Him and their stars

Chapter 913 The General

Chapter 913 The General
Yu Lian watched the other party's movement of turning the teacup, and managed not to press his finger on his temple, so he also squeezed out a gentle smile, and returned a standard military salute: "Your officer understands!"

Having said that, Yu Lian was already mentally prepared.In fact, Earl Black Moon reminded himself when he was parting from the two seniors: "After returning to the voyage this time, even if you don't fire a single shot in the subsequent battle, you must be the biggest hero in this battle. And this Once, you are not only the hero of the community, but the hero of the whole universe. But, little friend Yu Lian, you need to know that not everyone likes to see heroes."

"The word hero is too important to me." Yu Lian said with a smile: "I'm just a mediocre person. I get rewarded for meritorious service, get promoted and get rich, that's all."

"Then, what should we do when there is no reward for meritorious deeds?" Lan Jiufeng said.

"...Master, I'm just a colonel!"

"But you won't just be a colonel forever. Disciple, you must plan ahead! If one day comes, you will only have two paths! Don't think that there is any difference between a republican country and the past dynasties of the parent planet era. .”

Yu Lian seemed to be discussing the theory of the "two roads" with his master, but the latter didn't intend to continue this topic, but just bowed his old arm, which was thicker than the waist of many girls, and said "Come on!" Actions.

And then, goodbye.

In fact, after earnestly examining himself three times, Yu Lian felt that he was indeed not a perfect soldier.So far, he has indeed been able to resolutely implement the orders of his superiors, but within the scope of this order, he has also done a lot of self-indulgent operations.In all fairness, there are very few leaders who like subordinates who are too detached, and the overall impression of myself on the earth's lords should not be much better.

However, in this world, psykers are privileged after all, and unorganized and undisciplined practices for some metaphysical reasons are also the traditional arts of psykers.In comparison, Yu Lian is already considered a good boy.In the final analysis, as long as the results are positive, the top management can't pick out any details.

Yu Lian reckoned that if there were truly outstanding people in the world, they would see that the youth club and the workers' organization that originated from the Red Maple Factory were the real serious problems.Unfortunately, it seems that no one has noticed this, which actually makes him a little disappointed.

In any case, this time I led the Scarlet Throne to explore the "unknown star field", I got Yang Xiyi's endorsement, and I got the perfect result.Even if the princes of the earth and the top leaders of the expeditionary army have any opinions on themselves, it is impossible to tear their faces apart.

After thinking about this, Yu Lian's mood immediately calmed down, and he sorted out his housework a little, and arrived at the venue fifteen minutes before the official start of the meeting.By this time, most of the officers hadn't even arrived yet.Of course, His Excellency the Commander and the Chief of Staff who presided over the meeting did not arrive either—after all, they were born in the local fleet, and they still pay great attention to the sense of ceremony and identity.

Yu Lian expressed complacently that although he is indeed an unorganized and undisciplined lunatic, he is also a mature social person. In terms of superficial etiquette, others really can't find any faults.

He even had time to take a slow look at the decoration of the conference room.The overall furnishings are actually in the style of the imperial court, a little exaggerated, but overall it is quite gorgeous and extravagant.This is actually understandable. After all, the Independence-class dreadnought was designed and built during the empire’s rule, and even the Mars shipyard was a legacy left by the empire. The appearance and interior of the ship naturally brought the empire style.

It's just that, although the Independence-class dreadnought has a lifespan of several decades, the interior decoration of this meeting room is not noticeable at all, and it feels much more gorgeous than most wedding rooms that have not yet been moved in.

Yu Lian once held a meeting in the conference room of the Hyperion Battle Cruiser, the decoration there can only be said to be better than nothing, compared with here, there is a gap between a small alley hotel and a five-star hotel.

As expected of a local fleet!It is hard to say whether it can be played, but since it is a road specimen, it will naturally not be short of money.Yu Lian sighed.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a gaze stabbing at him.With his current perception ability, he could sense that this line of sight clearly contained malicious scrutiny.He looked up in that direction, and saw a tall, handsome Asian man in a brigadier general's uniform, just appearing at the door of the conference room.He looked about forty years old, and he had the elite temperament of both civil and military skills, but he had a kind smile on his face.

If Yu Lian hadn't clearly felt a fleeting hostility, he might have thought the other party was a friendly and good person.

