Chapter 193
[In Lin Ling's space]

"Remember, you owe me two favors, remember to pay them back."

It wasn't until the aura of determining the rules completely disappeared that Mu Xi breathed a sigh of relief and asked Lin Ling for a reward.

"Why twice?"

Lin Ling felt that it was a bit expensive.

"Then do you want to make a contract with that little god who can only whine from just now?"

Mu Xi said.

"What's the use of signing that thing? Yes, this pot belongs to it, and you asked it for that favor."

Lin Ling patted her small chest, very dangerous.

It’s not terrible to blame a smart person, after all, it doesn’t mean you’re not smart, but taking the blame for an idiot, what else does it mean besides that you’re stupider than an idiot?
"You definitely need it, after all you have a spiritual spring, at least it's good to be a water binding spirit of the spiritual spring.

Moreover, the protoss rules on it were destroyed, so this guy is now a free god, not controlled by the protoss. "

Mu Xi said.

"It sounds pretty good, but let me tell you first, I want to sign the boss contract."

Lin Ling thought about letting Wuwuwu raise a few fish for herself in Lingquan, so that she could eat iron fish in the future.

"woo woo woo woo"

Wuwuwu thinks this person is too bad, isn't the equal contract not enough?
"What are you doing, isn't it good to have a heroic boss like me? You don't know anything, don't you know about hugging your thighs?"

Lin Ling said that since he was going to take the blame, how could he not charge some corresponding compensation.


"A master-servant contract, right?"

Mu Xi didn't talk nonsense, and directly assisted Lin Ling and Wuwuwu to sign the highest-level master-servant contract.

So this time, Lin Ling finally saw Wuwuwu who claimed to be very small.

"What is this? Clover?"

Is the ancestor of clover aquatic organisms?
"They are single-celled algae, the earliest aquatic organisms, and there are three colors of algae on their bodies, red, green, and brown. Awesome!"

Wuwuwu looked like begging for praise.

"If you are powerful, then what am I, your boss?"

Lin Ling didn't know what to do.

"Of course it's Master, you are the most powerful!"

Wuwuwu is very conscious of being a younger brother.

"Well, although the vocabulary is a little low, but the kung fu of flattering is deeply in my heart."

After all, the opponent is just a single cell, and Lin Ling can't ask too much.

"Okay, you two don't be poor. You, go and swallow the broken bamboo slips."

Mu Xi said to Clover.

"Can I swallow?"

Wuwuwu obviously felt a little unbelievable.

"The rules were originally written for you. Why can't you swallow them? If you don't dispose of these scraps in time, you can't say what impact it will have on your most powerful boss in the future."

Of course, there is one thing that Mu Xi didn't say, that is, devouring enough rules, this kind of totem creature may also obtain the ability of rules.

The grade of this algae is so low, so there is a great chance to get the rule ability, but relatively, the talent obtained is probably not very good, but no matter how bad it is, it is also the rule of the Protoss.

"Oh, I'll swallow it then."

Wuwuwu stopped crying and changed to drooling.

"I'll help you."

When Lin Ling heard this, it was not bad, and there was actually a potential safety hazard.So he directly called the old core to start work, and then let Shuishui swim around the body several times.Bound to remove all gold dust.

"Hey, you bring another tube of zombie virus to my old core."

After all, there should still be residues in the old nucleus, Lin Ling said that the sterilization must be thorough.

Mu Xi didn't ask the reason, and went directly to Brother He, and then said to Lin Ling: "Okay, I'm going to rest for a while, don't bother me."

After speaking, Mu Xi snapped his fingers, and Lin Ling's crystal coffin floated out automatically.After Mu Xi lay down gracefully in the coffin, the crystal coffin sank into the spiritual spring.

"Boss, I want to sleep too."

After Wuwuwu finished speaking, without waiting for the boss's approval, he hurriedly jumped into the spiritual spring.

After all, it is very swollen now, and the golden bamboo slips are too nourishing for the little algae.



After that, Shui Shui and Lao He also expressed in their own language that they are definitely going to sleep this time, please do not disturb.


What else can the polished commander say about this?Of course, hurry back to lunch!

【Zhang Family Taoist Hall】

"Why are you back so late today?"

As soon as Xiao Yi saw Lin Ling, he asked.

"I just subdued a god."

Lin Ling was not ashamed.

"What god?"

If it was someone else, Xiao Yi would definitely think that the other party was fooling him.

If it's a girl, then it must have happened, but the truth of the matter may be completely different from what I understand.

"The kind of god that almost originated."

Wuwuwu said it himself, the earliest aquatic organisms.

"So powerful? What happened?"

Xiao Yi was a little curious as to what kind of god he was.

"Woooooo, it's not powerful at all. As for what happened, as I said, I took a god, that's all."

Lin Ling answered Xiao Yiyi.

"Can't you just say more?"

Xiao Yi was depressed, it was no different from saying nothing.

"No, no, and I'm hungry."

Lin Ling is depressed, chatting is not a big deal, can't we talk about it after she is full?

"You damn girl."

Although Xiao Yi understood that this girl would not be hungry, she just couldn't help but want to say a few more words.

"It's not important, what do you know so much about?"

Lin Ling was puzzled.

"I just want to know, okay?"

Xiao Yi felt that she shouldn't have come to this plane. This girl was originally straight, but now she is straight and straight.

"Of course, I'm too lazy to talk about it, so why not?"

Lin Ling got angry and said that she was hungry, why couldn't she say it after the meal?


Xiao Yi took a deep breath and didn't care about her.

eat first.

【After meal】

"Ran Ran, what did you do today?"

Ding Xiang asked after eating and drinking.

"Oh, my grandma and I went to the back mountain, and then I subdued the totem god of the Water Clan."

Lin Ling explained.

"so smart!"

Ding Xiang said with a little envy.


Lin Ling smiled triumphantly.

"Wait, why did you say it so simple when I asked you just now?"

There is harm only when there is comparison, and Xiao Yi said that he was hurt.

"Because I was hungry just now, and now I'm full."

Lin Ling explained again.

"You'll lose me like this, you know?"

Xiao Yi felt that it was necessary to raise the girl's importance to her.


Lin Ling was very calm.

"You don't care?"

Now Xiao Yi's heart was pierced, this girl didn't care at all.

"You won't."

Lin Ling felt that Xiao Yi had a lot of emotional scenes.

"How did you know?"

Xiao Yi is looking forward to it, is this girl enlightened?

(End of this chapter)

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