Chapter 442 An Yan's Memories ([-])
"Who am I? I am you."

The woman replied sarcastically.

Although the woman's words were somewhat inexplicable, An Yan still made a judgment immediately: "I see, you are an evil phoenix, what are you doing here? Don't waste your efforts, I won't believe you!"

"Hehe, she's quite smart. Should I say that she is indeed Dugu Longzhen's daughter?"

Although the woman's tone was brisk, when she mentioned Dugu Longzhen, An Yan still felt a chill all over her body.

An Yan knew since she was a child that there was a bad thing in her body.

Both parents said that this is to allow her to better use the energy of the evil beast and reduce the backlash.

But she overheard others discussing her behind her back more than once, saying that because she was the little princess of the Dugu family, she had to shoulder the mission of sealing evil beasts.

However, An Yan has no particular resistance to this, in her view, this is an honor.

Moreover, there is no need to worry at all, because mother will always check the situation in her body very patiently.

Whenever her mother used angelic energy to circulate in her body, An Yan felt that she had really become a little angel with wings.

"Don't talk, I won't listen."

An Yan couldn't help covering her ears.

Mom said, never listen to Xie Huang's words, they are all traps.

For An Yan's resistance, Xie Huang didn't care at all, instead he said leisurely: "Anyway, these people will be taken back by the world consciousness sooner or later, what difference does it make if they die sooner or later?"

"You don't have to say anything, I won't listen!"

After realizing that covering her ears was useless, An Yan had no choice but to emphasize again that she would not be fooled.

"It doesn't matter whether you listen to me or not, but can't you hear the pained voice of your little lover? Can't you hear the dripping blood?"

The evil phoenix said lightly.

"Stop talking!"

An Yan clenched her fists tightly, she felt that the rust smell on her body was heavy again, and the slimy feeling seemed to seep into her body.

"What a beautiful child, maybe he will become a cripple in the future."

Xie Huang said with a little pity.

"Crippled? What disabled? Tell me clearly!"

An Yan was very anxious, could it be what she thought?
"What do you think? Do you think that kid from Zhuge's family puts everything in his body? He raised those vines from childhood."

Xiehuang emphasized that what Yunliu threw just now was not just a few vines.

"how come?"

An Yan couldn't help covering her mouth, then, wouldn't that weak chicken be miserable?
"Oh, this is going to be interesting. From now on, everyone will know that there is a crippled young master in the Zhuge family.

Tut tut, I really feel sorry for him.Ordinary people will be disabled for at most a hundred years, and they will be freed immediately.

But you said, how long will he live with this disabled body? "

The evil phoenix said gloatingly.

"do not talk!"

Whenever An Yan thinks that the weak chicken can only lie on the bed like a delicate doll, her heart will tighten.

"The most important thing is that he was still dragged down by someone. If someone hadn't brought him here, nothing would happen to him at all."

The evil phoenix continued to stimulate An Yan.

"I told you to stop talking!"

An Yan held her head in pain, did she make the weak chicken like this?
Feeling that An Yan's spirit was about to collapse, Xie Huang said with satisfaction: "Actually, you can save him."

The conditions are tempting, like the whisper of a devil.


An Yan wanted to tell Xie Huang that she would not listen, but what if there was a way?Just listen to it and it should be fine, right?

"Hey, it's really pitiful. No one is willing to save him after being killed like this. What else can he say to protect him? What happened?"

Xie Huang sneered, as if An Yan was the most hypocritical person in the world.

"Stop talking, tell me how."

Weak chicken, I will definitely rescue you.

After sending a large amount of energy into Yunliu and temporarily stabilizing his situation, An Lina immediately apologized to An Yan in a good-tempered manner before she had time to wipe off the sweat on her face: "Yanyan, Mom shouldn't have hurt you just now, Shall we take Yunliu to a safe place first?"

"No need, mom. Mom is not in good health, so just take a good rest and leave it to Yanyan."

An Yan turned around and said with bright eyes.

Seeing this, An Lina had an intuition that something was wrong, and then, as if thinking of something, she suddenly said loudly: "Yanyan, did a woman say something to you just now?"

"Well, Xie Huang told me the way to save everyone. Mom, don't worry, An Yan is not under control."

After An Yan eagerly told An Lina that she was fine, she couldn't wait to use the newly acquired power.

Xie Huang said that as long as he can control it well and refine a red stone again, then they can leave this plane smoothly.

"Yanyan, stop quickly, you can't use this power yet!"

Although An Lina wanted to stop it, but she still had to take care of Yunliu, she could only watch a huge vortex of flames burning rapidly around An Yan.

Feeling the powerful force surging all over her body, An Yan couldn't help but excitedly said: "So I'm so powerful? Those people must be jealous of me, so they keep calling me poor behind my back!"

Excited, An Yan subconsciously shook her arms a few times. The next moment, streams of hot wind swept around with flames, causing many buildings in the second phase to ignite.

An Yan, who realized that she had done something wrong, immediately stopped her actions.An Yan comforted herself, it was just some rocks and rubble, so it was not a big problem.

After settling her mind, An Yan opened her arms like a bird, ready to repair the red stone according to the method Xie Huang said.

Soon, little red hearts flashed around An Yan, these are the red stone powder still left here.

These red bright spots kept spinning around An Yan, and then kept rushing into An Yan's body.

Feeling the surging power in her body, An Yan couldn't help wondering: "Can this really repair the red stone?"

"Yanyan, stop quickly, she is lying to you!"

Alina shouted anxiously.

It's just that the place is already scorching hot, if she leaves Yunliu now, it will be really hopeless.

Seeing An Lina's panicked face, An Yan asked Xiehuang, "Are you lying to me? Tell me quickly?"

"Little princess, do you want me to lie to you or not? Tsk tsk tsk, the innocent expression on your face is so cute~"

Speaking of this, Xie Huang's tone suddenly changed, and she laughed morbidly: "It's so cute that people can't help but destroy it!"

"What! You lied to me! You bastard!"

Knowing that she was cheated, An Yan immediately wanted to stop her series of actions, but it was too late.

This huge energy is completely out of her control, and it is still absorbing the energy of the red stone.

And the whole world also began to tremble slightly, obviously unable to bear it.

 small theater
  Yunliu: Author, please take it easy, if I don't finish writing, I will really become disabled.

  Author: It's okay, someone will take care of you.

  Yunliu: Do you really want me to be a vegetable?

  Author: Don't you?

  An Yan: Weak chicken, I will cook a pot of chicken feet for you, hurry up and make up.

  Yunliu: Explain.

  An Yan: The strange woman said that men are all pig's feet, so they gnaw on pig's feet when they are injured, but you are a weak chicken, so you have to gnaw on chicken feet when you are injured.

  Yunliu: Then you remember to let the sweet-scented osmanthus that is full of pits eat dirt.

(End of this chapter)

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