Him and their stars

Chapter 834 Unappreciated Drama

Chapter 834 Unappreciated Drama

The lizard's body was smashed heavily into the sand. Although the sand was very soft, the movements of the opponent's pulling and smashing the ground were too ferocious.This blow almost killed Mr. Canuu.He just felt dizzy, and even the gerbil that he ate and hadn't digested just now was about to vomit out.

In the haze, Mr. Keynew vaguely saw the appearance of the attacker. It was not a powerful psyker passing by, but a troll soldier covered in stains and blood.

The troll's armor has been damaged, and the helmet has long since disappeared.The heaviest wound was on the shoulder, and even a large piece of the belt was cut off, exposing the white bones.A big ugly and hideous face has been covered with stains and blood so that even the facial features can't be seen clearly, but only a pair of small eyes as big as mung beans can be seen, full of greed and bloodthirsty, and several of them are missing. The bloody mouth of the fangs exhaled a foul smell.

This guy is hungry!He was so hungry that he had completely lost his mind, so hungry that even steel could be digested.

Yes, this guy must be one of the Marauders' rout.Now, they have been routed no matter whether they are on the battlefield in the north of the mountain or in the south of the mountain.However, the troll's survivability can be regarded as one of the top commanding races in the universe, and it is also particularly edible. Even if it becomes a rout, it will definitely play the role of an invasive species on this planet for a long time , a role like a natural hazard, right?
But now, this invasive species is coming to attack this native lizard?

No, the important thing is, my imposing "big dramatist" is going to be hunted by invasive species?
Mr. Kenneu can be regarded as a scholar-type terrorist leader who is familiar with the earth's culture, so at this time, he finally realized the true meaning of "a tiger falls in peace and is bullied by a dog".

Looking at this guy's attire, he was clearly just a low-level officer of the Predator, not even a psychic, so he was just relying on a little brute force to make a living on the Predator's stage.Such an ant-like guy, if he used to be himself, he would be able to clean up hundreds of them with just a flick of a finger.But now, this guy is turning around like a sack?
... No, if it is a normal self, it is impossible for this kind of ant-like guy to come to the vicinity. Even a few kilometers away, even a little bit of malicious emotion will be discovered, let alone a sneak attack.

Humiliation!This is so humiliating!Where is the humiliation of me, Kai Niu, alone?This is the humiliation of the World-Round Serpent!
The lizard possessed by Mr. Kenew was dropped five meters away.He felt that half of his bones were broken this time, and in an instant, he felt that he had to use all his strength to even move a toe.

But at this time, the troll sergeant seemed to finally feel relieved. He felt that the lizard could be eaten, so he opened his bloody mouth, pulled out his dagger and rushed over.

After all, he was a defeated soldier on the run, and he didn't dare to start a fire.Of course, anyway, for the troll's powerful stomach that can even digest mud, rotten food is considered a meal, and fresh raw meat can already be regarded as a nourishment.

A mere troll can just hit me, but he dares to eat me?
Before reincarnation, I was bullied by Yu Lian and a few rookies, but after reincarnation, I was bullied by a troll, so I reincarnated for nothing?
Thinking of this, Kanuu's ferocity when he was just an interstellar wandering criminal in his early years was completely inspired by him.He opened his mouth without roaring any explosion sound, but he still raised his neck vigorously and bit the troll's wrist.

With the combat power of the Maisandar troll, taking care of a one-meter-long horned lizard is as easy as a human being taking care of a Chihuahua, but the problem is that this is a lizard possessed by a six-ringed psyker, after all, it still has to fight against it. It's not the same as everyone imagined.Its teeth were covered with a layer of force field, and it opened its mouth wide open, still forcefully breaking through the troll's thick skin.

This is already the last psionic power of Mr. Great Dramatist!
The troll sergeant was outraged.This kind of damage is nothing to him, but he can't accept that he will be broken by a lizard, not to mention that this lizard is the food he ordered.

Even a dead fat boy would be somewhat annoyed if he was pecked by a duck, let alone a fighting race like a troll.

He growled and grabbed the lizard's neck and claws again as if to tear it in two.However, as soon as I got it, I found that the lizard's body was extremely tough, as if it was tanned with some military composite materials, and it couldn't be torn apart for a while.

The troll was taken aback on the spot, and then the lizard's tail slapped the wound on his face, making him dizzy on the spot, and his hands involuntarily let go.

