Him and their stars

Chapter 874 Under the Silver Seabed

Chapter 874 Under the Silver Seabed

At this time, the battlefield, which made the painting style of the entire sci-fi universe era very strange, has changed.

The [-]-foot-tall golden-armored god-man was still extremely mighty, and his eight-armed sword and shield danced in an impenetrable way, isolating all the light arrows outside, and there was no problem of insufficient battery life at all.However, the cruiser Chunyu where it was located was inevitably stopped at a considerable distance.And taking advantage of this opportunity, the mysterious bird soaring in the blue sky twisted a mysterious and flexible trajectory.Its speed didn't seem to be very fast, but it avoided the concentrated fire of the light arrow lightly and dexterously.Even the best ace pilots in top-performance fighter jets would find it difficult to make such maneuvers, let alone shells and missiles.

As a result, the mysterious bird was wrapped in rail shells, and just like that, it slammed into the side of the ancient ship violently.

This is exactly the area that was blasted with black spots by the concentrated fire of the Throne just now.

The moonlight-like light curtain is like a thunderbolt being thrown into a tranquil lake, sparkling ripples are constantly reverberating, the elegant and brilliant silver light is constantly trembling, and dazzling and treacherous spots of light appear constantly. The nobility and elegance of ancient relics are naturally gone.

Therefore, at this moment, the huge but still flexible hull finally faltered obviously.

No matter what grievances and grievances these two eight-ring bosses have.At least, at this moment, they have indeed achieved a great achievement of joining forces against the enemy.

At this moment, Yu Lian's "cosmic perception" has already told himself what happened there.

"Aha, the tortoise's shell finally broke!"

"Speed ​​up and rush over." The count stood up from behind Yu Lian: "However, don't walk in a straight line."

Of course Yu Lian understood what the other party meant, so he turned the joystick immediately.The Swift landing craft, which was shaped like an arrow, immediately made a gorgeous turn in front of the enemy, and rushed to the other side of the ancient ship with the fighters behind it.

But the master who had succeeded in one strike stroked his beard indifferently, and took another step forward. He really floated up like a celestial being, and flew into the vast sky.

On the Throne, the crew members who witnessed this scene looked at Lan Jiufeng as if they were looking at God.If it weren't for the fact that they were professionally educated and highly professional soldiers, they might have knelt down and made a pilgrimage by now.

Just when everyone thought that Zhenren Lan would fly across the spirit void and smash the ancient ship with a sword qi spanning ninety thousand miles, the latter snorted, stretched out his hand, and called out who is it? A long beep that could not be heard: "Key!"

Then, he threw something into the air, which suddenly expanded dozens of times, and turned into a silver-gray flat plate with metallic light, about four or five meters in length and more than one meter in width.

"Fly, Fly Sword!" Although Yu Lian felt that the thing was more like a technological creation, but combined with Master's consistent operation of destroying the style of painting, he inexplicably felt that this title was more appropriate.

"Hahahaha, brother Lan said it was a flying sword, but I know it should be the treasure of the ancient gods and men he took out from the ruins back then." Earl Heiyue laughed.

"Actually, it's a space skateboard used by my creators. However, even in our era, those who are proficient in using this kind of props are all top-level psionic researchers." Xiao Hui said in Yu Lian's headset, He said in a voice that only he could hear: "Although your generation's understanding of psychic power is still superficial, there is no shortage of the most powerful superhumans. You always have a sensible way of doing things."

Indeed, the current master has stretched his legs, swung his arms and stood on it, his expression is still so calm that it is about to shatter the void.It's just that his standing movements are not so fairy-like, and with his floral shirt that is always sunny, it looks like he is surfing.

Then, a colorless band of light seemed to sway from the tail of the skateboard, leading the master to accelerate suddenly, and rushed towards the ancient ship.

He used much more agile movements than the "mysterious bird" just now, stepping on the skateboard under his feet... Ah no, the flying sword avoided the multiple bombardments of the light and light arrows, and then waved his hand, and landed on the outer wall of the ancient ship. Obvious scratches were left on the silver light curtain.

In front of Lan Jiufeng, the ancient ship left by the Enlightened One, which has operated for countless millions of years, is as clumsy as a rhinoceros with a small brain.

