Him and their stars

Chapter 739 Slaying Demons

Chapter 739 Slaying Demons
Master and his elders are right, something has indeed appeared.

First of all, it was Yu Lian's spiritual sense that caught a trace of oppression
But Yulian has a subtle feeling.The huge black shadow seemed to suddenly flash out from the cracks in the air.That feeling was as if a certain higher-dimensional will used supreme power in this universe to make this huge monster descend out of thin air in this vast spiritual space.

This is not scientific.You know, his majestic hero Yu Lian is now a person with "cosmic consciousness". The chief navigator of China will not show timidity if he takes one or two thousand warships to drill the unknown galaxy channel.

If a giant beast of this scale appears, there will always be such a little sign. It shouldn't jump out suddenly like the little Xuanwu just now.

No, even the moment the little Xuanwu biu appeared just now, there was a slight spatial fluctuation.Not to mention herself, even Feifei felt it.

So, how did this thing appear?
"Did you feel it?" Lan Jiufeng stroked his beard, still looking like a great master.

"Felt it, but couldn't understand it."

"Tao can be said, very Tao." Lan Jiufeng said with a smile.

"Master, what do you mean to say that this kind of monster is indescribable. When I can perceive its existence, it will appear?" The first sentence of "Tao Te Ching" is really indescribable Yes, no matter how you translate it, it seems that there is no problem.Yu Lian felt that understanding from this direction was very in line with the strange nature of this monster in the virtual world.

"What I mean is that this guy is not so much a monster living in the virtual world, but a part of the virtual world. If the virtual world is understood as a creature, then this thing may be its..."


"No, white blood cells. That's why they can sneak over without making a sound. This is the Tao, very Tao!"

Again, the all-encompassing "Tao Te Ching" is so awesome that it can be explained no matter what.

"In short, when this thing is stealthy, it is hard to detect and silent. Even a teacher can't find it. It's just that this beast has a weakness. Before it gets close to hurting people, it is inevitable. A trace of evil spirit is exposed. Only at this time, a master with sharp ears and eyes can detect this thing." Lan Jiufeng stroked his beard again: "Even though things in the void are strong, they are only livestock after all."

"Fish, it's the Qiu of the ether!" Feifei pulled Yu Lian behind her, with appropriate panic in her tone.

When Yu Lian heard this name, he also wanted to make a little contribution to the warming of the universe, but considering that the temperature in the Void Realm is metaphysical, he had no choice but to hold back.

He had indeed heard the name, but he was a "casual cultivator" in his previous life, and he didn't have many opportunities to explore the Void Realm, and the exploration was not too deep, so naturally he had never seen this thing.However, he also knew that this was indeed an extremely dangerous Void Behemoth.In terms of absolute strength, it may not be comparable to the Lord of the Mist with its own domain and spiritual illusion, but because of its natural latent ability, it is even better in terms of aggressiveness and danger. layer.

At least, in the history of extraordinary people, there have been examples of the eight-ring boss being attacked and overturned by the ether.

In the monster illustration book drawn up by the Guerrilla Association, it, like the Lord of the Desolate Mist, belongs to the level of "Lord of the Void", that is to say, it has the same combat power as the demigods of the eighth ring.Saints with the seventh ring and below need to gather at least five people to have the possibility of succeeding in the challenge.

Facing such an opponent, it is understandable that Feifei would be a little frightened.


"Then how are you sure it will appear?" Yu Lian was a little confused.

Then, Lan Jiufeng pulled out a dead flying star shark from behind the rocky mountain. The wound under the jaw showed a very obvious scar, but the blood that flowed out was colorless, odorless and transparent.

Oh, fishing!
This is also a strange creature in the void, with a body size of only four or five meters. Its appearance is roughly similar to that of a great white shark, except that its skin is dotted with spots like star marks, and its fins are particularly thick and long. Why? I thought it was wings.

It is also a wonderful creature that can fly in the ether ocean, but the number is very rare.Its blood is colorless and odorless, not to mention human beings, not even dogs or even specialized robots can catch it.In addition, its body does contain rich spiritual factors, but it is in a completely solidified state, which is also difficult for psychics to detect and capture.

The blood of the Flying Star Shark, which contains spiritual factors, is a great tonic. It is difficult for psychics from the material world to find this guy, but the Aether Qiu has special hunting skills and can smell the blood of this animal.

