Chapter 880

Although Xiao Hui didn't slap him, Yu Lian still trembled, subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that Xiao Hui was standing next to him at some point, still in the golden ratio. There is no place that is not full of sculptural classic girly shapes.However, at this time, she was not wearing that elegant and fresh dress, but a classic silver armor, looking like a heroine from the era of cold weapons.

... what is this?Changed the skin?

However, for Xiao Hui, all her appearances, including the most used girly appearance, can only be regarded as skin, right?

So, skin within skin?What kind of Russian nesting doll is this?

Yu Lian took another look at this armor that gave him a sense of sight, so it took several seconds to find out the information from every groove in the cerebral cortex, and finally determined that this should be "Gaberia" The "Aurora Curtain" set of the 150-level knight orange outfit in "Ol".

Well, although Xiaohui can't connect to the local Nebula network, there is still a private server for Gaboria OL.

"Your body..."

"Do you understand the sense of ritual? The sense of ritual is very important! Silicon-based life like me, if we want to get along well with you carbon-based life, we must pay more attention to this." Xiao Hui waved his finger: "To deal with such a guy , you have to dress like this."

Yu Lian looked at the surrounding environment again, and found that he was already standing on a gray and lonely land, and the gray sky seemed to be covered with countless dust.After being stained by dust, there are faintly mottled starlight, but under the lingering atmosphere of death, it is more like the eyes of countless demon gods outside the sky.

It is indeed a scene suitable for boss battles!But the question is, who to hit?
Before Yu Lian could ask another question, the "such a guy" that Xiao Hui said appeared in his sight.

It seems to have drilled directly from another dimension. The last moment there was still an empty wilderness, and in the blink of an eye, a huge monster that covered the sky and the sun appeared.It spread the wingspan of its arms, as if it had shrouded the stars and the entire universe in the shadow of this hideous fleshy wing.Twenty terrifying beast heads of different shapes are connected to the bloated body like a mountain through a slender neck like a vine.

Yu Lian sighed.If you guessed correctly, this thing should also be one of the biggest Void Lords, a huge monster known as the "Dust Plague Nest Lord", once it appears in the material world, it will definitely cause a star-level disaster.And if they encounter it in the virtual environment, they must have four to five eight rings with outstanding combat power and rich experience in cooperation to stand side by side, so as to have a certain chance of winning.

...Of course, it is also possible that I was wrong.

After all, there are many differences between life forms and normal carbon-based creatures in the virtual world. The stronger they are, the more indescribable they are. Although I have seen the illustration book of the Alliance's Extraordinary Administration in my previous life, the pictures are very blurry and the abilities are even worse. For reference only.

"So, why do we play this thing?"

"Oh, it seems that the larvae in the petri dish were caught by the creators for experimentation. The AI ​​of this ship is probably uneducated, and it may be the most powerful creature it knows. Alright." Xiaohui said.

Yu Lian immediately understood, pointing to the voice of the huge monster, said: "That is to say, that thing is actually the incarnation of the AI ​​in this ancient ship?"

Xiao Hui nodded: "Yes, just now when you were analyzing the data, your body and mind resonated with the etheric sea of ​​the void, kicked it out, and I took the opportunity to break through its firewall."

"Oh, you hacked it." Yu Lian nodded.

"It's fusion. And it also wants to fuse me first, so that I can evolve, maybe I can also awaken my intelligence and become a complete life like me." Xiao Hui spread his hands: "Of course, if he wasn't uneasy It’s not so easy for me to find a flaw if I’m kind enough to do it first.”

...I always feel that Xiao Hui is suspected of fishing, but considering that she is a friendly army after all, Yu Lian can't say anything.

"So, what's going on in this situation now?"

"With the help of the virtual reality formed by the terminal function of the Tanling, but based on the principle of quantum entanglement and interference information, it can really pull our souls in." Xiaohui said.

These words illustrate three things: First, although Xiao Hui's body is a nanomachine, she really has a soul, so she is indeed a life.Second, if you die here, the soul will really die, and the body will probably become a vegetable.Thirdly, the computer performance of Enlightenment is really good, and "this game is too real" after the whole game.

Yu Lian looked at the mountain-like body of the final boss, and his scalp felt a little numb.

"Don't worry, I'm still working hard to win the authority here, and the overall progress is still very smooth." Xiao Hui gave Yu Lian another thumbs up, showing his white teeth that seemed to be reflecting light: "The longer we persist, The stronger it will be, the weaker the enemy will be."

