Chapter 297

【A movie theater】

At this time, the four of Lin Ling had no money to buy tickets, so they could only sit in the rest area and wait.

"Now is the time to watch a movie?"

An Yan looked at the time, the doors are closing soon, what is this strange woman thinking?

It has to be said that since An Yan joined this small team, Xiao Yi, who was in charge of complaining, was directly laid off.

Now, he doesn't need to say anything, the more serious An Yan will say everything he wants to say.

Xiao Yi was very entangled in this, he didn't know if what he did was right.Although the number of times the girl disliked her has decreased significantly, but relatively, her sense of existence has also decreased.

Hey, it's hard~~
"What do you know, the Black Rose Star people are open 24 hours a day, and it would be nice if there were fewer people, and the number of victims would decrease after a while."

According to the information provided by Wei Shushu, the next plot will take place in this movie theater.It's just that in the original plot, Hope Sauce officially became a partner.Therefore, it is not clear what the plot will become.

"Weird woman, why are you so sure it's tonight?"

An Yan didn't understand. Judging from Lin Ling's actions, she seemed very sure that the plot happened tonight.

"Because there are so many people tonight."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she pointed to Ai Xin Jiang who was seriously watching the movie, and Quiet Mimi who sat at the end and watched her affectionately.

Love Sauce will appear in the movie theater tonight, which Lin Ling knew early on.After all, she was the one who released the movie ticket.

And the reason why the time was chosen so late is because if it was earlier, Ai Xinjiang would probably refuse to help her mother.

"Even if both of them are there, it doesn't necessarily trigger the plot? Could it be that you plan to make trouble again?"

An Yan is a little afraid to think about it, please don't tell her that this strange woman is really planning to directly trigger the plot.

"Let's first check to see if there is anyone who is arguing or confused."

Lin Ling felt that it was time to start acting.

"No, how do you do it first?"

An Yan asked, she must first confirm whether what Lin Ling did was reliable.

"It's very simple. Find these people and send some mad energy over there."

Lin Ling said lightly.

"Are you sure this will work?"

An Yan didn't expect that the plan was so simple.

"Isn't Dugu Gula a living example. This shows that these Black Rose Stars move according to dark energy, not completely according to the animation script."

Lin Ling spoke directly from the facts.And according to Xiao Yi's description, the Black Rose star should be quite rare to this mad energy.

"Okay, but I will release the mad energy, Xiao Yi is not allowed to do it."

An Chen agrees, this can improve a lot of efficiency.Otherwise, they can only stay there every day until the plot happens.

[a bathroom in a movie theater]

"Damn it, these young people threw their half-eaten popcorn and fried chicken legs into the trash can in the bathroom. Don't they know that the garbage should be disposed of separately?"

A cleaning lady was grumpy and cursing.

Considering that this aunt was the closest to the scene of the crime, An Chen made her his target.

However, he was worried that this aunt would not be able to bear it, so An Chen only controlled a little bit of mad energy and entwined around the aunt.

"Where there is an evil source, there is my Black Rose star."

Sure enough, the Black Rose star appeared.

"Black Rose, release the devil in the heart of this lost lamb! Only black can truly tolerate everything!"

After the black rose star finished the fixed lines, Auntie Clean also quickly completed her transformation.

【Cinema Hall 2】

At this time, the entire Hall 2 was filled with a strong pungent smell.

A trash can with a bamboo broom in the left hand and a large mop in the right hand. With the opening and closing of the lid above the head, rolls of toilet paper are scattered everywhere (for the purpose of serving meals, unused rolls are temporarily reserved).

However, because the trash can was too stinky, before it launched an attack, the few audience members in the cinema had almost run away, and the few remaining people who were stunned by the stench were also caught by Lin Ling in time. sent out.

However, the problem is still very big.

"An Dachen, how much mad energy did you release?"

Holding Ai Xinjiang who had fainted, Lin Ling directly covered An Chen's head with a pot.

"Uh, not many."

An Chen was a little helpless, he didn't expect the effect of the mad energy to be so outstanding, but the trash can monster that absorbed a little finger-sized mad energy could directly stun the heroine.

"Should I send her out too?"

An Yan suggested, even if the magic girl is gone, can this group of people still beat a trash can monster?I just don't know how much it will affect the plot.

"Need not."

The next moment, Lin Ling passed the blame to Ai Xinjiang, and gave him a chance to express: "Protect her."

"it is good!"

Wei Shushu nodded heavily, he will definitely use his life to protect Ai Ai Jiang.


Seeing Wei Shushu's serious expression, An Yan suddenly didn't know what to say: Send out the love sauce directly, and she should be able to wake up quickly, why do you have to let her stay here and smell the stench?

【Cinema Hall 4】

Trashcan monsters are very effective and have begun to conquer the last frontier.

Meanwhile, Lin Ling and the others were discussing the next step behind the door.

After all, the monsters in this plane are similar to the monsters in the game. After completing the specified requirements of the scene, as long as no one is seen, they will be in a wandering state.

"First of all, I need to figure out some problems with energy, so I will definitely have to possess myself to experience it later."

Lin Ling first talked about her purpose and actions.

"I also just want to practice my hands."

The robot Xiao Yi moved his mechanical arm, and now his movements are still a little stiff, so he just wanted to take the opportunity to practice.

"Then I'll go and see the hero and heroine."

An Yan thought for a while, it seemed that there was nothing else to do.

Such a monster, could it be possible to turn the sky up?Why not take the opportunity to observe the hero and heroine carefully.

"Then I'll stay here too. In case Xiao Yi can't beat him, I can still help."

"Need not."

"Need not."

Xiao Yilin spoke in unison.

If Xiao Yi said this out of pure pride, then Lin Ling definitely had a legitimate reason for saying this.

"Dieyi is by the side. An Chen, don't you want to observe her?"

Lin Ling said that she had already felt the breath of the ghost orchid.

"I, "

An Chen wanted to refuse, because he hadn't made up his mind to face Die Yi yet.

However, it was really strange that Dieyi appeared here late at night, and An Chen felt that he had to investigate.

Hey, what is this woman thinking?Don't you know that you have been monitored all the way?Why do you still do this kind of thing that aggravates your suspicion?
(End of this chapter)

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