"Where did you get this thing?" Yu Lian was startled.

"Of course I raised it myself." Lan Jiufeng said in a natural tone.

Yu Lian was even more shocked.To be able to raise a flying star shark, which is extremely rare in the virtual world, wouldn't that be equivalent to raising a humpback whale in a shallow pool?It sounds unscientific.

He wanted to ask a few more questions, but at this moment, the huge strange beast had already appeared from behind the gray fog.However, it was only a ferocious head revealed through the oppressive gray mist, and it had the characteristics of a crawling predator and an insect at the same time.The jet-black carapace like black jade wraps it layer by layer, like a thick layer of armor.However, no eyes can be seen in the carapace, only a big mouth opened 120 degrees is exposed.Distributed in the upper and lower jaws are all sharp claws like blades.

When the terrifying face of this giant emerged from the gray mist, it almost occupied half of Tianon in Yu Lian's field of vision, as if he could completely devour the planet he was on just by opening his mouth. like.

The size of this guy is just too big.It is so huge that even with one's own spiritual sense, it is difficult to judge the opponent's distance and real size at the first time.

However, after a short while, he was still sure that if this thing really appeared in the main material world, it could really swallow a nearly kilometer-long heavy cruiser in one mouthful.

Yu Lian held Feifei's hand tightly, hoping to give the girl some courage.

Faced with such a terrifying scene that seemed like a doomsday catastrophe, even his own scalp would inevitably tingle.If the people standing here were ordinary people, they would all be scared to death.

It's just that, looking at the calm look of the old man in the flowered shirt next to him, for some reason, the little fear just now has disappeared.At this time, Yu Lian even watched the appearance of this Void Realm monster with great interest.

Since the face is so big, how long should the body be?Also, there are still dents on the carapace on this guy's face, and two teeth are missing in his mouth. He should have fought with other monsters of the same level not long ago, and he may have suffered a loss. The shadow licks the wound stage yet.

Very good, now is the best time to make a move!

The old man on one side laughed loudly and said, "Teacher, what kind of poem should there be in this situation?"

"The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying!" Yu Lian made a gesture of holding the sky with one hand.

So what about the aether?If there are only me and Feifei here, then I will definitely turn around and run away.But isn't he still standing next to a great god like Master?
Feifei took a look at Yu Lian, then retreated a few steps calmly, and shrank behind a big rock with Little Xuanwu.

"Disciple, you need to study more in the future. The first generation of disciples of my Spiritual Research Association must not be uneducated. In this situation, of course, we must cast a tripod and subdue the dragon!" Lan Jiufeng laughed loudly laugh.

Is this how it is used?Yu Lian was startled, but the old man had already risen from the ground, facing the horn of the void that occupied half of the sky.At the same moment, the silver feathered crane also uttered a clear and long cry, soared up, circled around Lan Jiufeng, and then fell back to the ground again.Then, she unfolded the silver feathers that seemed to be woven with moonlight, and jumped happily.

Yu Lian thought for half a second on the spot, and decided that this should not be some lofty psionic ceremony, but just some kind of support dance.

Moreover, it must be admitted that although this guy is just a big bird, in terms of demeanor, posture, stretching, and elegance, he is absolutely comparable to the top dancers.

As for the little Xuanwu, uh, it was still hiding behind the rocks with Feifei, but now it is waving a colorful flag with the words "Come on", "Winning", "Invincible", etc. He didn't even forget to give Feifei two.

...In short, everyone is very energetic!

Yu Lian felt that if viewed from a positive point of view, at least it showed that these two little guys were absolutely full of confidence in the old man!No, I saw Lan Jiufeng's body, like a condor rising from the ground, rising up like a flying lightning, and headed towards the face of the huge beast.

In front of the giant beast that covered half of the sky, his body was as small as dust.However, as he continued to climb, the gloomy gray fog seemed to be split by the lightning.In the mist that divides the ether ocean that cannot be discerned by the naked eye, it seems that there are colorful rays of light flickering, condensing thousands of scenes.

But then, in the blink of an eye, it seemed like nothing happened.

Yu Lian could only see clearly, an almost invisible spot of light had already submerged into the forehead of the huge black beast.Immediately afterwards, a silent roar erupted from the giant mouth of the Qiu of the Aether.

