Him and their stars

Chapter 945 Learned

Chapter 945 Learned

At this time, of course, the high-level leaders of the two armies of the empire and the community have reached a consensus.Earth One conveniently sent the route information collected by Major Horatio Wayne to the Empire.Of course, the latter reciprocated, saying that although the pincer-shaped offensive of going around and outflanking the two sides may be played off, it is also possible to make absolute military exploits. He hoped to share it with the "Allied Forces", so he invited the community to send The fleet moves together.

According to common sense, the community should appoint Lieutenant General Picard to lead the Tenth Fleet to take on this task.However, I don't know how the Earth side thought about it. The final result reported was that Bonaparte, ah no, the Thirteenth Fleet of Rear Admiral Mark Love participated in the joint operation.

This is a small guard fleet that has only been established for two years. Although it has made great achievements in battle, its scale is limited after all, and it is essentially for dealing with pirates.

More importantly, this fleet has just completed the task of patrolling the supply channel, and is currently being repaired in Xinlushun. It may take another week before it arrives here.

More importantly, ordinary soldiers of the Imperial Army may not have realized it yet, but well-informed high-ranking officers, as long as they see this small fleet and their flagship, they will naturally think of the Far Shore Nebula...

Even Brunhilt, who claims to be magnanimous and noble, can't help but feel disgusted: "These earthlings are only talented at provoking people!"

"I don't think that Admiral Connerys meant that. He probably just didn't want to give the credit to Vice Admiral Picard's Tenth Fleet." Miss Chief of Staff made a different judgment.

I have to admit that Miss Ostana Barr's guess is actually quite insightful.In addition, I have to admit that even the Imperial Army on the opposite side can clearly see the discord at the highest level of the community, and it is really full of insects.

"Although the size of the Thirteenth Fleet is small, the people and ships are all elite, and the battle can be expected." Giafill also persuaded.

Under the persuasion of the two best friends, one civil and one military, of course Brunhilt accepted this friendly army holding his nose.However, she was not foolish to wait for this friendly army, which was only equivalent to the size of her squadron, to arrive, and then started to act at her own pace early on.

With the channel given to them by the community, they quickly passed through the DL33 galaxy where Major General Sameta sacrificed, and arrived at the Dl35 galaxy where the currently known end of the channel was.

Of course, through the information left by Major General Sameta, the sacrificed star-seeing officer, the Imperial Navigation Department has identified the missing ancient holy ship.Based on these mysterious silicon bases, the scientific department finally took a circle at an inconspicuous cosmic point in this galaxy through the positioning of the star map and data calculations, and determined the position of the new gravity well with difficulty.

If there is no accident, this should also be the entrance of the third waterway that can bypass the front line of the Devil's Throat and reach the hinterland of the star field.

However, generally speaking, in this case, there will always be accidents.

This gravity well belongs to the kind of unstable channel that jumps sideways in the state of collapse and expansion every day, and it should be marked with a dotted line on the star map.

The scientific departments of the two armies are cooperating sincerely this time.After working on 007 for a week and sacrificing several measuring apes, a rough law of collapse was finally given.

The reason for "probably" is because of such astronomical conditions, it often takes years as a unit to roughly confirm a safe value.Many dotted gravity well channels in the Milky Way dare not be used for civilian use even after a hundred years of discovery.

"Moreover, even if it is the maximum value, it is difficult to bear the entire transition of a large-scale fleet." The person in charge of the measurement department reported a not-so-optimistic news.

"With the size of our fleet, at least fifteen batches are required, and it will take at least five hours."

The so-called "our fleet" is of course not the main force of the Imperial Fleet, but just the "partial division" brought by Brunhilt. It is a total of Titan 1, Dreadnought 5, Battlecruiser 8, large aircraft carrier 6, and There are more than 400 small and medium-sized warships.Under the two poles, this is already the size of the fleet that is properly destroying the country.

Considering that the two sides of the pincer combat need a deep breakthrough, the ship branch needs endurance, so there is no need to carry a large number of small assault ships.

Of course, Brunshire is a wild type in terms of using troops.She felt that only a fool would fight hand-to-hand with trolls, long-bearded demons, and Eeros at close range, so she naturally wouldn't carry these small warships specialized in jumping gangs.If the enemy is the Minlan people who are good at sailing but are weak or the Toss merchant group, they might bring a sea full of assault ships.

