Him and their stars

Chapter 950 The Indescribable Nightmare

Chapter 950 The Indescribable Nightmare

If it was changed to the past, Sobaek might feel that this is an illusion.However, after such a long period of training (meow) by the Duke of Sadran, he already understood that psykers, especially those of the perception system like him, have no illusions.If so, please refer to the first article.

Indeed something is different!thought Sobaek.

His heart immediately went to the bone. As a "mediocre" psychic, even after being educated by the Duke of Sadran, it is difficult for him to imagine this kind of psychic phenomenon that can be directly embodied in the universe. It reminded me of my previous experience of "investigating" the ancient ship of the Enlightened One.

What a magnificent experience that was!But he definitely didn't want to bear it again.

But at this moment, he received another communication from the Barbarossa, but it was sent directly to his own communication terminal.

"If the ship temporarily loses contact with you, you will take over the command of the entire fleet." This is Yu Lian's voice.

In terms of not being a human being, you are just like that aloof female dragon king, you are really not being a human being!Sobaek wanted to cry, but it was too late to object.At this time, the Barbarossa immediately plunged into the gap between the starry sky like a long sword drinking blood, and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, the Blizzard and other ships that had already entered the active transition program followed suit and automatically entered the passage of the gravity well.

Brigadier General Yeager Soback just had time to say "ah" before the starry sky in front of him lost its brilliance.In the momentary child's trance, the scenery captured by his eyes suddenly became clear again.The end of the line of sight is an ordinary orange star surrounded by ordinary gas giant planets and ordinary asteroid belts.

This is an unremarkable star system in its prime that can be seen everywhere. Explorers of the starry sky are not even willing to spend more than ten words to record it when they pass by.

However, the asteroid belt in the distance seemed to be a hornet's nest that was stimulated, dense light spots appeared on the spot, and the early warning signal on the ship began to resound non-stop.

Looking at the Barbarossa, the crimson dreadnought that could be the support and pillar of the entire fleet has disappeared.

Only then did Sobaek understand what Yu Lian meant to himself before the leap.

In this way, Commodore Yeager Soback, ten years earlier than he expected, became the interim commander of a fleet... Well, in fact, his career plan does not have the position of fleet admiral at all, but we only need to Just get the spirit.

"The surname is Yu, I &%@#$..."

However, before he could utter a few swear words in a serious manner, the surging high-energy reaction enveloped him like heat rays from the scorching heat.For a moment, a bright light shone into the bridge, which almost captured the vision of everyone inside in an instant, and also took away the external communication ability of the Blizzard.

The Imperial Squadron suddenly fell into a big crisis, and they couldn't find anyone who could make decisions for them.

In fact, the Barbarossa really didn't see the situation going badly and escaped.In fact, they are facing far greater risks than all their friendly ships.

Ten minutes ago, before the entire fleet entered the gravity well passage, Yu Lian said to Captain Campbell: "After a while, no matter what happens, please make sure that all positions of the entire ship continue to operate to ensure that the The basic functions of the ship and the ground.”

"This is my duty. Then, can you tell me what will happen?" Colonel Campbell, who looks like a sturdy granite statue, is not a psychic, but he is a serious person .

"It's dangerous because I don't know." Yu Lian spread his hands.

The captain was obviously not convinced, so he frowned slightly, and looked at Giafill with a questioning look.The latter smiled wryly: "I'm sorry, Captain, I really hope that I can describe any possible situation to you in words, or even a detailed battle planning process, but in the field of mysticism, I really can't do it."

"Understood." Captain Campbell did not show too much disappointment, but still nodded with determination: "Please rest assured, all officers and soldiers on board are specially trained elites, no matter what happens, We can all do our part.”

What a reliable tough guy!No wonder everyone mentions the captain, the first reaction is this taciturn but dignified cool uncle.

Then, Giafill took everyone to the stargazing platform at the terminal of the battleship—the so-called stargazing platform is not really just for "stargazing".In fact, all the zero-element equipment used for the extension and diffusion of large-scale psionic arrays in the Imperial Army is called this.This is probably a kind of cultural inheritance.

Yu Lian looked at the intricate engravings carved with zero elements, but he didn't feel the unfathomable depths of the empire's occult field, but only felt the golden aura.