This ferocious behemoth obviously didn't make any sound, or in other words, most of the lord-level behemoths that were born and bred in the void have already evolved to the point where they no longer need to make physical sounds.However, Yu Lian easily felt the other party's pain, fear, and finally the despair condensed.

This is also from the last spiritual thought of the Chien of the Aether.Immediately afterwards, the face of the behemoth that covered half of the sky disappeared into nothingness in an instant like a shadow exposed to the sun.It seemed that the terrifying scene like a natural disaster before was just an illusion.

However, Mr. Lan Jiufeng had already landed on the ground.In his left hand, he was holding a fist-sized silver-gray object, its texture was like a stone, but it seemed to be covered with strange lines, like dense capillaries.

"This is the pineal gland of this evil beast just now." Lan Jiufeng said: "Use this thing as the main material for your ring promotion."

"Ei Taiqiu also has a pineal gland?" It's hard to say whether this thing has a brain, right?Didn't it mean that it was an external thinking circuit constructed with psionic energy?

"I'm not sure about being a teacher. After all, I haven't learned any biology, but using this word will make me appear very educated. Anyway, it is indeed the soul port of this evil beast."

Yu Lian's mood was very complicated, he was shocked but also moved.

Moving, of course, is organized happiness.Still the same sentence, if I am still a casual practitioner of Wild Fox Zen, just taking this material is enough to add hundreds of thousands of words on the water.

The shock is of course the scene where Master and his old man are so talented.

A lord of the Void Realm, in terms of combat power, is so much stronger than the ten thousand-headed beast that he met in Lumina back then.But the latter was killed only after the fleet-level orbital intensive bombing was used, while the former hadn't made a move in front of the master.

In his previous life, Yu Lian had seen a lot of heroes, and he had indeed witnessed the single-handed battle between the eight-ring boss and the Void Lord.That is really a gathering of lightning, thunder, wind and fire, mountains and seas overturning the world and hanging upside down.However, due to his own reasons, he really hadn't seen the scene where the Nine Ring Gods who had already stood at the apex of the extraordinary world shot.

Now, he has already felt the majesty of the first term under the Nine Rings.

And really learned a lot.

"Even if it is the lord of the void, even if it is a giant beast that can cause disasters in the star area, it can always capture the node of its destiny. As long as you cut off that node, you can kill it with one blow! This is the 'star' Is it the sword master's ability? Master, did you just use the legendary 'Twilight Break'?"

"Star Boundary Sword Master" is the title of the eighth ring of "Sura".As for "Twilight Break", it is a rule-level ultimate move that Shura will master at the peak of this path.Dusk represents the moment when everything turns from prosperity to withering, and of course it also represents the transformation and collapse of fate.All in all, it can be understood as a "Sura" psyker who specializes in war madness, and specializes in big moves against bosses.

Of course, all of the above are just hearsay.

"Twilight break? That thing is troublesome to use, why use it on this evil beast. I just stabbed [-] times at one point in an instant. Brother, fighting is actually very simple. Before cutting you, just kill the opponent first. Don't think about those other fancy things."

It's much more difficult than making a big move, okay?

"Master, you have always broken through to the Nine Rings, so it should be the latest?"

"I don't know as a teacher." The old man said proudly.

What is there to be proud of?
The master stroked his immortal beard again, and at the same time stroked Yinhe and Xiaoxuanwu who had come over: "If the visible is born from the invisible, then the world will live in peace?"


"Naturally let nature take its course." Lan Jiufeng grinned and showed a free and easy smile that was about to shatter the void, and then threw the pineal gland of Taiqiu over, and said with a smile: "Okay, everything is ready. Hurry up Go to the array. Take off your shirt, and put a dimensional fusion array on your back. We're going to break the five rings."

Well, it turned into the tone of discussing what to have for dinner again.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and finish the work here. I ordered the whole fish banquet in the village of Mizuno for my teacher. That restaurant is very popular. Even if you book a place, it is outdated! The whole fish feast in the village, you can't miss this delicious food casually, this is the real way of nature!"

Yu Lian felt that this was inexplicably reasonable.Because he also kind of wants to drool now.

 sorry sorry.I took the baby out to play for three days on New Year's Day, and he played a little crazy.I had a little fever yesterday, so I had to rest at home, and then I didn't have time to do anything else!

(End of this chapter)

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