Him and their stars

Chapter 903 The orange cat's reaction

Chapter 903 The orange cat's reaction

Tomiteri thought to herself that if it wasn't for the extraordinary moment, if she wasn't Khan, if she was five years younger, she would definitely become an enemy with this guy.However, after the blow just now, she now finds that her self-cultivation and city management have improved qualitatively again, and she can even ask calmly with a patient expression: "Oh, let's tell the good news first."

Miss Prophet said: "There is a weapon in this fortress that can interfere with the gravitational signal. It can directly irradiate the gravity well to form a gravitational disorder, which can interfere with the operation of the jump engine."

The part of the Great Khan's thinking as the commander suddenly started to work: "Oh, that's why the two imperial scout ships didn't escape in time just now?"

The prophet nodded.

"That is to say, it is not easy for all the enemy fleets that want to enter the galaxy to get out." The Great Khan pondered: "Is this possible to form a possibility of dividing and encircling?"

"I'm not good at military affairs, so I can't give you advice in this regard." She said.

"So, what about the time? The duration of this weapon. Also, after the irradiation is activated, will it affect the other side of the gravity well?"

"I can't be sure yet, but I will confirm it as soon as possible." Miss Prophet said, "Please give me another forty-eight hours."

Khan said: "You still have twenty-four hours at most, and I will give you three high-speed battleships to cooperate with your experiments."

"Understood." Miss Prophet was indeed a frank person, and she was not prepared to bargain, but told the other party: "As for the bad news, although we quickly sank the other party, the Empire headquarters may have received the news."

Great Khan frowned slightly and began to think.You know, this is a new continent, not the mainland of the galaxy, and there is no means of instant communication.It stands to reason that after the two destroyers were sunk, it should take several days for the empire to receive the news.

Miss Prophet sighed silently, played with the star cards again like acrobatics, and then opened a fan in front of Khan: "Draw one."

Tomiteri also took one casually with no expression on her face, and when she opened it, it was a chessboard hanging in the starry sky.A giant hand that looked like a god stretched out from beyond the starry sky, pressing towards a chess piece that was still burning.

"...Do you think I have never played star cards? There is no such card in it, and it is obviously that you have changed it now." Khan said coldly.

"It's fine if the meaning is right. The Apocalypse Eagle has been passively manipulated, perhaps some kind of symbiotic alchemy creation. Once it is sunk, the other side will respond. Khan, we are now on the chessboard!"

At the same time, in the inhabited galaxy closest to the border of the Empire's Gate of Glory colony, the Iris Cross galaxy, the flagship of the forward fleet of the Imperial Expeditionary Force stationed here, the Titan ship "Dawn Angel".

In an inconspicuous room in the huge ship, a lady colonel of the Imperial Army wearing a silver-gray uniform held a fist-sized model of a battleship with tweezers.

The battleship model looked like it should be made of hard paper, and it didn't see an open flame or strong light, so it silently raised a trace of dark green fire and ignited spontaneously.

She just watched this strange scene with a blank face, and waited until the paper model ship was burned out, then got up, and made a gesture of blessing to the distant starry sky through the porthole, and then connected Intraship communications.

"Your Excellency, Punishment Warrior No. 171 is confirmed to have sunk, and Baishanren No. 44 who acted with her is also in danger."

Ostana Barr's voice said: "Understood, thank you for your hard work."

The Commander of the Vanguard Fleet of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, the youngest Minister of the Privy Council and the youngest Admiral of the Galactic Empire, His Royal Highness Suluka King Brunhilt, only received the news three minutes later.

At this time, she was not on the flagship "Dawn Angel", but in a space city near the orbit of the asteroid in the galaxy, and she was presiding over the construction start ceremony of an orbital fuel processing plant.

It is now May 832, 5 Common Era, and the Expeditionary Vanguard Fleet from the mainland, consisting of a Titan and eight new battlecruiser core fleets, has been arriving in this galaxy for more than a week.

This Iris Cross galaxy has a habitable galaxy, which is the gate of the imperial colonial star area and an important transit station for the New Continent Highway. However, the development time is too short after all. The main pillar industries are agriculture and food processing, and the population of the entire colony is also Not more than two million.After the looters crossed the border in a strong wind half a year ago, there were hundreds of thousands more dead and injured and three times as many homeless people.

