Him and their stars

Chapter 931 The Dead Man

Chapter 931 The Dead Man
Whether a "communication" star ring psyker would really become the source of the so-called plague, the dignitaries present naturally didn't know, so they could only listen to the expert Yu Lian.They knew that the Elero was dead, and even his torso was pulverized by the atomic light spear, but when they saw the faceless head with a sad expression, they felt that it was clearly a plague. Source like.

Everyone suddenly felt panicked, and many women who still wanted to scream couldn't even scream now.As large carbon-based mammals, their fear of viruses is genetically inscribed, just like other animals' fear of natural enemies.

Yu Lian was still very satisfied with the reaction of the princes of Gungun. He threw the head of the Eero man into the brazier behind him, and said to everyone: "However, this is not important. The important thing is that an Eero warship actually It has already penetrated to New Lushun, which means that there are many gaps in the front line, and the looters must know other routes."

He glanced at the members of the observation team present. Nearly half of them were not Earthlings, but the races of the remaining "allies" participating in this coalition.

"We need more fleets to maintain the supply line. We must also have our own hunting fleet, and more importantly, we need an exploration fleet. We need a group of reserve fleets that are not under the command of the frontline expeditionary fleet command. My lords, for the safety of the New World and the frontline For the overall situation, I need the generosity of your lords." Yu Lian paused: "Of course, this is also for the safety of Lushun."

The last sentence, the so-called "safety of New Lushun", should refer to "safety of your lords".Although Yu Lian said it clearly, everyone here is decent and smart, so there is no reason why he couldn't understand what he meant.

Director Paykel hid a trace of fear in his eyes, and said solemnly with his fat belly: "Understood, the general's appeal is indeed very reasonable, and we will report the situation here to the country as soon as possible."

"You have worked hard. On behalf of all the soldiers and civilians of the New World, thank you!" Yu Lian bowed sincerely, and then said with a smile on his face: "The dinner is actually ready, but I still have some things to deal with here. Please Go to the table first, I will come back as soon as possible, I should be able to catch up and drink three drinks with everyone."

Probably because Yu Lian's facial expression management skills have finally been cultivated to a high level. The members of the observation team felt that this young general was honest and nice to speak. .They all said that everyone would eat and drink well and wait for General Yu to come back to prepare for the second round.

Yu Lian still felt that talking nonsense with these gentlemen was more tiring than fighting a psyker of the same level for [-] rounds, but practice makes perfect for anything.He still resents this kind of work of emptiness and humiliation, but after all, he has adapted very well, even if he is tired, he is still exhausted to a certain extent.

As soon as she left the bridge, she saw Feifei, who was also wearing a coat of arms machine, coming up to her, followed by several soldiers and technicians in space power armor.

"How?" Yu Lian asked curiously.

Feifei shook her head expressionlessly: "Twenty dead, three were seriously injured and captured. They behaved very fiercely, indeed a typical style of dead soldiers."

A technician said helplessly: "There is no star map in the database in the ship. They should have deleted the data after arriving in this galaxy."

"Even if the data is deleted, there is still the possibility of being restored by our technology. Their navigator should have memorized the transition point of each galaxy." Feifei said: "Of course, it may also be written on paper. Just burn it when it arrives."

"...Indeed, if the navigator kills himself by the way, as long as the body hardens after a long time, even if we try to dig out the information from our brains, we won't be able to get it out." Yu Lian said.

The technicians and ordinary soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, probably thinking that ordinary people like them are incompatible with these extraordinary people because they are not perverted enough.

Feifei laughed again and said, "It's you, is that Eero who did it just now really a poisonous person?"

"How is it possible? To be able to fuse so many toxins and transform yourself into the source of the plague, you need at least five or six rings. Even if it is an empire, it is impossible to be rich enough to use a saint as a death squad." Yu Lian shook his head and said: "He's just a 'guard' who hasn't chosen a branch yet. Relying on his blood thickness, he stuffed a stick of highly concentrated ion salt into his stomach. He should be planning to use himself as a humanoid detonation source."

