Him and their stars

Chapter 959 The situation is reversed

Chapter 959 The situation is reversed

The two self-destructive worms smashed into pieces like this, turning themselves into a fiery source of explosion, and by the way, covered the body of the "Hunter" with a large amount of poison and acid.

Yu Lian knew that the acid in the self-demolition worm was enough to corrode the alloy armor of the battleship, but he was not sure if it could hurt the psykers in the "elemental cell" realm.However, Mr. "Hunter" clearly showed a considerable degree of wavering.The huge body that looked like a mountain had already started to collapse, releasing countless shimmering fragments, which were then completely swallowed by the raging acid mist.

Immediately afterwards, his body regrouped tens of meters away.However, this time, what appeared in Yu Lian's sight was no longer the gorgeous diamond body, but a very "common" flame giant.

Well, the flame giant's threat to itself is indeed inferior to that of the previous diamond giant, but at least it won't suffer from poison and corrosion.

At the same time, more "self-demolition bugs" were shaking their cysts, still dangling around like headless chickens, and those radiant lumps were like ghostly lights with dim lights.

Immediately afterwards, several self-destructive worms crawled towards him hesitantly.

Yu Lian thought this scene was quite interesting.Having lived for so many years, he really never thought that one day he would meet such a timid and cautious insect, so he couldn't help but despise: "Woo~~~~~"

Then, as if they had received the highest instruction, those self-destructive bugs turned their heads on the spot, and rushed towards the big prophet lady behind them with a decisive attitude.Fortunately, before this, the elegant Ms. Twi'lek may have "premonitioned" something. When the explosion raised more acid mist, her figure had already turned into a ray of wind, and it floated all the way to the Two or three hundred meters away, it froze again.

There is one thing to say, this attitude does appear to be very timid, but at least it does not appear particularly embarrassing.She looked at the bewildered bugs written all over her body, and then at the Leviathan's Nest in her hand, a bewildered expression also slowly flashed across her eyes.

"Do you think it's unscientific?" Yu Lian asked with a smile, simply crossed the sword, and reached out to touch the self-destroyer closest to him.That deadly biological weapon just crawled at Yu Lian's feet, like a silly Shar Pei.

Well, it's true, once you accept the setting, you will suddenly feel that this self-detonating bug looks quite cute.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian shivered suddenly. Feeling that his own aesthetics had been subverted and challenged, he couldn't help but take a look at the other's compound eyes, and only saw a scene without emotion. Nothingness, as if seeing a cold machine.

This is really bad!Yu Lian, oh Yu Lian, you must not forget the normal aesthetics of being a human just because you have acquired such a small new ability!Aren't the human and subhuman beauties who are straight and straight?Look at the Twi'lek beauty on the opposite side. Although she doesn't have three thousand beautiful hair, she only has two tentacles that look like double ponytails. Although her eyes are too deep with double pupils, her skin is brownish red, the arch of her nose lacks ups and downs, and her fingers are thick. Liugen, whose body is skinnier than that of a human, but she is indeed a beauty in the strike zone of our serious carbon-based intelligent creatures.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian secretly took a deep breath, and then gave a relieved business smile to the Twi'lek woman over there: "Don't worry about science or psychic power, it has already happened anyway. The thing you summoned from the relic of the Enlightened One , but may not obey your orders. This kind of unknown situation that will subvert our common sense is the most terrifying, isn't it?"

The Twilek woman had to admit that what Yu Lian said was right, and she couldn't help but sighed at a loss: "This is completely beyond my expectation. I think the title of prophet should not be claimed. After this incident, I will I will invite that lord, let’s change the title.”

"Instead of a car rollover?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

"That's not bad, but it's too straightforward. In fact, I prefer the Fool. Only in this way can I be reminded not to be arrogant, but to be cautious. After all, I am only a mortal, so how can I really see the future." Woman Twi'lek Sighing: "As a mortal, how can you be arrogant?"

"I think your new title is more arrogant... Generally speaking, the person who calls this nickname is either the protagonist who is short of money or the villain who plays tricks on the gods. If you are not lucky enough to suppress it, you will die very soon Terrible." Yu Lian said.