It stands to reason that such a "remote city" that has suffered heavy losses and is still being rebuilt should not be able to afford the people who need to stay in the army.Of course, the empire was not prepared to allow the colonies to support the front-line army, and still sent a steady stream of military supplies from the mainland.From another perspective, from a positive point of view, millions of officers and soldiers stationed in the local area will also consume locally. In a sense, can't it promote commercial circulation?

In addition, if these troops stationed here also provide valuable engineering teams to support local construction, it will be a rare development opportunity in a thousand years.

For example, the Orbital Refining Plant to be built can collect nearby minerals from the asteroid belt and provide refined high-energy fuel and alloy consumables for the frontline army nearby, which can also reduce the pressure on domestic supplies to some extent.This was the consensus reached between Miss Brunhilt and the Privy Council before leading the army into the Gate of Glory.

"Until now, we still don't know where the predators are hiding. Maybe we will fight a protracted battle with them here." Ms. Su Liuka Wang said: "Because In this way, it is necessary to plan ahead.”

The ministers of the Privy Council felt that what the girl said was reasonable, but they also expressed a certain degree of doubt.You must know that although the empire has a tradition of planting fields wherever the army steps, it was the era of staking land in the early days of the era of great interstellar navigation.Now, the empire has long begun to play the game of strong stems and weak branches.Outside of the mainland, even many dependent countries that are about to regard His Majesty the Emperor as their father cannot get technology transfer, and even their industrial level has been limited.

As for the colony, although it is an administrative division directly managed by the central government, all officials are selected and appointed by the prime minister's office system. Through the gate of glory, the "physical" distance is not necessarily farther than the most remote provinces in the mainland, but after all Being far away from the mainland of the galaxy and unable to communicate instantly, there is always a taste of an extraterritorial place.

If the colony develops, will it become a habitat for rebels?At that moment, another minister of the Privy Council implicitly raised such doubts.

"I think that we have no reason to reject the use of fire because of the possibility of fire. Even if the colony is really unstable in the future, it will take at least two or three centuries of development. At that time, everyone who is doing it It is already dead. Even the youngest me is the same." King Suliuka shrugged with a smile: "Moreover, the colony has developed to the present, and most of the immigrants are still loyal national humans. If this will betray the empire, as long as It can explain that the fate of the Dawn Dragon should also be over."

This is really a bit outrageous, even the highest-ranking bosses in the empire don't know how to answer it.

"I have already drawn up a copy of the construction plan and submitted it to the Prime Minister's Mansion. They agreed to allocate funds there." Ms. Suliuka Wang said again as a matter of course.She is completely like "I am still a child, I don't know anything about the disputes between the Privy Council and the Prime Minister's Office", and she looks like "everything I do is out of public interest".

It has been less than a year since she officially became a minister of the Privy Council, and she has not been in the imperial capital for more than half a year, and she is the only young man with a second prefix in the Privy Council, and she is the only one who can rely on small businesses like this.

Therefore, if the bigwigs of the Privy Council refused to accept it, they could only pinch their noses and agree.

However, when the meeting was about to adjourn, Grand Duke Inota, the chief of the Privy Council, asked one more question: "His Royal Highness Brunhilt, what do you call planning for a rainy day? Is it just because of the predators?"

"Who knows what will happen in the future? But, the greatness of the empire is not that, whether it's idle chess or good chess, you just need to play chess. Anyway, we also have enough resources."

Grand Duke Inota was slightly startled, and then laughed loudly: "Your Highness, what you said is like a real dragon of dawn! Then, let's do it."

Although she has the approval of the highest authority in the empire (when His Majesty the Emperor was an otaku), Miss Brunhilt's primary role is still the commander of the forward fleet of the army.

The order she received was to arrive at the border galaxy of the colony Iris Cross before May 5, and establish an outpost command post nearby.As long as it can arrive at this time, it can form a deterrent to the entire New Continent Highway, and form a solid strategic support for the "Allied Nations" joint fleet that is confronting the people on Earth ahead, ah no, for a party, and can also achieve a certain degree of strategic advancement. machine.

Under the command of Brunhilt, the entire fleet arrived at the destination five days ahead of schedule.The so-called early birds have worms, and now that they come early, they will have more time to deal with other things. On the one hand, the latest destroyers are assigned to join the exploration work, and on the other hand, construction work begins.

