Chapter 418 Finding Windfall
The atmosphere between Yan Wuxie and An Yan was harmonious, and the moods of the new members of the Golden Maze were suddenly not good.

"Oh, broad daylight."

"Oh, under the watchful eye."

"Oh, dog man."


However, these people did not dare to have any opinion on An Yan because they had just experienced the training incident, so they naturally pointed the signs at Yan Wuxie.

Regarding this, An Yan has no opinion at all. After all, Yan Wuxie is the protagonist, so who is he talking about?

Several people saw that An Yan didn't show any displeasure, so they also imitated Yan Wuxie's way of getting close.

"Xiao An, men are not good things."

"That's right, I've been a man for more than [-] years, don't you know? A man who talks to you all the time must be plotting something wrong!"

"That's right, although my brother hasn't reached the qualifications of a man for 20 years, he has tried to commit crimes many times."


Several people were filled with righteous indignation, they just couldn't understand this kind of gentle scum.


An Yan nodded, although she thought there was nothing wrong between herself and Yan Wuxie, but these new members also had good intentions, so it was better to avoid suspicion.

It's just that when An Yan saw that she was concentrating on observing the cloud flow on the stone wall of the tomb, for some reason, her feet unconsciously moved a few steps closer to Yan Wuxie.

Seeing this, Yan Wuxie, who looked like a dog, was relieved, and the brothers who had plotted against him were worried.

In short, the atmosphere here was suddenly tense.

Speaking of Lin Ling and Xiao Yi on the other side, they are still outside the tomb at this time.

"The master said, you, a sunny doll, are too shabby to paint, and your smile is not bright enough, and I think so too, Mr. Wu."

Both master and servant complained about Xiao Yi, a horrible painter.

When Xiao Yi heard it, he was amused: "Then I would like to ask Master Lin, what kind of smiling face do you think three arcs can draw?"

Regarding Lin Ling's plan to make a sunny doll to exorcise evil spirits, Xiao Yi didn't make any comments, as long as she had fun by herself.

As for how this thing wards off evil spirits, it is out of Xiao Yi's consideration.Anyway, even if she was asked to hang garlic on a string, she would definitely find it smelly and unwilling.

"The master said that if two big buck teeth are to be exposed, she will use violence to control evil."

Wuwuwu has a proud face, it should really let others see how brave and fearless its owner is.

So, after that, Xiao Yi not only added two pointed big buck teeth, but also added a deep sky eye, two thick dark circles, three eye-catching crow's feet, and four instant noodle beards.

In short, looking at it is quite a bit of evil spirit.

After several laps of Sunshine Dolls floated around her, Lin Ling followed Xiao Yi to climb the mountain contentedly.

That's right, Lin Ling felt that there were already An Yan and Yunliu in the cave, and it would be a waste of labor for them to go again, why not explore a new map!
"The master said that according to the nature of the novel, after the protagonist unlocks a place, he will definitely find some unexpected surprises in this place, so there may be some unexpected surprises in this place."

Lin Ling said that it would be good for Yan Wuxie to take a protagonist to protect his capital, and these ill-gotten gains should be collected by people from black families like them.

"This is not bad."

Xiao Yi was obviously moved.

They all gave up the opportunity to explore the tomb to the protagonist. Even if they picked up some good things, they would still be merciful.

"The master said, it's best to look for the back door first, water pools and the like."

After all, Lin Ling's sea of ​​consciousness is degenerating, so Xiao Yi can only count on this kind of thing.

"However, we just made an appointment to explore without knowing the sea."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yi had to feel sorry for the silly brother and sister An Yan and An Chen again.

An Yan felt that using the Sea of ​​Consciousness to explore the tomb was too cheating, not fair, and not too difficult, so she proposed to ban the use of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"The master said, if we don't explore the tomb, we have already lost the qualifications, so what are we doing so much?"

Lin Ling said that An Yan is still a little immature. In society, such things with policies and countermeasures are not uncommon.


Xiao Yi fondled Lin Ling's head, and then searched earnestly.

Seeing Xiao Zuzi try so hard to please Lin Ling, Wuwuwu suddenly felt that his status was not guaranteed, so he said anxiously: "Master, master, Wuwuwu can help too!"

After Wuwuwu finished speaking, he slammed on a peach tree, and a mass of pink light flowed from Wuwuwu's body to the peach tree.

The pink light scurried around on the peach tree, and finally stopped on a branch. I saw the pink light flickering and dimming several times, and the branch fell down.

After that, Wuwuwu arched onto this branch like a caterpillar, and the next moment, this originally bare branch was instantly full of peach blossoms.

Seeing that Lin Ling was still staring at him for a moment, Wuwuwu immediately flattered him: "Master, don't worry, wait for Wuwuwu to be more powerful, and next time I will directly open a bunch of big peaches for you."

Wuwuwu made up his mind, whether it is a peach or a flat peach, one day it will be born!

After the nurse Xiao Yi consciously inserted the peach blossom branch into Lin Ling's ball head, he said, "Okay, let's go on. Uuuuuu, are you able to communicate with the plants?"

"Yeah, but the trees here are not as harmonious as in the Flower Kingdom, so not all the trees are willing to provide information."

Wuwuwu was a little sad, in fact, only some small saplings were willing to help, and all the big guys ignored it.

"It's okay, look slowly, and have a good attitude."

Although Wuwuwu didn't say anything, from its tone, Xiao Yi could tell that not many trees were willing to help.

Unexpectedly, Wuwuwu, who was comforted by Xiao Yi, not only did not thank him, but trembled wildly on Lin Ling's head.

After shaking off a lot of peach petals, Wuwuwu said excitedly: "Little one, my master is really amazing! She told me to go directly to the trees that don't like me.

The master said that the reason why they are so arrogant is because there is something good over there that makes them proud! "

Wuwuwu became more and more excited as he talked. After being reminded by the owner, he realized that the trees that didn't like to take care of him were indeed densely packed in a certain direction.

"Hehe, let's go then."

Seeing Wuwuwu happy, Xiao Yi was also in a happy mood. He always felt that Lin Ling's mood at this time should be the same as that of Wuwuwu.

"Oh, and the master also said, since I'm so useful, then you don't need to use the Sea of ​​Consciousness to search, so that she will be able to get rid of An Yan with confidence in the future."

Wuwuwu said that Xiao Yi is useless, and only he can stay by Lin Ling's side.

"Oh, believe it or not, I'll beat you up."

Xiao Yi was happy.This damn girl was really spoiled by herself, she dared to throw it away after using it uprightly.

"Do not believe."

Wuwuwu said, this is common sense that people all over the world know, do you still need Lin Ling to tell it?
 small theater
  Xiao Yi: Wait, I always have an ominous premonition.

  Author: What's wrong?
  Xiao Yi: I feel that the plot may be off.

  Author: How do I know this? Ask your girl.

  Xiao Yi: You are also an author after all, can you be a little bit promising?
  Author: Yes, my future is to hang out with the heroine.

(End of this chapter)

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