However, at least he put on a friendly attitude on his face. Yu Lian felt that, as a mature social person, he must not show timidity, so he responded with an impeccably friendly smile and took the initiative to salute.

"Xiaguan Yulian, may I ask..."

"Don't dare, in the world of our psykers, those who have mastered it come first!" He hurried back, continuing to maintain a friendly and friendly smile, and his attitude was also very friendly and even respectful: "Under Wu Sansong, I was born last year. Just returned home and is currently serving as Chief of Flagship Security and Chief of Stormtrooper in the Expeditionary Fleet."

He clenched his fists in the direction of the Milky Way in an old-fashioned way: "Thanks to adults for not giving up, I will also serve in the Azure Guard soon, and I will serve as the deputy to Major General Marlowin. Please give me some pointers!"

Yu Lian felt that he vaguely seemed to have heard this name somewhere, and wanted to ask something, so he heard the guard at the door of the meeting room shout "Commander is here" loudly as if in awe.

So, I saw a very scholar-like high-ranking general enter the meeting room.A female lieutenant general who looked more like a white-collar elite stepped back half a step and followed behind the general.

Needless to say, this is naturally the commander, Admiral Connerys, and the chief of staff, Lieutenant General Tivington.

Yu Lian also saw two acquaintances among the senior officers behind them, naturally Yang Xiyi, and the other was Major General Azitha Malowin, which was a surprise.However, this is not the time to say hello and reminisce.After the daily salute and self-introduction, Yu Lian hurriedly found his seat in the back row and sat down.

However, what makes this lawless guy a little dissatisfied is that the imagined classic plot of the villain coming out to find fault and being slapped in the face by himself did not happen.The senior officers present were all decent people after all, but they wouldn't directly reveal their identities.

What's more, whether it's Brigadier General Wu Sansong who seems to be hostile to him, or Commander Connerys and Chief of Staff Tivington, they are all very polite and friendly to themselves, and the current atmosphere is also very harmonious. Almost got goosebumps.However, he still carefully explained his whereabouts during this time to the generals at the scene.

Of course, some small details, such as the existence of Xiao Hui, are still hidden.Anyway, this is her own request. Originally, apart from herself, only Master and Senior Hei Yue knew of her existence.

Hearing that the purpose of Yu Lian's trip was indeed to crack the "devil's labyrinth"—this is the first time Yu Lian has heard of this "official title"—General Connors first applauded and said gratefully: "It's really hard work for you."

"If the soldiers of the community have your sense of responsibility and subjective initiative, why worry about the world is not peaceful?" Lieutenant General Tivington also sincerely praised.

Yu Lian felt that this wasn't a compliment, it was like mounting himself on the wall as a plaque, so he could only respond with an embarrassing rather than polite smile, and said, "Your Excellency, I appreciate it."

"Then, this can explain all the movements of the frontline predators. They lost the Devil's Labyrinth, so they can only use conventional methods to defend. They must set up more defense nodes on the galaxies they must pass through." Staff Officer Madam Chang said again: "Do you agree with this, General Yang?"

Of course Yang Xiyi nodded to show Ms. Shengming.

"Of course, it was precisely because of your officer's advance order that the Thirteenth Fleet set off ahead of schedule and won its first victory. Your officer deserves the first victory in this battle!" Admiral Conneris said to Yang Xiyi road.

This Commander, who looks more like a senior bureaucrat, is a well-rounded figure!Yu Lian thought, what kind of general would he be with this level?Wouldn't it be easier to go to Congress for dinner?
But I don't know what's going on at the front line.From what it sounds like, how many small victories did the Thirteenth Fleet actually have?Senior sister is still very powerful.However, I only hope that she has some clues about the true strength of the fleet under her command, so don't try to get ahead.

Just as he was about to ask a question, he suddenly changed Admiral Conneris's solemn tone, and said to himself: "Then, Colonel Yu Lian, please stand at attention!"

Yu Lian was slightly taken aback.He didn't feel that the plot of finding fault and slapping his face was coming, so he immediately stood up and stood up in an impeccable military posture.

Then, the commander's face was once again filled with a friendly smile, and surrounded by two adjutants, he walked up to Yu Lian, patted the latter's shoulder approvingly, and then opened the box that the adjutant sent over.

