Chapter 867
Yu Lian greeted Hei Daxia and walked towards the landing craft.

This kind of landing craft can be regarded as a special weapon. The overall shape of the hull is conical, and the speed is extremely fast. With the disintegration force field generator on the bow, the penetration is extremely strong, and it can be called a throwing gun in a space war.

However, its problem is that in order to avoid bombs, its hull is very small, and the large-power engine and disintegration force field generator occupy most of the space.Therefore, the real usable space is very small, at most it can only accommodate a squad of soldiers and their mechs.

In the battle of the fleet, this weapon is used to attack the bridge in extreme situations.But the facts have proved that the so-called special use for extreme times is often of little use when the technology is extreme.

However, it must be admitted that this special assault boat is really good to use here.Although the hangar was small, at least it would not be a problem to fit the three of Yu Lian and the others and the special equipment they needed.

In addition, under the leadership of Yu Lian, the engineers thought about it, and forced a set of light wing equipment on the assault boat to go in—of course, Xiao Hui also helped a little in the dark.

Once this kind of light wing equipment is used, the life of the assault boat can only be calculated in minutes.However, no one expected to be able to recycle this thing.

"The operation is still very good." The chief mechanic, the first-class sergeant major that Yu Lian didn't know about, had already seen the captain, and hurriedly said: "Also, I also put the emblem machine and all the equipped weapons you used. Well, another charging device is configured. As long as the ship is not completely destroyed, you can even use the hull of the ship to charge it at critical moments."

This is also a great master!Yu Lian thought.However, why do I always feel that this old man is a bit wrong, which is probably why I forget to ask people's names every time.

Of course, out of politeness and the most basic emotional intelligence, Yu Lian still sincerely expressed his gratitude to the old man, and then moved closer to Earl Black Moon, whispering:
"When charging, I can be responsible for driving."

"Driving in a coat of arms?" Earl Black Moon put down the thermos cup, his eyes behind the mask were still as calm as before, without any sense of sharpness.

Yu Lian really wanted to say that he had relevant experience in this field, but considering that it would be better to be young and energetic to an old senior of unknown age, he said, "It doesn't matter, those who are capable can do anything."

"It sounds like he's a reliable young man." The count said, "Then, when the time comes, I'll find a way to cover the ship's trajectory."

There are many ways to obscure a person's movements, but obscuring an armored airship traveling at sublight charge speed sounds like a myth.However, someone with such a great name as the Earl of Black Moon, who was personally invited by his master, shouldn't be able to talk nonsense.

Therefore, Yu Lian expressed his gratitude to the rogue, and completed the last pre-war maintenance on the assault boat with the technicians before returning to the bridge.

"I'll just wait here, and I won't go away." The earl said to Yu Lian, then pulled up the thermos again, and drank the hot tea with medicinal herbs.

Just after leaving the hangar, Xiao Hui's voice came from Yu Lian's headset again: "This Earl of Black Moon..."

Yu Lian obviously sensed curiosity from the other party's tone, and was a little surprised.You know, for Xiao Hui, a silicon-based life that is difficult to understand at the current level of civilization, you can directly connect to the Nebula Network to pick up any information you want.In the existing civilization, there are almost no secrets for her, so it is naturally difficult to have such an obvious interest in something.

"He is the most important urban legend of our earthlings. It is said that he is an undead demon who has lived for more than [-] years. This has exceeded the upper limit of human beings. Of course, I personally think that this may be just a name inheritance." Yu Lian smiled and said, "If you're curious, how about we go and investigate together?"

"I don't want it." Xiao Hui sent out a smile that was obviously full of teasing.

"don't want?"

"Interesting things, in the torrent of time, seem commonplace. Interesting people can always let their light shine through the shackles of time. Look now, in your era, there are still a lot of interesting people , at least more than the last time I woke up more than five hundred years ago. Looking at it this way, the civilization of your generation still has room for recovery.”

Just as Yu Lian was about to say a riddle, the robot got out of the universe, but there was no more sound to him.He shrugged, and on the way back to the bridge, he deliberately passed the cafeteria to fill his stomach, and happened to bump into the master who was also coming to have breakfast.

This fairy-like master, who looks like a grand master just sitting there, has a plate full of food piled up in front of him, which really doesn't fit his personality at all.

"I wanted to ask before...Master, didn't you say that at your level, you can absorb the essence of the sun, the moon, and the aura of heaven and earth to be born without even eating?"