For the mayors and celebrities in the local colonies, they can't control the world affairs related to the fate of the universe. They only know that King Brunhilt and her subordinates have painted a fascinating scene for the local area. An incomparable blueprint for development.

If all the factories distributed in the space orbit are completed, at least [-] people will be provided with direct jobs, and at the same time, the surrounding ones will be stimulated.They will shimmer with radiant light, like the jewel necklace worn by this Lecky planet, and it will be refreshing to watch.

Local officials and celebrities looked at the factories on the track starting to operate, and their smiles were as bright as watermelons blooming in midsummer.

King Brunhilt rarely saw such a sincere smile on these bureaucrats and local gentry, so he felt in a good mood. It didn't affect her mood in the slightest, and it didn't even affect her expression management.

With an elegant and dignified smile, the young feudal king attended the groundbreaking ceremony and gave a short five-minute speech, which moved local celebrities and construction team members.Then, amidst the cheers of everyone, he returned to the traffic boat and returned to the Dawn Angel.

As soon as the luxurious royal shuttle boat left the spaceport, Brunhilt withdrew his smile: "Let's talk about it in detail."

Ostana quickly opened the star map and marked four symbols on a piece of airspace.

"According to the original investigation plan, the joint formation of the Retribution Warrior and the Baishanren should possibly appear in these galaxies within this period of time." Ostana said.

Brunhilt glanced at the star map, and three of them were in the star fields that were turned into red high positions and marked with question marks, and one was on the proven track.

The young Emperor Chosen knew that the three-month-long game of hide-and-seek had finally come to an end.

However, the more you are at this juncture, the more you should calm down.She adjusted her breathing, and then showed a malicious smile: "Is it possible that they were attacked by the community's scouting fleet?"

Ostana Bar blinked her crimson eyes, stared closely at her lord, and said with an unwavering Wenxiu smile: "There is indeed such a possibility, so I have already given Lara who has arrived at the G7 galaxy on the Continental Highway Earl Mutter sent a star message, telling her to be ready to launch a counterattack against the Earth fleet in the same galaxy at any time."

The Countess of Lamut is Miss Giafell, who has not yet received the nickname "Scarlet Comet".As Miss Brunhilt's chief thug and chief best friend, she took three battlecruisers and three aircraft carriers one step ahead, and has already joined the combined fleet of birdmen and catmen.

As a result, the empire's military strength in the New World has completely overwhelmed the Thirteenth Fleet of the opposite Blue Star Community.

For more than a week, the other party has not even sent a scout ship there.

Ostana looked at the timetable on the terminal again: "It has been nearly an hour since I gave the order, Earl Lamut should have received the news. She is a famous general who acts decisively, maybe she has ordered all the warships to open It's the cannon."

Brunhilt sighed, and before he could speak, he heard the other party say again: "In addition, the commander of the [-]th Fleet of the Commonwealth, Commodore Eleanor Bonaparte, is a difficult lady. A threat to your... empire. I have ordered her ship to be sunk if the time is right."

King Suliuka said angrily: "Gili wouldn't do that. Maybe she hits it off with the Miss Bonaparte opposite, and the two armies are having a party. In addition, I have already received all of your ridicule." However, I have to explain that the reason why I asked about Yu Lian's whereabouts was out of tactical and strategic considerations. He disappeared, but Duke Sadran and his disciple, Colonel Sobaek, also left with troops suddenly In addition, it can be proved that Lan Jiufeng has appeared in the New World. Don't I need to carefully consider the situation behind this?"

"Yes, so this subordinate is just stating a fact, and there is absolutely no meaning of ridicule. Commodore Eleanor Bonaparte is indeed a very typical young officer, full of hostility to the empire. If we will His killing is always harmless to you... to the future of the empire."

"You..." Brunhilt said helplessly: "Today is May 5th. The investigations mobilized against the predators before were almost saturated, but nothing was found. However, when Yu Lian and the Duke of Sadulan disappeared After making contact, but found the enemy's trace, don't you think there is some connection here?"

"There is such a possibility." Major General Barr nodded frankly: "But, my subordinates think, why do you put Colonel Yulian on the same side as the Duke of Sadulan? Shouldn't it be Lan Jiufeng?"

(End of this chapter)

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