Him and their stars

Chapter 956 Who knows what you said

Chapter 956 Who knows what you said
Yu Lian glanced at Miss Prophet, thinking, do I still need your introduction?In our previous life, we were "old friends" with this Uncle Razakai, and our relationship is definitely beyond your imagination.Yu Lian couldn't help being amused, but still showed a surprised expression on the surface, and then nodded slightly to the other party with a trace of respect, which should be regarded as a compliment.

His respect was actually very sincere.Uncle Razakai on the opposite side should have felt this too, he also squeezed out a smile and returned a salute.

Obviously, this Uncle Lazakai is not good at laughing, which is not in line with their racial setting.But then, his body began to swell again, and the physical body began to disintegrate, and soon turned into an elemental giant with a height of more than ten meters.However, this time it is not a flame giant, but a storm giant with electric arcs jumping around.In the sky above the wilderness, the gray mist within the visible field of vision has turned into low and oppressive dark thunderclouds, spreading beyond the end of the field of vision.

The continuous thunder light fell on the barren wilderness, raising dust, causing dancing lightning, and then setting off flames.Under the burning of the flames, the land began to crack, and then seamlessly turned into flowing lava.

Yu Lian knew that this was not an illusion, but a real man-made natural disaster.He now knows why this small world is such a barren land that makes people feel palpitating.

"He's fighting type." Miss Prophet added: "It's not the same as me."

"That's why I respect you so much." Yu Lian said.

In his opinion, although a six-ring martial arts psyker already has the power to form an army alone, there are still quite a few in the universe, but a Razakai six-ring is very impressive. admired.

As we all know, the Lazakai were one of the first alien races conquered by the Empire in the era of great interstellar exploration.This is a naive race with big eyes, big ears, bad head and nose, the average height is less than half of human beings, the strength and physical fitness are at the level of [-] or [-] year olds, and the natural lifespan is rarely more than [-] years old.The only advantage is that the skin is durable.

Such a non-aggressive race, even the empire that was keen on state terrorism in the early days of the Great Discovery Age, was not easy to catch to make canned food and generate electricity, so it was included as the first vassal race of the empire.

The Lazakai are indeed a conscientious and hard-working race. Although they are not of much use, they are very suitable for some chores that do not require too much technical content.

Ever since, the so-called "lady" is also a very representative and exclusive word in the universe.It may be a bit of a stereotype on other races, but it really doesn't count on the Lazakai, at least even they themselves are very complacent about this title.

Such a race that enjoys being a slave is indeed lacking in revolution, let alone ambition, and naturally lacks aggressiveness.So far, the biggest racial pride of the Lazakai people is a famous chef who has worked in the prime minister's mansion for more than [-] years, until he became the head chef, served five imperial prime ministers, and witnessed many historical events .The empire even made a movie called "Famous Chef of the Xiangfu" to commemorate such a diligent servant.

However, Yu Lian knew that the real inspirational model of Lazakai people should be the one in front of him.Even though he was born as a maid, he has become a senior partner of the World-Wide Snake, that is, the "hunter" in Thirteen Faces.

When I met this person in my previous life, he was already very old, so old that he had far exceeded the natural lifespan of a Razakai. Even with the ability of a top-level extraordinary person, it was impossible to prevent the continuous decline of body functions.However, at that time, his understanding of the occult had reached its peak.All kinds of psionic techniques have been used to perfection, and the spiritual power has been cultivated to a great height.With a sudden change of mind, the great river under your feet can be turned into a river of lava that melts the mountains and swallows the earth.

If it weren't for the fact that he was really old and had limited battery life back then, even if he was only three or five years younger, the outcome of the battle on the other timeline would have been different.

But now, this "hunter" should not have reached the peak of mystic attainment, but his physical fitness and physical fitness should be at the peak.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian did not intend to continue to attack, but retracted his left hand to his waist again.At this time, the blue "Infinity Gauntlet" has completely merged with Yu Lian's skin.He rubbed the fingers of his left hand lightly, causing the storm of spiritual particles to form a vortex, then he took out Linguang and pulled the golden light blade away.