The lizard fell to the ground and was freed, and then it was ready to escape through the sand.

It was very humiliating for the majestic snake head to run away in front of a miscellaneous soldier, and he wished to smash the troll into pieces, but his reason told himself that he should not love to fight now.

However, Kanuu just got into the sand and hadn't run [-] meters before the troll over there woke up and roared again, pounced like a hungry wild beast come over.He flew over in three or two steps, and then hit the lizard's tail with his fist.

To be honest, although this troll sergeant behaved like a ferocious hunting beast, he was actually not qualified as a predator. He always used too much force, not like he was hunting, but more like treating an enemy.

But such a fierce punch broke two more bones of the lizard.

A mere miscellaneous soldier!Which miscellaneous soldiers do the ants use!Kanyu finally lost all sanity.This may be because he was possessed by the lizard, after all, he was affected by his body, and his concentration was not as good as before.The red big horned lizard dragged its broken body and jumped out of the cat's height, and it just hit its horn on the wound on the troll's shoulder.

This is still the last psionic power of the great dramatist!
The roar of the Maisandar troll was full of pain and anger, and he staggered and fell to the ground.If it was a real wild animal, most of them would give up and escape when they found their prey so difficult.However, the troll sergeant probably thought of his glorious years as a predator, and felt that he shouldn't be chased away by a prey, so he grinned twice and rushed over again.

In this way, a troll and a lizard began a fierce and even tragic fight.One of them was extremely powerful and had amazing physical abilities, while the other moved as nimbly and swiftly as a shadow, and could even use some basic psionic techniques, so they fell into a stalemate for a while.They only had each other in their eyes, and they must smash each other into pieces, so they didn't notice that there was a third-party intruder who came very close.

"Hey! That troll! Put down your weapon and surrender!" A male voice sounded at this moment.

Both the troll and the lizard reacted, and quickly moved a little distance away.Kanu took a closer look, but it was a team consisting of two off-road trucks and four speed-moving dragons.

There are ten people sitting in the cab and the body of the two pickup trucks, divided into eight humans, one gray man and one highlander.There is a rider on each of the speed dragons' backs, which are two humans and two sandmen.

They all wore protective composite vests, carried rifles, daggers or tomahawks, and even mounted machine guns on two pickup trucks.

Kanuu had been on this planet for a long time, of course he knew that these people should be part of the vigilante formed by the local gun mob and the town police force.

Still the same sentence, if Mr. Kanyu is in good condition, he can clean up hundreds of miscellaneous soldiers with one finger.

... But the problem is, he is just a lizard now!

Mr. Kinyu suddenly realized that these people were actually far more dangerous than this hungry troll.After all, there were more than a dozen of them, and everyone was carrying heavy weapons in their hands.

"Surrender." Kanyu said to the troll: "Take a step back and the sea will be calm, and the world will be peaceful for a while!"

If it was before, he didn't even need to use any psionic skills, just the charm of words and spirits naturally produced in the speech technique could make these hundreds of simple-minded trolls bow their heads.

But now, what comes out of his mouth is the reptile's "hiss..."

Kanyu suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but the troll sergeant just grabbed the lizard's body and placed it in front of him, as if he was holding a meat shield that could only cover his fat face.

He bluffed and snarled, cursing and swearing.

It's a pity that none of the militia members on the opposite side can understand Maisandha.So, the leading militia leaders, one old and one young, glanced at each other and quickly exchanged opinions.

"What should we do? He doesn't seem to surrender?" The older one had climbed behind the pickup truck at this time, held a machine gun and aimed the gun at the troll, and said to the younger one next to him: "Xiao Kaizi, you Didn’t you go to Beishan to participate in a week’s regiment training last month? What should we do in this situation? What did the officials say?”

"Again, I didn't teach the troll!" The young man was riding on a velociraptor, looking at the ferocious troll who looked like a madman, somewhat nervous.

These two people are naturally Kelvin and his boss Wang Yougui.Both of these two had participated in the Battle of Tulong that year, and they were considered to be in their prime, so of course they became members of the militia in Shuangfeng Town.

Mr. Wang Yougui, the big rancher, is also said to be the uncle of the governor because of his high morals, and he also has the post of deputy mayor and chief inspector of the militia.As for Kelvin, he is not only the cowboy boss of Uncle Wang's ranch, but also the security master of Zixinhui Food Factory.

