Him and their stars

Chapter 934 Countering and being countered

Chapter 934 Countering and being countered

Now, the communication officer on the ship is calling for the friendly ship that has reached the orbit of the giant planet in the outer galaxy.

"This is the Sir Weida, Bronze Garp 052, please call back! Bronze Garp, please call back!"

After nearly five seconds, there was a lot of noisy answers: "This is Bronze Karp 052. This ship has completed the preliminary exploration cruise of the orbit of the DL33-06 giant planet and is recovering the deep space probe. Signal."

"Did you find out..."

After another nearly five seconds, a dejected voice came: "No special findings yet. Repeat, no special findings yet."

There was a sound of lamentation on the bridge of the Sir Weida.On the contrary, the commander of the exploration fleet was calm, and said in a deep voice: "Continue to explore, and set up two sets of detectors again. This time, the contraction frequency is changed to X-45 to 120, with a round of [-] hours."

This brigadier general, who is the commander of the exploration fleet, has an elegant demeanor, more like a scholar than a soldier, but his expression at this time, saying that he is going to find someone to fight with a watermelon knife, is believed by everyone.

This is equivalent to using the expensive wide-area multi-frequency orbital space detector as a consumable, but no one objected to the bronze Karp over there and the crew on the bridge here.

The commander glanced at the bridge again, gritted his teeth, and said, "Connect to Void Ranger 114, let her return to the voyage immediately, and accept the repaired equipment. Here"

This is a special cruiser equipped with deep space exploration equipment, a spiritual diffusion platform, and a conductive energy device.Therefore, it is not so much a battleship as it is a special command ship for the exploration fleet.At this time, besides the two holy shield light cruisers and five gladiator destroyers that were specially used for escort, there were twelve star exploration ships equipped with deep space detection instruments of different powers. the boat.

They came to replace the scouting fleet that had "accidentally" discovered this system before, and almost had a little skirmish with the friendly forces on Earth.After all, the latter are just ordinary high-speed warships, which can barely be used to explore the enemy's situation, but when it comes to fighting, these warships are the most professional.

However, such an exploration fleet, which can try to wade out of the dangerous abyss nebula, has been wandering in this seemingly ordinary galaxy for more than three days, but still has nothing.

This is a very rare situation.If it is in a normal exploration operation, it is almost possible to declare this galaxy to be a dead end on the waterway.

But the problem now is that everyone knows that there must be other gravity wells in this galaxy, but there is still no gain.That feeling, like playing an rpg and being stuck by a bug, can easily raise your blood pressure.

This is indeed an ordinary galaxy, with a star in its prime at its core, exuding an ordinary orange-yellow light.There are five planets in orbit, two gas giants, one ice planet, one rocky planet without an atmosphere, and one lava planet.

It has mining value, but no development value, let alone immigration value.This kind of star system cannot pick out [-] million within the Milky Way, and there must be at least [-] to [-] million.

But it is such an ordinary star that seems to have become an insurmountable moat, which makes people even more angry.

This frontier exploration fleet has a total of less than [-] people, and more than one-third of them are technicians from various departments. It stands to reason that the self-cultivation should be much higher than that of the main soldiers, but it is inevitable to start at this time. I gritted my teeth.The interior space on each ship is naturally dominated by the oppressive low air pressure.

Of course, missions are missions after all, and in terms of discipline alone, the imperial guards are definitely the best in the entire galaxy.As long as there is no new order from the headquarters behind, they can only complain while continuing to work.

After all, it is an important investigation and exploration mission. In addition to scientific and technological personnel, naval crew members, there are also psykers on board, and it is said that there is also a judge.The big guy has spent so much time in the empire, of course he understands the meaning of this too well.

Scolding is scolding, jumping is jumping, but fishing is really not fishy.

"...You said, I am a judge with a bright future who works in the Imperial Tribunal, but how did I become a military judge of the expedition fleet? What else do I have to supervise here to explore the former enemy?" A man wearing a black military police uniform, hanging The young man with the rank of major sat in the corner of the bridge, looking at the chaotic galaxy outside the porthole, listlessly speaking.

