Chapter 869

Yu Lian knew what Xiao Hui was talking about.It was one of the "three moons" that everyone saw at the beginning, and it was also the smallest one.However, unlike the hazy cold light formed by reflecting sunlight on the other two moons, this moon has a hazy and elegant silver light, which clearly shows that it is the location of the light source.

And as a psychic who has "cosmic perception", five rings, and even Xiao Hui's reminder, Yu Lian naturally sees more than others.

In everyone's field of vision, only half of the moon is seen.Under the influence of the dislocation of light and shadow formed by the bright silver light, their vision may feel that the other half of the moon is hidden in a place where the brilliance of the stars cannot shine.

But Yu Lian knew that the "moon" was only half.

Indeed, there is no moon in this world with only half of it remaining in a stable orbit in space, there is no moon that stands still within the gravitational range of the planet, and of course there is no such smooth moon.

What kind of moon is it? It is clearly a huge artificial creation lying on the orbit of space.

But, do you enlightened people really call such a big thing a boat?
"Don't be afraid." Xiao Hui said: "Although the stealth camouflage of this thing is invalid, the illusion effect formed by the hull surface paint still exists, but as long as you get closer, you can find that that thing is indeed no bigger than a Titan ship how much."

I have eyes and can see.But didn't you say it was a research ship?
"Master, Hei Da Xia, have you seen that thing?" Yu Lian began to use the terminal to call the seniors who did not know where they were in the ship.

"I see it. As expected, it is a man-made creature with a myriad of phenomena!" Master said.

"It's good to be big, and there are many loopholes that can be exploited." Earl Black Moon said.

Yu Lian felt that the other party's words seemed to comfort him, and he was very grateful in his heart, so he smiled and said: "Yes, as long as you can shoot such a big thing, you can always hit it."

"That's right! If those friends who came to help me come in time, I will be grateful to the old man for preparing them this once-in-a-thousand-year meeting place. Isn't this also a once-in-a-thousand-year elegant event?" Master said .

"As long as your friends who come to help you are not scared away by the creation of the Enlightened One." Hei Yue laughed.

"It's still the same sentence, once you come, you will never leave. Sadulan is not a magnanimous person who rides a boat in his belly. It is precisely because of this that he will definitely come!"

On the other side, the imperial battleships behind also entered the galaxy one after another. After everyone re-formed a tight formation, they drove towards the active signal source that they had just captured.

Then, after going through a difficult voyage that could make the breakfast of ordinary sailors upside down today, and paying the price of damage to the hulls of two destroyers, the on-board AI of one Holy Shield cruiser went down, and three crew members At the cost of the injuries to the crew of Bakwe, the imperial fleet finally passed through two giant gaseous planets and three distant stars to form a chaotic gravitational field.

Earl Black Moon was absolutely right.During this voyage, the Imperial Fleet really showed extremely high quality.If it were the navy of another country, I am afraid that just passing through this large gravitational field will cause five labors and seven injuries, let alone civilian ships.

However, the destroyer driven by the Bakovians also had a collision.Fortunately, the ship built by the empire has a solid hull, exquisite structure and reasonable layout.Although the hull was damaged, it quickly returned to normal under the repair of the damage control team.Although the crew were injured, at least there were no deaths.

Sobaek tried to persuade the Duke, hoping that everyone could bypass this chaotic gravitational zone, but the other party replied: "This is the shortest route! Yeager, you can't guarantee that there will be no such problems in the rest of the airspace, unless you come from The edge of the galaxy, cruising outside the influence of the stars. But this will add at least twelve hours to the voyage. Whatever we decide, it will be over."

Sobaek thought to himself, didn't you always say that you have no experience in commanding a fleet?Doesn't this count as clear?

In addition, didn't you agree that you will hand over the command of the fleet to me?

Even so, once the Duke of Sadulan gave the order, no one in the army would object.He said that he wanted to break through head-on, but of course he could only make a breakthrough head-on.

Fortunately, everything is safe and sound.A group of ships finally successfully broke through the chaotic magnetic field of the stormy sea.After this battle, Sobek really felt that his command and spaceflight capabilities had been upgraded, and he estimated that the rest of his friends should be the same.

And at this time, they finally received the information fed back by the deep space probe.

