Him and their stars

Chapter 895 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 895 The Uninvited Guest

Seeing that Xiao Hui is in such good spirits that he still wants to play cosplay, not only escaped from the explosion, but also gained a lot.

Only then did Yu Lian feel completely relieved.

Hei Yue sized up Xiao Hui, and showed a meaningful smile: "It seems that the old man is assigned correctly! But I don't know, Fairy Hui is willing to help the old man to appraise it by the way?"

Xiao Hui also looked at the earl with meaningful eyes, then looked at the three treasures on the table, and said with a smile: "I have already said that this is a silicon-based digital life, and I am not good at mysticism. , I am even less good at alchemy tools. However, these objects are indeed treasures made by my creator, the so-called enlightened person you call. They belong to the captain, navigator and chief scientific officer of the Tanling ship , I hope you make good use of it. Hey...this looks delicious!"

As if going back to her own home, Miss Cinder unceremoniously filled a large bowl of soup with a spoon, added some of the various ingredients in it, and began to eat.

Her eating is very unrestrained, which does not match her beautiful and slender figure at all.Of course, she was so beautiful that even her glasses were squinted into a crescent moon, she was completely immersed in the taste of food, and she really didn't look like a nano-robot.

"It's delicious! Just a bowl of soup made me experience the life course of looking up at the vast stars from the first sprout of life underwater. No matter what generation it is, food can't be let down." Xiaohui I sincerely appreciate it.

Lan Jiufeng smiled and said: "Thank you for your kindness. Your life form really makes me feel the vastness of the universe and the greatness of the sages all the time."

Xiao Hui is like a normal carbon-based creature that appreciates delicacies, drank the broth in one gulp, and tasted all the dishes on the plate, then wiped his mouth with satisfaction, and wiped his tears: " Hey, I originally came to say goodbye, but after eating such delicious food, what should I do if I don’t want to leave?”

Lan Zhenren and Hei Yue exchanged glances calmly, but did not speak.The twin girls were a little at a loss, but they also knew that now was not their turn to speak.

Although Yu Lian had already expected it, he was still a bit reluctant, but as a mature social person, it would be too ugly to be coy at this time, so he smiled and said, "Okay, have a good trip. Be careful."

"Yeah, I will." Xiao Hui nodded.

"However, since you are a guiding robot, you should go to the galaxy, right?"

"Yes, this galaxy, which you call the New World, is relatively wild, but the Milky Way is the birthplace of this generation of civilization. Naturally, I should go and see it. Only in this way can I decide whether to carry out the next mission or find a place to continue sleeping. "She smiled and said: "Using the parts of the Tanling as a carrier, I can pass through the star gate without passing through anyone."

"...Okay, let's do it and cherish it, keep in touch." Yu Lian thought for a while, and then said: "If possible, would you like to take a trip to our country's new Shenzhou star area?"

"New Shenzhou star region?" Xiaohui's eyes flashed a gleam, it should be reading the star map, and then raised his eyebrows: "Oh, it's here! In this generation, this is a very remote star region .”

Yu Lian pretended that he didn't hear the subtext of the other party, and continued: "Remote star regions are good for painting. You may be able to see the scenery that does not belong to any place in the whole galaxy."

"Okay, that's for your sake, I'll go and have a look." Xiao Hui chuckled, looked at the blue gloves Yu Lian was holding, and said, "The last time you got those force fields Crash Beads, which you named Daybreak, try to fit them in this glove."

This is a way of playing that has never been thought of before, Yu Lian decided to try it after a while, maybe there will be another way of playing.

"Then, before I leave, I want to confirm with you one last time, whether or not the star barrier canopy should be closed?"

"Closed? I thought the canopy you mentioned had been automatically closed after the ancient ship was blown up." Yu Lian couldn't help being startled.

"It was supposed to be like this, but I fused the AI ​​of Tan Ling, you know that?"

Yu Lian nodded.