His teammate, a young girl who also holds the rank of major, showed a look of surprise: "What are you talking about? When did we have a bright future? Psykers born from nobles are born as star knights, we An ordinary family is a black dog, and a black dog is inferior!"

Their captain, a colonel with a handsome appearance but full of the temperament of a worker, said: "You girl is really... We are serving as supervisor this time, and we also need to serve as spiritual support. Isn't this a very meaningful thing?" Is it a job? And there is a subsidy for going to the front line, and after this battle is over, everyone will have a bonus, and they can be promoted when they return to China!"

"Captain, isn't it because Mr. Xunfeng is your old superior and our instructor?" Miss Judge's eyes widened.

"...That's not the point! I, I'm doing it for everyone's future!"

"Then he was kicked around like a football by various departments? So the black dog is inferior!"

The captain of the colonel was dumbfounded.The trio of them was originally a team of investigators and judges in charge of public security and espionage prevention in the imperial capital. Their jobs were stable, their income was high, and they had a bright future.However, the various terrorist activities that took place during the God of War Festival discredited the empire, and all of them, the judges in charge of psionic security, suffered a lot.

Later, in the big event that happened on Sarna, the Grand Knight Commander was killed, the Thorn Witch and the Snake Organization appeared, and it was later proved that the Chief Investigator, Xunfeng, was an undercover agent of the Snake Organization.That is the chief judge who has served in the Grand Tribunal for more than [-] years. Some of them are old subordinates and apprentices, and naturally everyone is on the review list.Those with a background who can prove themselves can land safely. Ordinary people who cannot prove themselves can only find ways to avoid the limelight.

Therefore, the trio of judges who had done a good job in the most benevolent place like the imperial capital simply applied to serve in the expedition fleet.

After all, it is an empire with abundant military virtues, and military merit comes first.With military merits, there is a future, and with a future, you can go ashore safely.

This is a huge strategic group of tens of millions. In the era of the mother star, it was already the population of a medium-sized country. Naturally, it needs a strong security department, and of course it also needs a strong psychic to act as a front.It is also an imperial tradition to allow outstanding judges of the Tribunal to take important positions in the gendarmerie department and march with the army.

Still, the trio's military career has been rocky.First of all, he served as a military police inspector on the general flagship, and every day he came into contact with the emperor, the duke, the marshal, the general, etc., who could not be controlled; He personally shot the leader of the thorns in the fighting field of human beings; now, he is on the Sir Weida again, saying that he is supervising the reconnaissance fleet, but to put it bluntly, he has to be a psychic assistant at a critical moment.

"This is actually a good thing. We are investigating judges, and we still have some basic skills in perception and observation. Although we don't know much about space recognition, we can at least provide assistance." Colonel Uncle looked at a group of technical officers on the bridge with low morale , lowered his voice and said: "Technology means nothing, maybe we have to rely on spiritual power. If you can find the enemy's situation, it will be a great achievement."

"Isn't it because we are the most idle psykers in the entire army, and we have not been backstage, so we were arrested?" The young lady said angrily.

"Besides, you haven't thought about the possibility that if the psychic means are not successful, we will still be backlashed?" The young judge said coldly.

"You two, how did you become like this. Gaya, this kid was not like this before! When he first joined the job, he was so passionate, sincere, responsible and compassionate, and..."

The young judge named Jia Ya rolled his eyes, but the younger sister spread her hands: "Isn't our sense of responsibility just worn away by going to society with you? Captain, in short, the black dog is inferior!"

"Calling, calling Heigouzi is too much... Although the military police wear black clothes, we are only part-time."

Just when the two sides were about to lament their current fate again, the back door of the bridge was opened, and a lady with a mysterious smile appeared in the room.

She moved silently, appearing behind the trio like a ghost.

The judges, who claimed to have "a little skill in observation and perception", didn't notice her approach at all until the latter snapped their fingers behind them.

"Let's go." said the lady with the rank of major general.

"Ai, General Sameta? Where are you going?"

"Star viewer." Rear Admiral Rosia Sameta, who served as the chief star viewer of the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, said succinctly.

The trio of judges are just "grassroots" psykers from ordinary families. They don't know many profound and mysterious mystical skills, but for some reason, they always feel that they are really going to be used as psychic batteries , I felt like trembling for a while.

