The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 141 Proton's Promotion

Chapter 141 Proton Promotion (39)

"This Concubine Rou has a lot of background. She is the saint of a certain hermit family. Later, because she was dissatisfied with the arrangement of the family, she sneaked out and fascinated all the men in the capital. In the end, she was abducted by Emperor Duanmu."

Xiao Yi's long story short, anyway, it's just such a routine.

"You just said that there is something wrong with the golden hairpin?"

Lin Ling couldn't help sighing a few times in her heart, no wonder this golden hairpin is so good-looking, but if it is low-value and so easy to throw away, she would have thrown it into the spring a long time ago.

"You can try to break this golden hairpin."

Xiao Yi remembered that in the original plot, Zhang Muxi met a villain and attacked with a golden hairpin, and finally managed to escape, but the golden hairpin was also broken.But what I never expected was that there was a secret inside the golden hairpin.

"Are you sure it's a gold hairpin? It will break if you poke it?"

Lin Ling stared at the golden hairpin in Prime Minister Bai's hand without blinking, calculating the possibility that she would pounce on it and break the golden hairpin.

"Can you get to the point?"

Xiao Yi was drunk.

"I'll create chaos later, you take the opportunity to give that golden hairpin hehehe."

Lin Ling focused on the key points according to Xiao Yi's request.

"What hehehe, I don't want to understand."

Xiao Yi knew this would happen, so why did he give this girl so much science just now?

Lin Ling has no time to deal with Xiao Yi's self-disgust,

She shouted: "There's a bridal chamber!" and charged Jiang Ye with a bison.

After all, the place is a bit small, and there are many obstacles between Lin Ling and Jiang Ye.But it's not a big problem, Lin Ling said that no matter how heavy you are, you will be knocked into the air.

When Tuoba's people saw Tuoba Yan bumping into him, they didn't dare to resist, like lost lambs obediently waiting to be slaughtered, they rushed wherever Lin Ling pushed them.

Soon, only Jiang Ye and Lin Ling were left in the duel arena.

Lin Ling knew that Jiang Ye was very powerful in martial arts, so she didn't dare to underestimate the enemy.He kicked his right leg backwards twice, stretched his hands forward symmetrically, and turned his empty fists backwards twice—Xiao Maolu, start!

Jiang Ye knew that Tuoba Yan's ultimate goal was himself, and said "don't worry" to Osmanthus fragrans, and stepped forward with dignity.This tall and broad back makes people feel very secure.

Seeing Jiang Ye's actions, Lin Ling accelerated her forward speed even more, come on, let's see if I don't crush you to death.But Lin Ling, who doesn't know martial arts, is obviously not Jiang Ye's opponent.Just when Lin Ling was about to succeed, Jiang Ye avoided it.Moreover, he fell on the sweet-scented osmanthus very precisely.

God assisted Ling and was stunned for a second.

O man!

Then, go on the rampage.

Those Tuoba men who had just stood up instantly became the targets of Bowling Ling.

Prime Minister Bai couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw this man turning his back on his back. Why did the Tuoba clan make such a fuss in the bridal chamber?

But soon, Prime Minister Bai realized that something was wrong. Why did the golden hairpin on his right hand become lighter? No, why did the hairpin disappear?

But soon, Prime Minister Bai was attracted by the little golden rod in his hand.Unexpectedly, this golden hairpin still hides a secret.

Prime Minister Bai took out the contents of the little gold stick, opened it, and found that it was a piece of ultra-thin parchment.

"Oh~~~ Treasure map! Congratulations, how about we set off tomorrow to dig for treasures."

The goal was achieved, and Lin Ling came over all of a sudden.

"Treasure Map?"

Some people with sharp ears became interested when they heard it.

"That's right, it's the treasure map. Anyone of you who knows this place, hurry up and take us there."

Although he didn't know what the treasure was used for, Lin Ling felt that since spring was here, it was only natural to have a spring outing.


Prime Minister Bai looked over the parchment in his hand over and over again, but he didn't find any map on it.How did Tuoba Proton know that this was a treasure map?

Xiao Yi couldn't help but hold his forehead, this little money fanatic, who said this is a treasure map.

In the plot, there is a set of body training exercises unique to the hidden family hidden in the golden hairpin.

Since then, Zhang Muxi and her small group have lived a fairy life where women no longer suffer from back pain, and men no longer suffer from kidney deficiency.

【In a fog】

Xiao Lin and the two are now in a dark gray mist.

"The air quality index is well over 300."

Lin Ling felt that she had made a mistake. There were so many masks in the steel city, but she didn't even take any of them. Xiaoyi was about to turn into black lungs.

After the golden hairpin incident, there was a national fitness craze in Laoma Village.

For this reason, Lao Ma Village also specially built a school to teach everyone how to play the exclusive soundtrack of this exercise.

The purpose is to make everyone feel more involved when practicing the exercises, and it is easier to comprehend them.

After all, Tuoba Proton said that this is the skill of the gods. After these ordinary people practice, they can not only deepen their understanding of the origin of life, but may even create new miracles.

Tuoba Proton's mysterious rhetoric, coupled with his status as benefactor's friend, made everyone praise this immortal skill.

Xiao Yi, who understands what a new miracle is, said that he does not belong to the group of people who have been fooled, but is simply interested in the cheating technique itself, so he plans to try it.

What Xiao Yi didn't expect was that a simple attempt of his own successfully made him the hot topic of the year in Lao Ma Village.

These days, ragged clothes and trousers are very normal, but exposure to light is embarrassing.

Although there were only a few elders at the scene of the crime, they couldn't stand the fact that these loud and rough men started drinking and spoke inappropriately.So, under the excessive imagination of everyone, Xiao Yi was sad again.

"I didn't expect that the dragon energy in my body would react so strongly to this exercise."

Thinking of his own oolong incident, Xiao Yi was only thankful that the girl Lin Ling wasn't there at the time, otherwise he really didn't know how to get along with her in the future.

"Speaking of this, I'm depressed. You all know that Zhang Ahua staged a scene where a real dragon appeared in order to make Lao Xuan, who killed his father, inherit the throne and change his name to the throne. Why didn't you expect that this thing would interact with the one in your body? Is it related to dragon energy?"

Lin Ling felt a headache, why are there so many things in Xiao Yi's place?It must be that there were few electrical experiments in junior high school, and I saw that the small units had no sense of series or parallel connection at all.

"I thought it was a bug, so I didn't care."

After the oolong incident, Xiao Yi purposely dug up the plot and studied it in all aspects.

It turned out that the play where the real dragon appeared used a certain secret technique of the hermit family.

"Life, life, I have given up looking for cheats in this plane. I never thought I would come here when I was about to leave. But your little dragon spirit hasn't sensed the correct position of this hermit family?"

While Lin Ling sighed, he was also a little irritable.This place is very weird. I tried space teleportation a few times at the beginning, but I didn't expect to see the same scenery when I passed it back and forth.

The most pitiful thing is that this place actually shields the consciousness. What is the reason for this?Lin Ling was quite curious.

(End of this chapter)

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