"That's how it is. If this ship is really allowed to rush into the New Lushun Star Port, it will be paralyzed for at least two months. In this way, our supply route to the front line will definitely be affected, which is better than sinking One or two transport ships is much more serious."

"So what I said to the observation team's gentlemen was not a lie, but I was just a little bit caught. Feifei is the director, so she must understand this truth." Yu Lian said: "Besides, although this kind of thing did not happen in the past, it does not mean that it will happen in the future. It won't happen!"

Everyone checked this ordinary medium-sized armed cargo ship for the last time to make sure that there was nothing hidden in the cracks, and then they left with three seriously injured and unconscious prisoners—these three were just ordinary crew members, even if they were rescuers, they left. I probably won't be able to ask anything when I come back, but it's better than nothing.

Afterwards, shelling from the New Lushun Star Port followed, completely destroying the cargo ship filled with countless explosive materials.

Thus, since the sky was broken and the frontal battle began, the most dangerous attack by the predators on the Community's rear had been declared a failure.

Yu Lian still has a bit of respect for these enemies who are determined to die.There are twenty-four people in their entire ship, more than half of them will not be the traditional "predator race". There are even three humans on board. The flag of the country of the Sri Lankan merchant group.

This type of freighter runs all year round all over the universe, and of course the New World is not uncommon.And we need to know that although the siege of the predators has already begun, all the participating countries have characterized this war as an anti-terrorism and banditry operation, and have not entered a state of war, and the business routes between the New World have not yet entered a state of complete military control.

As a result, this cargo ship with an official registry, under the acting skills of the human crew dressed as the captain, actually got mixed up all the way to the New Lushun galaxy.Of course, at a distance of [-] kilometers from the new Lushun Xinggang, while waiting to line up to enter the port, the search drone supported by the alliance still scanned out dangerous goods.He was forced to stop on the spot by intimidating shelling.

At this time, Yu Lian who came over after hearing the news also felt the breath of the psyker on the ship, and even "smelled" the smell of the predator.

This is probably the sensing ability brought by the "cosmic intuition". It is so unscientific, but it is so easy to use!

Of course, the other party should have missed his feet because of nervousness after the ship was forced to stop, indicating that his strength is limited.

It stands to reason that this situation does not require Yu Lian to act personally, but it just so happens that members of the observation team from various countries arrived just two hours ago.Feifei felt that the gentlemen from China had never seen real weapons, so they always had all kinds of unrealistic romantic fantasies about war.Then, as the most famous young hero in the entire community, Yu Lian is obliged to let the old men have fun.

"This observation team is made up of politicians and reporters from major newspapers. Once the two get together, everything will be a show." Feifei said: "As long as the show is happy, we, as well as the main soldiers of the front-line fleet, It'll all be easier."

Yu Lian felt that what Feifei said was very reasonable.What's more, the predator still has a freighter with official registration and a human crew in his hands, and has been lurking all the way here, so I am somewhat curious.

But the facts proved that a group of sailors who were determined to die couldn't even blew themselves up in front of a five-ring psyker who suddenly jumped to his side.Before being killed, they probably thought "what can I do".

Of course, there was a real surprise. Among the three ordinary sailors who were stunned by Yu Lian's psychic shock, there was a human being. It was later confirmed that this guy was the one who passed the border checkpoint pretending to be the captain of a merchant ship. bit.

After Yu Lian saw the banquet for the gentlemen of the observation group, he had to be patient and talk to the reporters with a smile on his face. Just as he was about to go back to rest, he learned that the human crew member had awakened.

I have been really fulfilled during this time!Enriched like a real general.Yu Lian was so emotional that he went to the prison.This human predator crew member is a middle-aged man of about forty-five or sixteen years old. His skin is dark and rough, his appearance is ordinary but his temperament is very rough, which really fits the traditional setting of "old crew".