Inside is a silver general star.

"Chairman Nishita asked me to apologize to you. He said that he should have personally conferred the title on you, but the timing is very good, so we can only keep everything simple."

Indeed, the award of a general is a very important ceremony. In theory, it should go to Earth. At the ceremony presided over by the National Defense Committee, the chairman or even the President himself wears the star of the general, which can be regarded as the completion of the official promotion.A showy chairman like Mr. Keith Nishita is very keen on this kind of ceremony.

Of course, in times of war, there are not a few examples of promotion from the front line.Leaders with a bit of courage will even fly directly to the front line to preside over promotions. They can have a sense of presence in front of soldiers of the armed forces and newly promoted generals, and they can also establish an image of a tough guy who is not afraid of the line of fire. Isn't it beautiful to have the best of both worlds?

Speaking of which, if this year is not a general election year, with Chairman Nishita's usual style, he should have reached the New World long ago.Maybe he would take Yu Lian and a group of young generals to have a barbecue and get some night beer with great carelessness and enthusiasm.

... Anyway, Yu Lian did become a general when he was not yet 24 years old.It was only half a year since he was last promoted to colonel.

Of course, again, psykers have privileges after all.You know, he has five rings, and according to the rules, he should wear one more general star, which is on par with the elder sister Azhisha Marlowen on the opposite side.

But no matter what, Yu Lian has indeed become a general.Apart from the War of Independence era, there really has never been such a young general in the history of the Blue Star Community.

After all, he has not yet reached the realm of a sage who neither delights in things nor sorrows in himself, so he is somewhat vain.Thinking about it carefully, there are several small partners in the club. For example, isn’t Wayne, Wayne, Wayne serving in the Solar System Fleet?I suddenly want to buy him a drink, why?
At this time, the commander gave Yu Lian another crown and medal.Yu Lian said that he already had enough of this thing, and it was not an item that could add buffs, so he was relatively calm.

After the above-mentioned ceremony was completed, all the senior military officers present began to applaud and congratulate again, and words of blessings from all walks of life without money were poured over in an endless stream.Yu Lian would not be knocked out, so he could barely cope with it with his social skills, feeling that they were noisy.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Yang Xiyi's gloating smile in the crowd, and he almost smashed the gold medal on his chest into his face.

Then, the military meeting of the expeditionary fleet continued with the next step.The Madam Chief of Staff came up with a whole set of battle plans, which were said to be Plan A specially formulated for the shattering of the "Devil's Labyrinth".

She projected all the processes, and also provided a variety of illustrated explanations, which are very intuitive and clear.This really doesn't look like a battle plan, but more like a PPT carefully prepared by an elite white-collar lady.

I don't need to explain the specific situation. All in all, the marauders have lost their biggest line of defense, and our large fleet just needs to go directly to A.

Of course, it's not like rushing straight into the unknown galaxy controlled by the predators, but pulling out a posture and fighting steadily step by step.

In all fairness, although there is nothing original like PPT, there is nothing wrong with it.No, didn't even Yang Xiyi over there find any faults?
However, if you really want to open up your posture and fight steadily, that is, to fight a slow battle, it actually requires an absolute superiority of troops.In this case, the cooperation of the "allies" of the empire on the opposite side is required.I heard that it has been a week since the main force of the expedition fleet arrived here, and I don't know if they have had a party with the empire on the opposite side to improve their relationship and improve their cooperation.

Yu Lian felt that among the senior officers present, he probably had the highest reputation and popularity in the empire, so he wanted to put forward his own suggestion on this issue.

However, before he raised his hand to report, he heard Commander Connors say: "This is an upright battle. As long as we do our best, there is no reason for failure. However, this kind of battle is definitely not one or two raids." It can be solved, or it may form a protracted tug-of-war. Then, the logistics must keep up."

Chief of Staff Tivington said in a proper tone of advice: "The logistics from the mainland are transported through the colonies and the New World Highway, among which Xinyumen is the most important transit center. The factories built there In fact, it can also produce part of the supplies needed by the army nearby. Xinyumen is equivalent to the frontline logistics headquarters of our army. All of you present, no one is more familiar with the situation there than Brigadier General Yu Lian. My suggestion is to Let Brigadier General Yu Lian sit in Xinyumen and act as a liaison officer."

(End of this chapter)

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