Him and their stars

Chapter 92 Changed history?

Chapter 92 Changed history?
The history of the Galactic Empire can be tricky to introduce.All in all, we only need to know that their founding father had eight sons and daughters, all of whom were talents, who made great contributions to the establishment of the empire and the early interstellar development of the empire, and the brothers and sisters loved each other respectfully.It is simply a good story in the history of cosmic civilization.

The emperor entrusted his eight children to the borders of the empire to continue to expand the territory, and at the same time gave them the title of the elected emperor, which was above all the princes and grand dukes.The so-called kings of elections are not that they vote for others, but the opposite.Each generation of emperors will be born among the eight contemporary elected emperors.

As for how to choose... It's still very complicated, so let's not show it.

Of course, because the fiefs of the eight great emperors are often on the border of the empire, and they command a powerful army all the year round, they are also called "Kings of Sai".

Time is passing, and the territory of the Galactic Empire is expanding. The fiefs of the emperor are no longer limited to the frontier, and the industry cannot only come from the income of the fief, but they are still the vanguard of maintaining the authority of the Galactic Empire.Their army, their lofty status, and their very existence represent the glorious tradition of the imperial aristocracy and the people, and symbolize the courage and glory of the empire and even human civilization!

Now, the youngest representative of the "Glory Tradition of the Empire and the Glory of Human Courage" showed Yu Lian a friendly smile and nodded, "I have heard everything you said and Countess Lamut. You said something. Reason, we really shouldn't be so arbitrary. On behalf of her, I apologize to you and your comrades in arms!"

She bowed her head slightly and apologized to Yu Lian and Colonel Chaimen and Major Nani who were still lying on the ground.The extent to which she bowed her head was insignificant, but she was indeed bowing her head.

Earl Giafiel was restless for a while, and he could only bow to Yu Lian and said, "I'm very sorry! It's my fault."

Yu Lian guessed that the girl should be gnashing her teeth now, but it's a pity that wearing a helmet can't really see it.

There was a burst of whispers in the Earthlings' camp, and most of them were shocked, moved, and even admired.

"Has it been filmed?" Yu Lian asked Lieutenant Colonel McMillan in a low voice.

The latter was slightly startled, and then showed the expression of a barbarian who had no love.Of course, Yu Lian was still invisible because he was wearing a helmet too.

"Well, the shooting function didn't stop just now..."

"Oh, okay, let's leave a piece of evidence. It can also play a role in the later fights."

At this time, there was already a trace of sympathy in Lieutenant Colonel McMillan's eyes.

"Injured knight, I will send my imperial physicians to visit you. Please accept our apology." Brunnhilter added.

"Chen, the princess of Chenxi has spoken to me. Sa's family is worth it in this life!" Major Nani said shiveringly, listening to the tone, it is estimated that he will not wash his ears for the rest of his life.Of course, that little "small" injury on his body shouldn't hurt anymore.

Yu Lian just wanted to roll his eyes.He believed that more than half of the friends behind him would like to kneel down to be a licking dog for King Suruka, but he didn't expect that the first one to give in was you, a dignified psionicist!

"Too many tragedies have happened today. We only hope that you gentlemen will restrain your anger a little and let things be resolved calmly. Then, I will temporarily take over this ship and find out everything, okay? Captain? ." Su Liuka said again.

What can the captain say?He is now the only senior officer who can call the shots in the presence of the Kaitai.

"By the way, Mr. Knight of Earth." When Yu Lian was about to leave with his friends, Brynhilt suddenly spoke again.

Yu Lian continued to squeeze his eyes into squinting eyes, smiling happily: "What's the matter, Your Highness?"

"May I know your name?"

"Warrant Officer Yu Lian." Yu Lian wanted to add "Nightmare for the future of the Empire", but he was too embarrassed to think about it.

"Oh, I remember. Warrant Officer, starting today, your military name will be spread in this half of the galaxy, even if he and they don't know you yet."

This is familiar!My reputation seems to have spread among the upper classes of the other half of the galaxy.

