Him and their stars

Chapter 939 This is actually a good thing

Chapter 939 This is actually a good thing
As soon as he said this, Soback realized that he seemed to have violated the teachings of his mentor, Duke Sadulan, and seemed to be standing in line in such a muddle.

Of course, if he had to be more serious, what he said could be understood as the self-cultivation of an excellent soldier and star knight.After all, Sobaek is now a member of the expeditionary force, while His Royal Highness Brunhilt is the deputy commander.Her will, in front of her, should also be regarded as her own mission.

Well, it's okay to explain it that way.

Sobaek was still comforting himself tremblingly, but found that everyone at the round table had already started eating happily.Major General Bifik, who was sitting next to him, poured himself a full bottle of wine and stuffed a cigar in a social manner.

"Don't worry, it's all natural, without chemicals, and it can sober you up." The fierce general looked at Bisobaike who was half a head taller and said carelessly.

On the other side, those well-known female heroes who are both civil and military have already started to grab the dishes in the big red pot, even Brunhilt is no exception.

Who said that His Majesty's side has more rules?

"Eat it quickly. I made it myself. It may not be as good as your old enemy, but the taste should be good. Everyone agrees after eating it." The female knight who claimed to be Nirhana Meera said expectantly.

Sobaek was completely relaxed now, and it happened that he was really hungry, and felt that since he had worked so hard, he could still indulge himself once in a while.

Just like Brunhilt said, you can chat about everything while eating hot pot.No, Major General Ostana Barr over there was eating while leading everyone to discuss the current situation.When everyone at the table was full, even Sobaek basically understood the current situation.

"So, the Earl of Merdec is indeed a bait released by the headquarters?"

Brunhilt's expression was very calm: "You are a smart person, so I don't need to say more. This is indeed not my order, but if I were the decision maker, maybe I would do the same."

In fact, Sobaek had expected it a long time ago, but when he thought of the group of Kaitai people who were put on the altar in a daze, he felt a little embarrassed for a while.

You know, being able to escort the ancient saint level of the empire, those cat people feel that they have gained a great sense of honor, and all of them are excited.But after a big battle, they lost one-third of their troops and ships, and even the lieutenant general who managed to escape with his life committed suicide.

When Sobaek was serving in the colonial army, he had cooperated with some Kaitai troops a few times, and he had a bit of a passion for it. At this time, he couldn't help but sigh.

However, he just sighed.After all, Kaitai Kingdom is already the most loyal running cat of the empire.They survived and grew under the protection of the empire, and they can maintain their cultural inheritance and basic political independence. The price they pay is only to provide soldiers as cannon fodder for the empire's father, which is already very cheap.

Compared with the undefended economic and cultural colonization in front of the empire, the lives of the top soldiers at the bottom are really worthless.At least that's what the senior officials of the Kaitai Kingdom think.

It was already their great honor to be the running cat of the empire, and it was even more honor among honors to be the bait and die for the empire.

"Things have already been done. It is useless to indulge in moral dilemmas. What we need is to consider how to make good use of such things. Now, Major General Sameta has died of a spiritual vortex, and Colonel Arianne Eichner has also died. Seriously injured. It can be seen that the snake should be able to guess that what we set up this time is a heavy trap, so we are going to give us another blow." As the think tank, Major General Ostana Barr had a gentle and demure look on her face. She smiled, but there seemed to be a burning flame hidden in her mysterious gray eyes.

"However, our psykers are excellent and brave, and they have come up with some things in mental offense and defense." Ostana asked Brunhilt for instructions with her eyes, and after the latter nodded, she then He also handed Sobaek a piece of paper with a rather complicated pattern outlined on it.Ordinary people may want to vomit just by looking at it.No, General Bifik, who is closest to Sobaek, has already turned his head away. This brave general who won the three armies in the Battle of the Gate of Glory, although he looks like a brave champion, is really not Psyker.

Sobaek looked at these lines carefully, and felt a little dazzled, but at this time, the experience of being kicked up at four o'clock in the morning by his cheap master, Duke Sadulan, finally worked.His mind immediately cleared up a lot.

