Him and their stars

Chapter 929 Charge and Retreat

Chapter 929 Charge and Retreat
These troll warriors were like gophers who had been hiding under the ice and snow, and suddenly rushed out of the snow one by one, and suddenly appeared beside the soldiers of the 11th Division.Directly included the battle into their favorite close combat.

Indeed, no race in the known universe prefers melee combat more than the Mysandar trolls.After all, in addition to the advantages of strong body, rough skin and thick flesh, they also have the racial talent of being able to eat flesh and return blood.

However, the unscientific situation is that although the troll has various advantages, he has never heard that he is more frost-resistant than the bear man.They only have simple life-support equipment and power bones, and they can't do it with a single piece of power armor. How on earth can they sneak into the ice and snow?And judging by their looks, they were all crazy and fierce, as if they were not disturbed by the severe cold at all.

Immediately afterwards, a bright light flashed on the snow-capped mountains in the distance.Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen high-explosive shells landed in the dense army formation of one's own side, setting off a crazy explosion.

The enemy has set up a hidden artillery position on the opposite snow mountain!
Of course, there is no good news at all.At least it can be confirmed that this place is indeed heavily fortified, and nine out of ten it is indeed the location of the energy diffuser.

...if that thing really existed.

"The person in charge of the investigation department should be hanged!" Colonel Caimen couldn't help gnashing his teeth.But he immediately realized that his side didn't spend any time on the planet's scouting, but just sent two detection drones around the planet twice to scan it hastily.The time spent is not as good as that of the private investigation team.

No, if you haven't even figured out the changes in surface temperature, don't expect to find a position buried under the ice.

"Where's our heavy firepower?" Brigadier General Wu Sansong grabbed Brigadier General Nai Weng.

General Xiongren looked at the comrades who were fighting bloody battles with the trolls, and the soldiers who were massacred by the enemy's condescending shelling. My command!"

The words are very harsh, but Brigadier General Naion is a bear warrior known for his bravery after all, and the command level of coordination among various departments is a bit clumsy, let alone in such a sudden attack.

More than a minute passed before the heavy firepower of one's own side finally started to counterattack, but the artillery fire was sparse and completely missed the opponent's hidden firepower points.

What kind of battle is this?Colonel Chaimen gritted his teeth and patted his helmet. He ignored Brigadier General Wu Sansong, who was furious at the side, and ordered the psykers to assemble.

"Major Shilica... Oh, that's right, she's not here. Who is that! Did you learn from Major Shilica last time that you carried a light spear as a sniper rifle?"

"Yes, sir! Well, the name of the officer is..."

"It's not important! Get ready to shoot!" Colonel Caimen grabbed another captain, remembering that this guy seemed to be a "driver" and was very sensitive to the subtle perception of the temperature on the scene.In a situation where "exploration" lacking means of attack cannot enter the battlefield at will, these psychic mages are the best battlefield scouts.

"Can you tell where the heat source is?"

The captain reported an area with a bitter face.He is just a rookie, and he was promoted to the second ring because of the experience he gained from hacking the star worms with Chief Yu last time. With his current ability, there is no way to specify the time in a more specific coordinate.

"Enough!" The major who was carrying the spear cannon had already squatted down, firmly pinning the stabilizer on the back of the emblem machine to the thick ice.As a result, the two of them brought the heraldic machine and formed a semi-fixed fort.He took a deep breath, moved the muzzle, and pulled the trigger towards the place marked by his comrades.

The red light, which can be used as the energy main gun of a small battleship, pointed at the towering iceberg and snow field like a sharp sword.

Of course, it is impossible for the predators hiding on the snow-capped mountains not to have noticed this. They directly started to cover this place with artillery fire, but were bounced away by the activated shield jointly deployed by several psykers.

A minute later, the ice on the top of the mountain range began to melt, turning into an avalanche mixed with floods and overturning, covering the hidden bombardment positions within.

"You played well! I'll reward you with that bottle of thirty-year-old Da Shao when I get back!" Said Caimen.

However, this was only a tactical victory.The firepower hidden in other places has also begun to show its power.More importantly, the 11th Division has been led or forced by the enemy to the thin ice.Then, a few more shock bombs landed on the pale ground, immediately creating a huge pit.

In an instant, more than two regiments of soldiers fell into the overturned snow and ice.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, more predators rushed over from all directions.The battle situation was completely in chaos. There was no distinction between the front line and the rear. Even Brigadier General Nai Weng was shot in the abdomen.