Miss Prophet said that she didn't understand but was greatly shocked, and for a while began to wonder if this title really had some higher and unpredictable mystical attributes.

On the contrary, the "hunter" over there has recovered his composure, and said with interest: "Is this also in your calculation?"

"Guess?" Yu Lian asked.

"It is indeed in your calculation."

Do you really guess?Yu Lian smiled and said, "You guess again."

"It's okay, I've already felt the surprise again. If you join the organization, you will be willing to share this secret with us after all." The hunter looked Yu Lian up and down, his eyes were as sharp as a gene scanner.

"What do you think?" asked the hunter.Not Yu Lian, but the prophet over there.

"That person was the governor of the earth, which is actually possible."

"Hehehe, what about the deep love between husband and wife? What about one person, one life, one couple? Hahaha, this is the nobleman of the empire." The Lazakai laughed three times.

"But if this is the case, then it is a huge mistake of the intelligence department." Miss Prophet also looked at Yu Lian's military attache, as if she wanted to observe some clues from the details of the eyebrows and eyes.

Yu Lian knew that the two must have misunderstood, so he couldn't laugh or cry.

However, this Lazakai psychic master, no matter whether he is full of wit or brain, never imagined that he would successfully get the wool left by Earl Salvin through the memory of his previous life, and master The power of "unified will".In a sense, I can already be regarded as half of the swarm master... Of course, I am still a serious human being after all, and I am not very close to insects. If I really meet Xia Li face to face.Those bugs will still follow her orders first.

But if it was replaced by the snake head holding Leviathan's lair, that would be another matter.

But the prophet said again: "I think we still have to think about it in the long run. His origin, past and whereabouts are very clear, and it really doesn't look like he has a mixed blood from the Tirilo."

"I can't tell the difference between human beings. Besides, the clearer the background, the more likely it is to cover up?"

Yu Lian finally couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking that you two snakeheads who are talking about the [-] o'clock plot in front of the parties are really not serious people.Once again, his filter on the height of the snake was faltering.

At that moment, he yelled loudly, rushed straight towards Miss Prophet, and then yelled "Woo~~~", and saw that the remaining self-destructive bugs seemed to have received the highest instruction again. He also rushed towards the target frantically.

It's just that those mercury figurine worms and queens still haven't figured out which one they belong to.So, not only did they not participate in the battle, they even took a few steps back, as if to say "you guys fight, let's watch the battle".

It's not that the "hero units" in these swarms have the independent thinking of intelligent creatures, so they also have the problem of hesitation at both ends of the snake and mouse.It's just that they have more complex information processing capabilities, so they can serve as the army commanders of the swarm.But the more so, the more likely it is to fall into chaos in extreme cases.It is very similar to those artificial mentally retarded people who can only shut down in place when encountering permission conflicts.

There is one thing to say, Mr. "Hunter", who was born in the knight order, is indeed so powerful that he does not look like a Lazakai, and he is indeed a very reliable colleague.Seeing that the flame giant he turned into flashed in front of Miss Prophet in an instant, a violently burning blue flame wall rose up all around, covering all the insects with teeth and claws in it.

Since it is a blue fire, it means that the temperature is far higher than that of a normal open fire, and it can naturally burn all the toxins and acid completely.This time, these self-demolition bugs were completely swallowed before they detonated.

Immediately afterwards, the walls of the blue fire began to gather into bunches again, as if forming a tornado of flames.

This is a bit of the taste of Faye.Yu Lian thought.However, since the other party also protected his companions, if he wanted to eliminate those self-destructive bugs immediately, he had already lost the opportunity, so how could he let this opportunity go.

Before the blue fire tornado that had just decomposed more than ten explosive worms into particles swept towards him, the storm of spiritual particles roared towards the two of them again.At the moment when those pure energy spiritual barrages with almost invisible halos passed through the tornado, the blue fire tornado, which had swelled to a height of more than [-] meters, went out in an instant, as if all the flammable fire around it had been sucked away instantly. thing-like.