Yu Lian felt that the current master was really handsome.However, this scene is really a bit of hatred.

If this continues, Enlightenment will lose all face.Probably the ancient AI in the opposite ship made such a judgment, and immediately regarded Master as the biggest enemy.I saw more regular fluctuations in the light curtains on both sides of the giant ship, as if many small doors had been opened.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of black spots that were as big as Master's skateboards, no, flying swords, all came out of the light gate.

"Escort robot OB-4F." Xiaohui explained.

Yu Lian calmly used the back view hole of the emblem machine to look at Earl Black Moon sitting in the back seat, and then typed on the terminal: "Very powerful?"

"Well, in terms of individual combat effectiveness, I can probably fight you one-on-one."

Oh, that's seven or eighty five rings.small scene...

Then, immediately after, a larger black spot emerged from behind the light curtain of the ancient ship.

"Command robot OF-12X, Pioneer." Xiao Hui explained again in a calm voice.


"You can fight your master for about five hundred rounds."

Oh, the robot at the eighth-ring level is still a small scene.

"However, this is actually good news."


"This kind of pioneer escort robot is a complete set, and there will only be one on a scientific research ship." She said.

That's great.There are two Eight Rings on our side.Even if the master and the Duke of Sudulan were a little unhappy and couldn't join forces to fight against the enemy, at least they could make a Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and there was still a lot of room for manipulation.

"But there is one more bad news."

"……You say."

"The pioneer is also a nanorobot that is very close to me, and can be fused with the individual under his command. After the fusion, he is a little bit more powerful than your master."

"Nine rings?"

"You can't use a carbon-based psyker's star ring to fit a robot. However, it should be similar."

Well, it's okay, isn't it the nine rings?Even if it was the Nine Rings, Yu Lian was sure that a mere robot would not be able to defeat the Emperor.small scene...

Why don't you rush to the Dragon's Palace?
"Then, you went dark..."

"Sorry, it's a different price, bah, a different system. And it's forbidden even if it can be done!"

I always feel that the attitude in her tone is not so firm this time.

Probably feeling that Yu Lian's mood was a little depressed, the other party comforted: "However, there is another piece of good news."

Is there anything you can't say all at once?This time, Yu Lian really felt his blood pressure soar.

However, just as he was gnashing his teeth, he heard the other party say again: "When that thing comes out, it means that the center on the target has regarded Mr. Lan as the most threatening target, and it needs to be eliminated first, so it will start to attack Gao. Super psyker defense mechanism. This means that the defense capability inside the ship has entered the emptiest stage."

Yu Lian was slightly taken aback: "This, is there a clear space ahead?"

And the enlightened inducement is still the old master, the master?Why do you feel so embarrassed?

"Of course, even such good news hides a very normal news." Xiao Hui said again.

"You said..." Yu Lian thought to himself, if he was not wearing the emblem machine now, his face and clenched fists must have been seen by Earl Black Moon behind him.

"Generally speaking, the robot defense system of this pioneer system should be a set of one hundred machines, but I have only captured sixty-four targets so far. Do you think the rest are disabled or still in use? What about waiting in the ship?"

Yu Lian already felt numb, so he said expressionlessly: "I personally feel that maybe they prepared delicious food for me in the boat and waited for the party. It's been so many years, maybe those defense robots have been divided into two factions." Well, the other faction is pacifist, thinking that they must make good friends with visitors like us."

"What kind of vulgar nine-rate light novel setting... Uh, I mean, then you are such a rare optimist!" Xiao Hui laughed: "Of course, even if it's a party, you must Bring your weapons and stay vigilant. In the history of your carbon-based creatures, there were quite a few cases of being killed at banquets. What a changeable life form!"

"No way, we socialized carbon-based organisms are a civilization composed of individuals with different views and no appeals!" Yu Lian thought about it, and suddenly said: "However, this is a scientific research ship after all. Even if there are hundreds of petri dishes on it, and a lot of heterogeneous embryos collected from various planets, it should be quite normal. Even if a few guys have completed development, it is very reasonable, right?"

"It's really reasonable. But, again, for the ship's center, the first priority should be to protect the crew, and the second is to maintain its own existence. Protecting the specimen is already a relatively low-cost task sequence. Since hundreds of millions of years have passed, the cultivation device should have stopped functioning."