Yu Lian paused, bowed politely, and left with a blank face.

A few minutes later, the Imperial Marines who came from the Angel of Dawn got on the ship and began to check... Although they didn't know what the hell they were checking.

The imperial army did not stop Yu Lian and his friends from leaving.As a result, they would meet Lieutenant Colonel Price, who was standing guard in the middle of the battleship, and walked away while the Kaitai people were so angry that they were about to breathe fire, but they were helpless.

There were more than 1500 stormtroopers who successfully landed on the Prince of Steel, but only half of them left when they left.At the beginning, there were more than 2500 stormtroopers who participated in the jump gang operation. When the statistics were returned, it was not even [-].

This is just like what Yu Lian said to Captain Winter at the beginning, the motorized infantry always suffers the heaviest casualties and performs the most brutal tasks.They are the bottom line and the source of courage and honor in the military and in society as a whole.

From a practical point of view, their struggle is also very meaningful.Aside from the main battlefield on Admiral Paris' side.Just saying this, after the stormtroopers landed successfully, almost every battlecruiser and dreadnought in the enemy fleet was affected.They are like beasts with roundworms in their stomachs, painful and crazy, but only incompetent and furious.The air defense firepower that was not very strict in the first place was even more unruly, but it made the small warships and fighter planes of the earth more joyful.

Post-mortem statistics show that 48 of the 12 assault ships were sunk, 8 destroyers lost 2, and 21 fighters did not return, but they severely injured three battle cruisers and one fearless. If it is broken, there should be more than [-] Kaitai sailors who died in battle.

Later, these happy small ships directly captured the supply ships of the enemy fleet and seized millions of tons of various materials.These things should not be returned.

If you count the main battlefield that Admiral Perris was personally responsible for, after this battle, the outer ring fleet of the Commonwealth sank nine battlecruisers and five arsenal ships of the enemy combined fleet at a very low price without any damage to the capital ships. And four armored aircraft carriers, the rest of the cruisers, frigates and smaller ships are innumerable.

More than 30 soldiers died in the Kaitai Kingdom, but less than [-] on the community side, including the brave and fearless stormtroopers on Yulian's side.

This is the biggest external "war" victory of the Blue Star Community in the past 30 years, and it is also the largest war in the entire galactic society in the past 10 years.

However, in the original "history", this war should have occurred more than a year later, that is, in July 831 of the Galactic Common Calendar.

At that time, the power of the Kaitai people was already too big at the end of Xinyumen. They had their dominions and even garrisoned troops, and they even began to prepare to build their own star port garrison in the Andromeda Galaxy.

At that time, the Outer Ring Fleet fought hard outside the Stargate, and even added two cutting-edge Dreadnoughts.

As a result, the Kaitai people who had already benefited from it, attacked first and launched a surprise attack under the order of Prince Crimsonmane.

In fact, they have already started preparations. They have concentrated more than twice the strength of the outer ring fleet in the West End Galaxy, and Lieutenant General Blackfin has personally formulated a perfect tactical plan.

In the face of the enemy's sneak attack with twice the strength, the commander was seriously injured, and the battle situation was extremely unfavorable.But even so, Gibraltar Beta Star Port still fell.

We can guess what happened later.What cannot be fought on the battlefield can be negotiated on the negotiation arena?

But now, with Yu Lian's intrusion, the result is completely reversed.How big the butterfly effect will be caused by this, even he himself can't tell.

"I only know that I have done everything I can." Yu Lian said.

"As soldiers, we can only do everything we can, and that's enough." Yang Xiyi replied, "No, as a student, you've actually done a good job, too good."

"I just hope that what we have done today will not be let down." Yu Liangang shuddered and couldn't help laughing.

Yang Xiyi also laughed and burst into tears.After a while, he asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing at me, a rough-and-tumble guy, who can say such literate words."

"Well, you should laugh."

"Mr. Yang, why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at you for being naive, actually thinking that everything you do today will not be let down! Do you think it's time to laugh?"

"Indeed...you should laugh!"

(End of this chapter)

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