Him and their stars

Chapter 772 Practice is the best university

Chapter 772 Practice is the best university
"It's not about eating sand, it's about supporting construction!" Simon Wayali corrected: "When this place is built, you can directly become the director of the factory. Is that what the director of Ruhr and Mr. Babaru said? "

"I don't want to be the director of this factory, and I know I'm not the material! Really, I should go to Xin Suncheon's technical university for advanced studies, and I have prepared the notice and tuition fees. Why did I get crazy , ran here?" Busca said angrily.

"Because you are also a member of the Youth Club, so you have such passion. You came here when you said you could build another maple factory in Xinyumen. That's why we get along so well." Vayali laughed.

"Now, Babaru, he should have arrived at Nefi, right?"

As the former chief engineer of the Red Maple Factory, Busca certainly knew that his level was just an ordinary senior technician.Fortunately, in the past year or so, the Engineers' Guild has opened in Fengcheng, and many high-level technical consultants have settled in.Busca likes to spend time there after work, and he has indeed learned a lot of real skills.

Busca originally planned to follow the example of his Lumina friend Babaru and go to a nearby university to study for a short-term degree.He is already very clear about the metallurgical process, but if he really wants to become the official chief engineer of a giant heavy industry company in the future, he still needs to continue his studies.

Therefore, under the recommendation of Mr. Ruhr, the old factory manager, Busca planned to go to Shin Suncheon University of Technology to study for another master's degree.That university is not a top-notch school, but it is very suitable for Busca's technical stream of practical people.

However, in September last year, when Red Star Office took the lead, Hongfeng Factory and Xinshenzhou Heavy Industry on the other side of Xinshenzhou were preparing to build a new factory in Xinyumen, and needed a group of volunteers, he signed up by accident.

So, this young craftsman who has never left Lumina in his life, and even rarely set foot outside Fengcheng and the factory, came to a new continent more than two million light-years away from his hometown.

When he and his two hundred companions—including [-] Earthlings and [-] Lumina people—passed through the Nantian Gate by boat, they immediately regretted it.

Now, we are two million light-years away from our hometown.

Among the Lumina people who have the attribute of "relocating their homeland", many cried bitterly on the spot.You know, when we were in the Red Maple Factory, these were all proper technical backbones and advanced elements.Among the technical backbones in the steelmaking plant, who is not a tough guy?
Then, when everyone arrived at Xinyumen, they regretted it even more.

Deserts and wastelands all over the sky occupy nearly one-third of the planet's surface, and the tallest trees are less than five meters long, and most of them are dry and flammable eucalyptus species.Although the groundwater is quite abundant, wells can be dug to solve the drinking water problem, but the supply is limited, and it is absolutely impossible to take a bath every day.

Busca, who grew up in Lumina, which is full of trees and lush grass, is quite uncomfortable.But he's pretty good. After all, he's an Earthling, so he's naturally adaptable.But those Lumina friends in the team are completely different.They are physically strong, but they "relocate to the soil"; they are brave, but they "relocate to the soil"; they are united and upright, but they "relocate to the soil".

In short, the people of Lumina have many advantages, but their adaptability to unfamiliar environments is hard to describe.

No, in the first week of work, twelve of the [-] Lumina technicians fell ill, so serious that they couldn't even speak.If it weren't for the medical care team of twenty people who came with you, with enough medicines and various facilities, the team would be led by Ms. Neil, the granddaughter of Master Trend in the Engineer's Guild Hall, a medical doctor. Psykers with powerful abilities are afraid that they may really be wiped out.

Compared with the harsh natural environment, the sand people's hostility to outsiders is actually nothing.

Busca and his little friends really didn't pay attention to the malice of the sand people.Although they are just ordinary workers, they did it with real knives and guns to protect the factory and the enemies from all walks of life.Pirates, horse bandits, beast hordes, black hands of the government and capitalists, even the lackeys of the empire, and even the lord-level monsters of the Void Realm have all seen it.

Compared with these, what are the nomadic ministers and sand people from the era of small city-states at most?

Even this group of Sand People actually had a lot of advanced weapons, but Busca didn't think they were any threat at all, and they couldn't even defeat the security militia of their Red Maple Factory.

