The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 202 Little Angel vs Towel Roll

Chapter 202 Little Angel vs Towel Roll

It was the first time that Lin Ling dodged so embarrassingly. Not only was An Yan fast, but she seemed to be able to foresee where she would teleport.

But Lin Ling is not in a hurry, he has no means of attack, so he must be able to hold his breath here and wait for the opportunity to come.

But if the opportunity never comes, then create one yourself.

Lin Ling was not the only one waiting for the opportunity. An Yan, who had been unable to catch Lin Ling for a long time, was also waiting for Lin Ling to mess around, but the result was obviously going to disappoint her.

An Yan, who was chasing after Lin Ling, suddenly stopped.

She couldn't feel the fluctuation of space energy anymore!
Just as An Yan stopped suddenly, Lin Ling, who finally caught a trace of a flaw, teleported directly behind An Yan, and blew into An Yan's ear without thinking.

An Yan, a girl from a good family who was molested, had a conditioned reflex and directly elbowed her back, but it was too late, and Lin Ling obediently hid away as soon as she finished playing the hooligan.

"What did you just do?"

An Yan asked ferociously, rubbing her ears ferociously.

"I won't tell you, I'm already a villain. If I talk too much, I'm probably going to burp soon."

It's actually very simple. Do you still remember the thought barrier particles by the Daming Lake?

On the sweet-scented osmanthus plane, because he absorbed a lot of dragon energy at the end, Brother He, who had indigestion, spit out the thought barrier particles he absorbed at the beginning.

Just now, what Lin Ling did was to continuously sprinkle the mind barrier particles on her body and the sea of ​​consciousness, and then suck them back in, and then she continued to sprinkle and inhale.

There is no way, Lin Ling can't wrap the mind barrier particles around himself like the dragon monster, so he can only create a temporary mind barrier in this way.

As for why there is such an idea, it is naturally thanks to Mr. Ding Xiang's mysterious explanation before.

Since that class, Lin Ling, a good student, has learned an important law, that is——

The sea of ​​consciousness is a very miraculous thing, and things that cannot be understood by routine can be blamed on it first.

Moreover, it is not unfounded for Lin Ling to think so.After all, when I use space energy now, I do cooperate with the use of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, don't think that you can win me."

There are so many weird things in the world, An Yan doesn't have the leisure to figure out all of them one by one.To put it bluntly, this strange woman is not worthy.

Although he doesn't like this kind of person who can only run away, An Yan still has to admit that this strange woman is very fast.

It's just that none of these can be an excuse for her that An Yan can't teach this strange woman a lesson.

An Yan continued to transmit energy to the calf.An Yan didn't stop until the physical body screamed.

Since you can't feel it, beat this strange woman to the ground before you need to feel it.

If it's really fast, An Yan feels that he may not lose!
But to An Yan's surprise, this time, the strange woman didn't hide!

Lin Ling directly controlled the hundred-layer barrier, confronted An Yan, and easily resolved An Yan's attack.

"Why don't you hide?"

An Yan was a little surprised, she thought that this strange woman was going to dodge again, so she didn't use her power with this punch.

"It was just a warm-up. But your fist is more useless than I imagined. You see, the enchantment is not broken."

Lin Ling didn't dodge, just because she felt that the data collection was almost done.Through the dozens of teleportation chases just now, she has somewhat understood An Yan's habit of beating people.

Now that saving one's life is no longer a problem, isn't the next step just a matter of doing one's best?

Moreover, she, An Yan, was not the only one who wanted to teach others a lesson, Sister Lin Ling nodded and said that she wanted to too.

Therefore, it is impossible to run away all the time.

"Really? I'm really sorry to disappoint you."

After finishing speaking, An Yan flew forward and punched.

An Yan used all her strength in this punch, and the vindictiveness wrapped around her fist seemed to be exaggerated by An Yan's fighting spirit, exuding a heat that cannot be ignored.

An Yan's outbreak was indeed very fast, but it was still not as fast as Lin Ling, who had already prepared.

Even when Lin Ling was talking, she never stopped making the enchantment.

Hey, I learned this from Dugu Gula, talking about delaying Dafa.

Lin Ling changed her position and angle a little bit. This trick is definitely going to be answered, but she will not be foolish enough to catch it head-on.

Just hearing a neat rattling sound, the barrier was actually shattered at the same time.

This violent bitch!
With Yunliu's bamboo pole figure, how can he bear it?

But Lin Ling obviously didn't have time to wipe off his cold sweat.Because, the iron fist of violence strikes again.

Lin Ling moved in a certain direction, and slightly distanced herself.

During the initial confrontation, Lin Ling noticed that when An Yan punched in several directions, she would unconsciously twist her torso.

This made Lin Ling suspect that An Yan was not good at attacking from these angles.

Now, the offensive and defensive speed between the two is obviously not the same as it was at the beginning.Lin Ling didn't believe that An Yan could still have time to adjust her posture as freely as before.

The barrier exploded.

Mother, how many muscles has this little angel built?When will the upper limit of strength be reached?


An Yan snorted heavily, obviously dissatisfied with the result.

The move just now is the twenty-second move of the Dugu family's unique "Dugu Invincible Art".

There is no specific movement requirement for this move, but only one concept, that is to accumulate power.

Although An Yan's first punch just now was fierce, it was just a feint.An Yan released her energy directly on the attack path with the help of punching movements.

In this way, An Yan's second punch can use the movement of swinging the fist to absorb the energy released in advance to her fist.

This can not only temporarily make the energy density at the attack site exceed its original limit.Even, if the opponent is not careful enough to notice the difference between the two punches, it is very likely that he will be hit directly.

It is a pity that An Yan's move failed, not only because Lin Ling is a cautious person; but also because Lin Ling changed her position just now, even if it was very small, it did change An Yan's attack path, thus reducing The energy of An Yan's second punch was lost.


Lin Ling hooked her index finger towards An Yan, full of provocation.

An Yan let out a sigh of relief, she planned to give up using her own unique technique.Although the mobility of female fighters will be much better, but the strength and endurance are the shortcomings that cannot be run.

Strength obviously doesn't have much effect on this strange woman, so let's fight for endurance, whoever loses his legs first will lose.

Therefore, An Yan no longer spent her experience on using unique moves, but just punched Lin Ling at a run-up at supersonic speed.

And Lin Ling didn't show weakness, so he came to resist. Although he didn't know if it would be of any use, it was more imposing than running all the time.

Both of them seemed to be holding their breath, and they didn't speak, just fighting each other at such high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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