After Kelvin and Mr. Engineer returned to Shuangfeng Town, they quickly threw themselves into the battle of defending the city.Of course, we all know the result. The sand people and looters who attacked the city were partial divisions. In addition, everyone had already prepared, and the overall situation of the battle was very stable.

After repelling the enemy, the militia group only rectified for an hour or two before receiving an order from Shangfeng to "cooperate with the Marine Corps and the Guard to pursue and suppress the remnants of the enemy."At the same time, it is also tacitly agreed that after the militiamen kill the enemy, they can enrich all the spoils except for prohibited weapons.

During the battle of defending the city, the militia in Shuangfeng Town had almost no losses, and the troops defending the city were still sufficient.After discussing with Wang Yougui, Kelvin decided to lead a team to suppress a wave of bandits.On the one hand, the law and order on the ground outside will be restored earlier, and everyone's life will be restored to normal sooner.On the other hand, for these militiamen, they can get a bounty from the garrison headquarters for capturing, killing, and taking prisoners, which can be regarded as extra money.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Kelvin still used the knowledge he had learned in the short-term training class to organize these militiamen with high morale.At least ten people form a battle group, and each group must also include a vehicle equipped with heavy weapons for fire support.

In addition, he gave repeated orders and accents that you must never place an order, and you must never place an order.

"If you are alone and encounter an unarmed and seriously injured troll, even if you have a weapon in your hand, there is a high probability that you will not be his opponent. When the time comes, you will be chewed up and eaten alive. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Kelvin's prestige in the local militia is still good, and everyone is willing to listen to his words.Besides, everyone has indeed seen the ferocity of trolls when defending the city, so they are naturally smart.

After setting off, Kelvin naturally formed a team with his old friend, boss and old comrade-in-arms Uncle Wang Yougui, together with a few colleagues from the security department and the farm, they formed a quite effective team.

Along the way, they also encountered a few times of deserter defeats and battles. After killing more than [-] enemies, their own side has not lost any losses, and their morale has become more and more sufficient.

However, it was the first time after they left the city that they met a living troll who could still fight.

Seeing this famous fighting race with an average height of three meters and a body as big as an upright brown bear at close range, everyone was somewhat shocked.

Although there was only one person on the other side, Kelvin didn't dare to push it too hard, so he made a gesture of spreading out to get everyone ready to fire.

"Just beat him to death." Wang Yougui wiped his saliva and said in a low voice.

"But the above said that it is necessary to open mines, and trolls are very useful as laborers. It is said that a live troll captive can get an extra 1000 yuan in bonuses." Kelvin said.

Wang Yougui stopped talking. 1000 blue star coins is the monthly income of ordinary working-class people on earth, but in Xinyumen, they can already buy several pairs of healthy and lively large animals.

Kelvin shouted again: "Troll, I repeat! Surrender now!"

He didn't know if the other party could understand the common language of the earth, but as long as he was a normal person, he should understand what he meant.

However, this troll really doesn't look like a monster with normal thinking ability.He let out a roar to everyone again, and then he rushed towards everyone with an ax in one hand and a lizard in the other, still behaving like a brown bear going mad.

"Wait...what are you going to do? If you want to die, put me down first!" Kanuu said loudly, but it was a pity that the reptile's "hiss!"

Kelvin felt sorry for the 1000 yuan, but he pulled the trigger decisively, followed by Wang Yougui who was manipulating the machine gun, and then others.

Of course, the firepower of the militia soldiers can't be said to be very strong, but after all, there are about ten people and two machine guns, and no matter how fierce the enemy is, there is only one person after all.As for the lizard... everyone has actually ignored it.

Crazy trolls and struggling lizards were completely overwhelmed by bullets.

The troll's head was immediately torn apart by the bullets from the machine gun, and the hand holding the lizard naturally lost its strength.But at this time, the lizard couldn't escape either. In the end, the weak force field shield formed by his spiritual energy must have been pierced by the bullet's kinetic energy, followed by even weaker scales, flesh, bones and internal organs.

"Am I going to die here? At the hands of a group of farmers? Hahahaha, I never thought of that." At the end of his life, Mr. Keynew wanted to laugh for a moment.As a great dramatist, this is the real drama.Unfortunately, no one appreciates it.

(End of this chapter)

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