In fact, on the third day after arriving in Xinyumen, when everyone was still having headaches about the harsh environment of this planet, the camp we were investigating in the field was attacked by sandmen.Busca called on everyone to take up arms and use off-road vehicles as bunkers to defend, successfully repelling the enemy.

Afterwards, more than a thousand sand people's bodies were found at the scene, and the only casualties on our side were two unlucky ones who were bruised and alive and kicking the next day after applying some medicine.

Of course, the Thirteenth Fleet and the New Yumen Garrison Command did not dare to neglect their safety.A half company of marines was specially dispatched to carry heavy weapons and take turns to perform duties in their stations.The previous battle was fought jointly by the Marine Corps and the technicians.

The lieutenant who led the team at that time was also shocked by the combat effectiveness shown by the workers.He felt that the skills and tactics of these workers might not be as good as those of professional soldiers, but their ability to execute orders and prohibitions was definitely comparable to that of elite troops.

"Cloth workers? Have you ever served in the military?"

"Only the militiamen in our security department have three hours of military training every week. However, all the young people in the factory have participated. On average, each person should have one or two hours of military training per week."

"Oh, then..."

"However, everyone has touched a gun and has some actual combat experience."

The Lieutenant was even more incomprehensible.Because he didn't understand, he was even more shocked.

Therefore, for a long time, these technicians from two million light-years away became the most branched group in New Yumen.If they didn't spend most of their time in the field, they might not have to spend money to buy watermelons in the south of Tulong City.

However, the chief engineer Busca still had a bad time.He still doesn't like gnawing sand, but he doesn't like the feasting and feasting of Tulong Port even more.

Even though it is the only city in New Yumen with a sense of the sci-fi era, when you get there, you don’t need to allocate water, you can take a bath if you want, and you can even find a place to take a Turkish bath.

Now, the only thing that can bring him relief is his own work.This piece of land that has been a brownish-yellow desert for hundreds of millions of years has finally begun to appear civilization.This is indeed the credit of Busca and the others.

Busca and his friends found huge reserves of high-quality iron ore on the northern foothills of the largest Kiliro Mountain in Xinyumen, and it is said that there are considerable vanadium ore and titanium ore.So everyone prepared to build a new metallurgical industrial base here.

The people from Red Star Institute and New Shenzhou Heavy Industries who came with them took a large plain on the outskirts of Tulong and planned to build a large-scale ship component factory and machinery parts factory.

Busca estimated that if the factory operates well, the next step will be a shipyard.His hometown of Lumina, and New Seville in the same galaxy are thinking about jointly building an orbital shipyard.Of course, the design scale is not large, but it can still build some cargo ships and small gunboats for channel guards.

Now that the initial facilities and workshops at the metallurgical plant have been built, the next thing to consider is the traffic problem.The most cost-effective way is to lay a light track between two factories that are more than [-] kilometers apart.

It's just that he lacks heavy construction machines and even less labor force.

Fortunately, in the first month after he arrived in Xinyumen, Mr. Summers also came, ready to open the second branch of the Engineer Guild Hall.He also brought three good news and one bad news.

One of the good news is that my good friend Babaru finally got the admission letter from the Department of Natural Philosophy of Ocean University.The big black beetle had a low score on the edge of the passing line in the written test, but it is said that Xin Shuntian did very well in the interview.It is said that it was because of his past "social practice", which really impressed the examiner.

Ocean University is the top university in the alliance and even in the universe.The reason why it is top is because there are many celebrities.The reason why there are celebrities is because their examiners have a good vision. During the interview, they know how to choose those types who are easy to become famous.Rather than picking students, it is better to say it is a big company interview.

The second piece of good news is that those who rushed to Xinyumen with Summers were the second batch of Red Maple Factory volunteers brought by another friend of his, Xia Shake, with more than [-] people.Only [-] of them were surviving technicians and engineers, and the rest were all the elite of the factory security militia, all armed with live ammunition and even heavy weapons.

...Actually, the current guard team of the Red Maple Factory is no longer a militia.Because a large number of high-quality Taishi alloys were provided to the Far Coast Military Region, the military region's new fortresses in Earl Star Gorge and Lucknar Corridor have also begun to be built.Lieutenant General Sylvester, the admiral of the Ninth Fleet and the commander of the Far Coast Military Region, was extremely pleased, and with a wave of his hand, he gave the factory protection team a local garrison establishment.