"That's true. I can do this when I'm forty years old as a teacher." Lan Jiufeng said: "However, apprentice, don't talk nonsense about the essence of the sun, the moon, the essence of the world, the aura of the world, it sounds very mysterious, but But it’s all empty talk. In fact, it’s practiced to a certain level, allowing spiritual energy to regenerate the sky outside of the mind and mind, which can keep the muscles and bones strong, and the vitality and blood long. Creating this spiritual meridian circulation method for the teacher is precisely I hope everyone under the door can adapt to this process in advance.”

The translation is to make the psionic energy and the outside world form a more unified and smoother cycle, so that you can drink the northwest wind to produce the nutrients your body needs.

"But even so, tasting delicious food is a pleasure in the world! As the old saying goes, food and sex are also good; now you young people say that only good wine and good food can't live up to it. Disciple, you said, if I don't even have good food and beauties Knowing how to appreciate, isn’t it true that you have forgotten the original heart of being a human being? So, how can you get the natural taste of Taoism’s ten thousand dharmas?”

"...This, you don't need to eat it but you have to eat it. How can this be considered natural?" Yu Lian said.

"However, wouldn't it be more unnatural if you obviously want to eat but don't eat?" Lan Jiufeng said.

Yu Lian pondered for two seconds, then raised his thumb in admiration.You can't talk about philosophy with Taoists, no matter how you talk about it, it's so reasonable!Next time, I should let you and Xiao Hui confront each other.

At this time, the master said again: "Besides, disciple, the feast you eat during this period of time as a master is not just for your own appetite."

Having said that, he raised his hand, and there was a trace of fiery splendor on his arm.

Yu Lian felt that his eyes just came into contact with the brilliance for a moment, and there was a very obvious burning sensation on his retina, and he could not help but subconsciously lean back tactically, and even closed his eyes.

The moment he came into contact with the almost colorless light, he felt that his soul seemed to be locked by a giant beast in flames.However, Yu Lian could also feel that it was not some bloodthirsty and tyrannical ghost, but contained an awe-inspiring solemnity and nobility.

"This is……"

"Hohohoho, I haven't seen my teacher and my old friend from the opposite empire for [-] years, and I need to show some new tricks. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to write new songs for those cute little girls." Lan Jiu Feng stroked his beard, and forced himself to smile a little bit of a house-like obscenity on his fairy-like appearance... Ah no, a sense of innocence.The sense of sacred oppression before was naturally gone.

Yu Lian automatically ignored the latter sentence, and couldn't help feeling sincere admiration for Master again.Not every psychic can tirelessly break through himself and explore new realms in his [-]s.

For example, let's talk about the "Master's old friend" on the opposite side.Yu Lian was sure that compared to the period of the War of Independence, Duke Sadran's psychic abilities might have improved, but his vigor and physical strength were not what they used to be.But he didn't know where he got the confidence to dare to challenge Master again.

In this regard, the master commented: "Everyone understands the Tao differently. The old boy Sadurana firmly believes in his own choice, which is better than not believing in anything. But you, you have to keep in mind, the emblem machine is also A weapon, and a weapon is ultimately a tool. A tool is something that facilitates, not something that binds."

Yu Lian felt that what the master said was very reasonable, so he decided to stuff a little ion salt into the coat of arms machine for a while, so that he could play with boom when the situation was not good.Anyway, by the time I reached the fifth ring, even the most advanced emblem machine in the empire would have very limited bonuses to me.

By the time Yu Lian returned to the bridge, all important posts had already been filled.Seeing everyone looking full of energy, Yu Lian was sure that his decision to let everyone rest for two days was correct.Of course, this must also be thanks to the friends of the empire who traveled thousands of miles (light years) to "help"!

Thinking of this, Yu Lian said to the first mate Kong Qingyu who was arranging all the start-up matters: "Before the leap, we can leave a few semi-permanent stability beacons near the gravity well."

The first officer quickly understood Yu Lian's meaning, and said, "Isn't that a bit too deliberate?"

"It's really obvious. However, the friends of the empire are here, will they retreat at the door? Besides, they have worked hard all the way day and night. Even if it is in the basic morality, we should leave them a road sign of."

Kong Qingyu nodded, and replied with a serious face: "And, when exploring the unknown starry sky, it is indeed necessary to install a stable gravitational wave beacon near the newly discovered gravity well. This is the most basic safety procedure!"

