Chapter 911

To be honest, probably because Yi Na's attitude was taken for granted, Yu Lian was really moved in an instant.It's interesting to think about how the empire, which has been equipped with the Ghost Fleet for almost two weeks, will react when our side suddenly shoots at the asteroid between the two armies.

Seeing that Yu Lian seemed to be moved, Yi Na added that during this period of time, when the ship sent communication requests to the other party, most of the time it was true that there was no response.However, there were a few times when the opponent's active gravitational wave irradiated the signal. This was clearly the opponent's aiming at oneself, but it was Chi Guoguo's provocative behavior.That being the case, if we don't respond at all, maybe the imperial devils over there will think we are afraid of him.

The so-called non-reciprocity is indecent, isn't this also the principle you taught everyone, Chief Yu Lian?
"...Heh, if you don't explain this last sentence, I might really believe it." Yu Lian was immediately amused: "Ina, Major Ina Sirika, you really are right Wrong, you have indeed learned to use your brain during this time!"

"Sir, what do you mean by that?"

"This is clearly the plot of "The Pirate King's Family"! Do you think I haven't seen it? Ah, no, this thing is 18 banned, and it is banned in the community! Where did you get the source of the film?"

Ina let out a low "tss" and said solemnly: "However, the imperial fleet on the opposite side will indeed turn off the reaction shield and open the wide-area broadcast call at certain times, but what they receive are all recorded by the imperial military. Broadcast a promotional program. The official feels that this feels especially like what you are talking about."

"The co-author is you using the gravitational wave detector to take pictures of others?"

"Well, don't worry, I will turn it off every time I take half a second at most. Even if the empire finds fault, it can't find a reason."

"So it's clear that you're touching others, right? Comrade Sirika, keep working hard, you're getting closer and closer to being a qualified imperialist officer!"

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu, the most experienced and most common-sense first officer on the bridge, came out to smooth things over, saying that firing at this time might cause the empire to misunderstand, and it would be troublesome if it caused the opponent's stress response.It's best not to overwhelm.Moreover, the range increase is only metaphysical after all, not technical, and it is still regarded as a military secret, and it may surprise the enemy in the next battle.

Yu Lian felt that what his first officer said was quite reasonable, but he was not very satisfied with the attitude of the first officer, and said angrily: "Did you misunderstand this captain? I am such a person who has no common sense. type?"

Kong Qingyu thought to herself that you really haven't given any abnormal orders so far, but who can tell clearly about you psykers?Maybe abnormality is a necessary condition for your practice?

However, then again, this exploration operation is obviously an almost intact ancient Enlightenment explorer ship, but only obtained mysticism and treasures, but not any technical information.This made Yu Lian feel a little regretful while being satisfied.

This is probably because all the technologies that can be obtained directly on the ship are so-called "prohibited items", which are not conducive to the growth of civilization, and are also not conducive to the next step of the leader's work.

Fortunately, after all, everyone still salvaged a lot of fragments left after the explosion of the ancient ship. I just hope that everyone can get some results through inverse research.Anyway, since Xiao Hui agreed to let those fragments fall into his own hands, it means that even if he can really research something, he won't lose his balance too much.

In short, after the end of the exploration, the salvage work, which lasted more than [-] hours, really satisfied both parties.This can be proved by the frank and straightforward attitude of the empire when everyone set off to return after the work was over.

Of course, it may also be because everyone has already received a pleasant surprise from the snake, and they are still very satisfied with the harvest of this exploration.

Mr. Clays Patton, who will become a historical celebrity in the future, has become cannon fodder in this timeline after all.He and his Argonian companions were greeted in various ways by the Knights and the Spiritual Research Association, and experienced all the means of technology, physics, psychic energy, and spirit——Yu Lian thought at first, It might be a bit inhumane to let the two underage girls of Ganjiang Moxie participate in this kind of work.However, after all, common sense cannot be used to judge this kind of abnormal human being who joined the Spiritual Research Society before the age of ten. Not only did they not feel any psychological shadow, but they were quite happy to see it.