However, none of them dared to express any opinions, so they could only follow sadly.

A few minutes later, a group of people passed the stairs behind the bridge and came to the top floor of the tallest building of the Skywatcher class.It looks like a tower here, and the interior is a circular environment with a radius of about ten meters.If it is used in a fierce fleet battle, this kind of ship superstructure is a target, but if it is used for mysticism...it can't prove that it has any added effect.However, in mysticism and metaphysics, the sense of ritual is still important.

A young girl who looked like she might be underage stood silently at the edge of the circular room, sitting on a small table and fiddling with something.

Of course, the trio of judges also knew each other. This was Colonel Arianne Einach, an excellent star sighter and navigator, and an apprentice of General Sameta.It is said that she is also the confidant of His Royal Highness Brunhilt, king of Suluka.

At this time, a very complicated psionic array diagram was outlined in the circular room, and the halo of psionic energy flowed and shone brightly on the array diagram.

Seeing that the general nodded to him, Colonel Arianne took out an arm-sized ship model from the box next to it, which was very delicate.The people present naturally recognized that this was an Old Sage transport, the kind that was taken away by the supply fleet some time ago.

I don't know why, the judges always feel terrified thinking about it, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Major General Roxia Sameta looked at the crowd and said, "Arianne, if I die, write down the data and bring these three with me."

Arianne was less talkative than her mentor, and just made an OK gesture.

However, the judges already want to die now.

The taciturn Colonel Arianne probably saw their wavering, and comforted him: "If the mentor is dead, we don't have to die."

"Yes, half your life is lost at most. You are psykers, but this kind of experience is not a bad thing." General Sameta said with a smile: "I still need you to report the situation to the two highnesses alive."

The judges who are "grassroots" psykers feel that they have not been comforted at all, but at this time, what else can they do other than squeeze out a stiff smile?

However, looking at Major General Sameta who seemed to have some kind of awareness with a warm smile on his face, even if he was just a grassroots psyker who pretended to be a laborer, he could not help but have some respect.

Almost at the same moment, within the star called "Devil's Labyrinth Starfield" by the Empire and "Peaceful Paradise" by the looters, the Old Saint-class transport ship captured by the looters' attacking fleet was docking in the star field at this time. On the edge of a lonely galaxy full of ice crystal planetary belts.The crew of the Old Saint class has been reduced to captives, and hundreds of millions of tons of supplies have become trophies that make the looters beaming as if they are going to celebrate the New Year. All the cabins are now as clean as if they have been licked several times.

However, as the chief occultist and ancient science and technology consultant of the newly established "Empire of Paradise", Ms. "Great Prophet" has been on this empty ship for several days.

"Did you find anything?" asked the Great Khan Tomiteri behind the screen of the communication terminal.Of course, she herself is not here, but is in command on the fortress, which is a bit like "the emperor guards the gate of the country".

At least, that's what almost all the predators believe.

"Not at all. If the empire has really tampered with this ship, how can it be so easy to see through?" The great prophet said: "However, my instinct is telling me that there must be something strange about this ship."

If it were someone else, the Great Khan might not bother to bother.A leader who acts out of so-called intuition will scare himself to death sooner or later.However, Ms. "Great Prophet" is different after all, and her nickname in the Snake Organization has already explained a lot of problems.

"Perhaps you should not have brought this ship back," said the Great Prophet.

"Whether I bring it back or not, they will find it sooner or later. Besides, no matter how strong the fortress is, it is still just an isolated city. From the moment the sky is broken, I can only play risks." Great Khan sighed quietly Tone: "Ma'am, I need your help."

"...I understand. Although I still can't be sure what method the empire used, I can guess some. I will prepare countermeasures."

"Is this your prophecy ability?"

"The so-called prophecy is actually just an inference. It's just because of my talent and self-awareness that it seems to be able to foresee the future. The only one who can see the future is that, our real leader..."

"Unfortunately, so far, I haven't met that great man." The Great Khan smiled: "Then, did He mention what our fate will be like?"

Ms. Prophet looked at the Great Khan behind the communicator, but said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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