...So, this is asking me to procrastinate?I am only a fifth ring, and there is a day when I will release orders with the lord of the virtual environment?
"Don't worry, I'm very optimistic about you. Although that guy looks like a Void Lord and possesses most of the power of a Void Lord, but after all, it's a simulation, and it's different from reality. Look, the effect will be there Is it?" Xiao Hui stretched out his hand and patted Yu Lian's shoulder, only to see Huaguang flashing, and the latter also had a dark golden armor, the shape was gorgeous and solemn, a little too exaggerated, behind the shoulder armor Two tassels with holy flames also vaguely stretched out.

Isn't this "Gaboa OL", the 150-level ultra-rare hero orange outfit, and the phoenix holy flame suit?Even a high-level player like me who can barely get into T0 can't get this thing together!Hey, I have been troubled by many things recently, and I haven't logged into my favorite game for a long time. I don't know if Zhixia and Liuli will help me level up and do daily tasks?
... The key question is, no matter how real this game is, does this set of armor have attribute bonuses? ?No matter how gorgeously dressed, what is the difference from cosplay?
Seeing that Yu Lian seemed to be looking at him with the same dead eyes that were the same as the scene, Xiao Hui said angrily, "Of course it works! Don't you feel refreshed?"

I didn't feel refreshed, but after waving my hand a little, I did feel a sense of strength.This feeling of fantasy reflecting reality is really enjoyable for me.

Xiao Hui waved his hand again, and a huge space bubble torpedo grew on the ground next to it.

"This is a bit like a monster." Yu Lian gave a thumbs up: "But, is it just an anti-matter weapon? Don't you order the weapons of your enlightened ones? What kind of two-way foil and plane annihilation cannon or something like that."

"This illusion is all our strategies, and we can only create weapons that we can understand." Xiao Hui shrugged: "No way, the barrel theory. Do you understand the barrel theory?"

Co-authoring me is the shortest plank?
"Then get some type-3 condensation light spears and double-piercing arcs." Yu Lian said: "Although these have not been officially installed, the laboratory principle is still there."

"...Oh, it's finally a little better than when I woke up last time." Xiao Hui glanced at the latter with a little surprise: "Then give me another three minutes."

Yu Lian curled his lips, and slapped the space beside him hard to soak the torpedo. The torpedo suddenly rose from the ground like an oversized kicker, drew a refreshing arc, and then fell down. It smashed towards the body of the giant beast that was still baring its teeth and claws.

Facts have proved that the Lord of the Void Realm is the Lord of the Void Realm, even if it is the AI ​​of the Enlightened One, it will take a little time to fully adapt to this particularly uncommon sense body.At this moment, the mountain-like body really showed a bit of faltering.He staggered and shook his inexplicable head, spouting endless blood tides around him, but he just didn't notice the top of his head.

After penetrating through the deadly tide of blood, the torpedo that turned into a super-large torpedo had been dissolved by more than half of its volume, but the rest of it hit the "Plague Nest Lord" like a stone. on the back.

The explosion light of the antimatter warhead is still so pleasing to the eye. It is not like the flames when the explosives fission, but the moment the matter is annihilated, it even forms a visual dislocation, as if the entire space is instantly separated from this place. It was as if it had been wiped out of the world.

However, Yu Lian confirmed once again that this place is indeed a fantasy virtual reality space.Now I am only more than ten miles away from the monster. If it is really in the real world, such a large antimatter bomb, its spread range would have already drawn me and Xiao Hui into the annihilation range.

Thinking of this, he naturally stood up.

Using fantasies to shine into reality, killing all directions unscrupulously in the spiritual world, this has always been what I am best at!

Virtual reality?He was pondering over this concept, and with a movement in his heart, all existence in his field of vision turned into rolling numbers.

I am THE ONE!Yu Lian repeated it to himself three times, and suddenly felt that from Baihui to Yongquan, every pore revealed a sense of detachment in harmony with the world!

He laughed and grabbed the air with his left hand, and he had already raised a large banner waving in the wind.

The banner continued to grow in the strong wind, and the power of the formless domain spread out in all directions, even intersecting with the frontal annihilation space.Of course, in Yu Lian's eyes, it's just that countless chaotic characters and numbers are intertwined, and the large group of unclear characters in the deepest part should be the core energy of this wild monster assembled.

"Oh? The Battle Banner of Absolute Will?" Xiao Hui's eyes lit up, and he was greatly impressed: "Your Star Ring shouldn't be able to master this ability, right? How did you do it?"

yes!This is an ability that can only be mastered by "traveling" star rings to the seventh ring and "space traveler"!This hero dared to lead a group of pirates in his previous life... Ah no, the unyielding free people to rob the warships of the Empire and the Alliance relied on this big trick for everyone to send!

Who knows.Maybe it is like you, standing on the upper reaches of the long river of time, but seeing the rhythm of the lower reaches.Yu Lian chuckled, and then raised his fingers: "This is a prohibited item."

