Him and their stars

Chapter 893 Not Returning Empty-Handed

Chapter 893 Not Returning Empty-Handed
You have a lot of business!He obviously wanted to fight someone!At this age, and still a dignified Marshal of the Empire and a Minister of the Privy Council, can you stop degrading yourself to the level of a gladiator?Can you be a little organized and disciplined?Can you set an example for your Excellency, Grand Leader, and don't push this kind of crap to ordinary people like me who are harmless to humans and animals!Sobaek was extremely distressed, and still felt that his spiritual structure was too far away from a great and glorious star knight.

He now felt that the reason why Duke Sadran dragged himself and the entire fleet for more than half a month was not for this ruin at all, but for the battle with Lan Jiufeng.

But what can Sobaek do?No matter how desperate he is now, he can only turn his head to look at Yu Lian, and squeeze a very standard diplomatic smile on his face with great difficulty.

The latter had to admit that before he was trained by Feifei, the opponent's expression management skills were definitely superior to his own.

"I've heard it." Yu Lian said with a smile: "The confrontation of swords is a battlefield, and the battlefield of negotiations is also a battlefield. Duke Sadran is respecting fate!"

"Yeah, this is fate... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Let's talk about something nutritious. How do we divide this relic?" Sobak said loudly.His voice sounded quite powerful, with the demeanor of a tough diplomat who would not give in.However, on the front that his little friend couldn't see, he blinked at Yu Lian, and there was a pleading flash in his eyes.

Help me think of a way to step down!Waiting online, it's urgent!

For some reason, Yu Lian just read the meaning from the other party's eyes.But, what can he do, he is also very desperate!This ship is already Xiao Hui's, so what can I do?

Otherwise, I'll give you Xiaohui's phone number, and you guys can communicate by yourself?Yu Lian thought.

So, the two of them stared at each other for nearly three or four seconds, neither of them spoke first.However, for the young knights around, this process can indeed be regarded as a torment.

Yes, Yu Lian was indeed alone, and there were indeed twenty more of them, but after a series of battles, half of them were injured, and everyone was exhausted.But even if everyone is full of blood and physical fitness, they don't think that they will be able to win the other side.At the God of War Festival, the guy broke through the formation alone, including two of the former four heavenly kings. It is still a nightmare for these young knights.

Otherwise, how could there be the treatment of "not even mentioning the name"?
What's more, the other party may not be alone... For example, where is Earl Black Moon?
At this time, even the most passionate and reckless person can't say "I have the advantage".

Miss Seilu looked at Soback who was silent, and knew that the other party must also be very embarrassed, so she whispered: "Colonel, I think, at this time... no, forget it, I don't understand diplomacy, even the earth I can't even speak a language, so it won't interfere with your thoughts."

Then don't open your mouth in the first place!Sobaek turned his face sideways, and finally suppressed the urge to scold.

However, at this moment, a dazzling red light suddenly flashed in the cabin, and immediately after, a palpitating tremor came from under the feet, as if an earthquake had occurred.

"This..." Soback's footsteps were shaken, and he quickly grabbed the armrest on the crotch of the emblem machine, and jumped into the cockpit.

No matter what happens, armor is always safer than no armor.

Just when he closed the cockpit cover, Yu Lian on the opposite side shouted loudly: "This ancient ship is about to collapse! Everyone, hurry up and run for your lives!"

"Collapse, landslide?" Soback thought of the majestic appearance of this ancient ship just now spitting light arrows.If it is really based on hard power and performance, the entire fleet brought by myself, plus the Dreadnought of the Earthlings, will never be an opponent.You know, it was only three minutes ago that her bombardment knocked down an ancient robot the size of a star-eating worm.

No matter how you look at it, this ancient ship seems to be able to go to the next era, and it doesn't look like it will collapse at all.

"The relics with mysterious power collapse and disappear at the last moment. This, this seems to be a common occurrence!" Miss Seilu couldn't help but said.The daughter of the marquis's family barely stood up trembling, feeling as if she was a dead leaf in a stormy sea, no matter how reckless she was, it was inevitable that she would speak with a hint of fear at this time.

At this time, Yu Lian had already jumped onto his crimson machine with rustic paint, rushed out of the gate with a bang, sprinted at high speed in the constantly shaking passage, and disappeared in the passage in the blink of an eye. the end.The knights outside the door were so shaken by the sudden shock that they couldn't stand up, so naturally they didn't have time to stop Yu Lian.