"Spirituality can be extended to the entire battleship, right?" Krell asked with interest.

Giafell nodded frankly: "If the person who presides over here is a Grand Knight Commander, it can even cover a fleet."

She should be telling the truth.You know, the countess is a person who is not good at lying, or disdains lying.And in this context, it should be regarded as a declaration of strength.

Sure enough, although Claire Belmont was still smiling, his eye sockets shrank slightly.This guy is still a pampered son of a family at heart. He is actually good at making sailboats by hand and then sailing them in shallow seas for a feast of sea and sky, but in fact he really understands boats.

Yu Lian did know that the Corona 2 dreadnought where the Barbarossa was located was just an experiment by the Empire on the "mass production of Titan ships".That is, through the in-depth design of the psionic energy array, and the investment of zero elements regardless of the cost, the ordinary battleship can play the function of a mystical platform similar to the Titan.

It's just that the cost of this kind of ship has naturally soared to the point where the empire is also horrified.Until half a century later, the Corona 2, known as the perfect dreadnought, only experimentally manufactured 3 ships.In the future, it will become a meritorious warship of the Imperial Army, and the Barbarossa, which is more famous than most titan ships, is one of them.

The Corona 2 may be the most successfully designed dreadnought ship in the history of the empire, but in a sense, it is also the most failed.

However, the current brother Krell could only feel the former, and he lost his composure for a moment.He should have already thought of the possibility of mass-producing "Titans" by the Galactic Empire, and he should be very tormented in his heart.

Yu Lian felt that he should let him suffer for a while longer, so that he would be able to work hard.This is what I should do as a friend, so you're welcome.

He then said to inspector Shi Xin: "Ready to start?"

The dragonman inspector nodded, took out a pair of special one-piece goggles from his pocket, and put them on his left eye.

"In this way, you can directly access the database of the Extraordinary Administration." Krell explained: "Mr. Shi Xin is the top expert in dealing with snake organizations in the entire alliance, and the alliance also has the most information on snakes. However, after a thousand years , There is so much information about this secret association that one person can't remember it."

Yu Lian couldn't help hehe in his heart.The collected information and clues are vast, but the snake still exists alive and kicking.Is this because you are too incompetent, or because of something else, it is really scary to think about it carefully!

"This is the New World, can you connect to the database?" Feifei asked curiously.

"We naturally have a special method." Claire Belmont laughed.

Giafell smiled slightly, and tied her long red hair into a ponytail behind her head.

Yu Lian felt that these words seemed to have the power of declaring, and he was suspected of parting ways with Giafell, but he felt that, as a small transparent earthling in the middle, he should not participate in the small quarrel between the two overlords. it is good.

He opened the terminal and projected the array stored in it.

Obviously it is only information stored through data, but when they are exposed to the air and touch the starlight cast from the dome, a dark silver halo naturally appears, as if a psyker who is good at formations does not sleep day and night. Just sketched out.

Perhaps feeling the spiritual environment on the observatory, the runes on the array flickered more frequently, as if they had come alive directly.Those runes are constantly entangled, beautiful but treacherous, exuding a deadly allure, like wine infused with venom, or a beauty with a dagger in her arms.

Yu Lian couldn't help but glanced at Feifei. If the girl hadn't reminded him, he really didn't have the imagination for this kind of straight man.But since she reminded her, after witnessing this situation, she can really think of the gloomy and beautiful picture of worms and snakes entangled, and withered bones and lotuses.

So beautiful, and so hellish.Yu Lian suddenly had goose bumps all over his body.

Looking at Inspector Shixin next to him, he saw that he was constantly adjusting the data on the goggles through his own terminal, while staring intently at the changing array image.

He is worthy of being the boss of the Sixth Ring, and an expert in dealing with the Snake Organization.If it were any other psyker, staring at this array diagram for so long might lose his spirit.

Think about my old enemy, Yeager Sobek, the most eye-catching of the new generation of Four Heavenly Kings.That kid spit it out when he saw it at the beginning.

Let's take a look at Countess Giafell, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings.She is now carefully observing the direction of the array, but the expression on her face is very solemn.Yu Lian could even feel the aura on her earrings flickering slightly, it was clear that some of the protective treasures had started to work.There was no surprise in her eyes, but only vigilance.

