The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 125 Proton's Promotion

Chapter 125 Proton Promotion (23)

Zhang Guihua looked at the three immortals in front of her and was very nervous.

She timidly asked, "Can I really do it all over again?"

After observing for a period of time, Zhang Guihua couldn't help but envy seeing Lin Ling and the others live so freely.

Although I am now the proton's concubine, my status is much higher than I originally thought.

But as the benefactor said, in the eyes of osmanthus, that osmanthus is like someone else.Obviously she is the real sweet-scented osmanthus, but she can only watch other sweet-scented osmanthus feasting on it, but she can't appreciate the deliciousness at all.

It turns out that being alive is such a wonderful thing, even eating something can be so joyful.

However, he is already dead, so there is no way to experience it.

Although Osmanthus fragrans felt itchy in her heart, she also knew that there was nothing she could do.

But now, this benefactor actually told himself that he could come in person!

Even with her own ability, I am afraid that she will never be able to reach the height of a concubine, but Osmanthus also wants to obtain her own happiness through her own hands.

she thinks!

"Well, just ask if you want to or not."

The big talk was released, but Lin Ling was still a little nervous.After all, who can tell what a woman thinks?

"Thank you benefactor, I am willing!"

Osmanthus fragrans knelt down in Lin Ling's direction and kowtowed continuously.

Looking at the posture of kowtowing, I believe that if Osmanthus fragrans had a physical body at this time, her head would be bleeding.

Osmanthus fragrans was very moved, and Lin Ling was also very satisfied:

"Meeting is fate, let us give you a chance in the name of this fate."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ling winked at Xiao Yi.

"Congratulations to our black household alliance, the opening is successful!"

Lin Ling laughed, and raised the small wine glass in her hand high.

"I'm looking forward to the day when the black household alliance of the two of you is on the blacklist of the plane system."

Yun Liu also grinned and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Hehe, we just need to be careful. Anyway, not every girl will help."

Xiao Yi felt that this matter did not harm the interests of the plane system, and seeing Yunliu's expression, he knew that the problem was not serious.

"Hmph, how can I be the boss of the majestic black family alliance, a cowardly person!"

Lin Ling used his gallbladder to speak nonsense directly. Anyway, he can't do it at that time, so just treat it as a drunken madness.

"Ha ha."

"Girl, come on."

"So first of all, I have to do it myself. My own happiness is my own."

Lin Ling, who was drunk, ran straight to a place ten meters away from the crack, stuck her neck, and shouted at the crack,
"I must open a milk tea shop, pay off all my debts, and live happily ever after!"

After speaking, Lin Ling looked at Yunliu with red eyes.

Yun Liu seemed to be touched: "Don't worry, I will definitely take your body..."

"So, Yunliu, you must research a milk tea that is swollen~~you can drink it without getting fat. Of course, if you can drink more and get better, that will be even better."

Lin Ling passed in front of Yunliu at once, staring at him with longing eyes, "

What arrogant. Human double. Peaks, big upturned. hips, water snake. waist, don't be afraid, I can accept them all.

Hey, why did you hit me? "

Xiao Yi, who was obediently grilling kebabs in the barrier, looked at someone who was being chased by Yun Liu with vines:
"Is it a milk tea shop?"

Xiao Yi felt that he should be able to help with this.

【Old Ma Village】

"Hey, why am I here?"

Zhang Guihua couldn't help touching her head, which was suffering from headaches, and sat up with difficulty.

The moment Zhang Guihua got out of bed, she threw herself on the ground.

Zhang Guihua, who stood up tremblingly on the edge of the bed, was even more puzzled, why couldn't she control her hands and feet?

"Osmanthus, are you awake?"

Aunt Li, who heard the noise in the room, immediately walked in with a plate of steamed buns.
"Hungry, hurry up and eat something, there are many more!"

"What's wrong with me?"

Zhang Guihua felt very strange, she obviously had no contact with the person in front of her, but she knew who she was.

"Oh, Engong's friend said, because you were greedy, you ate the forget-sorrow grass by mistake, so you don't remember the past very clearly.

But it doesn't matter, you can treat Laoma Village as your own home in the future. "

Aunt Li smiled beautifully. It is great that such a good-bred girl can stay in the village.I don't know which young man can be so lucky.

"That's not bad, Xiao Yiyi, this luck is written as 666."

Lin Ling, who was peeking from the roof, expressed satisfaction when she saw that Guihua accepted the setting of amnesia so honestly.

"The main thing is the power of sesame beans."

The paralyzed Xiao at the side also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, as long as it succeeds.

"You two, don't be complacent. Although Zhang Guihua has deleted some memories about us, it is obvious that many places cannot stand scrutiny."

Yunliu, who was on the way back to the Tuoba Tribe, obtained first-hand news in time through No. 2.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Zhang Guihua just lost her memory. This is a fact, it's not normal for some things to be unclear.

As for those villagers, they don't know much about sweet-scented osmanthus, just give them enough room for imagination and let them play freely.

And you can't let Osmanthus go to Gesang City, there are so many troublesome people, maybe it will end by itself after a while. "

Lin Ling directly clapped a bunch of reasons, saying that she had considered it well.


At this moment, Xiao Yi and Yun Liu couldn't help complaining at the same time:

It's really good to be so lazy.


Duanmuxuan knelt obediently in front of the dragon case.

"Hmph, trash, even a bandit gang can't solve it.

Now the old Tuoba Yuan wants to go into the Zumi Laoma Mountain Range in person to search for Tuobayan, what do you think? "

Emperor Duanmu played a big temper, and directly threw out all the cultural treasures on the dragon case.

Duanmuxuan looked at the inkstone flying towards him, not daring to dodge.

Emperor Duanmu looked at Duanmuxuan whose forehead was bleeding profusely, and finally sighed:
"Go back."

"Yes, Father."

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Bai is asking to see you." Xiao Guizi came in with trembling legs to report.

"not see."

"Prime Minister Bai said that there is a way to deal with the old caravan."


"Long live, long live, Your Majesty."

"Excuse me, tell me, how can you deal with that old caravan?"

"My minister has the courage to ask for orders, and personally go to Gesang City to rescue Tuoba Proton."

After all, Prime Minister Bai knelt down and kowtowed respectfully again, as if his majesty would not stand up without approval.

"Oh~ I wonder how Prime Minister Bai can rescue Tuoba Yan?"

At such a moment, Emperor Duanmu had to be apprehensive about Prime Minister Bai's move to take over this hot potato.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the Tuoba proton has been captured this time, and the alliance between my Dawei and the Tuoba tribe is in jeopardy.

Although I am not afraid of those reckless people, it will definitely affect my progress in unifying the world.

As Dawei's chancellor, Bai Mou personally searched for the whereabouts of the proton while sick, which is enough to express my Dawei's sincerity.I believe it can play a soothing role. "

Prime Minister Bai naturally knew that his actions were full of doubts, so he didn't explain too much.


Emperor Duanmu stroked his chin, seemingly in deep thought.

"Your Majesty, we can't delay any longer. It's been a while since Tuoba's proton was captured. If the delay continues, I'll be terrified..."

Prime Minister Bai continued to use strong medicine.

"Okay, I order you to go to Gesang City immediately..."

Emperor Duanmu couldn't find any other good candidates for the time being, so he just had to send someone to keep an eye on him.

(End of this chapter)

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