Him and their stars

Chapter 843 Fulcrum and base

Chapter 843 Fulcrum and base
Of course, the so-called one chicken is also a rush, and two chickens are also a demand for rush. Now that the shipyard has been built, the arsenal will certainly not be far away.

Therefore, in the name of entertaining old comrades in arms, Yu Lian invited out the only two old comrades who were still serving in Tulong at No. 14 depot.The former is Doctor Banks Sazabi, and the latter is Uncle Carl Johnson, who is serving as the squad leader of the armored regiment directly under the Turon Garrison Command.

After drinking for three rounds, Yu Lian told the uncle directly that the Tulong Machinery Factory hoped to invite the latter to be their "technical director of the special equipment department".

In fact, until this time, the Red Star Investment Company provided money, the Red Maple Factory provided skilled workers, and the New Yumen Government provided the surface and labor for the Tulong Machinery Factory. The factory building has not been built, let alone the equipment that is still stuck on the Nantianmen cargo ship.

I haven't seen him for three years. Uncle Karl has already gone through his qualifications and became a first-class sergeant major. His annual salary is the same as that of a mid-level officer. He also has his own small repair shop in Toulon, where he can play side-by-side.

He even thought about taking his family members who are still in the native land to live in Turon. If it wasn't for the new Yumen fight, he might have done so a long time ago.

"So, what is this so-called special equipment department? I know that the Tulong Machinery Factory is preparing to provide parts and consumables for the orbital construction of the galaxies around the passing ships. Well, Chief Yulian, my specialty is vehicle maintenance. This aspect is really wrong." He said helplessly: "You said, I am just an ordinary car repairman, but I really can't be a technical director! You should hire someone else."

"That's right! Based on the outline of the tank's site and the sound it makes from a kilometer away, you can identify the tank's model as an 'ordinary car repairman'. Back then, he and I put bio-batteries and blaster machine guns on the Panther. It was you who dismantled the Guardian Robot of the Enlightenment together. Back then, you were the technical backbone of the Lianzhu Fire Arsenal! If you hadn’t gone to college, you should have been the chief engineer at the company headquarters thirty years ago Right? At least some 47 and 105 changes will be fine.”

Uncle Carl sighed and shook his head, showing the helplessness and vicissitudes of the brave man Moti: "But even Zhuhuo Armory Factory is closed. The original site of the factory has been changed to Nefei Street. Uh... wait , what do you want me to do?"

"47 changes and 105 changes! Did you watch last year's War God Festival?"

"Look, huh, although I watched the recording a month later, it's really a genius design." Uncle Carl said: "The essence of a weapon is to be simple, durable and easy to repair, and it's best to be easy to use. Many people always I even forgot such a simple answer, and that’s how our Lianzhuhuo was closed. You mean, there is an improved version?”

"After all, this primary model is made of simple processing. A rural car repair shop can make it. Even the battery pack uses unstable bio-batteries, which means it is better than a durable one. But our regular The models can be different, at least the failure rate and safety must be lowered below the level." Yu Lian then handed over the new drawings he had drawn.

To put it bluntly, the AK is also pressed out of the small workshop used by Uncle Hei, but the ones used by RA have to be chrome-plated, and the butts are made of Siberian birch wood for ten years.

It is the best weapon to not only ensure the advantages of simple processing, convenient maintenance, low cost, but also reliability.

"Lianzhuhuo will never go away. Aren't you still there? Your fellow workers are still there too." Yu Lian patted the uncle on the shoulder: "The new arsenal will be attached to the Tulong Machinery Factory for the time being. It is a lot of trouble to open an arsenal in the mainland, but it is much easier in the New World. Since you are the director, bring all the technical backbones who still have contact with Lianzhuhuo back then."

In the end, this wild technical expert finally prepared a new Lianzhuhuo arsenal.Of course, this is not because of his high awareness or ambition, but because of his generous salary.

"In this way, I am also an elite who has worked three jobs." Uncle Carl Johnson laughed loudly: "In this way, I can leave a legacy to my children! Hahahaha, I won't be talked about by my wife all the time gone."

Well, that's about as much as most workers strive for.Everyone just wants to be a step-by-step living person. As long as the meat eaters above don’t look too ugly, as long as they can see hope, they are still willing to work hard.

"You can see if there is room for improvement. It would be the best if you can combine the concept of linkage and integration proposed by Lianzhuhuo back then. At least it will become a major part of the close-in defense and even the secondary artillery system. Let's make progress." Yu Lian said.

Old Carl thought for a while, and said: "After the factory was closed, Mr. Gellint, the chief engineer who proposed the integration, passed away. However, there should be many brothers who came out that year still alive. Find it, let’s think about it together, and it should be able to recover.”

"Then I'll leave it to you! The salary is the same as that of a level 8 mechanic of the Alliance Polaris Heavy Industry." Yu Lian said.

Old Carl really put himself in the role of director, and began to think about pulling out a list of available ones.However, looking at the happy expression on the old man's face, maybe he was thinking about how he should do Versailles in his letter to his old worker.