"The core components of the Tan Ling can be used as my new carrier, but in order to restore the main functions, other parts need to be collected. I calculated that as long as the curtain generator is removed, I can get a lot of usable parts." Of course, if you don’t want to, I actually have other alternatives.” Xiao Hui paused for a moment, and looked deeply at Yu Lian who was frowning.

"Yes, kid, you do have another chance to choose."

The closure is naturally going to be closed, isn't this our purpose from the beginning?
Yu Liangang wanted to say this, but before he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that although Xiao Hui is a guy with a bad personality and a sense of superiority, he is still a "rigorous" silicon-based digital life in essence. Will be aimless.

He only moved his head a little more, and immediately thought of some possible situations, and the expression on his face froze.

However, before he could say anything else, Xiao Hui, who had secretly observed the whole process, let out another wicked laugh: "Ahahahahaha! This expression is so exciting, it's worth the fare! Hahahaha! It is because I can often see your wronged faces that I find the work of guiding very interesting!"

Yu Lian rolled his eyes, and laughed awkwardly along with the other party.

"The canopy generator must be turned off before it can be disassembled and reinstalled. Only by putting its parts on the new hull can I restore the most basic functions and ensure that I will not be discovered by others when passing through the star gate. Could it be that if you don’t dismantle it, will I not dismantle it? Brother Yu Lian, although we have a good relationship, this kind of thing is not up to you to make a decision. "

Yu Lian looked directly at the other party's malicious smirk, but solemnly bowed his hands, and expressed his gratitude with great sincerity: "...Thank you very much for your kindness!"

Earl Heiyue poured himself a cup of hot tea and drank it gulp.

Xiao Hui glanced at the Earl, then tilted his head to look at Yu Lian, and asked suspiciously, "Thank me for what?"

"Sometimes, having too many choices may not be a good thing." Yu Lian said, "Thank you for helping me make a choice."

Xiao Hui blinked his eyes, then put away his smile, and said solemnly: "You are a smart person, kid. However, if you are too smart, you may become a speculator."

"Indeed, it sounds really listless." Earl Black Moon laughed lukewarmly.

"Tell me what you think." Lan Jiufeng took another sip of the self-brewed wine with the red gourd. Seeing Yu Lian looking at him eagerly, he finally endured the pain on his face and poured Yu Lian a glass.

"This is Yulu wine, I don't have much left here."

Oh?The fruit wine brewed by Lu beast with the rolling and subdued monkeys?It is also the super plus enhanced version of the legendary monkey wine, which is said to have spirituality.If it can be sent to the imperial capital and Nefei for sale, it is said that one cup can be exchanged for a sea view holiday villa.

Yu Lian gulped it down, felt the fragrance on the tip of his tongue, and felt that his thoughts became clearer, so he slowed down and said, "Master, if we really unlock the sky generator, we can plunder The looters' dream of a thousand-year empire is bound to be snuffed in the bud. All the looters who fled to this new continent will also be massacred by the armies of the galaxy countries that have arrived one after another."

"As a teacher, I have almost never dealt with predators. Besides, people outside the party naturally don't know any major affairs in the world." Lan Jiufeng said: "It's just, isn't this their own choice?"

Earl Black Moon said with a smile: "When the Great Khan led such a mighty army to leave Yinxin, he had already put his life on this gambling table. Should he die slowly in Yinxin, or leave everything behind? They chose the latter. Shouldn't we respect such a decision?"

"I'm not fraternal enough to sympathize with the predators." Yu Lian shrugged: "I was just thinking that the place where they are now is said to be a star area with extremely rich resources, enough to maintain the revival of a cosmic empire And judging from the star map, the physical location is exactly at the junction of the two cantilever arms of the New World. Although we have not yet ascertained the route there, from the perspective of common sense, it must be one of the traffic hubs of the entire New World in the future .Whether it is natural resources or transportation conditions, it is a battleground for military strategists. If this place is put on a star map, I don’t know how many people will salivate.”

"The ones closest to here are us and the empire." Hei Yue said.What he probably meant was that according to the "New World Development Treaty", the empire and the community have the convenience of being close to the water, and can deploy in that star area as quickly as possible, so they should be one step ahead of any country.