"...First officer, although we haven't worked together for a long time, I really feel that you are the best assistant I have ever worked with! If we don't continue to cooperate for a long time, I will be sorry for the fate bestowed by the spirit of the universe."

This Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu has outstanding abilities, is serious and determined in doing things, and both his appearance and personality are typical of the style of an elite old sailor.The most important thing is that even at this age, he is still willing to accept new knowledge and concepts.In Yu Lian's opinion, this is a perfect captain!
Yu Lian just wanted to discuss the issue of stagnation in the universe with the chief mate, but the mate had already reached his position and continued to work.

After the chief engineer, damage control department, and security department at the rear of the hull were all in position and the final preparations for sailing were completed, the first officer looked at Yu Lian, waiting for his order.

"Don't worry." Yu Lian said with a smile: "Let the bullets... let the friendly troops fly for a while!"

At the same moment, Colonel Yeager Sobek, the newly promoted star of hope of the Astral Knights, the "old enemy" officially recognized by someone, is looking at the 166 galaxy on the edge with his eagle eyes wide open. direction.Of course, even if he is already the "navigator" of the third ring, with eyesight comparable to radar, it is absolutely impossible to see the appearance of galaxies dozens of light-years away with the naked eye.

Of course he didn't see Captain Hongshan rolling his eyes with his back turned to him, he just looked into the distance and said to himself: "How's the astrological situation over there?"

Captain Hongshan said: "I only know that it is a very barren three-star galaxy. It is the expedition fleet of the Alliance and the Community that explored here on the spot. Most of the galaxy data have been sealed as military data."

Sobaek nodded slightly.Even with the size and national strength of the empire, it is impossible to send a special ship to investigate all the newly discovered galaxies.

Moreover, neither the Community nor the Alliance has taken any further development actions in the twenty years after discovering this galaxy, which is enough to show that this place is indeed very barren.If it weren't for this place that is causing trouble now, the army of the Galactic Empire might not visit this remote galaxy within a century.

Sobaek couldn't help rubbing his face, and then said solemnly: "Let everyone return to their seats quickly."

Captain Hongshan glanced at Sobaek, who was pretending to be calm, and thought that every galaxy you passed along the way would have an ominous premonition.

For a while, I was worried about some space behemoth, for a while I felt that I would encounter abnormal celestial bodies, for a while I wondered where there would be pirates, and in the end I was always worried that the dreadnought of the earth people was going to ambush you. A pair of persecution delusions of virtue.It's nothing more than my neurasthenia, the whole fleet is a little nervous.

But even so, the noble duke actually praised you as a talent for being careful and careful.

However, with such a morality that is about to be mentally weak, he can still maintain a perfect routine of getting up at 4 o'clock on time every day and appearing on the bridge at 7 o'clock on time every day, which is quite awe-inspiring.

Well, he is obviously a strong man, born with a bear-like appearance!This is also the traditional art of Colonel Sobaek.Captain Hongshan said that he was used to this "old partner", and said: "One hour ago, that is, at 5:58, the deep space probe launched by this ship was indeed on the way to the edge of the 166 galaxy. At the entrance of the gravity well, energy residues were found. The technical department has just completed the analysis, and it can be confirmed that within 24 hours, the gravity well has been activated, and it must have passed through a large ship.”

Sobaek breathed a sigh of relief, and finally felt a sense of solidity after the second shoe landed.

Captain Hongshan said: "Your Excellency's judgment is correct, and your navigation is also correct."

After all, Sobaek's star ring is "exploration", and piloting is his job.Moreover, this is the first time that the Imperial Fleet has run this route, and an excellent navigator is still needed.

Along the way, although there were still some sudden and abnormal changes in the sky, under his leadership, the entire fleet survived all difficulties without any surprises.The Duke of Sadulan praised him in front of the whole army, and he didn't forcefully carry the sedan chair for his disciples without purpose.

Thinking of this, Sobaek couldn't help puffing out his chest proudly.

At this time, Captain Hongshan said: "So, are you ready to jump? You can't stay by the gravity well all the time, right?"

Sobaek's smiling face immediately collapsed.He rolled his eyes, looked at another Clear Sky-class cruiser outside the porthole, and finally squeezed out a sentence from the corner of his mouth: "Then, let the entire fleet enter combat readiness,, by this ship and the two holy ships." Let the shield be the guide."

(End of this chapter)

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