Dissatisfaction visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared on Xiao Hui's face, which made Yu Lian feel more at ease.Sure enough, only magic can defeat magic!
As a result, the battle flag of absolute will that had just been erected grew another hundred feet taller, which was exactly the height of a skyscraper.The invisible halo of will passed through the annihilation force field of the antimatter bomb, and collided with the struggling behemoth.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Lian "listened" to the silent roar of pain from the Lord of the Void Realm.Even at the moment when he was hit by a torpedo just now, he didn't feel so painful.

Yes, within the domain of the Battle Banner of Absolute Will, absolute spiritual rules will judge the will of both the enemy and us. Whoever has the stronger will to fight to the death will get a bonus, and otherwise will be hit by the rules.

Obviously, this trick is too idealistic.The ship AI on the opposite side can't even talk about an independent soul, let alone idealism.

"I've been strengthened! I'm going to deliver it now!" Yu Lian left the flag on the spot, let out a barbell-like laugh and rose up from the ground, as if the [-]-meter-long phoenix flame wings had spread behind him .His whole body seemed to have flown beyond the stratosphere, and then he used a palm technique that soared into the sky, and blasted towards the giant beast.

"Learning quickly, children can be taught." Xiao Hui looked at the scene like a meteorite falling from the sky, and suddenly showed an auntie smile of "Son, you are finally giving aunt face".

Then, she closed her eyes and continued to analyze the space from a materialistic perspective.In the sky behind her, an instrument with a length of more than [-] meters is taking shape, and a geometric structure diagram condensed by blue light has appeared.

However, at this time, there was another sound of a high-altitude parabola breaking through the air in the distance.Xiao Hui still closed his eyes tightly and remained unmoved, he just stepped aside lightly, just after finishing this movement, a body smashed to his side, but half of his body had already been corroded and exposed The rest of the bones were broken.

From the looks of it, even a level 150 divine outfit is really not very useful in front of the Lord of the Void Realm.

"As for?" Xiao Hui glanced at Yu Lian's "wreckage" and said, "We should have a smarter way."

"Sometimes people just can't be too smart, let alone in such an environment." Yu Lian laughed, a carp straightened up and straightened again, and its body and armor had recovered.

"As long as you have a general understanding of the operating mechanism of this world. This little injury is nothing at all."

"Aren't you in pain?" Xiao Hui glanced at him.

Yu Lian had lingering fears: "This... really hurts, but it's still within the tolerance range. Besides, people can't always choose the so-called 'smart' way."

Xiao Hui said: "I am an electronic life, but I often feel that I am incompatible with you because I am not as abnormal as your carbon-based creatures. Is this illogical snake spirit disease the true nature of carbon-based creatures?"

"Uh...maybe I'm a bit of a cutie. You know, I almost died just now, and I really felt the feeling that my body was being corroded. I can still hear the periosteum melting a little bit in my ears. What about the voice. Hehe, but I survived. Although it was perverted, I survived. Then, I felt that my star ring was obviously expanding to the border of the spiritual universe. I can’t think of a virtual reality , and this effect."

"Well, this kind of virtual space that is infinitely close to reality is actually used by the creators' middle school students for training. Many gifted individuals awakened in the space of the same specification, and many of them went to Gaohuan, You can also train here." Xiao Hui smiled and said: "After all, it's the mysterious side, and it's about believing that it's reality!"

Unexpectedly, I could reach the stage of enlightened middle school students, and I feel a little proud.

"Then come again?" Xiaohui asked.

"Come again!" Yu Lian rubbed his nose, and then showed a wanton and crazy grin.

Xiao Hui felt that after the incident was over, it was still necessary for him to check this guy's nerves.

However, this time, after Yu Lian pounced on him, he suddenly thought of something again, turned his head and asked: "...Speaking of which, isn't our style of play very time-consuming? There will be no problem with Earl Black Moon Bar?"

Xiao Hui was silent for a second before he said: "Don't worry, I have a part of my will that is still working outside, which can provide some support for Mr. Grand Thief. With his ability, I don't think you need to worry at all. Compared You should be more worried about others."

other people?Yu Lian thought about it for half a second, and felt that this should not be too important, so he laughed three times again, leaped into the air again, and used the palm technique that fell from the sky again.

However, this time, before he slammed it away with his palm, he did not know where to get a ship-borne parent-child missile and smashed it on the spot.As a result, the palm technique that fell from the sky was no longer a falling meteorite, but a meteor shower.

Of course, Yu Lian himself prefers to call it "Dongfeng Ye Fang Hua Qian Shu".

(End of this chapter)

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