The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 278 Xiao Yi and the Ugly Doll

Chapter 278 Xiao Yi and the Ugly Doll
"It's just that before this, Xiaoyi, can you change your face? With your appearance, I always thought you were doing something indescribable."

Lin Ling sighed, it's not good to look like that, she has to look like messed up characters.If she hadn't reacted quickly just now, Xiao Yi would have been directly arrested by the police uncle.

While Lin Ling was sighing, a little furry child casually threw a dirty puppet on the ground.

Lin Ling's eyes lit up as he stared at this ugly, weird-looking doll.

"Xiaoyi, do you think this puppet is cute?"

Lin Ling held the ugly doll in front of Xiao Yi, and turned it 720° without any dead angle, so that Xiao Yi could see it clearly.

"Not cute."

Although I don't know what Lin Ling wants to do again, but I don't need intuition anymore, it must not be a good thing.

"It's okay if you don't think it's cute, Xiao Yiyi, let's possess this ugly doll."

Lin Ling knew that men generally don't like to be called cute, so she was relieved when Xiao Yi said she wasn't cute.

"You want me to possess this doll?"

Yes, this idea is really girly.

"Clang, clang, clang, Xiao Yiyi, look at what this is."

Lin Ling took out a thick picture book and opened it for Xiao Yi and An Yan to read.

Xiao Yi inexplicably felt that the formation in the painting looked familiar.

"Is this something from Yulong Village?"

As Lin Ling took out more and more props, Xiao Yi finally realized why he felt these things were familiar.

After being reminded by Xiao Yi, An Yan also looked more and more like that.I didn't expect that the strange woman would even keep this, this kind of eccentricity is quite similar to Yunliu.

"Well, this formation is used by them to summon dragon monsters, so I thought, if I draw this formation on this ugly doll, and then cooperate with these things, maybe I can summon Xiaoyi to this ugly doll body."

Lin Ling yelled at each ugly doll, not too easily.

"You can give it a try."

An Yan nodded, as for Xiao Yi's safety, it was out of her consideration.Moreover, since he is the main character destined for heaven, he will definitely not be able to die at this level.

"Wait, you mean to summon me to this ugly doll like a dragon monster?"

Xiao Yi frowned his handsome brows, the direction of the call didn't feel right, and what's the matter with the feeling that he was always offended?

However, no matter how rich Xiao Yi's facial expressions are now, they can't be seen because of garbled characters.

"Don't worry, the success rate is very high. After all, you have partly merged with Qiongqi. So strictly speaking, you are now considered a tiger monster, barely on the same level as a dragon monster."

Speaking of this, Lin Ling sighed a little, whether it is the god race or the evil beast race, the soul is like an earthworm, cut and cut every day, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"I don't think that alone seems rigorous enough."

Xiao Yi very tactfully expressed his intention of refusal, he was particularly worried that he would be summoned into a monster like a dragon monster at that time, and he would definitely be laughed to death by the girl.

"Xiao Yiyi, you are so rigorous, I am very pleased, sister. But you don't have to worry, even if this fails, we have another one. I have seen Huo Dalong's Shenlong Possession in the last plane, and Yunli has a deep impression , compiled these 108 modified dragon summoning arrays. You can always find one that suits you.”

Lin Ling quickly flipped through the album, and there were indeed very similar formations drawn on it.

"Can I say no?"

From Lin Ling's malicious smile, Xiao Yi estimated that no matter whether she succeeds or not, this girl will definitely try all the 108 moves.

Although it is good to make the girl think about her body all the time, can you change the direction of thinking about her?

"Yes, but you only have two choices in this way, either go to the police station to eat and drink 24 hours a day, or go back to the space to adjust honestly, read books and raise pigs or something. Or, I will arrange another one for you training plan?"

Lin Ling said that if Xiao Yi's problem is not resolved, then they are destined not to be fellow travelers in this plane.

"Okay, you call."

Now, Xiao Yi, who can't think of any other way, can only bow his head to reality.

"In that case, be honest, I have something to do first."

An Yan knows that it's strange that women's painting skills are not bad, but also very slow, so it takes a lot of time to try this 108-style formation, and I don't want to waste time on such a terrible painting technique .

"Hey, you're abandoning me~~"

Luo Liling deliberately flashed her big watery eyes and held An Yan, with a pitiful expression of "I'm going to be abandoned by my mother".

"It's not what you said, Qiongqi is sealed now, let me do what I want. Don't keep staring at you."

It's just that An Yan is already immune to this trick. Anyway, this strange woman must not be sincere, so she won't be fooled.

"Have you figured out what to do?"

Lin Ling rested her chin on her hands and began to guess what An Yan would like to do. How could this workaholic like things other than work and cloud flow?
"Well, I'm going to be the president, and then I will promulgate a perfect demographic law. As long as every NPC has a record, I believe it will be convenient for the world consciousness to identify it in the future."

An Yan was a little excited. If she had enough time, she would like to expand into other aspects to make this plane more perfect.

"Have you figured it out?"

Lin Ling felt that An Yan was sick. She had a disease that would make her feel uncomfortable if she didn't become the president.

"Are you underestimating me? Didn't I do pretty well in the last plane?"

Feeling strange that women don't trust him very much, An Yan directly extended his claws to a certain 8-year-old girl, hum, fake best friend.

"The last one is the last one. This plane is different. You also know that the NPCs all look the same. Maybe when you go, all the management personnel will become like you."

Lin Ling was talking, and dozens of An Yan were in a hurry in the office involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Hey, this seems to be possible.

"If this is the case, then you should worry about yourself. Because at that time, it means that the world is all up to me. The first law I passed was to list pigs as special protected animals. "

An Yan said that strange women should stop thinking about fine pork belly in this life.


For the first time, Lin Ling felt that An Yan was not easy to mess with.

Could it be that my mission in this plane is to open a chain fried chicken restaurant?
【Under a broken bridge】

The two of Xiao Lin have already tried 10 kinds of summoning formations, but they all failed.

At this time, the two of them were sitting on the ground for a phased summary meeting.

"Xiaoyi, how do you feel?"

Lin Ling was dishonest even when she was sitting, and kept looking around Xiao Yi, just trying to find out the abnormalities in him.

(End of this chapter)

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