He took a deep breath and hesitated again, but just as he turned his head, he saw Brunhilt's expectant gaze.He gritted his teeth, and took out the stack of coated paper that Duke Sadran gave him from the storage bracelet (this precious space equipment was a gift from the cheap teacher).

"This is... the Enlightenment's celestial text that was intercepted from the nautical diary." He tried to use the most calm tone possible, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He could make up for what he said just now, but this action now... No, Star Realm Cavaliers never stand in line!I'm just doing my job!

Everyone present knew that the so-called "navigation diary" naturally referred to the things obtained from the stealth ship of the snake that was captured in Operation Sky Screen.Now, the star map on the ship, the black technology that produces invisibility, and the voyage diary have naturally entered the research department of the empire.

And like Brunhilt, even the most specific research progress has the right to read at any time.

"The research department has restored and reorganized the data in those nautical diaries hundreds of times, but no vaults have been found on them," Brunhilt said.

"The dome of the Enlightened One is one of the highest mysteries of occultism. Isn't it possible for stupid machines to recover it?" Sobaek repeated his old man's original words in the tone of Duke Sadulan, and then realized Seeing that he seemed a little carried away, he quickly accompanied the smiling face: "This is a means to provide occult protection for secret information. Once the electronic information is copied and read by a third-party terminal, the inscription on it will be activated. Forming a soul storm vortex can not only destroy third-party terminals, but also kill all those who try to read the diary."

Soul storm vortex?Brunhilt and Giafill exchanged a look.

Major General Sameta died from this trick.

"That is to say, these activated words that will form the soul vortex were intercepted by the Duke?" Brunhilt said.

"The two captive Snake Organization cadres also confessed that they are the executive officers directly under the 'Ms. Now' and were assigned to perform surveillance tasks under the command of the Great Prophet. It is indeed possible that she will do such a thing !" Ostana said happily: "However, we are very lucky. Her small tricks were still seen through by the Duke of Sadran! Your Excellency, Grand Commander, is indeed the pillar of the empire!"

Giafill felt something was wrong.She is also a genuine star knight, and has also received intensive training from the Duke of Sadran. She knows that in his early years, His Excellency the Duke was the type who was good at slashing people with a big saw. People, but I have never heard of any profound attainments in secret scripts and subtle arrays.

...However, after all, he is already the boss of the eight rings, and now he looks like he is preparing to shatter the void after retreating. Who knows if the line between the sky and the earth has been opened?
Sobaek didn't think there was anything wrong. His understanding of occultism was relatively superficial, and he always felt that the eight-ring boss like Master Chef and the demigods who could walk the universe with their bodies were omnipotent.

Brunhilt looked at the array diagram with great interest, and then observed the stack of coated paper that Sobaek took out. His heart moved, and he suddenly snatched both the array diagram and the paper.Immediately afterwards, she opened her pendant, took out some unknown political glittering powder from it, and sprinkled it directly into her wine glass.

Immediately afterwards, while everyone was stunned, she poured down the entire glass of wine.

When the ice honey wine was completely immersed in it, the array map and the thick copper paper became transparent, but the complicated lines and characters on it were directly thrown into the air and overlapped to form a new pattern.

"It's really interesting!" Brunhilt clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Major General Sameta recreated the Earl of Merdek's trajectory in the past ten days, but the channel information during the transition is still very vague. The other party This shows that the chariots and horses hope that we will fight again with a stance! His Royal Highness King Solein is right. At this point, our enemies and I are playing our cards. We set up an ambush, and they swallowed it. What’s even more interesting is that we both understand what the other is doing. Gilly, have you ever heard of such an interesting battle?”

"This should be the normal state of war." Giafil said.

After all, Sobaek is not a fool. After thinking about it carefully, he understood something.However, it was really hard for him to understand how the predators did it. He obviously didn't have much money to gamble, but why did he go to the poker table to play against the empire?
"Moreover, there is still a gap." Giafill reminded.

Anyone with a little knowledge of mysticism can see that this complicated pattern suspended in the air is probably because a lot of mysterious runes have been put together. It is indeed more complicated, but because of this, some comparisons The obvious blank space is extremely conspicuous.

Brunhilt nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Ostana, according to the original plan, send an invitation letter to the headquarters on the opposite earth."