Colonel Caimen looked at the surrounding battle situation, then glanced at the glacier directly in front of him, took a deep breath, unfolded his alloy machete, and chopped an approaching eight-clawed self-propelled gun through.

"Do you believe me?" He looked at the seven subordinates gathered behind him.

If you add yourself, you can just form two psyker tactical units.

"Just give the order." The young major retracted the spear cannon, raised a rapier and a Gatling.

"Very good! This battle is over! We might all be promoted to the ring." Caimen laughed loudly.He stretched out his long knife and pointed in the direction of the iceberg where the heat source was the most obvious, and began to lead the team to charge.

Brigadier General Wu Sansong felt that he was surrounded by enemies in all directions, and he couldn't find the psykers he "directly subordinated" to if he wanted to.

"The fleet must be prepared..." Brigadier General Wu Sansong gritted his teeth, preparing to issue the order that would likely put him in a court-martial.Of course, considering his background, even if he actually went to court, he would probably be able to get away with it, and he didn't even need to take off his military uniform. After a few years of storage, he would be a good man again.

Moreover, as a soldier, you will always die. What is the difference between dying in the hands of the enemy and dying in the shelling of your own people?As long as you can get the final victory, it is a price worth paying.

By now, he was almost certain that the target he was looking for was right in front of him.

However, just as he raised his head, he found that the fleet had deviated from its original track.

When the special strike fleet commanded by Major General Parker crossed the horizon of the A1 dwarf planet, it was directly stunned by the beam cannon from the long-awaited fortress.

The opponent is still some distance away from the A1 planet, and the accuracy is not very good. It didn't directly hit any battleship, but just passed the Chimera battlecruiser at the outermost edge of the fleet.Then, the intense electromagnetic radiation emitted by the main body of the beam, like Corona attacking a beautiful defense system, easily pierced through the shields and armor of all battle cruisers, instantly increasing the temperature inside the ship several times Baidu.

As a result, the cutting-edge battle cruiser, which had not been in service for ten years, burst from the inside like raw meat in a microwave oven.

In this way, the Commonwealth Expeditionary Fleet lost the first main battleship of the war in the New World.

The task force began to fall back.Of course, they haven't forgotten the friendly troops on the planet's representative. Although they couldn't get through to the command layer, they also sent a wide-area broadcast for ten minutes in a row, telling the marines of the 11th Division who were fighting bloody battles that they could step back. A new retreat point of two hundred kilometers.The fleet has dropped supplies and a robotic field hospital there and can regroup.

More importantly, as long as they got there, they would be considered to have entered the shooting blind spot of the fortress, and the fleet would be able to meet everyone.

It is worthy of being a road specimen of the solar system fleet. What they want is the authenticity of the old earth ZLQ. In terms of not treating the marines as human beings, they are really not human.

Brigadier General Nai Weng, commander of the 11th Division, was seriously injured and unable to command for a while, and was snatched from the battlefield by his own guard company.But the chief of staff was killed by a grenade while in command, completely losing command of the entire army.

The command of the soldiers of the [-]th Division was only at the company level, so they had to break out of the siege towards the retreat point.

Of course, Brigadier General Wu Sansong, the deputy commander of the Blue Star Guard, also lost contact with his psykers.Fortunately, the advantage of psykers is that even if they lose their troops, they can be regarded as a very powerful combat unit.

We are not sure whether Brigadier General Wu Sansong is qualified to assume the current position behind the back of the general star, but at least we can be sure that this guy who was a guerrilla can be regarded as an excellent psychic, and he can single-handedly use the emblem machine Killed a bloody road and rushed even faster than the armored vehicles of the 11th Division.

Wu Sansong's charge should have been just to break out of the siege, but objectively speaking, many soldiers did take this opportunity to break out of the siege.

By the time Brigadier General Nai Weng and the remnants of the 11th Division retreated to the withdrawal point, it seemed that it was already past 7 o'clock in the morning on July 31.After counting at the end, it can be determined that less than one-third of the officers and soldiers returning to the team are left.

Looking at his subordinate soldiers who were beaten and disabled, Brigadier General Nai Weng felt sad.However, this time is not the time to cry and cry, and have to face a higher-level question.

The severely injured brigadier general didn't even have time to eat the petri dish. He just healed the wound with bio-glue, took two compressed blood-enriching potions, and came to the general flagship Independence in disgrace.