This time, not only Sobaek and the other captains, but even the Duke of Sadulan, who never cared about "mundane affairs", also showed the surprise that normal people should have.

"Is there indeed a new gravity well?"

"Yes, we have identified the remnants of gravity well fluctuations. We also found a gravitational beacon nearby, which is a semi-fixed device used to stabilize and record gravity well signals." Captain Hongshan replied: "On the device, there are The military emblem of the Earthlings!"

"So that's the reason, this is Lan Jiufeng's purpose!" Duke Sadulan was slightly taken aback, thought for a while, and then burst out laughing loudly.

"He and his disciples must have found some star map in that ruins, right? Quack quack quack, I thought it was just a matter between me and Lan Jiufeng, but I didn't expect there to be a surprise!"

Sobaek couldn't help but said: "But, teacher, what they did just now, and they left a gravitational beacon on the side of the gravity well, I always feel..."

"It always feels like a trap? Don't you?" Duke Sadran interrupted the other party: "Yager, the other party deliberately showed up in front of you. This is a provocation, and it is definitely a trap! Because of this, we We must rise to the challenge!"

Are you able to jump because you found a trap?Is this the logic of the strong?Sobaek said that if this is the case, it would be good for him not to be a strong man for the rest of his life.

"In any case, we have already arrived here, should we stop here?"

Seeing Teacher Cheap's earnest expression, Sobaek had to admit that even a Buddhist like himself would feel a sense of incomprehension when he said he retreated here.

"This is what I want to teach you. Even if you know it may be a trap, but if you have already realized it and have absolute confidence in your own strength, will you rush into it?"

"...A trap that is seen through by others is no longer a trap." Sobaek sighed with a straight face.He was a little proud, and he never imagined that one day he would say such philosophical words.

"Yes, that's why we're going to have a meeting." The Duke of Sadran looked like a child, and then showed expectant eyes.

At that moment, although it was only a very short moment, Colonel Sobaek felt that he had completed a lifetime of psychological construction.Under the amazed eyes of Captain Hongshan and other friends on the bridge, he raised his head and chest and saluted a military salute, as if every pore of his body was filled with a passionate sense of mission.

At that moment, he raised his acting skills to a new level: "Then, let me..."

The Duke of Sadran smiled with satisfaction, and interrupted his disciple again: "This cruise, every time you arrive at a new galaxy, you are the first to explore the way. And this time, it's my turn."

"Teacher?" Yeager Soback was stunned, not because he was moved, but because he felt that it was a little too unrealistic.The cheap teacher in front of him suddenly became so reasonable, which really made him a little uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, isn't this the invitation card that Lan Jiufeng sent me?" He laughed three more times, and then said: "Yager, follow the usual tactics and treat me Ten minutes after the Spring Rain jump is completed, you will proceed to the second batch of jumps."

In this way, all the soldiers of the Imperial Army looked at the "Spring Rain" cruiser on which the Duke of Sudulan was riding, like a knight preparing to step into the duel field, they drilled into this new gravity well with high spirits, and sailed to Unknown starry sky.

Of course, in the eyes of Sobek, who was born in a colony, this is a typical unreasonable embarrassment.He couldn't help sighing, and felt that he was always out of tune with his fellow knights, especially with his cheap master, probably because he wasn't shy enough.

At this time, Captain Hongshan looked at Yeager and made a questioning gesture: "Ten minutes?"

"No, five minutes." Jaeger gritted his teeth and said, "Also, those space-bubble torpedoes in our ship..."

"Everything is normal." The captain said, "The special weapons team has to conduct routine inspections twice a day."

"Okay! Put the special weapons team on standby, ready to inject antimatter materials at any time!"

Captain Hongshan was silent for two seconds before he asked: "To be honest, you old enemies of fate, duel of glory, side of truth, I really don't understand these mystical concepts."

Don't say you don't understand, I don't understand either!And I didn't even intend to know.Sobak thought.

"However, in order to deal with your old enemy, you are planning to use space to soak torpedoes, isn't it too late?"

So why do you also think he is my old enemy?How can I, Yeager Sobaekhede!
"I know that he slapped your knights in the face! But no matter what, he is also the chosen champion of the God of War Festival! Although the members of your knights regard him as an enemy, I have heard that many big I appreciate him very much. Needless to say, His Royal Highness Su Liuka, even His Majesty the Emperor gave him his own weapons."

