The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 461 Raiders of Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 461 Raiders of Thunder Tribulation
Looking at Lin Ling's series of preparations, An Yan said incredulously: "Could it be that she plans to reason with the world consciousness? Thinking that the loud voice can make sense?"

An Yan was speechless.

Although I know that Lin Ling likes to talk nonsense, I didn't expect her to have such thoughts at such a critical moment.

This time Xiao Yi didn't join in the surprise, but giggled out loud.

His girl really hasn't changed at all.

"What Osmanthus means, since the world consciousness can act so recklessly because the object of disposal is GDP, then let the residents of this plane be brought in so that it has to follow the rules."

Yun Liu explained.

"That's why she wanted to lure the black dragon in? That's not right, what kind of speakers do you want to talk to the black dragon?"

An Yan was very puzzled, but then thought of something, and immediately looked in a certain direction.

Sure enough, those Fengdu ghosts had returned to their normal state, and they were staring blankly at the terrifying thunder disaster.

What exactly is going on?Why did Fengdu become like this in the blink of an eye?
Although their Fengdu ghosts are stronger than ordinary ghosts and are not afraid of ordinary lightning, but if they are struck by this kind of thunder, even they will definitely be wiped out.

An Yan, who had the same idea, said disapprovingly: "Forget about the black dragon, how can you get these Fengdu ghosts involved?"

"Osmanthus said that she plans to turn Fengdu into a city of lightning, so these Fengdu ghosts will be in trouble if they don't have some resistance to electricity."

Yunliu said that until now, Lin Ling has not forgotten to develop the tourism industry in Fengdu City. He is not only bold, but also has a big appetite.

"Actually, we can't protect these Fengdu ghosts in our current state, so we do this for their own good."

Xiao Yi forcibly found a safe reason for Lin Ling.

After trying the headset, Lin Ling felt that it worked well. After stretching her muscles and bones, she began her speech.

"Since ancient times, kings and bandits have been defeated, since your master has been beaten to the ground, Fengdu City should also change hands!"

After delivering his inauguration speech, Lin Ling deliberately hung up the green bottle and displayed it for a week.

Seeing the miserable appearance of Qing Ping, many Feng Du ghosts were so startled that their jaws popped out, and then, "Instigating, instigating, instigating", they kept whispering and whispering to each other.

But just when the ghosts were about to say something, the golden pyramid that was still fresh in the ghost's memory appeared in front of them.

The original golden appearance is now covered with thick black lightning, and the whole tower is shaking in the air, ups and downs, always making the ghost feel that it will charge towards him in the next moment.

This is definitely a threat from Chiguoguo!
All the ghosts immediately felt that there was nothing wrong with what Lin Ling said.

Seeing that the ghosts were honest, Lin Ling continued: "I know, you must be very confused about the current situation. But even if you know, what can you do? If you can't resist this calamity, then everything will be P."

"Then what should we do?"

The ghosts looked desperate.

"What should I do? Naturally, I will carry it over."

Didn't she just give the speech because she wanted them to do something?


The sound of wailing was endless.

"Carry it over, you are ghosts who can ascend, and even become existences like Qingping."

Lin Ling used the power of idols to encourage all the ghosts to follow the blue bottle.

"But the adult has been defeated, he is no longer the original adult!"

The ghosts said that the blue bottle has changed, their adults should be extremely powerful, how could they be beaten like this?
"Then do you know who defeated Qingping? It is the brother who is still suffering from lightning. Seeing this, don't you understand? Being struck by lightning can make you stronger."

The idol is gone, just create another one.

As soon as the ghosts heard this, they immediately turned their attention to the trio who were struck by lightning, and then immediately locked on to Yunliu.

Not only was this guy fully dressed, but he was also standing among the three of them. The most important thing was that the blue bottle had signs of being attacked by plants.

I didn't expect such a white chicken to be so powerful!

But immediately, all the ghosts withered again.

What does this have to do with them?
All ghosts know that one can become stronger after going through thunder and calamity, but they can't do it.

But before the ghosts continued to be depressed, pieces of stinky kelp attacked them.

The ghosts, who had been completely conquered by the familiar smell, immediately ate the smelly kelp into their mouths without any thought.

The next moment, all the ghosts howled comfortably, their voices were so loud that they faintly overwhelmed the thunder.

The ghosts felt that they could do it again.

Seeing this, Lin Ling said proudly: "Now, can you tell me, do you want to know the best way to attack Thunder Tribulation?"

"miss you!"

The ghosts said that they could do ten more bowls!
"Then decompose it by yourself, and then go to withstand a little thunder disaster. Remember, the smaller the decomposition area, the higher your survival rate."

Why is it safe for a bird to stand on a high-tension line?Isn't it because the voltage difference between its two pins is almost 0?
This is equivalent to no current flowing through the body of the bird, so it is safe and sound.

In the same way, as long as you don't let a lightning current loop form in your body, theoretically, you shouldn't get an electric shock.

However, lightning is not a high-voltage line after all, so there should be a difference in the voltage on it. Only by making the contact surface extremely small can it be possible to reduce the voltage difference to an acceptable range.

Of course, even if Lin Ling clearly expressed the method and main points in human language, the ghosts who have not been indoctrinated with scientific concepts are still confused and don't understand at all.

But it's not a big problem, let's learn how to do it.

So Lin Ling immediately began to try.

Lin Ling who transformed into a form immediately won applause from all the ghosts.

They didn't expect Lin Ling to be so ruthless. Other ghosts would pick out their eyeballs at most, but she was lucky enough to pick herself into powder.

It's just that Lin Ling didn't have the time to talk to them at this time, she was focusing on controlling the space where the black dragon was.

"Old Hei, are you afraid?"

To be honest, Lin Ling was a little apprehensive, after all, all this was just her guess.

"What are you afraid of? I am a dragon!"

The black dragon said that even if its evolution is incomplete, it is still a dragon, so why bother?
"I feel something is wrong in a while, you tell me immediately, you know?"

Lin Ling specifically reminded.

"Hey, if you really help me get through this thunder disaster, I can promise to marry you."

Heilong felt that Lin Ling was helping him evolve and help him survive the thunder disaster, so he must have taken a fancy to him.

Although there is a big gap between this little female ghost and those beautiful snakes, it's okay, wait for it to succeed in the catastrophe, condescend, and transform into a human form.

"Thank you, but I don't believe in love, only money."

Lin Ling said that it is enough for the black dragon to hand over the good things in its cave.

"oh oh."

The black dragon nodded, indicating that it understood.

This is to hope that the dowry will be a little more, and it just so happens that it is not short of money.

Sure enough, the little female ghost was greedy for its body.

 I was very upset. When I was just typing, a system man knocked on the door and said that each family had a 5G card. Then I only heard his name, so I was asked if I don’t watch TV or use Douyin?
  Of course not~~
  Of course, that's not why I'm unhappy.

  The reason is that he asked me to pay 100 yuan for the phone call without saying anything, and I didn't realize it was wrong until I scanned my fingerprints. .

  Strong buying and strong selling. .Can't say it right from the start. .

  Hey. . .I have to use my mobile phone at home, which is troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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