In fact, the reason why he put on such a miserable look is more or less acting.If you are miserable enough, your Excellency the Commander should not be as knowledgeable as yourself, right?
General Xiongren did not expect that Admiral Connerys was born as a technocrat. He was not so much a military official as a professional official. What about him?

Admiral Connerys was furious.He can tolerate failure, but he can't tolerate his subordinates fooling himself after failure, as if he is mocking his own IQ.

"[-] people, they'll catch them all in four hours! Even if they have [-] pigs, they won't be able to catch them all in four hours!"

In fact, it is not all over.In fact, more than 1 marines from the [-]th Division successfully returned.In addition, the fleet has at least built a landing base on the back of planet A[-], and is gradually gathering remnants.

It's just that this unit belonging to the ace division of the Earth Marine Corps is almost disabled. It may take at least one or two years of replenishment and repairs to restore its combat effectiveness.But, damn it, even the division flag was taken away.According to the unwritten rules, taking the flag away is equivalent to destroying the unit.Even if the remnants rebuilt the army bravely after realizing their shame, they should no longer use the previous designation and title.

Of course, you can also pinch your nose and forcibly restore the number, anyway, there is no problem in legal terms.However, after all, a strong army needs a sense of honor to feed it, and heartless thick-skinned people are still a minority after all.

As a result, the famous "Polar Bear Division" is equivalent to disappearing from the sequence of the Community Marine Corps.

As long as Admiral Connors thought that he might be the first commander to lose a division-level unit after the independence of the community, how could he not be furious?

Lieutenant General Tivington was equally angry. After all, she was the one who made the overall tactical plan.But what's wrong with a super returnee elite student like her?Must be a problem with the executor.

"Major General Parker, why did you leave the cover?" The chief of staff with a frosty face did not directly attack Commodore Naiven, but asked the admiral of the squadron who was in charge of cover.

Since it is an elite, even if it is to clean up the bottom people, it should be justified.

Major General Parker, with a pale face and a soft temperament, said hurriedly, "Your Excellency, I have completely followed the tactical plan. Once I enter the attack range of the enemy's fortress, I should give priority to protecting the battleship... Moreover, the Chimera was also destroyed." sunk."

The implication is that I also worked hard!You see, I have already lost a battlecruiser, enough to be worthy of the officers, and of course enough to be worthy of the friendly forces

Admiral Connerys sighed quietly.Warships are more important than marines, and this has always been the consensus of the military circles of various countries.The former is the culmination of a country's technology and industrial strength, while the latter only needs to find a young guy and drag him to the barracks to practice for three months before issuing a gun.

"Also, can't we fight without the cover of the fleet? We can't cover the marines, but neither can the marines!" Major General Parker said again.

"Thank you for your hard work." The commander felt that this was quite reasonable.After all, Major General Parker is an old subordinate of his own direct line, and what he says is always easier to make sense than outsiders.

Lieutenant General Tivington said coldly: "Indeed, the result of this battle is because Brigadier General Nai Weng did not firmly perform his duties as a commander. Your Excellency, Commander, the army must be strict in expeditionary warfare!"

Admiral Connerys' hesitation only stayed on his face for a moment, and then a hint of evil appeared on his face: "Guards!"

"I, how can you..." Brigadier General Naion had already understood something, but before he finished speaking, two guards in power armor rushed into the conference room and grabbed General Bearman's arm.

Probably due to physical injury and heartache, Brigadier General Naion, a strong bear man, did not resist, but yelled in a crying voice: "I, I passed by in New Atlantis. Blood! I was wounded in the Far Shore Nebula! I made military exploits for the community! I will fight for the community! I want to see Lieutenant General Sayo! I want to see Madam President!"

This bear man is actually the person of the acting president, Ms. Maria Manson?This was a bit beyond Yang Xiyi's expectation.

Of course, it's a general election year now, and the Acting President lady has never even had a party election. She was crushed by Chairman Nishita, and she is about to die.

Yang Xiyi also gave Admiral Connerys a high look.He looks like a technocrat, but he is actually planning to use the head of a general to stand out, which is quite the demeanor of a carnivore.

However, he didn't want to, or disdain to consider the deep political implications of this.He only knew that Lieutenant General Picard, the deputy commander of the expeditionary force and the admiral of the Tenth Fleet, was sitting on his flagship Glorious Terra, so now it was his turn to speak.

"Excuse me, is Brigadier General Wu Sansong still alive?" Yang Xiyi said in a gentle tone.

(End of this chapter)

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