Of course, even if they had time to estimate, they would not dare.

Sobaek gritted his teeth, and said decisively: "Back, support the wounded, and return to our landing craft immediately!"

The landing craft of both sides happened to be located on both sides of this ancient ship, so they were not worried about encountering them again.Yu Lian was speeding forward amidst the violent earthquake. Although he staggered and almost fell down several times, he didn't slow down.He soon came to the outermost circular cabin, and couldn't help saying: "It doesn't need to be like a magnitude [-] earthquake."

"Oh, you have to make the noise bigger, so they don't have time to think." Xiao Hui said, "I don't want to see you two idiots staring at each other in the cabin as if you are going to stare into the next century."

Yu Lian had to admit that the other party was right, but it was inevitable that he felt a little guilty towards Sobaek and his friends: "My brother is so pitiful, he lost his army and returned empty-handed. Of course." In the final analysis, the Duke of Sadran is the commander-in-chief of the empire, so he has to take the blame. Otherwise, let's find a way to make him take responsibility?"

Xiao Hui chuckled and didn't answer.

"In any case, the almighty Cinderella should have completely controlled this ancient ship by now, right? Or, why don't you give that one a shot?" Yu Lian asked again.

"I told you that this is a forbidden thing! I'm the guide robot! It's okay to pull the frame, but it's absolutely not allowed to shoot directly."

Did she openly say "pull the frame" just now?

"In addition, I have indeed taken control of the Tanling ship, but there is actually no need to keep most of the hull."

"...Uh, can you explain in detail?"

"After all, several epochs have passed, and the energy decay period of the ship itself has reached its limit. To maintain such a large ship, it is equivalent to using a donkey to pull a dump truck. Such a large scientific research ship can be used There is only one bodyguard system, and there are only four bionics for universal entertainment that can fight. It makes people sad to see it. Although my sister, I am a silicon-based nano-digital life, but I don’t actually have a heart.”

Then you should be a little more sad.Otherwise, if there are a few more sets, we will be wiped out in this galaxy cluster.

"...In other words, is this ship really going to collapse?"

"Twenty minutes later, the ship will completely collapse, leaving only one percent of the core part as my new carrier. Hehe, don't be sad, this is actually a grand destiny that was drawn up hundreds of millions of years ago. Qiming Some of the legacies left to you descendants can be kept and even used as museums. Some must be buried in the vast universe, do you understand?"

"Understood! I even think that you have left too many things, and the technology tree has been distorted."

"That's because your generation is too hopeless. If a good-looking brat degenerates into a playboy, do you have to blame your parents for leaving too much inheritance?"

"Normal parents don't leave inheritances as riddlers. In addition, are you admitting that enlightened beings are the origin of human race?"

"Hehe, this is a prohibited item. Anyway, you carbon-based creatures, at least in terms of imagination, have always been quite magnificent." Xiao Hui still couldn't hear any emotion in his voice.

"Of course, after the hull collapses, the original composition of the hull is space junk. How much ocean debris you can pick up depends on you. As for Mr. Lan and the Duke of the Empire, even here was blown up. I can't go down."

Yu Lian thought that this was still a human saying, so he continued on his way with satisfaction.Along the way, he also met the same type of bionics and robots who had conflicts before, but these powerful and intelligent ancient machines, at this time, disguised themselves as statues one by one, even if the mecha accidentally stepped on They didn't move at all.

We are people of the old age, and the new age has no boat for us.

For some reason, seeing these resigned structures, Yu Lian thought of this sentence.However, this is not the time to be sad. He didn't hesitate at all, and quickly rushed to his landing port. Then he saw that he was wearing a plain black robe and black mask, whether it was the aura He was still the Earl of Black Moon, who had an ordinary figure.

Neither of them was the hypocritical type, they just greeted each other with their eyes, then turned over and rushed into the landing craft.

Yu Lian jumped to the front of the cab in one step, closed the hatch, turned on the temperature of the hull, melted the adhesive at the joint between the hull and the hull, accelerated to reverse, and then turned. I am familiar with the retreat standard process by heart.Generally speaking, there are only two kinds of people who are familiar with this set of operations, well-trained professional landing craft drivers, and well-trained and experienced pirates.