"I have never seen such a mysterious and exquisite array. But I have never seen such a weird and evil array!"

But looking at Mr. Shi Xin over there, his eyes never left the formation for a moment, he kept adjusting the state of the goggles, and he was still muttering, as if he was trapped in some kind of An avid researcher of the spiritual world...or a mad artist.

Yu Lian always felt that the current situation of the Dragon Man Inspector was indeed a bit like the useless underlings of a cosmic emperor who could transform, and he immediately felt a sense of intimacy.

"This is a starry sky phantom in the shape of a nightmare! I'm [-]% sure." Mr. Inspector raised his head and said in a calm and confident tone.

Even Yu Lian had only heard this name occasionally a few times in his previous life. It was said to be the internal number of the Transcendent Administration, but it was unknown what it specifically represented.

"How to say specifically?" Yu Lian asked.

"Well, we have summed up some rules, but the current modulus is too small to guarantee that it is complete. Therefore, it is just a relatively rough classification." Krell said.

Hehe, guess I believe it or not?Yu Lian looked at the other party with an obvious expression of contempt.

The dragon inspector was much more sincere than Claire Belmont, so he explained seriously: "So far, the array of this configuration has indeed only appeared three times, but each time it can be directly displayed in space. With a super-large phantom array, if you are not careful for a moment, it will cause the entire fleet to lose its way."

"However, there is no way to directly cause large-scale blockage and destruction, right?" Yu Lian said with a smile: "Otherwise, the last time the imperial fleet would not have retreated so easily."

"There is no psionic array capable of destroying hundreds of warships at once." Krell laughed.

"However, no matter how superb the array is, it needs a lot of energy to affect the entire galaxy, which needs to be relied on." The inspector said again: "After the nightmare configuration arrays that appeared three times before dissipated, we later An abnormally decaying gaseous planet has just been discovered in the local galaxy..."

Giafill showed a moved expression.She vaguely remembered that there were two gas giant planets in the DL36 galaxy opposite, but her intuition told herself that it should not be so simple.You know, the previous defeat... Ah no, in that tentative fire reconnaissance, Brunhilt took all the main battleships to the asteroid belt by skimming the orbit of the giant planet.At that time, the Dawn Angel and the four Dreadnoughts had star-seeing officers observing, but they didn't find any clues.

"Is it a gaseous planet that decays abnormally? This can actually be understood as an abnormal astronomical phenomenon..." Feifei said quietly, as if she just remembered it.

Giafiel's eyes lit up, and suddenly realized something

Yu Lian had already said: "That gravity well channel!"

The inspector was slightly taken aback, thought for a moment, and then nodded vigorously.His whole demeanor had already become high-spirited and decisive, as if he had been guided by a warrior who was ready to charge to the death. He took off the mechanical pulley and the long metal piece hanging from his waist, and with a little force, he opened the handle. folding bow.

Krell opened his mouth, hesitant to speak but then hesitant, but after sorting out his words, he finally closed his mouth with an expression that he forgot to say something.

"The ship continues to move forward." Yu Lian said to Giafell.

The countess nodded: "This is an established procedure."

As a result, the Barbarossa still looked like a fearless knight, taking steady and courageous steps, and plunged headlong into the gravity well.

Of course, as a very responsible commander, Yu Lian still remembered to send an order to his second deputy Sobaek to take over the command in an emergency.

...Although I am not sure if this guy can do it, but after all, he is getting more and more lucky, and the boat he is on is called "Blizzard", which sounds very auspicious.If it really doesn't work, Miss Nirhana Meera is still there, so she should be able to stand up when necessary.


and many more?Since it is called Blizzard, since it is General Xiangrui Jiafu, wouldn't it kill other imperial warships?Thinking of this question, Yu Lian was deeply worried about Nairhana and the hot pot restaurant that he had agreed upon.But at this time, I really don't care about this much.

 After the epidemic, the high temperature and power cuts, and the high temperature and power cuts followed by the epidemic, Chengdu is really full of disasters this year!What's more, Xiao Miao couldn't send her to kindergarten with her hands in her hands!
(End of this chapter)

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