Yu Lian took the opportunity to chat with Dr. Banks next to him,

Speaking of which, the comrades who were still serving in the 14th military depot back then are still staying in Xinyumen. Except for Uncle Carl, the only one left is Dr. Banks Sazabi.After all, this man has a college degree—although he is a pheasant medical professional in a small town, he has finally turned into a second lieutenant now.

He told Yu Lian that he actually had a chance to be transferred back to China, but he still had an extra allowance for serving in the New World, so he still planned to stay, and even mortgaged a property in Tulong Port.

Moreover, looking at the development trend of Xinyumen, he still feels that there is a lot to do.He also told Yu Lian that he saved the life of the only son of a Shamin chief in the hospital last time, and now he is the guest of that tribe.

"I've already brought my parents here. The prices here are much lower than those in the mainland of the galaxy. And, in the future...if my younger brother's development is not going well in the mainland, there will be a place to go here."

Dr. Banks is not a person with great ability, but he is indeed a good brother and a good friend. He was also maintaining the chat group of the comrades in the No. 14 military station.

"Bacca and Youyou have already established a firm foothold in the alliance. Baca is still working as a security guard in a medical company; Youyou seems to have signed a contract with an economic company under Huanyu or Jade Bird, saying that they are ready to go out to receive commercial performances." He said. After hesitating for a while, he said again: "Belinda has been admitted to medical school, and I haven't had much contact with her during this time..."

Yu Lian was a little embarrassed.As a diving party, he seldom bubbled up in the group of old comrades, and even turned off the message prompts.

But in any case, it is always good news to know that everyone has a good fate.

All in all, the arsenal attached to the Tulong Machinery Factory was prepared in this way.Anyway, the ownership of the Tulong Machinery Factory itself is also half of the Hongfeng Factory and the New Yumen government. If you round it up, this new arsenal is also a state-owned enterprise after it is built.

In the same way, the Xanfeng Shipyard proposed by Dr. Xie can actually be regarded as a state-owned enterprise.Before the factory building of the shipyard was built, the old designer led a group of friends to show off in front of the citizens of Tulong who had never seen the world.They showed off the skills they used to escape from the galaxy, and transformed an abandoned merchant ship into a dual-purpose exploration and transportation ship that can continue to fight for another ten years. ferry.

Most of the onlookers didn't know why, but those who knew how to do it were amazed, so those who didn't know how to do it also quickly became astonished.

"New three years, old three years, sewing and mending another three years! Although Dr. Xie is a lord of the empire, he can be regarded as a member of my generation in some respects!" Yu Lian couldn't help feeling so emotional.

Then, he named the new ship "Wannian Fengxue", bought it in the name of Borei Company, and handed it over to Mr. Urnovich, Uncle Silverbeard and Agnes The "Big Three" of the company.

"This is your ship. Go to New Lushun to sign the contract." Yu Lian said, "Mr. Yang...ah no, Mr. Governor has approved the initial exploration and development of the new Lushun No. 3 continent, and I will leave it to you."

"Why do I think that you are using our new ship as a test product?" The girl from Gumeiya looked at Yu Lian suspiciously.

"What kind of experimental product? It's obviously the spokesperson." Yu Lian said solemnly: "You are the spokesperson of Xingta, and it would be good to be the spokesperson of Xanfeng and the God of the North Wind now. And remember to give it to Tulong Machinery Factory in the future Sign an endorsement contract, change your ship to buy weapons...ah no, you can get a discount on buying development tools."

After all, Agnes is also a star who was killed at the God of War Festival, and the traffic bonus has not yet passed.Although she is a purple-skinned alien girl, she still has human aesthetics, and she is upright and able to fight and fight. She is beautiful, strong and miserable. There are still many people who are good at this one.

Although the ancient American girl felt that she was being used as a gun by someone for no reason, but anyway, the company finally stopped being a mercenary, and had a serious business development and its own ship.She is still very happy.

Of course, Nanfeng Shipyard also had its first business.This may also mean that New Yumen has finally taken a solid step from a sparsely populated agricultural planet to a prosperous industrial planet.

After all, in this cosmic era, shipbuilding is the well-deserved crown of industry!

Ever since, at the ceremony to celebrate the launch of the "Wannian Fengxue", Governor Jiang jumped out very touched, holding Dr. Xie's hands and shaking them in the reporter's long guns and short cannons, expressing that he is a member of the New World. The representatives of the people are very grateful to Sir Alex Ferguson for his contributions to the compatriots in his hometown, and awarded him the honorary title and medal of "Friends of New Yumen".

Then, Mr. Governor held Yu Lian's hand in private and was so touched that he almost said that you, Colonel Yu Lian, are my half-brother, Jiang Yudong.

Indeed, the victory of the Battle of New Yumen, the killing of the leader of the heinous psychic terrorists, and the prosperity and development on the planet's ground are all considered remarkable achievements.Although Mr. Jiang has actually done nothing, as long as he is still the governor, he will have to give credit no matter what.

Now, the big bosses in the party, including Chairman Nishita, appreciate him very much. Once he returns to China and completes the final fundraising role, he can continue to take off in another place.

I am governing from the bottom of my hand, which is the most powerful political skill!He said so to himself, and then he even believed it himself.

