.

"They are choosing the No. 5 jump channel." The navigator said.

Giafir gestured to open the holographic star map, marked a solid line in the direction of the No. [-] gravity well, and fell into deep thought: "This is... the direction of the Gate of Glory?"

"It can also lead to the Abyss Nebula." Nirhana said: "Major General Barr believes that Colonel Yu Lian should have seized a lot of detailed star map information from the All Souls Cult and its behind-the-scenes organization, which of course includes the Far Shore Nebula, but who can guarantee that the Abyss Nebula is not among them?"

Giafil nodded, just about to say something, but heard the captain say: "They have arrived near the gravity well, and the ship has stopped."

The captain did not ask whether to fire.At this time, Yu Lian and the cruise ship were actually out of range of their main guns.

At this time, I saw Yu Lian jump off the back of Tilong and lightly board the cruise ship next to him.Before entering the cabin, he waved to the dragon, signaling it to leave.

Finally freed, the Titanium Dragon flew around the cruise ship a few times, opening a little distance.

At this time, colorful energy particles flowed out from the engine port at the tail of Cauldron Street, which was a sign that the jump engine was about to start.

However, something shocking happened soon.The moment the slender cruise ship started, that huge titanium dragon suddenly jumped forward, sticking its entire body on the hull.

In an instant, it seemed to be attached to a surfboard that was a little longer than itself, and it was brought to another galaxy by the waves of stars in space, without a trace.

This scene completely exceeded the expectations of everyone on board.No one spoke for a long time.

After a while, the captain frowned: "Long, is Long going to stop that enemy ship from escaping?"

"Titan dragons are noble creatures...they may admit to being cowardly, but they will definitely keep their promises," Nerhana said.

In other words, since Yu Lian is willing to let it go, he will definitely reach an agreement with him in advance.But doesn't this mean that the titanium dragon ran with the boat by itself?Is this a deserter?
Miss Nairhana felt that her brain was not working well, but at this time, she heard Giafil say: "I was thinking, Titanium dragon, does it have the ability to jump? Salamanda will not just be trapped by the gravity well." Crushed to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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