The Dawn royal family has a problem with collecting stamps, which is really not a secret in the imperial army.

What does this have to do with me, Yeager Sobaek, who slapped the Knights in the face?
"Besides, the community and our country are at peace after all. I heard that most of the talented knights act recklessly, disobey orders, and ignore the overall situation. I always feel that you should be different..."

"What have you been talking about since just now!" Sobaek finally couldn't help it, and retorted loudly: "Who, who said that these torpedoes in space are for Yu... the person who can't even mention his name?" Are you ready? Captain, let me tell you, I am a nobleman too, so you can’t slander me! You can’t slander me! I’m obviously doing it just to be on the safe side.”

In case?To deal with pirates or space creatures?

"Okay, okay, I understand everything, I understand everything." Captain Hongshan patted Sobaek on the shoulder and sighed: "Anyway, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"So what do you know?"

At the same moment, at the moment when the cruiser Spring Rain where the Duke of Sadran was on completed its transition, and the Scarlet Throne that entered the "inner ring" of the galaxy continued to maintain a state of "radio silence", step by step towards the silver "Moon" touched it carefully, like a wretched groundhog.

Now, everyone is getting closer and closer to the low-Earth orbit of the blue planet, and gradually see the original appearance of the unknown object. Only now do we know that it is not the moon, but clearly an artificial creation.

However, that may be one of the most magnificent artificial creations that most people have ever seen.

The watchman asked Yu Lian for the third time whether to start routine observation work.After pondering for a while, the latter finally agreed with the other party to use the radio telescope.

Soon, all the details of this ancient creation were also reflected on the light screen of the Scarlet Throne.What the other party presented was indeed a very regular hemisphere, with a diameter that should be more than twice that of the Throne.

Looking at it from a distance, it really looks like an umbrella cover made of flowing mercury, standing quietly in the low-earth orbit of this huge blue planet.The silver-white hull has an elegant curvature, but the surface is extremely clear, reflecting the orange sunlight and the sky full of stars like a mirror, and even the red reflection of the Throne.

If the opponent is really a hostile unit, the Throne can actually try to use ultra-long-range missiles for the first round of strikes.At this time, it is meaningless to install marmots again, so Yu Lian ordered the entire ship to lift the "radio silence" state.

Xiao Hui didn't put forward any opinions, and didn't know whether to agree with Yu Lian's judgment or to let him play freely.

However, the image of that ship had clearly been projected onto the light curtain through the radio telescope, but the radar detection found nothing, as if there were no obstacles in front of it at all.

"As I said, the exterior of that ship is made of a kind of illusion paint, which can absorb and neutralize almost all known energy reactions. The electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves used by your current detection methods are all within its absorption range Within." Xiao Hui said in Yu Lian's headset.

"That is to say, it is completely invisible. It can be inflated and invisible, and the sky and the earth belong to it!" Yu Lian sighed: "Now I know why you want me to fill the kinetic energy cannon."

Energy weapons will be absorbed by new materials, but great strength will always produce miracles!

"You have to be grateful that after so many years, that guy's mirage system has failed. Otherwise, your naked eyes will either not see her, or you will see a lot of her. When that time comes, you can only rely on your spirit to see her." The perception of those who are able to find the enemy." Xiaohui said.

"Can this be done too?"

Yu Lian felt exhausted just thinking about that scene.In such a vast cosmic space, a distance of [-] kilometers can be regarded as "beside".If you want to use your personal perception and spirituality to catch a high-speed target in such a vast space, it is simply as unscientific as looking for mosquitoes without turning on the lights.

As for the white-haired fox of the Bei family, when he arrived at the Nine Rings in his later years, he relied on the cooperation of complex arrays, various high-tech equipment and a group of horse boys to buff his own large fleet, but this has nothing to do with capturing the target. Not the same thing.

"That's why I said, your understanding of psionic power is still very superficial." She laughed.

Yu Lian still wanted to ask something, but Xiao Hui also said: "This is a very good opportunity to practice! Captain brother, just use your heart to aim and try to hit it!"

(End of this chapter)

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