Then, he silently pulled the spiritual vortex towards the blade surface, and the extremely penetrating energy immediately covered it, wrapping the light blade more than one meter long in it, shrinking and extending, as if turning into a Created an electromagnetic long whip that seemed to be able to extend continuously.However, when the light whip's tip fell to the ground, it did not damage the ground, but instead fell into Yu Lian's shadow and disappeared.

Ms. Prophet probably didn't expect the atomic light spear to have such an effect, the tentacles behind it trembled slightly, and then hung down the six arms that grew out of her side.

Her body floated up like a weightless ghost, until she was at least one or two hundred meters away from Yu Lian, and then stopped.

"A true Emperor's Spear indeed," sighed the Twi'lek woman.

"Tsk, it's not fighting type." Yu Lian sneered, and then looked at the energy giant in front of him.

At this moment, this giant, which seemed to be condensed from storm and lightning, had swelled to a hundred meters, and the body made of energy elements seemed to have merged with the low and depressing thundercloud.

Now, he's everywhere.Now, he is one with heaven and earth.

Of course, even if he was like this, he didn't launch an attack immediately.The black clouds condensed into vivid facial features in the low sky, and the thunder light flowed in the gaps of the clouds, as if conveying the eyes of soul and thought.

The mouth formed by the black cloud slowly opened, and let out a voice that could even be considered gentle and refined.

"Miss Prophet is indeed not good at fighting, but this is precisely my specialty." He said.

No, what you are good at is not just fighting, but hunting!Yu Lian thought about it, but said:
"The flame giant just now, and the current thunder and lightning, are actually elemental cells, right? However, the appearance of the elemental body is to make your own body elemental, but you can release the energy of the elemental cell incarnation to affect the surrounding environment. Even dominating the surrounding environment, such an ability is really unheard of."

Heiyun condensed a slightly awkward smile again: "I call it the elemental body. Do you want to learn it? If you join the snake organization, I can teach you."

Yu Lian secretly said yes, but said: "It sounds very difficult."

"It is indeed very difficult. In my lonely world, I continue to use the power of the virtual world to turn this place into a vibrant small world, and constantly use the overflowing spiritual energy to transform it into destructive energy to destroy it. It took It took twenty years to finally grasp some experience. However, the psionic skills that I am so proud of cannot subdue you in the first place, and I even suffered a little loss..." Speaking of this , Mr. Hunter looked Yu Lian up and down with amazed eyes: "No wonder that mentor appreciates you so much."

Since he is the "mentor" in the other party's mouth, it can only be one of the three highest-ranking "leaders" of the Snake Organization.Yu Lian was really curious about who it was, but that wasn't the point.

"However, you are so proficient in temperature, airflow changes, and subtle energy manipulation. Such a smooth technique is by no means a result of training, but a more instinctive concept... You are actually a 'master'." Yu Lian said.

The hunter said frankly: "You are very smart."

He went on to say: "Before I officially awakened my psychic powers, I was trained in the Star Knights. But at that time, I was always aiming at 'guarding' and 'blood way' to hone myself."

The implication is, don't think that I am a "master" and that I am a pure master.We were still very good at killing people before.

Yu Lian sighed: "I can probably guess your past."

Of course, there are non-human members of the Astral Knights. Although so far, the ratio of human and non-human members has been maintained at 9:1 or more for a long time, and there have been no non-human knight commanders, but there are indeed alien races. Knights can also become a template for the empire to promote the common prosperity of all races.

However, if a star knight from a foreign race is really a fighting school like "Guardian", "Bloodway" or even "Sura", then as long as he studies some psionic martial skills that are more advanced than stormtroopers and grenadiers, he will be able to fight. Can be regarded as a good thug.However, a Master like "Control" is different after all.In order to improve hard power, in addition to step-by-step practice materials, you also need to study many advanced spiritual skills.

These are the mystical foundations accumulated by the Galactic Empire for thousands of years. Not everyone is qualified to read the traditional Tirilo aristocrats, let alone a fourth-class person born as a "lady"?
The later encounters can also be imagined, but the degree is nothing more than that.

In his previous life, Mister Hunter was an old man, and he should have been able to understand his fate logically, but he still held unconcealable resentment towards the empire.Perhaps, he has endured many tragedies.