At this time, this person had already been tied up with several layers of restraints, and Yu Lian even casually slapped this guy.Now, even if he wanted to commit suicide, he couldn't do it.

This very rare human predator didn't seem to be planning to commit suicide anymore. Instead, he looked at Yu Lian with interest, and then introduced himself frankly: "My name is Emok Talalan, the guardian Banner Army Captain."

He seems very proud of who he is.

However, the surname "Talalan" still made Yu Lian raise his eyebrows.

"The Talalan family of Earl Nere?" It's a son of a great nobleman, disrespectful and disrespectful!
"Aha, that's a matter of ancestors! I grew up in Yinxin, and of course I'm also a child of Yinxin." Although he couldn't move his whole body, and his face was a little pale due to excessive blood loss, he was extremely energetic , so full that it even tasted a little hysterical.

It seems that many stories have happened, but they have nothing to do with the current situation, and Yu Lian is really not interested.

"So, you call yourself the Flag Guards now?" Feifei captured more information.

"Yeah, since the country has been formally established, can't you still call yourself a pirate?" The self-proclaimed captain of the "Flag Guard Army" looked even better, squeezing his pale face like a corpse. A frenzied grin came out: "Our official country name is the Dodoland Empire! Only soldiers who are willing to fight to the death under the banner of the Great Khan for our new empire are eligible to become members of the Banner Guard Army! Even if I am die, but the soul shall live with the Empire of Dodoland."


"In the ancient Eero language, it means the land of peace and paradise." Feifei whispered.

"Oh, Antuguo... I feel a little sorry for the name if I don't burn it." Yu Lian suddenly realized.

The human captain of the Banner Guard Army still had a fanatical expression on his face, as if he had exhausted his remaining strength and squeezed out a yin and yang laugh: "Isn't this what you are going to do? Our Dodolan Empire will be this A safe paradise for all free people in the universe! Citizens here, no matter what race they come from, are born equal! We will not bow to the tyrannical dragon kings, nor will we be sucked blood by the evil rose! We will definitely Fight to the end!"

Yu Lian and Feifei looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

"He came here specially to show us his determination," Feifei said.

But Yu Lian shrugged and smiled: "Captain, let's talk about something valuable. From where did your ship pass through the Devil's Labyrinth Route and the New World Highway? Did you get a detailed star map for you?"

The human predator laughed: "With your ability, haven't you already guessed it?"

It can be seen that this is a smart man, but a smart man is willing to be a dead soldier, which shows the fighting spirit of the predators at this time.

At this time, Captain Talalan glanced at Yu Lian's collar patch and said, "Don't ask me, general, general, only the captain knows the star map information, but when we arrived in New Lushun, we committed suicide I'm afraid that a strong man like you will use mystical methods to find clues."

Yu Lian murmured secretly that it was true.Even with different standpoints and three views, he always has some respect for these ruthless people.

"Why don't we talk about something of value. General, the ultimate purpose of our Dodolan Empire is to resist the tyranny of the Empire and the Alliance, but we have no malice towards humans! You just have to look at me to see. Compared to Get up, didn't you people on Earth become independent just to fight against the tyranny of the empire? We should be natural allies, why should we fight each other? General, it's not too late to set things right!"

Yu Lian had to admit that he was very touched by such a sense of ownership. This is probably the so-called "new dynasty atmosphere".However, it is also certain that the captain of the flag guard army is indeed worthless.

Afterwards, Feifei said to Yu Lian: "Why do I feel that we are playing the villain this time?"

Yeah?Why do I feel like I'm getting used to it.Yu Lian said: "When any political system emerges, there will be a declaration full of hope and progress. But this kind of thing does not lie in what they said, but in what they did.

Feifei glanced at Yu Lian: "So, what are you doing now?"

"Be a villain!" Yu Lian said in a natural tone.

(End of this chapter)

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