Chapter 285 The Ugly Doll

Lin Ling did not give up and searched again with her mind, I'll go, Xiao Yi really disappeared!
"Then sister will buy you another one, don't be sad, okay?"

Seeing Lin Ling's anxious look, An Xinjiang immediately comforted her.

"No, no, no, I want this ugly doll."

Lin Ling tightly grasped the corner of Ai Xin Jiang's clothes, not knowing how to use her aura of the protagonist to find Xiao Yi for herself as soon as possible.

"Then I'll accompany you to find it, okay?"

An Xinjiang felt that the doll must be very important to Lin Ling, so she would definitely help her find the doll.

So, because she couldn't find the ugly doll, Lin Ling followed Aixinjiang back to her home.

【Love flower shop】

At this time, Ai Xinjiang was explaining to her mother why she brought Lin Ling home: "Guo lai guo lai so lai..."

It was obviously a set of rhetoric full of loopholes, but the caring mother hugged Lin Ling tightly after hearing it, and shed tears of distress.

After receiving the care from Ai Ai Jiang's family, Lin Ling felt that she should not ask Ai Ai Jiang again: why it was Beauty Pink who made an appointment with her, but Ai Ai Jiang was the one who brought her home in the end.

Moreover, the most critical question now is, where did Xiao Yi go?

Looking at the unresponsive Little Red Riding Hood and the sleeping body of Xiao Yi in the space, Lin Ling directly rejected Ai Xinjiang's dinner invitation.

Did something really happen?

However, what can happen in the animation provided by this child?
[under another broken bridge]

A deranged man is on a mission to trample on an ugly, battered doll.

"Hahahahahahaha, look at how miserable you are now, weren't you very capable at that time! Didn't you ever think that you would have such a day!"

The man seemed to feel that just stepping on tens of thousands of feet was not enough to relieve his anger, so he roughly pulled the ugly doll up.

"It seems that your companion had a good time and forgot about you. I remember that you were very tight with her. As a result, she has forgotten about you now!"

After Dugu Gula finished speaking, he laughed and smashed Xiao Yi hard against the bridge wall, making a deep hole in the bridge wall.

Even though his whole body was in a state of distress, Xiao Yi remained calm.It's just that he was beaten a few times, what's the matter, his body is still strong.

But this Dugu Gula, with scarlet eyes, is completely insane, obviously swallowed by the mad energy, this is the real tragedy.

As for that dead girl who has completely forgotten about herself, she will be fascinated by her in the future, so she must be educated and educated.

Well, of course it's only verbal, and I definitely don't want to be beaten.

When Dugu Gula noticed that Xiao Yi didn't respond to his ridicule, his heart became more irritable.

Dugu Gula picked up Xiao Yi from the ground, and said grimly: "It's just that it's really meaningless to bully your doll's body. Your body is in the woman's place. You say she can guess it, and I also come to this plane." Yet?"

Finally, Xiao Yi had a reaction. He twisted his broken body and broke free from Dugu Gula's hand, but before he landed, he was trampled into the soil by Lone Gula.

Seeing Xiao Yi's strong reaction, Dugu Gula continued, "Tell me, if I hold you in my hands, will that woman listen to me honestly and let me do whatever I want?"

This is not bad, Xiao Yi began to desperately mobilize the energy in his body, wanting to fight Dugu Gula desperately.

But I don't know what this Dugu Gula has done to him, not only making the energy in his body unable to function normally, but even his mind cannot be used.

For Xiao Yi's overreaching, Dugu Gula naturally spared no effort to teach him a good lesson.

"Okay, it's time for us to go, and I can't wait to see your desperate look."

Dugu Gula, who let out a bad breath, picked up Xiao Yi with a sinister smile, and wanted to take him to find Lin Ling.

At this moment, a slightly immature voice sounded: "You are indeed a bad person, but I like you like this. You seem to have a particularly powerful negative energy flowing through you."

Where there is an evil source, there will be it Black Rose Starman.

"What the hell are you, kill me!"

Dugu Gula didn't want to deal with this inexplicable ghost, he has very important things to do now.

"Oh, it's not up to you."

The next moment, a huge black energy directly entered Dugu Gula's body.


Dugu Gula's eyes slit suddenly, and he lay on the ground with his head in pain, screaming incessantly.

"I didn't expect so much dark energy to be enough to control you."

Seeing Dugu Gula who kept pounding his fists on the ground, the Black Rose star frowned: I didn't expect this person's willpower to be so strong, it seems that he has to use his trump card.

The next moment, the black rose in Black Rose's hand quickly floated towards Dugu Gula.

The moment he was touched by the black rose, Dugu Gula finally passed out obediently.

Seeing that the work was done, the Black Rose Starman leaped to the side of Dugu Gula, grabbed his foot, and wanted to bring him to the Black Rose Planet just like that.

On the way back home, the Black Rose star saw the ugly doll lying not far away, couldn't help but sneered, and kicked it in the air habitually.

Thus, the ugly doll Xiao Yi drew a beautiful arc under the night sky, then fell into the river, drifted along the river to a distant place.

【In a small restaurant】

At a table full of Han people, the little angel brothers and sisters who have reunited after a long absence have a good atmosphere.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to drink so well now."

Looking at the beer bottles piled up on the table and the floor, and looking at his brother who was still blushing and heartbeating, An Yan couldn't help but sigh: Who would have thought that a person who was self-disciplined enough to never drink a few decades ago would become an adult now? A senior alcoholic.

"Well, I practiced on purpose."

After the day when Lin Ling got drunk, An Chen kept looking up ancient books.

Finally, Huang Tian paid off, allowing him to find a method that specifically strengthens the internal organs. Although the materials inside are a bit difficult to find, as long as you spend a little more money, it will not be a big problem.

Therefore, An Chen practiced his liver carefully and thoroughly.

"elder brother,"

Just when An Yan wanted to worship her own brother after a long absence, Little Red Riding Hood forced her way in without giving her a chance to hang up.

Lin Ling's voice came from the other end: "Yanyan~~~Jianghu rescue, Xiao Yiyi has been abducted by human traffickers!"

Because Lin Ling didn't want to eat dinner, Ai Xin Jiang, who couldn't help but worry, kept comforting her, but because Ai Ai Jiang's comfort was too lacking in scientific basis, Lin Ling became more flustered the more she listened.

So, after eating dinner under the watchful eyes of An Xinjiang, Lin Ling immediately called for help.

(End of this chapter)

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