She looked at Sobaek again: "You have also made great contributions, but I still need to rely on your strength. You and your fleet will be temporarily assigned to my side, and prepare for the surprise attack on the predators."

Brigadier General Sobaek almost cried.Theoretically, he and his direct subordinates were indeed incorporated into the command of King Suliuka after the Sky Screen Operation ended. It took him a lot of careful thinking to successfully convince the headquarters that the damage to the ship was too great The two-month leave was granted only after the fatigue of the staff.He also relied on this buffer to successfully make himself an escort fleet assigned by the logistics department.

However, before the meal is finished, have you returned to the original point?
"If you can succeed this time, I will recommend you to go to Azure Paradise to be the military commander." Brunhilt smiled and said, "You deserve it."

"Wei, Azure Paradise?" Sobaek had never heard of the name of this planet, but it sounded quite safe.

"Yeah, during the God of War Festival, I bet that the planet that I won from the old ... from a decent gentleman who generously donated money, is located in the God Wing star region, and it is an earth-like planet with beautiful scenery and rich products. .”

Divine Wing Star Region?That is the hinterland of the empire.

Sobaek was so moved that he wanted to accept his head and bowed. Then, Brunhilt said again: "Do something for me. Write a letter to your old enemy."

At this moment, Yeager Soback's old enemy, the champion of God of War Festival, the nightmare of the Star Knights, and the close friend of the emperor of the general election, Brigadier General Yu Lian, the liaison officer of the logistics department of the Expeditionary Fleet of the Blue Star Community, recently A little bit busy.

Of course he is not rushing around, he feels that he is still a serious logistics specialist who loves and works hard, even if he wants to do some private work and small operations under the desktop, it must be done after finishing his job.

First of all, the Thirteenth Fleet, as the escort force of the channel, has successfully completed the first combat readiness patrol of the entire supply channel.Their results were quite fruitful, defeating two batches of predators' front-line fleets in a row, and reuniting with Wayne's scouting fleet.As for the transport fleet following the same pace behind the Thirteenth Fleet, it also returned to the New Lushun Star Port very safely.

When they went there, these transport ships were filled with various supplies. When they came back, the cabins were naturally empty, but many cabins were temporarily remodeled, and a total of [-] seriously injured people with missing arms and legs and tens of thousands of people were transported. urns.

This is not to say that there were only more than [-] victims on the front line.You know, this is a cosmic war. Fighting in the endless vast space or the extreme climate of alien planets, high-power and powerful weapons are the norm that everyone encounters. The possibility of no bones left is too great.

In this case, the lack of arms and legs can only be regarded as a failure.

At this time, everyone finally realized that Yu Lian's proposal to build two orbital hospitals in New Lushun was indeed very forward-looking.

Of course, the scale of these two large orbital hospitals should be able to accommodate [-] people. Even at the construction speed of this era, they have not yet been fully completed, but they can still sort out nearly [-] treatment cabins after a little crowding. of.

Yu Lian led his friends and all members of the medical department into battle, and finally managed to triage the wounded.He left those seriously wounded who might be disabled for life or even never come back if they were not sent to the medical cabin, and immediately began diagnosis and treatment, while the rest of the wounded set off again, all the way to Xinyumen further back.

In this way, almost all the wounded can be properly treated.

But the only special case, which was quickly pushed in front of Yu Lian, was the unconscious Colonel Chaimon.

Yu Lian knew that Colonel Caimon was seriously injured in the previous battle against the dwarf planet A1 of Devil's Roar.Under the premise that Brigadier General Wu Sansong, who was in charge of commanding the psychic force, pulled his hips in various ways, this big brother led people to the battle to the death, saving at least tens of thousands of lives.

However, those who pointed fingers were still alive and kicking on the front line, while those who did business were carried down while lying down.

"Obviously the wound has healed, but I still can't wake up, and the indicators of the body are getting lower and lower. In this way, even if the genetic diagnosis cabin is used... it is clearly agreed to finish this battle. He's here to be the best man." Lieutenant Colonel Nani, who had retired from the front line to rest, had a sad look on his face.

Brother Caimen's subordinate, a young major named Peric, almost cried.

"Don't worry, this is actually a good thing." Yu Lian said.

(End of this chapter)

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