"But it may still be working. Also, you said last time that there are actually bionics and cultivators on board?"

"Oh, that's just a casual remark. In fact, in the most prosperous era of my creator, biological androids were actually companion humanoid props with very single functions."

This explanation still sounds reasonable.The nanomachines of the Enlightened Ones can already be broken down to the level of cells and even atoms.In this case, the bionic person can indeed only play a companion role, as well as some unscrupulous uses.

In addition, considering that the Enlightened Ones are such a great civilization, maybe they have long been out of low-level interests, and maybe even those unscrupulous uses are dull.

"There are people, there is a reason for the existence of bionics. But now, the crew of that ship is long gone." Xiaohui said.

"Where did they go?" Yu Lian couldn't help asking again.

"I'm telling you, boy, this is the biggest prohibition."

Yu Lian pouted, and said again: "Didn't you say that the civilization of our generation still has a superficial understanding of psychic powers. Since nano-robots like you can be psychic, there are a few bionics who can be psychic on board." It’s also possible, right? This might increase the diversity of research. The energy of mysticism and the energy of technology are blended, and the scientific research ship can last longer!”

Xiao Hui behind the headset had an obvious pause, and then said: "There is such a possibility. Well, there is indeed. If there is a bionic person with nine rings on board, and biochemical limbs with high durability With cooperation, maybe it can be continued until now. Yes, it’s only a few hundred million years, save some electricity, it should still be able to move now.”

Hey Hey hey!What's the matter with your hesitation?As a super-generation silicon-based nano-life, can it be so full of human weaknesses?
Immediately afterwards, the child giggled in the headset: "Hahaha, don't worry. As I said, on the side of the truth in the field of mysticism, even my creators, only a very small number of people can Reaching that level, let alone a bionic person? If there are any, you should be able to handle it. Even if you can't handle it, the Earl of Black Moon should be able to handle it."

Yu Lian sighed, and let go of his clenched fist: "Anyway, at least the most capable monster has been lured away by Master, right?"

"Isn't that the case? It's a good quality to see the positive side at all times. I'm very optimistic about you. Boy!"

So, Swift just crossed the edge of the airspace where the two powerful and ancient ships were fighting, and rushed towards the wound that Lan Jiufeng had torn open with "Xuanniao Jianqi".

Outside the porthole, the dense light vectors almost completely obscured the starlight in the sky.However, Yu Lian didn't even need to activate the "cosmic perception", he could feel it with his own dynamic vision alone. Compared with the attack on Master and Duke Sadulan, this barrage is already very polite.

The automatic center of the Apocalypse scientific research ship still judged the two eight-ring bosses over there as the most threatening targets.That being the case, of course he was not going to be polite.

At that moment, Yu Lian thought of the sea in his previous life... the most bloody moment in the ranger's career.At that time, he finally got a second-hand Blackbird X900 light shuttle cruise ship from the pirate port, and then remodeled it with a fortune, and then named it "Millennium Falcon" with great affection.

However, when he left the Abyss Nebula with his new ship, he was blocked by the empire's fleet chasing him.

At that time, when I braved the dense barrage of more than a dozen cruisers in the empire and advanced toward the gravity well gracefully, the scene was really similar to now!

The past and the future once again intersected in Yu Lian's mind, and his soul ignited at the right time, and he stepped on the switch to the bottom.And at Swift's side, twenty-four drones equipped with energy deflection shields and mirror armor also stuck close together, forming a tortoise shell advancing at high speed.

At this moment, whether it was Yu Lian, or Lieutenant Colonel Dutt and other friends, they all exerted their driving abilities to the extreme.

Finally, when [-] drones were knocked out, the Swift driven by Yu Lian had already passed the interception of the barrage.Outside the porthole, what he saw was no longer a huge silver ship, but a smooth curved surface that occupied more than half of his field of vision, like a vast sea where the silver was the ocean and the spots of light were the waves.

The rift, just at the edge of view, was like a vortex in the ocean.

Through that vortex, there is an ancient city full of treasures hidden under the sea.

But Yu Lian could also see that at this juncture, dozens of construction machinery floated up from under the light curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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