This is because of the suppressing effect of the high-level attributes of the spirit storm.It can hinder the formation of psionic energy emitted by the attack target, and naturally destroys the conditions on which all psionic phenomena rely, and the high-temperature raging fire disappears in smoke.

As for the flame giant incarnated by the Lazakai, it is difficult to determine whether it is an external effect or a cell change, but it has indeed resisted hundreds of spiritual bullets.The towering body did tremble obviously, shrinking from a huge giant of four or five meters to less than three meters, and a trace of pain appeared on the facial features made of high-temperature energy.

Fortunately, Miss Prophet is not a friendly person after all.She stretched out six fingers and flicked it, and unexpectedly rubbed out the spirit of calming, encouraging and healing, and patted it on the hunter.The latter took a long breath and stopped trembling.

"Look, look, it's not that I didn't help you just now." Miss Prophet said: "This trick is very evil. Once you get hit, no matter what state you are in, you will be injured, and your spirit will also be damaged. I have never seen it. After this kind of psionic technique, it is simply the natural enemy of you who control it!"

"I have already felt it." The hunter sighed: "Really, how could the intelligence department make such a huge mistake? If it is a descendant of Salvin, everything will indeed make sense!"

You two are never finished, are you?Yu Lian tilted his head to look at the two, secretly thinking that it's a pity.Although he injured the opponent, the effect was not as good as expected.

But think about it, after all, both of them are members of Thirteen Faces, they are the highest level villains in the entire universe.I still have the upper hand with one against two, which is already a grass field.

In any case, time is on my side and natural advantage is on my side.Thinking of this, Yu Lian was not in a hurry, and asked the prophet: "By the way, you said before that you are not the only ones who help the looters. There are even people I know. How can this be explained?"

"I didn't say that, and even if I did, why would I tell you?" she asked rhetorically.

"That's right, I'm talking too much." Yu Lian nodded.

"Uh, don't give up so quickly! Why don't you ask more questions. If you are willing to join this organization, what happened today can be treated as if it never happened, and I know all the information. How about this?"

Her eyes were bright and sincere.At this point, he still didn't give up his goal of recruiting Yu Lian.To be honest, if it weren't for this kind of behind-the-scenes organization playing with terrorism and mysticism that really didn't fit his three views, based on this sincerity, even if he didn't join, Yu Lian would definitely discuss the issue of close cooperation.

However, at this moment, after the thick gray mist covering the land, white light bloomed again, as if countless gaps had been drawn in the mist.

Immediately afterwards, the gap was stretched from a damaged fine line to a huge crack, and then someone's figure jumped into it.

The first one to appear in front of everyone was Miss Giafil Lamut, who was wearing a crimson heraldry machine, holding a light spear and a spiral impact gun.The radiance of the Noble Phantasm in motion unfolded behind her armor like a banner made of light.

Immediately afterwards, there was Mr. Shi Xin, the first-level inspector of the Extraordinary Administration.Strictly speaking, this snake organization's confrontation expert is his strongest combat power, but Yu Lian can clearly feel his fatigue, probably because he was exhausted in the mirror maze just now.

This is the difference between civilian high-players and RMB players!Yu Lian looked at Miss Giafell, who was full of energy and fighting spirit, and his eyes flashed on the banner of light behind her, knowing that it should be the power of the family heirloom "Lion Heart Banner" of Earl Lamut's family. , one of the effects is to give the wearer a long battery life.

Afterwards, another RMB player, Krell of Belmont's family, staggered out from the gap behind the gray fog, and fell to the ground in a little embarrassment, but stood up grinning and unfolded his shield.

Well, although his movements are embarrassing, his mental state is much stronger than that of Mr. Shi Xin, and he should have used treasures or even medicine to restore himself.

Feifei was the last one to appear.The girl was the same as usual, whether it was her breath or her demeanor, she was as calm as ever, and she even had time to give Yu Lian a sweet smile.

All in all, the friends have all arrived, and the situation is naturally reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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