Earl Black Moon just watched Yu Lian's actions the whole time, but didn't say a word.

Yu Lian manipulated the thin body of the Swift landing craft, and immediately noticed the signal fed back from the leftmost sensor, but it was the signal of another small and medium-sized ship.Probably because of the close distance between the two sides, the image of that ship was also directly shown on the screen, but it was a Siege Cone 12 assault ship of the Empire, and its appearance should have been very carefully specialized Modified.This should be the vehicle that Sobaek and his friends are riding on.

Two small traffic boats left and right, and quickly opened the distance from the ancient ship.

Immediately afterwards, the interior of the hemispherical ancient ship shone brightly, even a bit pale, with a strong light, which could be said to be the temperament of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, the strong light exploded from the very core of the hull, directly lifting off the transparent hull of the ship.

As a result, the "noumenon" of the ancient Enlightenment ruins, which was "jointly" archaeologically conducted by the community and the empire, fell apart under the eyes of the "archaeological team members" with a total of [-] to [-] people from both sides.

Of course, then again, in movies, the collapse of various ancient ruins is also a traditional art skill.Everyone suddenly had a feeling that their dreams were reflected into reality, and they felt the real malice very intuitively.

However, Xiao Hui was right this time.When the ancient ship suddenly turned into an erupting little sun, there was still a vague confrontation and entanglement, forming an abyss-like spiritual pressure, which also began to diminish.

These two war mad old men are finally not ready to fight?

Just as Yu Lian was thinking about it, Lan Jiufeng's voice sounded through the communicator: "It's over here, I'm going back to the ship as a teacher."

Yu Lian's heart suddenly tensed up.He knew that the pinnacle duel of this realm was no longer just a matter of stopping.In fact, when the two sides began to confront each other, even if there was no real battle, they had already begun to confront each other in a way that ordinary people could not understand.

"You... you won?"

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho, my generation of practitioners has reached this level, it doesn't matter whether you win or not. Disciple, when you understand this truth, the door to the side of truth will be beckoning to you. "

Well, it really doesn't matter whether you win or not, but the old man's voice still sounds healthy, which is more important than anything else.Yu Lian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He adjusted Swift's forward direction and headed all the way towards the Throne, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the explosion flames outside the porthole on the side of the ship. There was no orange red, only a dazzling white, like a white giant star that was expanding .Looking at such a scene, it is really hard to imagine where Xiao Hui can get out.

"Hahahahaha, we are indeed like the unlucky protagonists in treasure hunting movies. However, like those unlucky protagonists, we don't always return empty-handed."

Yu Lian looked back at Earl Black Moon, and saw that he took out three objects from the pocket sewn inside the cloak.They are a black metal tube that is as long as a forearm and as thick as chopsticks, a pair of blue gloves that are just right for an adult man, and a black crystal about the size of a thumb.

"these are?"

"Of course I picked it up from the boat." The old thief said, "I'm a well-trained gentleman of Liangshan. If you don't get something after entering the ruins of ancient gods of this scale, you will be sorry for your professional quality. I'm also sorry for the Enlightened One!"

"What is the use?"

"I don't know." Grand Thefte said in a natural tone.


"The wisdom of the Enlightened Ones is extensive and profound. We have studied it for so many centuries, and it is difficult to say that we have mastered it just in case. In the case of limited time, we only need to obtain those that contain the most abundant spirituality, and the rest can be slowly acquired. Research." Earl Heiyue said: "It's not the old man talking. The reason why the old man has been walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, the reason why he has not ruined the reputation of the ancestor Zhanzi, is because of this pair of golden eyes that can distinguish the value of objects! Although not Knowing what use these three things are, they must be priceless."

Since the other party said so, of course Yu Lian had no choice but to believe it.

"However, since you both have time to choose, why don't you grab a few more?"

"Leaving aside the large-scale archaeological projects hosted by the state, but if it is a private operation, you can only take three things at most when you go down the underground palace. This is the rule! Our school of touching gold is passed down from Prime Minister Cao. The reason why It can continue to this day because it is not greedy."

You said just now that it was passed down from Bandit Tuo, so if you put it here, you will become Cao Bandit?What the hell is touching the gold door?So, you are professional in tomb robbery, and assassination and robbing the rich and helping the poor are part-time jobs?
(End of this chapter)

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