Chapter 424

"Then you are planning to carry out your resurrection ceremony now?"

Yan Wuxie felt that he had to think of a way to delay the resurrection ceremony just for a while.

"Now it is natural to change the body first. Fortunately, it is only contaminated with a little bit of blood from this big man, and it can be saved."

After the abacus snorted coldly, he walked towards Yunliu.

Until then, a few people were shocked to realize that Yunliu was outside all the time.

Seeing Yunliu standing there obediently and motionless, the abacus could not help but walk around him, and then said with satisfaction: "As expected, I read correctly, this kid is my ideal resurrection target!"

Not to mention that Suan Panzi's original body had been destroyed by those 48 people, even if it was not damaged, it would be inconvenient for him to do something with Suan Panzi's face on his face.

And the 49th abacus of the abacus has not absorbed the soul for a long time, because he has not found a satisfactory resurrection object.

That's why Abacus came up with this trick and asked the organization of the Ministry of Rites to help him find suitable candidates.

And when Yunliu approached this area, Abacus recognized him at a glance.

With that wise and steady mind, that attitude of watching a monkey show, and the faint aura exuding from his whole body, coupled with his young and handsome appearance, he felt that he might not be able to find a more suitable candidate than this young man.

So after that, Abacus and Zhang Yuniang kept staring at Yunliu, trying to seduce him.

It's just that this young man is determined, and the two ghosts took a lot of effort to temporarily make him lose consciousness.

If it wasn't for this stupid big man's sudden misfortune, the abacus would have to wait for Zhang Yuniang to come back before doing it, to make sure nothing goes wrong.

But now, I can only bite the bullet.

Seeing Yunliu being taken away by the abacus, Yan Wuxie and Sister Shuiqiu subconsciously went to look at An Yan, only to see that she was clenching her little hands and trembling all over, obviously holding back something.

"Xiao An, don't worry, we will definitely rescue him."

Yan Wuxie comforted, and then began to attack the same place in the barrier non-stop.

"It's useless for you to do this. The square lock formation is specially used by my Wawu Mountain to trap people. It can only be broken by attacking from four directions at the same time. There are just four of us here. You will follow my instructions later."

Soon, under the instructions of Sister Tianxian, the four broke through the lock formation and rushed to the location of the abacus.

"Sister Tianxian, are you sure it's in this direction?"

Because they are destined sisters, Shui Poo and Tian Xian got acquainted quickly.

"Don't worry, we have a special communication symbol in Wawushan, we will be able to find the brother soon."

Hearing this, several people breathed a sigh of relief, and then moved forward faster and faster.

Seeing that An Yan was not in good spirits, Yan Wuxie comforted her intimately: "Xiao An, don't worry."


An Yan nodded listlessly.

At this moment, An Yan was upset.At the moment Yunliu was separated from the lock formation, she actually wanted to destroy the broken lock formation.

It's just that when she was about to make a move, Yun Liu sent a voice transmission to tell her not to make a move, and he wanted to experience the resurrection ceremony himself.

It wasn't until that moment that An Yan understood why Yun Liu ignored her after entering the tomb, and it turned out that he was concentrating on his academic research again.

When she thought of the fact that her true intention turned out to be like this, An Yan became angry and funny.

This academic idiot!Can't there be something else in mind?

And I really am!It's been so many years, they're all old couples, why are you still counting on this and that?I'm not a child like Lin Ling, I don't know how to hold back what I think of and do!
Even though she knew that Yunliu was much stronger than it appeared on the surface, An Yan couldn't help being a little worried.However, I am a considerate and gentle wife, how could I do such disobedient and unpleasant things?
At this moment, An Yan thought of that person who was so~don't be obedient, so~don't like him.

Because of the aura of the protagonist and the uncomplicated structure of the tomb, the four of them quickly found the place to hold the resurrection ceremony.

As soon as the four of them entered the dark hall, they felt that the place was haunted by ghosts, and the complex formation on the ground was shining with an ominous black and red light.

"Abacus, don't be obsessed anymore! Stop now, we can still give you a way out."

Yan Wuxie said the famous opening words.

What I got was naturally a cold snort from Abacus.Seeing that his long-cherished wish for many years is about to be fulfilled, how could he stop here?

Then, with a wave of the abacus, 48 ​​humanoid objects stood in front of Yan Wuxie and the others.

Seeing these "mud men" covered in pus bubbles, Sister Tianxian couldn't bear it any longer, and glared angrily: "You actually used Qingchunbao on a body without a soul for a long time! Don't you know that this kind of medicine lasts a long time? What are the consequences of taking it?"

Qingchunbao is considered to be the most commonly used medicine on the market today, used to maintain the appearance and makeup of corpses.

Because of its overbearing efficacy and relatively cheap price, it is loved by the public.

However, its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the short-term efficacy and serious sequelae.

However, after the ceremony, in order to allow more corpses to enjoy high-quality tomb ceremonies, generally after the ceremony, the organization will suggest grand cremation of the corpse.

Therefore, as long as it is a simple and routine ceremony, the two shortcomings of Qingchunbao can be ignored.

But if the corpse is allowed to take Qingchunbao for a long time, then the problem will be serious!
As a result, the two younger sisters were directly disgusted by these foul-smelling mud figures with unclear features.

At such a time, Yan Wuxie was naturally obliged to step forward to fight the 48 mud figures, while sweating with strong hormones.

However, under the circumstance that the object to be rescued was not a beautiful girl, Yan Wuxie fought for a long time, but he was only able to draw with these mud figures.

An Yan, who was on the side, was about to step forward to make a rescue, when she received Yunliu's standby instruction again.

Ever since, An Yan obediently stood among her sister's cheerleaders, watched Yunliu walk to the center of the formation, and then the abacus floated beside him, mumbling something.

Since Yunliu can still transmit sound to him, it means that everything is still under his control, so he should trust him at this time.

An Yan warned himself like this: Yes, you have to trust, the textbook said that men don't like women who make trouble for no reason.

While An Yan was constantly brainwashing himself, a round formation exuding thick dark air appeared at Yunliu's feet, and white bone claws emerged from it.

Seeing the success of the formation, Abacus couldn't help feeling complacent, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! Immediately, immediately I will be able to serve the country again!

Those bedbugs who only know how to get paid but don't know how to work.This time, I will crush you all to pieces! "

After Yunliu was firmly grasped by the bone claw, Abacus stopped his devilish laughter.

The next moment, he left his body with a square face, and flew towards Yunliu with red eyes.

 small theater
  Yunliu: author.

  Author: What's the matter?

  Yunliu: Will Osmanthus fragrans appear in the next chapter?

  Author: This...

  Yunliu: Postpone her role, so as not to affect my research on academic issues.

  Author: This...

  Yunliu: Stop talking, I know she is going to make trouble again.

  Author: You know she's going to make trouble, why don't you let An Yan go directly, you see how worried she is.

  Yunliu: An Yan and I are serious members, and there are some things we don't know how to do.

  Author: (⊙o⊙), appeared, dad's love~~
(End of this chapter)

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