Of course, for a qualified or even excellent professional politician, Governor Jiang will not forget who is his real nobleman.

"Good brother, if there is anything going on in the future, just tell my brother." He shook hands and said in a low voice, "Your youth club... well, brother, to tell you the truth, there are people from the Communist Party It is said that an investigation will be carried out, but the application has already reached the Disciplinary Supervision Department of the National Defense Commission. Your Excellency, Chairman, needs to avoid suspicion, so it is not easy to say anything here. But to put it bluntly, although this kind of thing is a bit illegal, it can be done in the military. What's the deal? Even Marshal Paris is a member of the Fisherman's Club. Those imperial lackeys are the most troublesome!"

"Fishing, Mr. Fishing?"

"That's right, a group of fishing enthusiasts' club formed by military generals. Hehe, a group of generals disappear together for a day or two during the holidays. Are they really going fishing?" Mr. Governor sneered, and then said: "Chairman Let me tell you, it's nothing, just rest assured."

Up to now, he has always regarded the youth club as a small group organization for young military officers, and it is Yu Lian's preparation for retiring from the army and entering politics in the future.This is a traditional art skill in the alliance, and it is estimated that it will soon become a traditional art skill of the community.

This may also be regarded as a historical limitation.

In any case, the world line where everyone has won is complete.

"Three years old, three years old, three years of sewing and mending. Although Dr. Xie is a lord of the empire, he is also a member of my generation in a sense!"

"Yes! You obviously want to build Xinyumen into another Lumina. So you just met Dr. Xie and his team who escaped from Yinxin, and rescued them. In order to repay the grace of saving lives, such a The talented person decided to stay and help you. Hehehe, if I were a low-level conspiracy theorist, considering who would benefit and who would be the most suspected, I might think that the predators were recruited by you."

"You are already a conspiracy theorist. I told you to read the story of Mr. Dongpo and Foyin for half an hour. In addition, please understand this to mean that the right is more helpful than the wrong, and the world is the same !” said Yu Lian.

"However, you are wrong about one thing. Comrade Hachiman, no matter how we develop, the upper limit of Lumina and Xinyumen is placed here. They may become the industrial fulcrum for the development of a star area, or they may bring Temporary prosperity, but it cannot be a basis for relying on."

With Qiu Mingshan Hachiman's IQ, seeing Mr. Qi running for the governor of the new Shenzhou star area, he can already guess something.

"Where is that? The new Shenzhou star area?" Hachiman wondered: "But it is just a remote star area, which was discovered by a group of rebellious adventurers during the colonial era of the empire. Since then, it has been obsessed with the rule of the empire. Now they are also obsessed with the earth. However, the reason why the local forces are incompatible with the mainstream is not that they are really strong enough to separate one side, but that the transportation and resource conditions there are not worth fighting."

"Davarixi Qiuming Mountain, more than [-] years ago, the leader of the group of adventurers who discovered the new China, that is, the ancestor of Xiaobai, is an eighth ring." Yu Lian said.

"I know." Qiu Mingshan Hachiman said.

"The empire gave the patriarch of the Bai family the hereditary duke title, and allowed him to break up the soil and seal the border there. Of course, he can also establish a dynasty and establish a country by himself, as long as it becomes a vassal state of the empire."

"I also know that." Hachiman said.

"However, Xiaobai's ancestors refused, and always regarded themselves as ordinary people on earth. After that, the Bai family has no shortage of strong people in the four hundred years of history. Oh, by the way, my teacher's wife, bah, my teacher's uncle Mei Zhenren, her mother's surname is also Bai. The third generation of the "Tai'a" of the Spiritual Research Association is also surnamed Bai, and she is Xiaobai's cousin."

"A very admirable family." Hachiman said sincerely: "During the War of Independence, the Bai family and Lan Zhenren fought side by side, and they died in the battle."

"However, they obviously have a way to turn the entire New China into an independent kingdom of the Bai family, but they have never done it. The New China Star District has had more than [-] chief executives since the empire era, and the surname Bai is actually Five or six." Yu Lian stroked his chin.

The Bai family and the Gongsun family are both psychic families that make the people of the earth proud, but due to the different choices of their ancestors, they have different fates.In all fairness, the former is indeed the biggest local snake in New China, but maybe it's because of family background, maybe because of the influence of blood, this family is full of proud lunatics.

Don't think that Xiaobai is not crazy because he looks like a little girl when he looks delicate and quiet. How can a son of a family who dares to come to the moon to participate in the Navy Festival alone before he is an adult be a good boy?

What's more, in his previous life, he was much crazier than his good friends Eisen and Tamir, who were also big tech masters.

However, it is precisely because of being crazy and proud that he does not want to associate with insects, so he has a minimum bottom line.

It's a kind of magical realism.

"The Bai family is a very good partner. We...ah no, the cockroach traps of Liuli and the others' Red Star Institute are selling very well there."

"I know this. But, does this have anything to do with what I said just now, that New China is a remote star area with few resources and traffic jams?"

Yu Lian didn't answer directly, but just laughed, having had enough of the Riddler's addiction, and then walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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