But no matter how dangerous the entrance is, an entrance is an entrance.For this sake, the Imperial Expeditionary Army is like a tiger that is so hungry that it must prey on porcupines to satisfy its hunger, and there is absolutely no reason to give up any flaws.

Brunhilt only thought for a few minutes before making up his mind: "If I were the Khan of the Marauders, I would definitely try to kill our living forces. Since this is a pass galaxy where it is difficult to deploy troops, they There should be a pocket array waiting for us to enter."

"The first batch of fleets that entered the galaxy first will definitely encounter a head-on blow." Giafell said.

There is no way, the fleet battle across the galaxy is sometimes like a bridge capture battle or a beach landing battle. The vanguard who wants to establish a beachhead will naturally pay the most painful price.

Ostana Barr glanced at the people present, and soon her gaze fell on Major General Olivia Rowentour who had a pair of coquettish and gorgeous heterochromatic pupils.This aggressive, sassy, ​​and A young female general is actually a calm-headed, clear-headed general who pays attention to the balance of offense and defense. She can escape at critical times and is also very good at escaping.Her squadron also includes a batch of new special-type frigates, with thick skin and long-lasting shields, and the speed is also good. The survivability is considered to be full, which is suitable for frontline pathfinding.

Olivier gave Miss Chief of Staff a dissatisfied look.Although they are both King Suliuka's "girlfriend group", these two are actually a bit annoying, but the former has to admit that the other party is not a person who does not distinguish between public and private, and he is indeed the best candidate. , I am ready to recommend myself.

However, before he could open his mouth, he heard Brunhilt say: "In this case, of course this ship will be the leader!"

Well, such an uncommon sense thing, but no one present was surprised.Everyone looked like "here we come", even Giafiel himself just covered his face and let out a long sigh.

Naturally, everyone hurriedly gathered around to persuade them, but everyone knew that persuasion would not work, so they all felt helpless as if they were going through a routine.

No, His Royal Highness Su Liuka said in a natural tone: "The reason why the Dawn Angel is designed like this is for today's situation? This is all the will of the spirit of the universe!"

So, at 8:15 a.m. on August 7th, the standard time, the entire army of the Imperial Fleet commanded by Brunhilt had finished their breakfast and began to move towards the unknown galaxy at the other end of the channel.

In the eyes of all the soldiers of the army, the Dawn Angel led three particularly large dreadnoughts, took the lead in turning into a line, and then disappeared in the gravity well channel.

Yeager Soback, who was on the Blizzard, looked at this scene and felt that even if he had exhausted all the courage in his life, he would never be reckless like this.However, he also had to admit that it was heart-wrenching for a majestic emperor to take the lead in the election.

However, can I really get along with this kind of lord who is so reckless that he can smash his head into the starry sky?
Thinking of this, Sobaek began to doubt his choice a little. He worried about the safety of King Suliuka, and also began to worry about his future career development.

Fortunately, within half an hour, he no longer needed to worry about these issues.

Sobaek's immediate immediate superior, Admiral of the Mobile Squadron, Rear Admiral Wovna Memida, sent an instant message from his flagship, the Battlecruiser Wolf.

This female general with honey-colored short hair, probably because of her petite body and round baby face, looks ten years younger than her real age.If he wasn't wearing a neat general uniform, he might be taken as a middle school student.

But at this time, she had a serious expression, a dignified demeanor, and a sharp edge, like a sharp sword that had just been unsheathed and was about to drink blood.

"Our side will set off as the second batch of fleet. This ship will pass through the gravity well first! If I die in battle, you will take over the command of the fleet!" Major General Maimida said.

Sobaek felt for a moment that he was hearing hallucinations.

Didn't you say it was from the general reserve team?

The other party seemed to see Sobak's doubts (kong) and confusion (huang), and explained: "The Blizzard where your officer is located is a support warship for the special attack of the Star Knights. It has a high-power gravitational wave generator and a processor. , arrived at the battlefield first, which will help us establish a smooth command network across galaxies."

Unexpectedly, I was stabbed by my loyal Blizzard!
Yeager Soback almost cried, and decided to change ships after the battle.

But at this time, Captain Hongshan had already gone to do his work silently.

Five minutes later, the battlecruiser Wolf, painted silver-gray with a trace of red stripes, began to gallop forward like a knight wearing a red ribbon.Sobak's Blizzard followed behind him in a standard assault formation, like the followers of a master knight following behind him.