"So, is this really a good thing?" Yu Lian sighed.

When both the community and the empire have the most preferential and convenient conditions, it means that the community will face the competitive pressure of the empire alone.This is equivalent to a husky disguised as a wolf, trying to grab the same prey with a hungry dragon, which sounds weak.In comparison, Yu Lian hopes that all countries can join in.

For the weak, it is true that the more chaotic the situation, the more room for manipulation.

However, the geographical conditions are here.Once the sky is opened, the prosperous star region that is almost impossible to be bred under natural conditions, once it enters everyone's field of vision, there will be a core conflict of interest between the community and the empire.

Unless, of course, the community abandons that sector.Yu Lian reckoned that no matter which term of government it was, they would not dare to make this decision.

Lan Jiufeng stroked his beard, pointed at Yu Lian and laughed loudly: "You mediocrity! You are such a disgrace! Quickly repent!"

"Indeed, Master taught you the right thing." Yu Lian nodded to admit his mistake, but said with a bitter face: "But, in front of the two masters and nieces, can you save some face for the apprentice, needless to say it so directly."

"It's okay, we didn't hear it." Gan Jiang said hastily.

"Even if we heard it, we still don't quite understand it. After all, we are only high school students! At most, record it, and go back and review it slowly." Mo Xie laughed.

Yu Lian thought to himself that I know you two are still high school students, so when I go back, I will give you a thousand sets of joint secret papers from the seven aristocratic public schools in the empire, and I will ask the senior brother to urge them to finish it.If you don't finish it, you are not allowed to teach other things.

At this time, Earl Black Moon said: "When a person makes a choice, the most taboo thing is that something that may happen in the future will affect the current decision. Whether you see the future or not, but if you don't see it now Actions, passed on to future generations, will only leave an image of indecision."

Yu Lian continued to nod to be taught: "I understand what you mean. Besides... the community is the only prey swallowed by the giant dragons of the Dawn Empire, but forced to spit it out. As long as we exist, we will become the empire's Shame must also be the banner of all separatists and nationalists in the empire. As long as this Blue Star Community exists, there will always be conflicts with the core interests of the empire, and there is nothing worse than that.”

Moreover, all problems are my most pessimistic guesses.Taking a ten thousand step back, even if it is true, it is not necessarily a bad thing to let the thunder out in advance and let the conflict be put on the bright side.

Lan Jifeng nodded and smiled, "That's right, it's right to let nature take its course. Disciple, you've enlightened again!"

yes!The way of Tao is natural. If you don't realize something about the conditions of such a house, it will be unnatural.Yu Lian lost an awkward smile that was not much better than crying.

In comparison, Xiao Hui's laughter was much more hearty: "Hahahaha, carbon-based social creatures are indeed very interesting! No matter which civilization generation, no matter what kind of development they can develop, they always make me feel good. The diversity of life loses its freshness. What an interesting job it is to be a guide!"

She shrugged, stood up, and pretended to adjust her marshal uniform: "Then, I'm really leaving."

"Well, thank you again. Oh, by the way, don't forget to go to New China. One of the galaxies is called Xihe 0, please be sure to go and see it."

"Since I promised you, of course I will go." Xiao Hui said, "Anyway, I'm leaving."

Yu Lian finally couldn't bear it and said: "You have repeated this sentence several times. Are you so reluctant to part with me?"

"No, I'm afraid you'd be reluctant to part with me, sister." Xiao Hui put her hips on her hips and chuckled.

Earl Black Moon scooped up another bowl of soup for himself, and drank it gulp.

"In any case, it's thanks to you that we successfully obtained the new carrier this time, so let me remind you by the way." Xiaohui waved and pulled over the star map of this galaxy, and then waited for everyone to catch up. The approaching gravity well nodded near the entrance, and a series of detailed cosmic point coordinate data immediately popped up there.

"There is an uninvited guest here, who has been sneaking and observing here for almost 12 hours."

(End of this chapter)

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