Speaking of which, the high school the twin girls attended seems to be the Eden School established in the early days of the imperial colonial era, and it is also a famous school with a history of nearly [-] years.However, this is a school that recruits students from the whole society, and the students enrolled are also ordinary people, but they don't know what attitude they use to face the twin girls.

... I always feel that Ganjiang Moxie's high school life can be written in another book.

The current Mr. Paton is not one of the [-] members who will grow into a complete body in the future. The No. [-] undercover agent of the snake organization Tianzi is just an ordinary grassroots cadre.However, he was indeed a tough guy, and he actually persisted for twenty hours, much stronger than his Argonian companion whose name was not important.But after all, he couldn't escape, and he couldn't die. No matter how tough a man was, he couldn't bear such torture, and his mental defense finally collapsed on the spot.

Because everyone had already made preparations, he lost control of his mind and did not degenerate into a Void Beast on the spot. He still told everything he knew before dying.

Then, indeed, as everyone speculated, the Snake Organization did form an alliance with the current Tomiteri Khan of the Predator.However, the covenant between the two has actually been going on for several years, not recently as some people think.The predator found a large-scale enlightened person's ruin in the galaxy, but he didn't have the ability to open it, so he found the predator.Therefore, one side contributed people and efforts, and the other side contributed technology and masters, and finally opened this relic.

"...However, I heard that even a master of thirteen faces, it is actually difficult to enter the periphery of the ruins. Fortunately, the looters have obtained some medicines." Clays Paton's spirit was indeed completely overwhelmed Yes, they cooperated as if the community was undercover for the snake, and they all knew the supplementary explanation.

All in all, the Marauders obtained a part of the star map of the Abyss Nebula in the ruins, and also learned that a star region hidden in the New World is being protected by the Enlightenment's sky curtain technology.More importantly, they also got the password of Tianmu Technology.

Then, it was the mighty two million light-year expedition.

As for why the snake helped the predators to build a country, this is beyond the comprehension of an ordinary executive officer.Still, Mr. Clays Patton had his own judgment.He is a member of the "past man", he is very appreciated by the "past man", and occasionally talked about his ideals a few times.

Compared with the "future" who has nothing to do with the dragon, and the "lady of the present" who has a gentle temper and hopes for balance and stability, the "ladies of the past" are actually very rare radical reformers in the thousands of years of snake organization history.He believes that snakes should be obliged to promote changes in the universe.Letting a new empire of predators, or in other words, let a cosmic empire that is not dominated by humans and coexists with multiple races appear in the new continent, and let it grow into a powerful country that can resist the empire and the alliance, which will promote the transformation of the universe.

However, even if there is an experimental star area left by the Enlightened, the Marauders will have to spend at least a hundred years of hard work on farming and development before they can really grow into a powerful country that can threaten the Empire and the Alliance.

In other words, the plan of "Past Public" was actually planned in units of a hundred years.It has to be said that based on this alone, his obsession is awe-inspiring.

Therefore, the snake may really be moved by this obsession.Even the "Ms. Now", who had some discord with the "past", participated in this plan, and even personally assassinated King Slein who was guarding the Gate of Glory.

However, Yu Lian felt that the "Master of the Past" might be a rare species of immortality.In this universe, humanoid command races that can live for hundreds of years are very rare, but they still exist.For example, the elder in the Ethereal Temple who looks so much like a purple eggplant is one... Well, if Yu Lian hadn't seen the way that elder gentleman handled snakes with his own eyes in his previous life, he might have suspected that he was "Past public".

It seems that the villain boss is a villain in the decent hands, which seems to be a traditional art to some extent.

In short, in order to develop this dreamed multi-racial united empire as soon as possible, the Snake Organization also sent many consultants and technical teams, led by the thirteen-faced "Great Prophet" lady.

As for whether she is the highest person in charge of all the actions of the Snake Organization in the New World, Mr. Clays Patton has no idea.He just guessed that there is a high possibility that the "Past Lord" will be in the New World.He has always been a very responsible leader, so conscientious that he is incompatible with the historical atmosphere of the entire "Snake Around the World".

All of the above was all that Clays Patton and his Argonian companion with a less important name knew.