Now, the militia guarding the Red Maple Factory is an official "Lumina Planet Local Guard Regiment", with a reinforced regiment of [-] members, all members of which are full-fledged soldiers who can lead the army and have military status.Xia Shake, the director of the security department, even has the rank of major in the guard.

With more and more friends in Xinyumen, Busca and his little friends are finally not too lonely.

The third good news is that a large-scale military operation will be launched immediately.The stormtroopers of the Thirteenth Fleet, in conjunction with Shashak's Red Maple Factory Guard, launched a large-scale military operation.Seven well-known and tangible Shamin city-states and nomadic tribes were wiped out at one time.

Busca, who was already very class-conscious, really felt that all those noble gentlemen should hang themselves on street lamps.

Obviously slaves and civilians seem to be still living in the Bronze Age, but the gentlemen already live in the big house with an ecological dome, eat butter fried worms and take a Turkish bath.

Naturally, he applauded his actions.What made him even happier was that the sandmen and their lords were killed, but at least half a million civilians and slaves were freed.

These are all natural labor!
Summers of the Engineers' Guild found Busca: "In addition to the old and the weak, women and children, there are [-] young and middle-aged people who can work. I will leave them to you. Organize their labor. In this regard, you should be Very familiar. In this way, the light track from the metallurgical base to Tulong should not take long to be completed, right?"

"However, the design drawing of the light track you gave me is almost a straight line, right? This will pass through the hilly area directly, and the ground needs to be leveled. I don't have heavy machinery in my hand."

Summers nodded: "Heavy equipment will not be delivered until later. The labor power gloves and impact power hammer designed by Red Star are very useful, and the size can be adjusted, which can be used by humans, Luminas and sandmen. New Shenzhou Heavy Industries sent a million sets this time."

"But, we have to find a way to feed them." Busca was both happy and worried.At the first moment, I began to wonder how much it would cost to hire [-] workers based on the minimum wage standard of the community.Then, he was immediately overwhelmed by that astronomical figure.

"Me, we can't ask the factory for help, right? The factory has been expanding, and the cash flow is actually quite tight. This time we sent us to support Xinyumen, and we did our best." Busca said.

Summers nodded: "I've done the math. Five catties of sweet potatoes and five catties of upland rice per person per day are enough for them to support their families. If they can provide them with two catties of salted fish or dried earthworms every week, they will be full of energy for a week. of."

"Food?" Busca suddenly realized, but he still didn't let go of his heart: "We don't have much food from the sand people's masters, right? It's good enough to last for two months at most. And the food in Xinyumen is basically Can’t produce it yourself? Could it be possible to expand food imports from the empire?”

"That was before." Summers said with a smile: "People from Red Star Office and New China have been working in the estuary of the Inner Sea for the past three months, and now they have built a large-scale hydroponic farm. The temperature-resistant grain species cultivated on the Mina permafrost. The current grain growth is very good, and it is estimated that there will be a bumper harvest next month."

Busca was completely relieved this time.

Named "Seed of Life No. 1" by Yu Lian, it includes [-] kinds of crops, fruits and vegetables, and was sent to New China for planting last year.After all, they are the seeds that Kubi can cultivate with the most original life spirit of "Touch of Life", which can adapt to most extreme climate conditions and soils, and the yield is also very high.

The fruit that bears has the nutritional value it should have. The only disadvantage is that the taste is not very good.However, this is to solve the food gap, and taste is naturally secondary.

"It seems that none of the psychic masters in the past thought of cultivating grain with psychic power," Busca said.

"That's why we followed him," Summers said.

Busca agreed, but said: "...However, if it is in China, the minimum hourly wage would be 1.25 blue coins. But here, we only spend ten catties of grain and two catties of salt every day. fish."

For a moment, Busca felt that he was a bit suspected of exploiting the poor.

"This so-called basic salary standard can only be achieved by a few prosperous galaxies such as the solar system." Summers shook his head and said, "Besides, these sand people don't even belong to this era. If you give them cash here, they I just don’t know what to do, and I don’t even know where to exchange food.”

Busca had to agree with this, and couldn't help sighing: "So, I have to teach them to write."

This time it was Summers who was stunned.

"They can't always belong to this era, can they? Hey, it's my turn to make troubles for Busca! That fellow Babaru will definitely be envious! Hey, as expected, practice is the best University!"

(End of this chapter)

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