"You are indeed a smart person, not the so-called genius who can be seen everywhere and advertised by human propaganda machines. Then, whether it is to convince you or completely remove your potential threat to the organization, you must do something important." That's the reason I'm here, of course, it's just one of them." After Master Lazakai finished speaking, the facial features formed by the black cloud gradually showed ferocious anger.

At that moment, a fierce and angry look covered all the sky that Yu Lian could see.The so-called vajra's glaring eyes, law of heaven and earth, is nothing more than that.

The angry face immediately let out a huge roar: "So, what is your choice?"

But Yu Lian smiled and said, "Actually, that's not the only reason why you are here. It's not just me who tried to conquer this maze, but also a group of outstanding elites from the Astral Knights, most of them are Tiriello. The sons of a famous family. You want to obliterate them, is that the purpose? When it comes to the root cause, isn’t it just a personal grievance?”

This time, Hunter wasn't talking nonsense with Yu Lian.In the sky, the anger turned into black clouds has disappeared, replaced by countless thick tears falling from the sky, densely packed like hailstones.Every shot that falls on the ground is enough to form a thunderstorm.

Yu Lian did not escape.There was no room for him to escape, but he danced vigorously to the light, swung the ever-extending light whip and smashed it into the sky.The moment the light whip came into contact with the thunder cloud, it was extended to a distance of a thousand meters, like a divine sword condensed by shards of sunlight splitting the cloud.

His method of substituting offense for defense was correct, and the thunder and lightning that kept bombarding him suddenly had a noticeable attenuation.

As for the ones that really hit him, of course, he had to use perseverance to carry it through.

As a result, white light flashed, the thunderclouds were finally dispelled, and the gray fog once again dominated the sky.But then, a lightning giant also flashed in front of Yu Lian again.

However, this time he was "only" four or five meters tall, and he looked quite normal.However, this guy's lightning body also had six arms split apart, and each arm also carried the handle of an atomic light spear, which looked very abnormal.

How much resentment do you have towards the Star Knights!
Yu Lian couldn't help but said: "I remember that the Knights had a theft incident [-] years ago. It was said that a batch of old-fashioned light spears that were going to be destroyed and recycled were lost together with the ship when they were transported to a special factory..."

But the other party did not answer directly.The six light spears in his hand have already pulled out the three-meter-long red light blades at the same time, and each of the sharp spear points aimed at his vitals, and rushed towards him.

Mr. Hunter did not blow his mouth.His Xinghuan may be a mage, but he himself is indeed a master of martial arts. At least the most basic formation-breaking spear technique of this knight order has been blasted out by him with a little bit of a simplified charm.

And a shot is still six heavy.

Yu Lian pulled Linguang away, and separated all six light blades with a flick of the hand.

After all, he is still a champion chosen by the gods. The hard disk in Linguangli given to him by the emperor contains the basic formation-breaking spear technique and the offensive and defensive moon track spear technique. Of course, there is also a more advanced long night spear technique, so he will naturally find time. Do some research systematically.It can be said that most knights are not better at wielding light spears than themselves.

What's more, in his previous life, he slashed star knights until he vomited, and it was almost instinctive to deal with the attacks of ordinary knights.

However, in the eyes of the hunter, this situation is another matter.

"See, this is the difference between us. You are a human being, but as long as there is a hope, no matter whether it is an empire or an alliance, it will never give up the hope of wooing you. Even these powers that I can't get at all , Hehe, it is clear that my ancestors have served the empire for more than a dozen generations."

The giant of Lei Guang smiled, and the light spear slashed down again, increasing its strength a bit.

This time, Yu Lian had no way to separate them all at once, so he could only hold his spear horizontally to block the opponent's attack.

"The mentors hope to help the Eero people establish a new country, which will rely on the power of a third party. I personally admire the ideals of the Great Khan Tomiteli. This country is still unable to compete with the hegemonic country of mankind. , but as long as he exists, he will become a beacon for some weaker races."

"I'm human too." Yu Lian said angrily.

"Mentors are also human beings. As long as there is a new power rising, a new power different from human hegemony rises, this stagnant universe will have new changes! Such a simple thing, why don't you understand?"

Yu Lian was almost happy when he heard it, and suddenly let go of his left hand, and put the infinite gauntlet on the Thunder Giant's face, and activated the Dawn Sword in one breath, releasing the sword energy.

"Who knows what you're talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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