In addition, Cress Patton also handed over some of the terminal codes of the ships they were on.After being deciphered by the technocrats, an unknown star map and a large series of navigation diaries were obtained.Yu Lian, the "ace navigator", searched for it, and thought that the star map should point to a remote cantilever tip in the mainland of the Milky Way, which belongs to the territory of a remote small country with no sense of existence.But to get there, one must pass through the alliance mainland.

"Oh, the Sequoia Kingdom? This is the protectorate of the Alliance. Isn't this the best evidence of collusion with snakes?" Miss Sellu's face was full of excitement, as if she was a rabbit who had dug out a nest of rabbits. fox.

Well, actually a mere star map certainly doesn't prove anything.However, for the empire, any reason to find fault with its old enemy should not be missed. As long as it can be used as an excuse to scold at the Galactic Civilization Council, then everything is enough.

As for the big sailing diary, there is really no problem at present.The two parties decided to take a copy each and study it slowly.

Afterwards, Viscount Cellu ordered the two executive officers to be shot on the spot, and the decisiveness of the killing once again made the two earth high school girls next to them stand in awe.

Afterwards, after confirming the death of the target, the Viscountess threw the body directly into the incinerator in the ship and recovered the zero element, and generously distributed half of it to Mo Xie.

... Well, based on this alone, Viscountess Cellu is a fastidious person, and if she is not an imperial knight, she can really get along with her.

For the empire, as long as it is confirmed that there is a large group of young and middle-aged stars with rich resources and fertile land behind the sky, it is enough for them to blow up the sky and the predators behind the sky at all costs.

But Yu Lian thought of more.

Ms. "Prophet" was actually there?This is a dangerous and quite interesting character. She is a "prosperous" psyker who is not good at direct combat but should be good at farming. The science of psychic prophecy has a set of magical powers to predict the future.

Of course, according to the calculations of a certain white-haired fox after obtaining this set of supernatural powers, I feel that this is not so much a prophecy, but rather a very detailed and subtle analysis and deduction. It has also reached the level of watertightness.But I don't know if this supernatural snake head has been able to "predict" that the sky he is in has collapsed.

On the other side, Colonel Yeager Sobaek was having dinner with his mentor on the Blizzard, the flagship of the Imperial Fleet.To be honest, eating with the leader is hard work, but Sobaek certainly knows who his biggest backer is in the army, so he enjoys it, and he can also discuss work by the way.

Being able to decide the important affairs of a fleet at the dining table, Sobaek felt that this was a bit of a big shot.

"... Lan Jiufeng is gone. We just observed that a small ship left the dreadnought and took the G13 branch channel." Sobaike said.

"I feel it." The Duke of Sadran sneered, "Sure enough, people outside Fang are unrestrained. I'm afraid I won't be able to learn such self-willedness in my life."

That being said, aren't you envious too?thought Sobaek.

Duke Sadulan said again: "Since Lan Jiufeng is gone, then turn off the active response protection again. This time, the closing time is increased from half a minute to one minute, once an hour. After all, this is a star that has never been explored. Yu, as long as we are all dead, no one will know what he has done."

Moreover, in the previous exploration activities, many empire ships suffered a lot of trauma.If the Scarlet Throne seized the gap where the shield was closed and launched the most violent sneak attack, it would indeed be possible to leave all the imperial warships in place.

"Similarly, if he is sunk here, no one will know what we did." Sobaek said.

"That's it! Anyway, we are not good people, let alone perfect allies. It depends on who is more shameless. Of course, it also depends on who loses composure first." The Duke said.

But obviously you are very stable.Isn't this equivalent to pointing guns at each other but waiting for the other to shoot first, and in the end, besides scaring yourself half to death, is there any constructive significance?

The Duke looked at the disciple with a very stiff and reluctant smile, and then he taught earnestly: "Jager, you have to remember that the virtue of a knight is a personal cultivation, and it is also to restrain one's behavior. However, our knight order is an empire. Your eagle dog, to deal with all the potential threats to the empire, you don’t need to talk about chivalry virtues! Yeager, you are very smart, too smart to be an orthodox knight! But because of this, those brothers and sisters of yours can’t do it You have to do what you want to do. Even if it is something I can't do, you have to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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