In Sobaek's line of sight, the starlight all over the sky turned into dotted lines.Immediately afterwards, the location of those starlights could no longer be seen clearly, as if they had merged into a vague mist.

Immediately afterwards, the mist disappeared in an instant as if it had encountered the direct rays of the scorching sun.In this way, a round of scarlet star light poured into the end of his vision.

He immediately felt the tremor of the hull under his feet, but it was the effect of the reaction shield around the ship being automatically activated when encountering an enemy attack.Sobak quickly regained his composure, and the perception of the "navigator" of the third ring allowed him to quickly discover the source of the high-energy reaction in the direction of eight o'clock.

However, before he gave the order to counterattack, the Werewolf in front had already fired a round of salvos towards the distant Zhou Point, causing a series of explosions.

"Turn on the gravitational wave generator and connect to the rear code!" Sobaek said loudly.

In this way, the entire Blizzard will become a mobile gravitational wave beacon, which can not only connect to the galaxy in the rear, but also make the fleet command in the galaxy more smooth.

Of course, no matter how they do it, it will definitely not be able to compare with the magic effect of instant messaging across light years that can be achieved by the black technology of Enlightenment Wave, but this is also the limit that their civilization of this generation can strive to achieve.

Sobaek also saw the scene in the space farther away. The Angel of Dawn, like a golden God of War, led the dreadnought swaggeringly through the orbit of the gas giant planet at the outermost edge of the galaxy, sending an unknown number of enemy ships Little by little, it was suppressed into the densely packed ice crystal asteroid belt further inside.

However, the enemy's interception force deployed here is definitely not that simple.At least, just on the front of the Snowstorm, the early warning radar showed at least a hundred hostile signal responses.

Immediately afterwards, countless enemy ships that were only the size of a destroyer rushed over at a very high speed, penetrated into the gaps of the giant ships of our own side, and completely disrupted the situation.

"This is not a raider's raid ship!" Captain Hongshan said loudly.

If Yu Lian, Yang Xiyi, or any of the officers and men of the Thirteenth Fleet were here, they would definitely feel very friendly—these things, aren’t they the automatic mining drones that caused a lot of trouble for everyone in the new Lushun campaign? Fleet?

The only "weapon" of these mechanical ghosts left over from the Age of Enlightenment is only for mining. The range is limited, but the power is not small, which is suitable for fighting people at a closer distance.

So, what should I do now?It was only then that Yeager Soback realized that he had made a lot of military exploits in detail, but it seemed that he really hadn't opened up his posture and let the enemy go in the face-to-face decisive battle of such a large fleet.

He was in a trance for a few seconds, and quickly accelerated to keep up with the Werewolf where Major General Maimida was located, while throwing a series of shells and dense missiles at the signal source approaching him from a distance, forming a isolation zone immediately.He was still a little worried, and threw an anti-matter mine at the Zhou point that the Werewolf had just bombarded.

Sobaek didn't know if it was right for him to do so, but common sense told him that when he didn't know what to do, it was always okay to shoot in the direction the enemy was coming.

Just after the antimatter material spread into a blazing white light in the distant airspace of more than [-] kilometers of his own fleet, he received a report from Major General Maimida.

The female general said in a natural tone: "We have to retreat now, release all the gravitational wave beacons, and then stand by the gravity well, ready to cover our fleet's retreat."

It turns out that the so-called decisive battle of the fleet is such a side-to-side...ah no, play it by ear?

Before Sobaek could express any opinion, the Werewolf continued to shoot and drove back in reverse.On the farther enemy side, the majestic Dawn Angel also led the dreadnoughts, heading in this direction with an invincible momentum.

If it wasn't for the continuous bombardment from the enemy fleet behind them, Sobaek would have thought that his side had defeated the enemy and returned in triumph.

However, Major General Maimida seemed very satisfied, and said to Sobaek: "Very good, although this battle has not achieved all the goals, but at least [-]% has been completed. I also appreciate your efforts and loyalty." Eye, thank you for your cooperation. Please continue to maintain your original combat position and prepare to escape."

Is it permissible to say the word "flee" on the battlefield?

Yeager Soback felt that he seemed to have been opened up, and he realized a little bit about the way of a real famous general.

(End of this chapter)

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